I have a TextField that will only take numbers as an input.
The Keyboard that appears allows for the input of the the following characters: "-(hyphen) ,(comma) .(period) and space". How can I prevent the user from entering all except the period.
child: new TextField(
controller: _controller,
maxLengthEnforced: true,
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
maxLength: 4, //9999 upper limit
), //TextField
I've tried to use RegExp to take the _controller text, remove the characters and place it back into to field without any luck.
...//Add Listener to _controller
void restrictCharacters(){
RegExp regexp = new RegExp(
r"^|\-|\,|\ ",
caseSensitive: false,
multiLine: false,);
String text = _controller.text;
String chng = text.replaceaLL(regExp,"");
_controller.text = chng;
When applied the cursor moves to beginning and the field keeps the - (hyphen) for example.
In your TextInputField(), use a FilteringTextInputFormatter like this:
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
], // Only numbers can be entered
Each character typed will be allowed only if it matches the RegExp. To include a space, use the regular expression "[0-9a-zA-Z ]" instead. Period means "any character" in regular expressions unless you escape them, like "[0-9\.a-zA-Z]".
.deny can be used in place of .allow to proved a blacklist instead of a whitelist.
WhitelistingTextInputFormatter is deprecated. You should use FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow:
inputFormatters: [ FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp("[a-zA-Z]")), ]
or FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny instead of BlacklistingTextInputFormatter
Add a BlacklistingTextInputFormatter to your TextField.
inputFormatters: [
new BlacklistingTextInputFormatter(new RegExp('[\\.]')),
removes just . If you wanted to disallow, say, . and , change it to
inputFormatters: [
new BlacklistingTextInputFormatter(new RegExp('[\\.|\\,]')),
Add this to your TextField for letters and numbers
inputFormatters: [new WhitelistingTextInputFormatter(RegExp("[a-zA-Z0-9]")),],
If you want double to be added,you can also use the format like this:
inputFormatters: [FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp("[0-9\.]")),],
Be sure to include the backslash, as a period on its own means "any character" (allowing everything).
Dart 2.13+, Flutter 1.27+
For those who need to work with money format in the text fields:
To use only: , (comma) and . (period)
and block the symbol: - (hyphen, minus or dash)
as well as the: ⌴ (blank space)
In your TextField, just set the following code:
keyboardType: TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true),
inputFormatters: [BlacklistingTextInputFormatter(new RegExp('[ -]'))],
The simbols hyphen and space will still appear in the keyboard, but will become blocked.
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(RegExp("[0-9a-zA-Z]")),],
if you want to include English and Devanagari character also in your name
then follow this regex pattern
I have created this pattern for English letter and Devanagari letters with allow space
inputFormatters: [ WhitelistingTextInputFormatter(RegExp("[a-zA-Z \u0900-\u097F]")),
You can deny special characters with escape sequences
or get any escape sequence from google which you want
inputFormatters: [
None of the above answers worked for me, This is how to use FilteringTextInputFormatter inside TextFormField:
inputFormatters: [
allow: true),
Set allow to false if you want to deny the RegExp.
Add this to your TextField for letters and numbers
inputFormatters: [WhitelistingTextInputFormatter(RegExp("[a-zA-Z0-9]")),],
Currently, I'm looking at a TextFormField restriction.
My requirement is
Allow single 0 in TextFormField
If it is 099, I want to remove the leading 0. So, it's 99
Do not allow symbols or special characters like "?" or "."
I have tried the below code, but it's still allowed to input "?" or "."
inputFormatters: [
new FilteringTextInputFormatter.allow(new RegExp("[0-9.]")),
new FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny(RegExp(r'^0+(?=.)')),
I am seeking your help on this.
Thanks in advance!
you can create a text controller at first :
TextEditingController textEditingController = TextEditingController();
then you can apply this text field :
keyboardType: TextInputType.number,
controller: textEditingController,
onChanged: (val){
if(val.characters.characterAt(0) == Characters("0") && val.length > 1){
// we need to remove the first char
textEditingController.text = val.substring(1);
// we need to move the cursor
textEditingController.selection = TextSelection.collapsed(offset: textEditingController.text.length);
like this you will be able to enter a single zero but you will not be able write 099 it will be converted automatically to 99 .
Try below code:
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
inputFormatters: [
well, I have a textFormField. This TextFormField will use to take user phone number. What I wanna thing is when the phone number length is 14 characters, all texts which on seems on the TextFormField would "xxx xxx".
How can I doing this?
You can use mask_text_input_formatter
inputFormatters: [
formatter: MaskTextInputFormatter(mask: "+# (###) ###-##-##"),
textInputType: TextInputType.phone
how can i remove the first zeros of phone number like 00963 and 031 and so on in flutter inside TextFormField ?
here is my code of theTextFormField :
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
onSaved: (input) => _con.user.phone = input,
my question is not to prevent the user enter the zeros but to get it with phone number without first zeros if the user entered it or not
The above answer is correct but if you using **TextFormField** following example will be worth,
controller: familyMemberPhoneController,
inputFormatters: [
//To remove first '0'
//To remove first '94' or your country code
If you want to remove all first zeros from phone number just use this regex expression:
new RegExp(r'^0+')
^ - match the beginning of a line
0+ - match the zero digit character one or more times
Final code for your TextFormField:
keyboardType: TextInputType.phone,
onSaved: (input) => _con.user.phone = input.replaceFirst(new RegExp(r'^0+'), '');,
String phone = '000345';
String editedPhone = phone.replaceFirst(RegExp(r'^0+'), "");
Will print:
inputFormatters: [
Simple question that I'm not finding an answer to--I have a TextField that's multi-line but I don't want to allow newlines in the text. E.g., if the user is typing and hits [Enter], I don't want a newline to register in the TextField. How do I do that?
I tried catching it in the onChanged event, but got weird rendering results:
onChanged: (value) {
if (value.endsWith('\n')) {
_textController.text = value.trim();
You should try using BlacklistingTextInputFormatter in inputFormatters.
inputFormatters: [
FilteringTextInputFormatter.deny(new RegExp(r"\n"))
What if you use following parameters:
TextField(keyboardType: TextInputType.text, maxLines: 3,);
I've got Text field which updateds a value variable to double format in onChange... I want the TextField only display the updated the value variable.. I don't want the textfield to display any string value or values which are not in double format by pressing wrong keyboard key. Even with numeric keyboard with decimal enabled we can press decimal key multiple times which I don't want to display in the TextField.
decoration: InputDecoration(labelText: 'Value'),
onChanged: (s) {
if (double.tryParse(s) != null)
setState(() {
value = double.parse(s);
How can I display only parsed value in TextField?
Please add below attribute to TextFormField Widget
keyboardType:TextInputType.numberWithOptions(decimal: true),
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
#user8773560 was correct however RegExp for decimal number was wrong and not working so the correct answer is
inputFormatters: [
Also answered in my other question Regex for double numbers in dart
Answer based on #delmin's answer, but allows negative numbers as well.
inputFormatters: [
Hello you can not use onChange for this purpose because its called only once TextField has changed.
You should try this.
inputFormatters: <TextInputFormatter>[
LengthLimitingTextInputFormatter(12), //max length of 12 characters
WhitelistingTextInputFormatter.digitsOnly,//Only numbers
BlacklistingTextInputFormatter.singleLineFormatter,//No line break
WhitelistingTextInputFormatter(RegExp("[0-9]+.[0-9]")) //only double values
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