I'm trying to do a fairly complicated (at least for me)API request that involves getting an array of reports. The report object itself has nested objects and so I am trying to pull the related data at the same time. The report object looks like this:
reports: { loading: false, error: null, data: [{id:'', date:'',
feeding:[],diapering:[], nap:[], meds:[], playTime:[], comments:[],
supplies:[]}] }
I've figured out how to get one report with multiple related tables, but I haven't been able to figure out the syntax for getting an array of reports each with their own related data.
this is what I have at the moment:
exports.getReport = (date) => {
return Reports.where(date)
withRelated: ['feeding', 'comment', 'diapering', 'nap', 'meds', 'playTime', 'supplies']
.then(report => {
const meds = report.related('meds')
const nap = report.related('nap')
const feeding = report.related('feeding')
const diapering = report.related('diapering')
const supplies = report.related('supplies')
const playTime = report.related('playTime')
const comm = report.related('comment')
const medsList = meds.map(med => {
return med.attributes
const napList = nap.map(n => {
return n.attributes
const feedingList = feeding.map(feed => {
return feed.attributes
const diaperList = diapering.map(diaper => {
return diaper.attributes
const suppliesList = supplies.map(supply => {
return supply.attributes
const playTimeList = playTime.map(play => {
return play.attributes
const commentList = comm.map(com => {
return com.attributes
return reports
const reports = report.models.map(rep => {
return rep.attributes
return [feedingList, commentList, napList, playTimeList,
suppliesList, diaperList, medsList, reports]
.catch(err => {
this syntax works with a
, but not with the
I'm getting a
report.related is not a function error
I am new to React-Query, but I have not been able to find an example to the following question:
Is it possible to use useInfiniteQuery within useQueries?
I can see from the parallel query documentation on GitHub, that it's fairly easy to set-up a map of normal queries.
The example provided:
function App({ users }) {
const userQueries = useQueries({
queries: users.map(user => {
return {
queryKey: ['user', user.id],
queryFn: () => fetchUserById(user.id),
If I have an infinite query like the following, how would I be able to provide the individual query options, specifically the page parameter?:
const ids: string[] = ['a', 'b', 'c'];
const useGetDetailsById = () => {
return useInfiniteQuery<GetDetailsByIdResponse, AxiosError>(
['getDetailsById', id],
async ({ pageParam = '' }) => {
const { data } = await getDetailsById(
id, // I want to run queries for `id` in _parallel_
return data;
getNextPageParam: (lastPage: GetDetailsByIdResponse) =>
retry: false,
No, I'm afraid there is currently no such thing as useInfiniteQueries.
I'm trying to insert my custom block to the editorState of draft-js's editor. I can't seem to find any detailed information on how to accomplish this.
Block Renderer:
const blockRendererFn = (contentBlock) => {
const type = contentBlock.getType();
if (type === 'CustomTestChipBlock') {
return {
component: CustomTestChipBlock,
editable: false,
props: {
foo: 'bar',
Block Render Map:
import { DefaultDraftBlockRenderMap } from "draft-js";
import { Map } from 'immutable';
const blockRenderMap = Map({
CustomTestChipBlock: {
element: 'div',
My custom block (material ui chip):
import { Chip } from "#mui/material";
const CustomTestChipBlock = (props) => {
const { block, contentState } = props;
const { foo } = props.blockProps;
const data = contentState.getEntity(block.getEntityAt(0)).getData();
console.log("foo: "+foo)
console.log("data: "+data)
return (
<Chip label="test" size="small"/>
Now my problem is when I try to insert my custom block. I assume my method of insertion must be wrong. I tried multiple insertion methods but due to lack of any detailed information on the subject, all of them ended up not even running the console.log inside my custom component.
const addChip = () => {
const insertBlock = (type) => {
// This is where I can't find any detailed info at all
const newBlock = new ContentBlock({
key: genKey(),
type: type,
text: "",
characterList: List(),
const contentState = editorState.getCurrentContent();
const newBlockMap = contentState.getBlockMap().set(newBlock.key, newBlock);
const newEditorState = ContentState.createFromBlockArray(
.set("selectionBefore", contentState.getSelectionBefore())
.set("selectionAfter", contentState.getSelectionAfter());
return EditorState.push(editorState, newEditorState, "add-chip");
I try to use redux toolkit and I have this as menu-slice.js
I try to use property accessors to add a new property to fileItems, its initial value is an empty object.
import { createSlice } from "#reduxjs/toolkit";
const menuSlice = createSlice({
name: "ui",
initialState: {
fileItems: {},
reducers: {
setFileDate: (state, action) => {
state.FileDate = action.payload;
replaceFileItems: (state, action) => {
const filesList = action.payload.map((fileName) =>
fileName.slice(fileName.indexOf("/") + 1)
state.fileItems[state.FileDate] = filesList;
console.log(`filesList: ${filesList}`);
console.log(`state.fileItems: ${JSON.stringify(state.fileItems)}`);
console.log(`state.FileDate: ${state.FileDate}`);
state.fileContents = null;
I call dispatch with the api return value ( dispatch(menuActions.replaceFileItems(fileResponse.data));)
in menu-action.js:
the return value is an array of strings.
export const fetchFiles = (fileDate) => {
return async (dispatch) => {
const fetchFilesList = async () => {
const response = await fetch(
"some url" +
new URLSearchParams({
env: "https://env.com",
date: fileDate,
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Fail to fetch files list!");
const data = await response.json();
return data;
try {
const fileResponse = await fetchFilesList();
} catch (error) {
But it never prints console logs and didn't display where went wrong in the console or in the chrome redux extension.
I want to add data into state.fileItems on each click that triggers fetchFiles() when it returns a new array:
from state.fileItems = {}
check if state.fileItems already has the date as key,
if not already has the date as key,
change to ex: state.fileItems = {"2022-01-01": Array(2)}
and so on..
ex: state.fileItems = { "2022-01-01": Array(2), "2022-01-02": Array(2) }
I also tried to set state.fileItems as an empty array, and use push, but it didn't work either, nothing printed out, state.fileItems value was always undefined.
Can anyone please tell me why this didn't work?
Thanks for your time to read my question.
I am following this tutorial: https://youtu.be/YPbgjPPC1d0 at 34:55 I am trying to use "truffle test", but keep getting Error: Cannot find module 'react-bootstrap/lib/Breadcrumb'
My code:
const { should, assert } = require('chai')
const { useReducer } = require('react')
const { Item } = require('react-bootstrap/lib/Breadcrumb')
const color = artifacts.require('./color.sol')
contract ('color', (accounts) => {
describe('deployment', async () => {
It('deploys successfully', async () => {
contract = await color.deployed()
const address = contract.address
assert.notEqual(address, '')
I am using Virtual Studio Code
Has anyone had similar problem or know how to fix it? Thanks
i am creating an upload function that will show a progress bar to the client inside a React Redux and Redux-observable, and i use axios to do a put request to AWS S3.
My epics is as follow
function uploadFile(mimetype, url, file) {
const config = {
headers: {
'Content-Type': mimetype,
onUploadProgress(progress) {
const percentCompleted = Math.round((progress.loaded * 100) / progress.total)
axiosRetry(axios, { retries: 3 })
return axios.put(url, file[0], config)
export const uploadEpic = (action$, store) => action$
.mergeMap(() => {
const file = store.getState().File.droppedFile
const mimetype = file[0].type
const { url } = store.getState().SignedUrl
const { fileData } = store.getState().Upload
return of(uploadFile(mimetype, url.data, file))
.concatMap(() => {
const uploadedData = {
url: fileData.url,
thumbUrl: `${fileData.folder}/${fileData.filename}-00001.png`,
return [
.catch(error => of(uploadFailure(error)))
export default uploadEpic
The upload seems to work, as i received an AWS SNS email telling that its done, but i can't seem to see that it is updating the Upload.progress state inside my Upload reducer.
The reason i am using axios is particulary because its axios-retry and its onUploadProgress, since i can't seem to find an example doing an onProgress using universal-rx-request
so two questions probably
How can i achieve this using axios
How can i achieve this using universal-rx-request
Thanks to this SO answer
I ended up not using axios at all
I got it working with this
import { of } from 'rxjs/observable/of'
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'
import { Observable } from 'rxjs/Observable'
import 'rxjs/add/observable/dom/ajax'
import { SIGNED_URL_SUCCESS } from 'ducks/SignedUrl'
import {
} from 'ducks/Upload'
export const uploadEpic = (action$, store) => action$
.mergeMap(() => {
const file = store.getState().File.droppedFile
const mimetype = file[0].type
const { url } = store.getState().SignedUrl
const { fileData } = store.getState().Upload
const progressSubscriber = new Subject()
const request = Observable.ajax({
method: 'PUT',
url: url.data,
body: file[0],
headers: {
'Content-Type': mimetype,
const requestObservable = request
.concatMap(() => {
const uploadedData = {
return [
.catch(error => of(uploadFailure(error)))
return progressSubscriber
.map(e => ({ percentage: (e.loaded / e.total) * 100 }))
.map(data => uploadProgress(data.percentage))
UPDATE: on rxjs 6 the merge operators is deprecated, so if you're using rxjs 6, change the code above to
// some/lib/folder/uploader.js
import { of, merge } from 'rxjs' // import merge here
import { ajax } from 'rxjs/ajax'
import { map, catchError } from 'rxjs/operators' // instead of here
import { Subject } from 'rxjs/Subject'
export function storageUploader(...args) {
const progressSubscriber = new Subject()
const request = ajax({...someRequestOptions})
map(() => success()),
catchError((error) => of(failure(error))),
const subscriber = progressSubscriber
map((e) => ({ percentage: (e.loaded / e.total) * 100 })),
map((upload) => progress(upload.percentage)),
catchError((error) => of(failure(error))),
return merge(subscriber, request) // merge both like this, instead of chaining the request on progressSubscriber
export function uploadEpic(action$, state$) {
return action$
mergeMap((someUploadOptions) => uploaderLib(
{ ...someUploadOptions },
catchError((error) => of(actionFailure(error))),