getting the 1st row in a database - mysqli

I want to get the 1st row of the result depends on which build the room is. For example Building 1 have 1-200 rooms and Building 2 have 201-400 rooms. The code I tried is below. I have used the MIN in the where clause but I got all the rooms instead of having one.
$query = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `ha_utility_reading`");
if ($query->num_rows == 0) {
echo "some data match";
$lastroom = $this->db->select("*")->from("rooms")
->where("(SELECT MIN(room_num) FROM ha_rooms) and bldg_num = '$bldg_num'")
foreach($lastroom as $key => $test) {
$output['room_num'][] = $test['room_num'];

You get all the rows because you need a group by clause. Anyway, the best way to do this is just adding this to your query:
order by room_num asc limit 1;

Try this,
select * from rooms order by room_num asc limit 1;


How to do a select statement query with comma separator?

I need to do a simple query, Select Statement
I want to search in Table all record with value "ValueA, ValueB".
If I use this code, not work well:
String255 valueToFilter;
valueToFilter = 'ValueA, ValueB';
select count (RecId) from MyTable
where MyTable.Field like valueToFilter ;
But not working, I need to keep all record with value "ValueA" or "ValueB", if in the file there is value like : "ValueA, ValueC" I want to get too.
I don't know the number of values (valueToFilter).
From my point of view the easiest way to accomplish this is to split your filter string:
String255 valueToFilterA = 'ValueA';
String255 valueToFilterB = 'ValueB';
select count (RecId) from MyTable
where MyTable.Field like valueToFilterA
|| MyTable.Field like valueToFilterB;
If you don't know the number of values you should use query object to add ranges dynamically:
Query query = new Query();
QueryRun queryRun;
QueryBuildDataSource qbds;
QueryBuildRange queryRange;
container conValues;
qbds = query.addDataSource(tableNum(MyTable));
for (i = 1; i <= conlen(conValues); i++)
queryRange = qbds.addRange(fieldNum(MyTable, Field));
queryRange.value(SysQuery::valueLike(conPeek(conValues, i)));
queryRun = new QueryRun(query);
info(strFmt("Records count %1", SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun)));

how to get specific rows page number in pagination

I have a question on MySQL paging. A user's record is displayed on a table with many other user's record. and the table is sorted/paged. Now I need to display the page that containing the user's row directly after the user login. How can I achieve this?
create table t_users (id int auto_increment primary key, username varchar(100)); insert t_users(username) values ('jim'),('bob'),('john'),('tim'),('tom'), ('mary'),('elise'),('karl'),('karla'),('bob'), ('jack'),('jacky'),('jon'),('tobias'),('peter');
I searched the google but not found answer so please help
There are two steps for this:
1. Determine the row's position in your sorted table.
Copied and tweaked from:
Use this SQL...
SELECT z.rank FROM (
SELECT id, #rownum := #rownum + 1 AS rank
FROM t_users, (SELECT #rownum := 0) r
) as z WHERE id=1;
...replacing the ORDER BY id ASC with whatever your actual sort order is. And replacing the number 1 in WHERE id=1 with the provided number in that index.php?u=id url.
2. Determine the page number based on the row's position.
Use this PHP to determine the needed page number...
$rows_per_page = 50;
$user_row_position = [result you got from step 1];
$page = ceil($user_row_position / $rows_per_page);
...replacing the 50 with whatever your real rows-per-page limit is, and putting the real SQL result in $users_row_position.
And voila. You'll have the destination page number in the $page variable and hopefully you can take it from there.
After further discussion in the comments, use this bit of PHP:
$page = 0;
$limit = 10;
// If a user ID is specified, then lookup the page number it's on.
if (isset($_GET['u'])) {
// Check the given ID is valid to avoid SQL injection risks.
if (is_numeric($_GET['u'])) {
// Lookup the user's position in the list.
$query = mysqli_fetch_array(mysqli_query($link, "SELECT z.rank FROM (SELECT id, #rownum := #rownum + 1 AS rank FROM sites, (SELECT #rownum := 0) r WHERE online='0') as z WHERE id=" . $_GET['u']));
$position = $query[0];
if (is_numeric($position)) {
// Convert the result to a number before doing math on it.
$position = (int) $position;
$page = ceil($position / $limit);
// If a page number is specified, and wasn't already set by looking a user, then lookup the real starting row.
if ($page == 0 && isset($_GET['page'])) {
// Check your given page number is valid too.
if (is_numeric($_GET['page'])) {
$page = (int) $_GET['page'];
// Notice that if anything fails in the above checks, we just pretend it never
// happened and keep using the default page and start number of 0.
// Determine the starting row based off the page number.
$start = ($page - 1) * $limit;
// Get the list of sites for the provided page only.
$query = mysqli_query($link, "SELECT * FROM sites WHERE online='0' LIMIT " . $start . ", " + $limit);
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($query)) {
// Stuff to render your rows goes here.
// You can use $row['fieldname'] to extract fields for this row.

For each loop for a table in OpenEdge 10.2b takes more time

Below for each loop takes more time and i cant able to trace index usage using XREF as the table uses Oracle Schema.Please Help me.
Need to generate report for different Report Type ( Report type is the input parameter in my code ).Single report type may contain more than 50,000 records how to access all the record within minute.Index detail also mentioned below for each loop.
FIELDS(EXTRACTDATE STATUS MailingType ReportType ReportNumber
RequestID CustID)
AND Report.ReportType = 'Customer Report'
AND Report.STATUS = 'Pending'
AND (Report.MailingType = "LETTER"
OR Report.MailingType = "Mail") NO-LOCK:
< Statements >
**Index Detail**
The "OR" at the end will slow things down considerably - the AVM does better if you split it up into two sets of AND statements and OR the result, like so:
AND Report.ReportType = 'Customer Report'
AND Report.STATUS = 'Pending'
AND Report.MailingType = "LETTER")
(Report.EXTRACTDATE < Today
AND Report.ReportType = 'Customer Report'
AND Report.STATUS = 'Pending'
AND Report.MailingType = "Mail")

how to convert count(*) and group by queries to yii and fetch data from it

I want to convert this query in yii
SELECT count(*) AS cnt, date(dt) FROM tbl_log where status=2 GROUP BY date(dt)
and fetch data from that. I try this command (dt is datetime field):
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = 'count(*) as cnt, date(dt)';
$criteria->group = 'date(dt)';
$criteria->condition = 'status= 2';
$visit_per_day = $this->findAll($criteria);
but no data will fetch!
wath can I do to get data?
Probably you see no data because you need assign data to model attributes which doesn't exist.
$criteria = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria->select = 'count(*) AS cnt, date(dt) AS dateVar';
$criteria->group = 'date(dt)';
$criteria->condition = 'status= 2';
$visit_per_day = $this->findAll($criteria);
This means that your model must have attributes cnt and dateVar in order to show your data. If you need custom query then check Hearaman's answer.
Try this below code
$logs = Yii::app()->db->createCommand()
->select('COUNT(*) as cnt')
->from('tbl_log') //Your Table name
->where('status=2') // Write your where condition here
->queryAll(); //Will get the all selected rows from table
Number of visitor are:
echo count($logs);
Apart from using cDbCriteria, to do the same check this link
If you use Yii2 and have a model based on table tbl_log, you can do it in model style like that:
$status = 2;
$result = Model::find()
->select('count(*) as cnt, date(dt)')
->where('status = :status')
->params([':status' => $status ])

zend framework count the number of rows in mysql query

I am new to zend framework
I want to calculate number of rows in my query
this is my code:
$nm = new Zend_Db_Table('emp');
$row = $nm->fetchRow($nm->select()->where('id= ?', $a));
yes you can try in this way to get total number of rows return by your sql query.
$select = $this->select();
$select->where('id= ?', $a);
return false;
echo "Total number of users : -> ".count($result->toArray());
let me know if i can help you more.
If you are testing for the existance of a record by primary key then you can use $nm->find($a) and check for any results.
if you expect the result set to be small then you can do
$nm->fetchAll($nm->select()->where("id = ?", $a);
If you expect the result set to get big and all you are really after is the count then authoring a query that asks for the count of a field would probably make the most sense to keep the query from eating up a lot of server memory:
$row = $nm->getAdapter()->fetchRow("select count(*) as num_rows".
" from ".$nm->info(Zend_Db_Table_Row_Abstract::NAME).
" where ".$nm->getAdapter()->quoteInto("id = ?", $a));
echo "Users ".$row["num_rows"];
In Zend Framework 1, you can use count() function at the last of query for getting total number of rows in the table.
For example:
$row = $nm->fetchAll($nm->select()->where('id = ?', $a ))->count();
NOTE: This will only return total number of rows in the table. Output is Integer.