Using unity animations globaly - unity3d

I am trying to code an end for a level in a simple game. A lot of things need to happen at slightly different times. The character needs to do a celebration. Text needs to pop up on screen. The camera needs to move to show off the win, and finally there needs to be a scene transition.
This all seems like a great thing to solve with an animation. All these things could come in and act on specific key-frames, at the end raising an event and ending the scene.
The problem is it looks like animations have to be attached to specific objects. My camera, player, and the static global GameController are completely unrelated. In fact the global controller can't be related to anything. Because of that my animations don't see all the objects and can't control them. I am instead stuck writing synchronized animations, and code with a lot of yield return new WaitForSeconds(...);. I find this very difficult to manage, and seems like a lot of waste. Is there any way I can use animations, or some other frame based tool to globally animate my game?

Look into Unity's Timeline system. I believe this is exactly the sort of thing it was made for.


How should I handle a multiple scenes project?

I'm trying to make this game using the approach of multiple scenes to make things more modular.
In my actual case I have an "Initialization" scene which holds some global state objects and the one to control the state machine of all the scenes in the game.
As for the other scenes, for now I divided them just in two: the base scenes (which for now contains everything besides UI) and its UI scenes (which basically have a Canvas and all the UI elements and UI-related scripts).
The confusion in my mind is simple though: as I tried to make the UI scenes as modular and independent as possible, there are a lot of points of interactions between the base scene and its UI scene.
For the sake of illustrating this question please take this problem I'm facing right now: I have camera animations that should be played as a response to user inputs to the UI (like the click of a button should trigger a specific camera animation). Thing is: that camera is not in the UI scene. The way I'm resolving this problem right now is creating a ScriptableObject which holds events for important actions triggered in the UI scene that are fired in the UI scene and subscribed in any other place. The same can occur in the opposite direction: the UI scene need to react to many actions that happens in other scenes.
Considering that the "camera animation" problem I explained above can happen with many other objects, if there is not a better way to handle that wouldn't splitting a game into multiple scenes be just too much of work just for the benefit of modularity? And by that I also asks: am I handling this problem the right way?
If you want to keep things consistent between scenes, there are a few ways to do it.
PlayerPrefs lets you keep variables consistent, I don't need to do a whole tutorial here, look it up.
DontDestroyOnLoad lets you take an object and make it consistent throughout the whole game. If you want, you can use DontDestroyOnLoad on one of your cameras and just delete the others in the other scenes if you want to keep a consistent camera.

Unity Animator Checking Too Slow

I'm currently just trying to learn to use the animator within Unity, I'm very in-exp at animation and don't understand it even in the editor as I focus on programming/scripting.
I have an animation and the states for the animations as-well as the conditions all working perfectly however the animation check for the next state is way to slow. I've tried changing the speed of the actual state but it speeds the animation up and makes it look like my character is walking insanely fast.
I've tried messing around with the frames, making them over a longer time period and making the speed of the state faster however it seems to counter act each other, when I make it longer frames the pace of the animation is slow and then when I make the speed of the state go quicker it just makes the frames tick faster making the animation faster.
What I believe is happening is that the check for the next state of animation is happening once the full animation has been played. However what I need is the check to be happening constantly (as if frame by frame of the unity game not the animation).
Any advice would be great, I've tried using youtube to solve this before coming here however most people are creating a platformer game where as I'm trying to aim for a top down 2d, all directional character movement instead of the linear x axis character movement., and outside libraries.
I deeply apologise for my inability to find a suitable source. I have literally just came across an article online that came across a simple solution.
basically if you can't be bothered to click the link and you are having the same problem,
find exit-time by clicking the transition and then in the inspector and untick it.

Unity Playables graph locking animated properties with values at the last frame

I've been trying to use a mixture of Unity's Animators and Playables in my game, and for the most part it works well, but there's two issues that I've been having for a long time, and I've at best worked around them. Today I bashed my head against them again, and after finding no solution online I decided to get my lazy ass to finally ask for help.
The basic setup is that my characters have:
An Animator with its controller, state machine, etc. that is used mostly for movement, jumping, climbing, etc. In case this is relevant, each character has an override controller of a generic one.
A very simple playable graph with just an output (wrapping the animator) and an input (wrapping the specific clip I want to play at the time). This is used for actions and attacks.
The problems I have are:
1- I can't seem to figure out an elegant, clean way to know when the clip fed to the graph (second part above) is finished. Currently I circumvent this by simply calculating how long the clip is and dividing by the current animation speed factor; I also have to account for when the animation is paused (e.g. hitstop). This gets the job done but is quite unelegant, and I'm sure there must be a better way.
2- Most importantly, when I'm done with the graph and standalone animation, the values of all of the properties the clip touches become locked at their last value. They stay locked even during any animation played by the regular animator; even if any of these later animations change its value, it snaps back to that locked "last frame" value when they end.
I've tried several things to solve this:
2.1- Set the default / desired value of the properties in the idle / default animation (to "mark" them as animatable properties in the normal animator's animation). This only fixes the issue for whatever animation is touched; any other animation played after that instantly reverts to the value locked by the last frame of the animation played by the graph.
2.2- Destroy the playable wrapping the animation (I do this anyway for cleanup since I need to recreate it each time a new animation plays).
2.3- Destroy the graph and recreate it each time (surprisingly, even this keeps the values locked).
2.4- Disabling the animator and enabling it again.
I'm frankly starting to lose my mind with the second problem, so any help would be exceedingly appreciated. Thanks in advance for any help!
Although this question is pretty old, I'm adding answer (along with my related follow up question) just in case there's more people that end up here from a search engine.
Animations (both "legacy" and non-legacy) can fire off events at some frame - just pick point (frame on dopesheet, place in graph on curves) and click "add event"...
There's some difference on how to specify which object/script & function to call between legacy and non-legacy - but in both cases it's basically a callback so you can know for sure when some animation started/finished (or any point in between).
Instead of trying to change values of those properties that are "locked by animations" from void Update() you seem to need to do those from within void LateUpdate().
From my testing - using/doing "legacy" animations (that also means "animation" component instead of "animator controller") allows you to use Update() - at least once the animation is finished.
And also worth keeping in mind that "animator controller" (component) doesn't accept importing "legacy" animations for any of it's states.
And animation (component) doesn't seem to play (at least not auto-play) non-legacy animations.
As of my question, well it's basically same as OPs question - is it possible to somehow "unlock" these properties (obviously without any states/animations playing) while using "newer" animator controller?
Although - based on things I've read while trying to find what's going on. Those "legacy" animations are not really "legacy" - and seem to be there to stay for reasons like being better for performance.

Having multiple unity scenes open simultaneously

I've been developing a board-style game in Unity3D. The main scene is the board, and has the data about each player and the current (randomly-generated) board stored within it.
I intend to add minigames into the game, for example when landing on a particular space on the board. Naturally, I would like to code the minigame in a separate scene. Is there a way I can do this without losing the instance of the current scene, so that the current scene's state is maintained?
Thanks in advance :)
Short answer: no, but there may be another way to do what you want.
A basic call to Application.LoadLevel call will destroy the current scene before loading the next one. This isn't what you want.
If your minigame is relatively simple, you could use Instantiate to bring in a prefab and spawn it far away from the rest of your scene. You can even use scripts to switch to another camera, toggle player controls and other interactions in the scene, and so on. Once the minigame is done, you can destroy or disable whatever you brought in, and re-enable whatever needs to be turned on in the main scene.
You could create a separate scene and call Application.LoadLevelAdditive to load that scene without destroying the current one. As above, you can then use scripts to manage which cameras and scene behaviors are active.
If you're careful, you don't really need two separate scenes. It may be enough to "fake" a scene switch.
Hard to give a complete answer without code, but you should look into the following things either with the unity documentation or youtube:
PlayerPrefs, this is one way of saving data, although i believe it isn't entirely secure i.e. being able to edit from a text file.
Serializable, this is apparently better than playerprefs.
DonDestroyOnLoad, can carry over information to multiple scenes.
Static variables, again not sure if this will help your particular problem.

RPG Game loop and class structure (cocos2D for iPhone)

I'm looking to make an RPG with Cocos2D on the iPhone. I've done a fair bit of research, and I really like the model Cocos2D uses for scenes. I can instantiate a scene, set up my characters etc. and it all works really nicely... what I have problems with is structuring a game loop and separating the code from the scenes.
For example, where do I put my code that will maintain the state of the game across multiple scenes? and do I put the code for events that get fired in a scene in that scene's class? or do I have some other class that separates the init code from the logic?
Also, I've read a lot of tutorials that mention changing scenes, but I've read none that talk about updating a scene - taking input from the user and updating the display based on that. Does that happen in the scene object, or in a separate display engine type class.
Thanks in advance!
It sounds like you might do well to read up on the Model-View-Controller pattern. You don't have to adhere slavishly to it (for example, in some contexts it makes sense to allow some overlap between Model and View), but having a good understanding of it will help you to build any program that has lots of graphical objects and logic controlling them, and the need to broadcast state or persist it to disc (game save), etc.
You also have to realize that cocos2d provides a good system for structuring the graphical scene graph and rendering it efficiently, but it doesn't provide a complete infrastructure for programming games. In that sense it's more of a graphics engine than a game engine. If you try to fit your game's architecture into the structure of cocos2d, you might not end up with the most maintainable result. Instead, you should treat cocos2d as what it is: a great tool to take care of your display and animation needs.
You should definitely have an object other than the scenes that maintain the game state, because otherwise where will all the state go when you switch between scenes? And within scenes/levels, you should simply try to use good Object Oriented design to have state distributed over objects of various classes. Each character object remembers its own state etc. Here you can see where MVC becomes useful: when you save the game to disc, you want to remember each character's health level, but probably not which exact frame index the sprite animation was showing. So you need to distinguish between the sprite and the character (model) itself. That said, as I mentioned before, for game objects that don't have a lot of logic attached to them, or which don't need to be saved, it might be ok to just fuse the Model and View together into one class (basically by subclassing CCSprite).
To pull off MVC the way it's supposed to be, you should also learn the basics of Key-Value Observing. (And you'd do well to use this replacement for Apple's interface.) In more intensely real-time games, techniques like this might be too slow, but since you're making a RPG (good choice for starting out) you could probably sacrifice performance for a more maintainable architecture.
The game scene (which is just another cocos2d sprite) plays the role of Controller, in terms of the MVC pattern. It doesn't draw anything itself, but tells everything else to draw itself based on inputs and state. It's tempting to put all kinds of logic and functionality into the game scene, but when you notice that it swells, you should ask yourself how you could separate that functionality into other classes. Analyze which type of functionality you're implementing. Is it to do with data and state (Model)? Or is it about animation and rendering (View)? Or is it about connecting logic with rendering (in which case you should try to make the View observe the Model directly)?
The game scene/Controller is basically a dispatch center, which takes input events (from the user or from sprites reporting that they've hit something, for example) and decides what to do with them: it might tell one or several of the Model objects to update themselves in some way, or it might just trigger an animation in some other sprites, for example.
In a real-time game, you'd have a "tick" or "step" method in the scene which tells all objects to update themselves. This method (the game loop) is the heart of the program and is run every time a new frame is drawn. (In modern game engines there's a lot of multi-threading but let's not think about that.) But in your case, you might want to create a module that can "play the game" completely separate from the game scene. Imagine creating a program that can play chess through the terminal, using only text input. If you create the whole game system in that manner, and then connect it to the graphics engine through a small and clean interface, you'll have a really maintainable app with lots of reusable code for future projects!
Some good rules of thumb: the model (data) shouldn't know anything about sprites or display states; the view (sprites) shouldn't contain any of the game's actual logic (the game rules) but only know how to do simple things like moving and bouncing and reporting to the scene if something complicated happens. Whenever possible, the view should react to changes in the model directly, without the controller having to interfere.