How to install a Leaflet Plugin - plugins

This a very basic question, but how do you install a leaflet plugin. There doesn't seem to be a step by step straight-forward guide anywhere. I tried npm, I don't understand what that did.
Which folders go where and how are they referenced in the script?


Trying to install proclipsing into eclipse

So i am trying to install proclipsing into eclipse but the link wont work
the link I am using Is
and the error eclipse gives me is:
could not find
Google Code has been closed in 2015/2016 and the projects were archived: see archive of proclipsing. Therefore the update site does not work anymore.
Proclipsing was migrated to GitHub. See the installation instructions there.

Install project from github

I need to install this project/code as its required for a project I am working on.
Is the easiest way to just grab whats in the Dist folder and copy it into the project?
Do all projects have npm install commands? in the documentation this one doesn't appear to have any explanation for installing it?
See this page for npm:
I guess only if a project is shared on npm, you can use npm commands.
For this particular project, you can use npm, as you can see by searching for the project on
npm install --save react-modal will install the package in your project.
In general, however, yes, if a project doesn't have installation instructions and it isn't on npm, then you will have to download the code from github.
Found the answer and have been installing npm packages for fun every since ;) I followed this tutorial Node.js and npm into for VS2015
I found editing the packages.json file first fixed it for me. Cause after doing so then running the commands it installed perfectly fine. Thanks for the answers guys, did help me find the issue and the eventual solution.

Need help for install plugins in mantis

I am newbie in mantis bug tracker so may be my question is not that much proper.
I had install MantisBT Version 1.2.15. In that i want to install following plugins
Please find attached image in which i pointed my installed plugins & also mention above listed plugins which i want to install.
Can any one tell me how can i install those plugins?
Any suggestion or help would be appreciate.
Download the plugins from to
your mantisbt/plugins folder.
You may have to change the base folder of the plugin. Refer the README or INSTALL file for the correct folder name.
Login to Mantis using the administrator account
Visit Manage-->Manage Plugins
Install the plugins by clicking the install link Some plugins may require other plugins as dependencies, you can follow the same steps to install them.

Is there a proper step by step guide to installing and using PhoneGap?

Is it just me or the documentation for PhoneGap installation is ridiculous? The steps are all over the place and no clear path to installing and using it. I found a couple of decent guides for use on MAC but nothing that is clear for Windows.
Got frustrated and uninstalled everything, eclipse, cordova, ant, android.
I want to just restart fresh with a clean install. Can anyone show me to a guide which has a step by step guide to windows. Or maybe you could guide me to exactly which are the stuff I need to install for phoneGap to work? For example is ant(apache) even needed? Not every guide mentions it.
I believe over all, the steps includes 2 parts. 1 is installing the various components such as eclipse and so on. 2nd is to interlink all these various components.
Not exaggerating but I've been at this for a week plus now and have looked around for a clear instruction and found nothing. Please help.
PS: If PhoneGap can be installed and linked with NetBeans, it would be great to know exactly how. Tnks.
You have only java, javafx in netbeans because you installed netbeans java edition.
Cordova is in the HTML5 package which is included in other editions like java EE edition or php edition.
In your netbeans version, you have to install the plugin:
Tools->Plugins-Available plugins, check HTML5 and click install.
Then you should be able to use the New project->HTML5->Cordova application.
You will still need cordova, android, ant... but the difference is that netbeans should setup everything for you.
Sorry I can't confirm as I have installed everything before netbeans.

Gradle new plugin installation

What should I do to install a plugin into gradle so I can use it in the future builds.
I want to use rpm plugin here:
I tried downloading the project and copying the jar that's there in the %GRADLE_HOME%/lib/plugins, but it doesn't look like it works since
apply plugin: 'rpm'
This should probably be easy, but I don't see it in docs or can't really find how to do it. Do I need to run some task to put the jar in the repository of plugins? Any info would be appreciated.
This question is a few months old, but figured I would provide an answer for those who browse to this page!
For the specific plugin above (and others, I would imagine), simply download the source, then using that source's root folder, run the following task:
gradle install
This should install the plugin for the current user.
Note, if you run some of your gradle scripts using 'sudo' or admin rights, you will have to install the plugin for them as well.