Swift SpriteKit Detect TouchesBegan on SKSpriteNode with SKPhysicsBody from Sprite's Texture - swift

I have a SpriteKit scene with a sprite. The sprite has a physics body derived from the texture's alpha to get an accurate physics shape like so:
let texture_bottle = SKTexture(imageNamed:"Bottle")
let sprite_bottle = SKSpriteNode(texture: texture_bottle)
physicsBody_bottle = SKPhysicsBody(texture: texture_bottle, size: size)
physicsBody_bottle.affectedByGravity = false
sprite_bottle.physicsBody = physicsBody_bottle
func touchesBegan(_ touches: Set<UITouch>?, with event: UIEvent?, touchLocation: CGPoint!) {
let hitNodes = self.nodes(at: touchLocation)
When a user taps the screen, how can I detect if they actually touched within the physics body shape (not the sprite's rect)?

You "can't" (Not easily)
UITouch commands are based on CGRects, so let hitNodes = self.nodes(at: touchLocation) is going to be filled with any node who's frame intersects with that touch.
This can't be avoided, so the next step is to determine pixel accuracy from the nodes that registered as "hit". The first thing you should do is convert the touch position to local coordinates to your sprite.
for node in hitNodes
//assuming touchLocation is based on screen coordinates
let localLocation = node.convertPoint(touchLocation,from:scene)
Then from this point you need to figure out which method you want to use.
If you need speed, then I would recommend creating a 2D boolean array that behaves as a mask, and fill this array with false for transparent areas and true for opaque areas. Then you can use localLocation to point to a certain index of the array (Remember to add anchorPoint * width and height to your x and y values then cast to int)
func isHit(node: SKNode,mask: [[Boolean]],position:CGPoint) -> Boolean
return mask[Int(node.size.height * node.anchorPoint.y + position.y)][Int(node.size.width * node.anchorPoint.x + position.x)]
If speed is not of concern, then you can create a CGContext, fill your texture into this context, and then check if the point in the context is transparent or not.
Something like this would help you out:
How do I get the RGB Value of a pixel using CGContext?
//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play
import UIKit
import XCPlayground
extension CALayer {
func colorOfPoint(point:CGPoint) -> UIColor
var pixel:[CUnsignedChar] = [0,0,0,0]
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
let bitmapInfo = CGBitmapInfo(rawValue: CGImageAlphaInfo.PremultipliedLast.rawValue)
let context = CGBitmapContextCreate(&pixel, 1, 1, 8, 4, colorSpace,bitmapInfo.rawValue)
CGContextTranslateCTM(context, -point.x, -point.y)
let red:CGFloat = CGFloat(pixel[0])/255.0
let green:CGFloat = CGFloat(pixel[1])/255.0
let blue:CGFloat = CGFloat(pixel[2])/255.0
let alpha:CGFloat = CGFloat(pixel[3])/255.0
//println("point color - red:\(red) green:\(green) blue:\(blue)")
let color = UIColor(red:red, green: green, blue:blue, alpha:alpha)
return color
extension UIColor {
var components:(red: CGFloat, green: CGFloat, blue: CGFloat, alpha: CGFloat) {
var r:CGFloat = 0
var g:CGFloat = 0
var b:CGFloat = 0
var a:CGFloat = 0
getRed(&r, green: &g, blue: &b, alpha: &a)
return (r,g,b,a)
//get an image we can work on
var imageFromURL = UIImage(data: NSData(contentsOfURL: NSURL(string:"https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/ba4178644a33a51e928ffd820269347c?s=328&d=identicon&r=PG&f=1")!)!)
//only use a small area of that image - 50 x 50 square
let imageSliceArea = CGRectMake(0, 0, 50, 50);
let imageSlice = CGImageCreateWithImageInRect(imageFromURL?.CGImage, imageSliceArea);
//we'll work on this image
var image = UIImage(CGImage: imageSlice!)
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
//test out the extension above on the point (0,0) - returns r 0.541 g 0.78 b 0.227 a 1.0
var pointColor = imageView.layer.colorOfPoint(CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
let imageRect = CGRectMake(0, 0, image.size.width, image.size.height)
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
CGContextDrawImage(context, imageRect, image.CGImage)
for x in 0...Int(image.size.width) {
for y in 0...Int(image.size.height) {
var pointColor = imageView.layer.colorOfPoint(CGPoint(x: x, y: y))
//I used my own creativity here - change this to whatever logic you want
if y % 2 == 0 {
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, pointColor.components.red , 0.5, 0.5, 1)
else {
CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 255, 0.5, 0.5, 1)
CGContextFillRect(context, CGRectMake(CGFloat(x), CGFloat(y), 1, 1))
image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
where you would eventually call colorOfPoint(point:localLocation).cgColor.alpha > 0 to determine if you are touching a node or not.
Now I would recommend you make colorOfPoint an extension of SKSpriteNode, so be creative with the code posted above.
func isHit(node: SKSpriteNode,position:CGPoint) -> Boolean
return node.colorOfPoint(point:localLocation).cgColor.alpha > 0
Your final code would look something like this:
hitNodes = hitNodes.filter
node in
//assuming touchLocation is based on screen coordinates
let localLocation = node.convertPoint(touchLocation,from:node.scene)
return isHit(node:node,mask:mask,position:localLocation)
hitNodes = hitNodes.filter
node in
//assuming touchLocation is based on screen coordinates
let localLocation = node.convertPoint(touchLocation,from:node.scene)
return isHit(node:node,position:localLocation)
which is basically filtering out all nodes that were in the detected by the frame comparison, leaving you pixel perfect touched nodes.
Note: The code from the separate SO link may need to be converted to Swift 4.


How do I extract gradient color of minimum track image at the thumb position?

I want to change the thumb color same as the minimum track color. I need to extract color at the thumb location as it moves along the slider. I want my slider thumb to look something like this, and change color in accordance with the minimum track gradient color as it moves along the slider.
Following is my code for the gradient I created
func setSlider(slider:UISlider) {
let tgl = CAGradientLayer()
let frame = CGRect(x: 0.0, y: 0.0, width: slider.bounds.width, height: 10.0)
tgl.frame = frame
tgl.colors = [UIColor.black.cgColor, UIColor.red.cgColor, UIColor.yellow.cgColor, UIColor.green.cgColor]
tgl.borderWidth = 1.0
tgl.borderColor = UIColor.gray.cgColor
tgl.cornerRadius = 5.0
tgl.endPoint = CGPoint(x: 1.0, y: 1.0)
tgl.startPoint = CGPoint(x: 0.0, y: 1.0)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(tgl.frame.size, false, 10.0)
tgl.render(in: UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()!)
let backgroundImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
slider.setMaximumTrackImage(getBgImage(width: slider.bounds.width), for: .normal)
slider.setMinimumTrackImage(backgroundImage, for: .normal)
I tried to fetch color using the following code:
let color = sliderRating.minimumTrackImage(for: .normal)?.getPixelColor(point: CGPoint(x: Int(sender.value), y: 1))
func getPixelColor(point: CGPoint) -> UIColor? {
guard let cgImage = cgImage else { return nil }
let width = Int(size.width)
let height = Int(size.height)
let colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB()
guard let context = CGContext(data: nil,
width: width,
height: height,
bitsPerComponent: 8,
bytesPerRow: width * 4,
space: colorSpace,
bitmapInfo: CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Little.rawValue | CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedFirst.rawValue)
else {
return nil
context.draw(cgImage, in: CGRect(origin: .zero, size: size))
guard let pixelBuffer = context.data else { return nil }
let pointer = pixelBuffer.bindMemory(to: UInt32.self, capacity: width * height)
let pixel = pointer[Int(point.y) * width + Int(point.x)]
let r: CGFloat = CGFloat(red(for: pixel)) / 255
let g: CGFloat = CGFloat(green(for: pixel)) / 255
let b: CGFloat = CGFloat(blue(for: pixel)) / 255
let a: CGFloat = CGFloat(alpha(for: pixel)) / 255
return UIColor(red: r, green: g, blue: b, alpha: a)
private func alpha(for pixelData: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
return UInt8((pixelData >> 24) & 255)
private func red(for pixelData: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
return UInt8((pixelData >> 16) & 255)
private func green(for pixelData: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
return UInt8((pixelData >> 8) & 255)
private func blue(for pixelData: UInt32) -> UInt8 {
return UInt8((pixelData >> 0) & 255)
private func rgba(red: UInt8, green: UInt8, blue: UInt8, alpha: UInt8) -> UInt32 {
return (UInt32(alpha) << 24) | (UInt32(red) << 16) | (UInt32(green) << 8) | (UInt32(blue) << 0)
Here is a similar question I found on stack overflow for more reference:
How can I extract the uislider gradient color at the thumb position?
I tried extracting pixel color from the image but it gives me only white, gray, and darker gray shades but my track has colors ranging from black to green.
I'm getting output like this:
The issue is how you're determining the point for your color.
The code you show:
let color = sliderRating.minimumTrackImage(for: .normal)?.getPixelColor(point: CGPoint(x: Int(sender.value), y: 1))
is difficult to debug.
Let's split that up:
// safely unwrap the optional to make sure we get a valid image
if let minImg = sender.minimumTrackImage(for: .normal) {
let x = Int(sender.value)
let y = 1
let point = CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
// to debug this:
print("point:", point)
// safely unwrap the optional returned color
if let color = minImg.getPixelColor(pos: point) {
// do something with color
By default, a slider has values between 0.0 and 1.0. So as you drag the thumb, you'll see this output in the debug console:
// lots of these
point: (0.0, 1.0)
point: (0.0, 1.0)
point: (0.0, 1.0)
point: (0.0, 1.0)
point: (0.0, 1.0)
// then when you final get all the way to the right
point: (1.0, 1.0)
As you see, you're not getting the point that you want on your image.
You don't mention it, but if did something like this:
sliderRating.minimumValue = 100
sliderRating.maximumValue = 120
Your x will range from 100 to 120. Again, not the point you want.
Instead of using the .value, you want to get the horizontal center of the thumb rect for x, and the vertical center of the image size for y.
Try it like this:
#objc func sliderRatingValueChanged(_ sender: UISlider) {
// get the slider's trackRect
let trackR = sender.trackRect(forBounds: sender.bounds)
// get the slider's thumbRect
let thumbR = sender.thumbRect(forBounds: sender.bounds, trackRect: trackR, value: sender.value)
// get the slider's minimumTrackImage
if let minImg = sender.minimumTrackImage(for: .normal) {
// we want point.x to be thumb rect's midX
// we want point.y to be 1/2 the height of the min track image
let point = CGPoint(x: thumbR.midX, y: minImg.size.height * 0.5)
// for debugging:
print("point:", point)
// get the color at point
if let color = minImg.getPixelColor(point: point) {
// set tint color of thumb
sender.thumbTintColor = color
// now do something with the slider's value?
let value = sender.value

How to find current color in UIImageView and change repeatedly?

I have this UIImageView where I am only changing the white color of the image. When the white color changes it doesn't change again because the white color is no longer white anymore. I want to access the new color and change it to a different color every time I press a button. Im using this func I found on github.
var currentColor = UIColor.init(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
#IBAction func changeColors(_ sender: Any) {
let randomRGB = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
let randomRGB2 = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
let randomRGB3 = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
//randomly change color
var newColor = UIColor.init(red: randomRGB3, green: randomRGB2, blue: randomRGB, alpha: 1)
let changeColor = replaceColor(color: currentColor, withColor: newColor, image: mainImage.image!, tolerance: 0.5)
mainImage.image = changeColor
//change current color to new color
currentColor = newColor
extension ViewController {
func replaceColor(color: UIColor, withColor: UIColor, image: UIImage, tolerance: CGFloat) -> UIImage {
// This function expects to get source color(color which is supposed to be replaced)
// and target color in RGBA color space, hence we expect to get 4 color components: r, g, b, a
assert(color.cgColor.numberOfComponents == 4 && withColor.cgColor.numberOfComponents == 4,
"Must be RGBA colorspace")
// Allocate bitmap in memory with the same width and size as source image
let imageRef = image.cgImage!
let width = imageRef.width
let height = imageRef.height
let bytesPerPixel = 4
let bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width;
let bitsPerComponent = 8
let bitmapByteCount = bytesPerRow * height
let rawData = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: bitmapByteCount)
let context = CGContext(data: rawData, width: width, height: height, bitsPerComponent: bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow: bytesPerRow, space: CGColorSpace(name: CGColorSpace.genericRGBLinear)!,
bitmapInfo: CGImageAlphaInfo.premultipliedLast.rawValue | CGBitmapInfo.byteOrder32Big.rawValue)
let rc = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: height)
// Draw source image on created context
context!.draw(imageRef, in: rc)
// Get color components from replacement color
let withColorComponents = withColor.cgColor.components
let r2 = UInt8(withColorComponents![0] * 255)
let g2 = UInt8(withColorComponents![1] * 255)
let b2 = UInt8(withColorComponents![2] * 255)
let a2 = UInt8(withColorComponents![3] * 255)
// Prepare to iterate over image pixels
var byteIndex = 0
while byteIndex < bitmapByteCount {
// Get color of current pixel
let red = CGFloat(rawData[byteIndex + 0]) / 255
let green = CGFloat(rawData[byteIndex + 1]) / 255
let blue = CGFloat(rawData[byteIndex + 2]) / 255
let alpha = CGFloat(rawData[byteIndex + 3]) / 255
let currentColor = UIColor(red: red, green: green, blue: blue, alpha: alpha)
// Compare two colors using given tolerance value
if compareColor(color: color, withColor: currentColor , withTolerance: tolerance) {
// If the're 'similar', then replace pixel color with given target color
rawData[byteIndex + 0] = r2
rawData[byteIndex + 1] = g2
rawData[byteIndex + 2] = b2
rawData[byteIndex + 3] = a2
byteIndex = byteIndex + 4;
// Retrieve image from memory context
let imgref = context!.makeImage()
let result = UIImage(cgImage: imgref!)
// Clean up a bit
return result
func compareColor(color: UIColor, withColor: UIColor, withTolerance: CGFloat) -> Bool
var r1: CGFloat = 0.0, g1: CGFloat = 0.0, b1: CGFloat = 0.0, a1: CGFloat = 0.0;
var r2: CGFloat = 0.0, g2: CGFloat = 0.0, b2: CGFloat = 0.0, a2: CGFloat = 0.0;
color.getRed(&r1, green: &g1, blue: &b1, alpha: &a1);
withColor.getRed(&r2, green: &g2, blue: &b2, alpha: &a2);
return abs(r1 - r2) <= withTolerance &&
abs(g1 - g2) <= withTolerance &&
abs(b1 - b2) <= withTolerance &&
abs(a1 - a2) <= withTolerance;
Here are a few observations that I made which might be impacting the results you see:
As we discussed in the comments, if you want to start from the color which was changed previously, you need to hold on the color after the image has been updated beyond the scope of your function (you did this)
The next issue about ending up with one color probably has a lot to do with the fault tolerance
When you try to change a color in an image with 0.5 (50%) fault tolerance of a given color, you are changing a huge number of colors in an image in the first pass
If there were 100 colors in a color system, you are going to look for 50 of those colors in the image and change them to 1 specific color
In the first pass, you start with white. Lets say that 75% of the image has colors that are similar to white with a 50% fault tolerance - 75% of the image is going to change to that color
With such a high fault tolerance, soon enough one color will appear that will be close to most of the colors in the image with a 50% fault tolerance and you will end up with colors with 1 image
Some ideas to improve the results
Set a lower fault tolerance - you will see smaller changes and the same result could occur with 1 color but it will happen over a longer period of time
If you really want to randomize and no get this 1 color results, I suggest to change how you use the currentColor and make changes to the original image, not the updated image (I have this example below)
This will not impact the solution but better to handle optionals more safely as I see a lot of ! so I would recommend changing that
Perform the image processing in a background thread (also in the example below)
Here is an update with an example
class ImageColorVC: UIViewController
// UI Related
private var loaderController: UIAlertController!
let mainImage = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "art"))
// Save the current color and the original image
var currentColor = UIColor.init(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1, alpha: 1)
var originalImage: UIImage!
override func viewDidLoad()
// UI configuration, you can ignore
view.backgroundColor = .white
title = "Image Color"
// Store the original image
originalImage = mainImage.image!
private func configureBarButton()
let barButton = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: .refresh,
target: self,
action: #selector(changeColors))
navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = barButton
private func configureImageView()
mainImage.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
mainImage.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
mainImage.clipsToBounds = true
.constraint(equalTo: view.leadingAnchor),
.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.topAnchor),
.constraint(equalTo: view.trailingAnchor),
.constraint(equalTo: view.safeAreaLayoutGuide.bottomAnchor),
// Configures a loader to show while image is processing
private func configureLoaderController()
loaderController = UIAlertController(title: nil,
message: "Processing",
preferredStyle: .alert)
let loadingIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView(frame: CGRect(x: 10,
y: 5,
width: 50,
height: 50))
loadingIndicator.hidesWhenStopped = true
loadingIndicator.style = UIActivityIndicatorView.Style.medium
// Similar to your function, only difference is that it uses
// the original image
private func performChangeColors()
let randomRGB = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
let randomRGB2 = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
let randomRGB3 = CGFloat.random(in: 0.0...1.0)
//randomly change color
let newColor = UIColor.init(red: randomRGB3,
green: randomRGB2,
blue: randomRGB,
alpha: 1)
// Do work in the back ground
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async
let imageWithNewColor = self.replaceColor(color: self.currentColor,
withColor: newColor,
image: self.originalImage!,
tolerance: 0.5)
// Update the UI on the main thread
self.updateImageView(with: imageWithNewColor)
//change current color to new color
self.currentColor = newColor
private func changeColors()
// Configure a loader to show while image is processing
present(loaderController, animated: true) { [weak self] in
// Update the UI
private func updateImageView(with image: UIImage)
dismiss(animated: true) { [weak self] in
self?.mainImage.image = image
After starting with this:
About 50 tries later, it still seems to work well:
You can watch a longer video here to see a few more color changes that happen without leading to one single color
Hope this gives you enough to create the required workaround for your solution

How do I render CALayer sublayers in the correct position

I am trying to get an image drawn of a CALayer containing a number of sublayers positioned at specific points, but at the moment it does not honour the zPosition of the sublayers when I use CALayer.render(in ctx:). It works fine on screen but when rendering to PDF it seems to render them in the order they were created.
These sublayers that are positioned(x, y, angle) on the drawing layer.
One solution seems to be to override the render(in ctx:) method on the drawing layer, which seems to work except the rendering of the sublayers is in the incorrect position. They are all in the bottom left corner (0,0) and not rotated correctly.
override func render(in ctx: CGContext) {
if let layers:[CALayer] = self.sublayers {
let orderedLayers = layers.sorted(by: {
$0.zPosition < $1.zPosition
for v in orderedLayers {
v.render(in: ctx)
If I don't override this method then they are positioned correctly but just in the wrong zPosition - i.e. ones that should be at the bottom (zPosition-0) are at the top.
What am I missing here ? It seems I need to position the sublayers correctly somehow in the render(incts:) function?
How do I do this ? These sublayers have already been positioned on screen and all I am trying to do is generate an image of the drawing. This is done using the following function.
func createPdfData()->Data?{
let scale: CGFloat = 1
let mWidth = drawingLayer.frame.width * scale
let mHeight = drawingLayer.frame.height * scale
var cgRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: mWidth, height: mHeight)
let documentInfo = [kCGPDFContextCreator as String:"MakeSpace(www.xxxx.com)",
kCGPDFContextTitle as String:"Layout Image",
kCGPDFContextAuthor as String:GlobalVars.shared.appUser?.username ?? "",
kCGPDFContextSubject as String:self.level?.imageCode ?? "",
kCGPDFContextKeywords as String:"XXXX, Layout"]
let data = NSMutableData()
guard let pdfData = CGDataConsumer(data: data),
let ctx = CGContext.init(consumer: pdfData, mediaBox: &cgRect, documentInfo as CFDictionary) else {
return nil}
ctx.scaleBy(x: scale, y: scale)
self.drawingLayer.render(in: ctx)
return data as Data
This is what I ended up doing - and it seems to work.
class ZOrderDrawingLayer: CALayer {
override func render(in ctx: CGContext) {
if let layers:[CALayer] = self.sublayers {
let orderedLayers = layers.sorted(by: {
$0.zPosition < $1.zPosition
for v in orderedLayers {
// Translate and rotate the context using the sublayers
// size, position and transform (angle)
let w = v.bounds.width/2
let ww = w*w
let h = v.bounds.height/2
let hh = h*h
let c = sqrt(ww + hh)
let theta = asin(h/c)
let angle = atan2(v.transform.m12, v.transform.m11)
let x = c * cos(theta+angle)
let y = c * sin(theta+angle)
ctx.translateBy(x: v.position.x-x, y: v.position.y-y)
ctx.rotate(by: angle)
v.render(in: ctx)

Sample NSImage and retain quality (swift 3)

I wrote an NSImage extension to allow me to take random samples of an image. I would like those samples to retain the same quality as the original image. However, they appear to be aliased or slightly blurry. Here's an example - the original drawn on the right and a random sample on the left:
I'm playing around with this in SpriteKit at the moment. Here's how I create the original image:
let bg = NSImage(imageLiteralResourceName: "ref")
let tex = SKTexture(image: bg)
let sprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: tex)
sprite.position = CGPoint(x: size.width/2, y:size.height/2)
And here's how I create the sample:
let sample = bg.sample(size: NSSize(width: 100, height: 100))
let sampletex = SKTexture(image:sample!)
let samplesprite = SKSpriteNode(texture:sampletex)
samplesprite.position = CGPoint(x: 60, y:size.height/2)
Here's the NSImage extension (and randomNumber func) that creates the sample:
extension NSImage {
/// Returns the height of the current image.
var height: CGFloat {
return self.size.height
/// Returns the width of the current image.
var width: CGFloat {
return self.size.width
func sample(size: NSSize) -> NSImage? {
// Resize the current image, while preserving the aspect ratio.
let source = self
// Make sure that we are within a suitable range
var checkedSize = size
checkedSize.width = floor(min(checkedSize.width,source.size.width * 0.9))
checkedSize.height = floor(min(checkedSize.height, source.size.height * 0.9))
// Get random points for the crop.
let x = randomNumber(range: 0...(Int(source.width) - Int(checkedSize.width)))
let y = randomNumber(range: 0...(Int(source.height) - Int(checkedSize.height)))
// Create the cropping frame.
var frame = NSRect(x: x, y: y, width: Int(checkedSize.width), height: Int(checkedSize.height))
// let ref = source.cgImage.cropping(to:frame)
let ref = source.cgImage(forProposedRect: &frame, context: nil, hints: nil)
let rep = NSBitmapImageRep(cgImage: ref!)
// Create a new image with the new size
let img = NSImage(size: checkedSize)
// Set a graphics context
defer { img.unlockFocus() }
// Fill in the sample image
if rep.draw(in: NSMakeRect(0, 0, checkedSize.width, checkedSize.height),
from: frame,
operation: NSCompositingOperation.copy,
fraction: 1.0,
respectFlipped: false,
hints: [NSImageHintInterpolation:NSImageInterpolation.high.rawValue]) {
// Return the cropped image.
return img
// Return nil in case anything fails.
return nil
func randomNumber(range: ClosedRange<Int> = 0...100) -> Int {
let min = range.lowerBound
let max = range.upperBound
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(1 + max - min))) + min
I've tried this about 10 different ways and the results always seem to be a slightly blurry sample. I even checked for smudges on my screen. :)
How can I create a sample of an NSImage that retains the exact qualities of the section of the original source image?
Switching the interpolation mode to NSImageInterpolation.none was apparently sufficient in this case.
It's also important to handle the draw destination rect correctly. Since cgImage(forProposedRect:...) may change the proposed rect, you should use a destination rect that's based on it. You should basically use a copy of frame that's offset by (-x, -y) so it's relative to (0, 0) instead of (x, y).

How to cut random holes in SKSpriteNodes

Aside from the fact that the question asked here : Draw a hole in a rectangle with SpriteKit? has not satisfactorily been answered in its own right, the most significant difference between the two is that this question requires an absence of workarounds and specifically asks about reversing the functionality of SKCropNodes.
The primary concerns in this question cannot be addressed by the type of hacky ways the above question could be answered due to the randomness of the holes, the number of holes, and the variation in objects to which the holes are to be applied.
Hence the Swiss Cheese example:
Imagine a bunch of randomly sized rectangular SKSpriteNodes filled with various shades of cheese-like colours.
How to make Swiss Cheese out of each by cutting random circles out of each slice of cheese?
If SKCropNodes are the circles, they only leave circular pieces of cheese rather than cutting holes out of the pieces of cheese. Is there a way to invert the behaviour of SKCropNodes so they cut holes instead?
In my total honesty, I'm not really sure to understand deeply what do you want to achieve, but I can try to answer to this question:
..cutting random circles out of each slice of cheese?
In this project I've try to re-build a typical rectangle (the piece of cheese) with random holes, then I've extract these holes and collect them to an array.
import SpriteKit
class GameScene: SKScene {
struct Cheese
static let color1 = SKColor(red: 255/255, green: 241/255, blue: 173/255, alpha: 1)
static let color2 = SKColor(red: 255/255, green: 212/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 1)
static let color3 = SKColor(red: 204/255, green: 170/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 1)
static let color4 = SKColor(red: 140/255, green: 116/255, blue: 0/255, alpha: 1)
let cheeseColor = [Cheese.color1,Cheese.color2,Cheese.color3,Cheese.color4]
override func didMove(to view: SKView) {
let totHoles = randomNumber(range:4...8)
let color = randomNumber(range:0...3)
let cheeseCropNode = makeCheese(size: CGSize(width:400,height:200),color: cheeseColor[color], totHoles:totHoles)
cheeseCropNode.position = CGPoint(x:0,y:-50)
// Start to collect and show holes
var holes = [SKNode]()
var counter = 1
let _ = cheeseCropNode.enumerateChildNodes(withName: "//hole*", using:{ node, stop in
// node is the hole
let pos = self.convert(node.position, from: cheeseCropNode)
let sprite = SKSpriteNode.init(color: .red, size: node.frame.size)
sprite.position = pos
//Remove these shapes, it's just to debug
let shape = SKShapeNode.init(rect: sprite.frame)
shape.strokeColor = .red
// -- end to remove
let holeTxt = SKView().texture(from: cheeseCropNode, crop: sprite.frame)
let hole = SKSpriteNode.init(texture: holeTxt)
hole.position = CGPoint(x:-(self.frame.maxX)+(100*CGFloat(counter)),y:150)
hole.name = node.name
counter += 1
func randomNumber(range: ClosedRange<Int> = 1...6) -> Int {
let min = range.lowerBound
let max = range.upperBound
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(1 + max - min))) + min
func randomCGFloat(min: CGFloat, max: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
return (CGFloat(arc4random()) / CGFloat(UINT32_MAX)) * (max - min) + min
func makeCheese(size:CGSize , color:SKColor, totHoles:Int)->SKCropNode {
let cropNode = SKCropNode()
let cheese = SKSpriteNode.init(color: color, size: size)
for i in 0..<totHoles {
let radius = randomCGFloat(min:20.0, max:50.0)
let circle = SKShapeNode(circleOfRadius: radius)
circle.position = CGPoint(x:randomCGFloat(min:-size.width/2, max:size.width/2),y:randomCGFloat(min:-size.height/2, max:size.height/2))
circle.fillColor = color
circle.blendMode = .subtract
circle.name = "hole\(i)"
cropNode.maskNode = cheese
return cropNode
P.S. Don't pay attention to red rectangles, it's just to show you the holes:
If you want the exactly reversed hole, (the negative image), you could use SKCropNode with the hole.blendMode, for example:
Substitute this part of the code:
// -- end to remove
let holeTxt = SKView().texture(from: cheeseCropNode, crop: sprite.frame)
let hole = SKSpriteNode.init(texture: holeTxt)
hole.position = CGPoint(x:-(self.frame.maxX)+(100*CGFloat(counter)),y:150)
hole.name = node.name
counter += 1
with this part:
// -- end to remove
let holeTxt = SKView().texture(from: cheeseCropNode, crop: sprite.frame)
let hole = SKSpriteNode.init(texture: holeTxt)
hole.position = CGPoint(x:-(self.frame.maxX)+(100*CGFloat(counter)),y:150)
hole.name = node.name
let negativeCropHole = SKCropNode()
let shadow = SKShapeNode.init(rect: hole.frame)
shadow.fillColor = (node as! SKShapeNode).fillColor
shadow.strokeColor = SKColor.clear
hole.blendMode = .subtract
negativeCropHole.maskNode = shadow
negativeCropHole.name = hole.name
counter += 1
Result (another example):
Hope these example and this code help you to obtain your objectives, I've used rectangles to make masks but your could create CGPaths if you need.