Tableau Left Join not returning all rows - left-join

I have data sources I want to join on an ID column.
The main table (left) ID are all non null.
The main table is a WDC data source and the second is a table from MySQL database.
So I did could not do the join outside of Tableau.
When retrieved alone, it can show all rows on incremental refresh. However when I make the join (left join) it shows only few rows.
I first thought it was a filter issues so I disabled all filters. But the behavior is still the same. I even made a new fresh file with the data sources only but the behavior is the same.
When I a make a blend all the rows can be retrieved, but I want to add a filter on the second data source so blending is not the solution for me.
If someone could give one hint it will save my day.

What are the data types of the two columns? Maybe they differ which is why blending could give you desired results. Use a calculated join and cast to varchar


Isolating same data in Alteryx workflow

I have a large set of data, however below shows only 4 entries. I want to isolate the rows that have the same entries. For instance, on table one you can see that the first two rows have the same value in the columns number, ID, Brand, and Partner. I want to only get the rows with these same entries, so my final result will be Data Table 2.
Data Table
Data Table 2
This is the quickest way I can think of
Actually, I've just realised the 'RecordID' is redundant so you can leave that tool out, I think?

can't figure out how to assign column from Dim table to measures group

DW is written in foreign language so i translated it on pictures.
It is about some facility where you can rent rooms and equipment.
In Fact table i have one measure column which represents number of reservations and it works as expected, problem is in DimPayment table i have columns PaymentSum and PaymentSumWDiscount which i would need to use as measures. i tried to do something in calculations tab but i only get null values
I can't figure out how to use columns PaymentSum and PaymentSumWDiscount
as measures
i tried to do something in calculations tab but i only get null values
JOIN the FactReserving table to the DimPayment table in the Data Source View and then you can access those two columns in the Measure group.
It looks like you want to use your Dimension attributes as measure.
One way to achieve this is to make your Dimension table as a Measure Group as well.
The following example works with the AdventureWorks sample to create a measure group for the Product table:
In Visual Studio / SSDT, open your Cube, create a new Measure Group and select your table. (for your scenario, it would be the DimPayment table).
Your dimension usage mapping for this would be 'Fact' as both your fact and dimension are in the same table.
Now, you should be able to use the measures normally.
All the numeric fields automatically added as measures:
Using it as a measure:

How can I create filters on a series of tables where the final table yields a single data observation?

I am creating an interactive 'calculator' using tableau. I have a series of dataframes that I have crossed with one another, such that the resulting dataframe is every possible combination between the tables, and every row is unique.
Each column is its own worksheet as a table. Each table in the dashboard is a pane. So, here we have a series of tables with selectable units of measurement, and the final pane on the dashboard should filter to the cell for its respective column, on the unique row of the dataset that the user has selected and 'filtered out'.
I'm having some issues getting this to work and not sure why.
The closest I can think to solving this would be 'Cascading Filters.' Here are a couple resources:
General Use
In dashboard action-filter form
The critical piece, however, is that the filters must be selected in a specific order - therefore making them 'cascading.' This may differ from your presumed concept of clicking/filtering in any order on the worksheets to then arrive to a final answer. I do think that this may be a limitation of Tableau - I don't think that a 'many to many' type of relationship can be set up within Action Filters.

tableau show categories from calculation even when a category is not visible

I have a calculation and it outputs multiple values. Then I am creating a table on those values. For example, in below data my formula is
if data is 1 then calculation is `one`
if data is 2 then calculation is `two`
if data is 3 then calculation is `three`
as three doesn't really appear in the output, when I create a table, three is not displayed. Is there any way to display it?
I tried table layout >> show empty rows and columns and it didn't work
data calculation
1 one
2 two
Tableau discovers the possible values for a dimension field dynamically from the query results.
If ‘three’ does not appear in your data, then how do you expect Tableau to know to make a column header for that non existent, but potential, value? It can’t read your mind.
This situation does occur often though - perhaps you want row or column headers to remain stable, even when you change filters in a way that causes some to no longer appear in the query results.
There are a few ways you can force Tableau to pad ** or **complete a domain:
one solution is to pad your data to make sure each value for your dimension field appears in at least one data row.
You can often do this easily by using a union to append some extra rows to your original data. You can often add padding rows that don’t impact any results by leaving all your Measure columns null since nulls are ignored by aggregation functions
Another common solution that is a bit more effort is to make what is known as scaffolding data source that is not much more than a list of your dimension members. You can then use that data source as a primary data source with data blending, making your original data source secondary.
There are two situations where Tableau can detect the absence of data and leave space for it in the visualization automatically
for numeric types, you can create a bin field that will automatically pad for missing bins
similarly, date fields can show missing values because, like bins, Tableau can tell when a month doesn’t appear in the data and leave room for it in the view

In Tableau, Is it possible to give Column number in Column Shelf

I'm using Tableau. So, instead of giving the [Column_name], Is it possible to give [Column_number] in column shelf?
- Hariharasudhan. R.
No -- for good reason.
Think of the data source as a template for a potential SQL (or MDX or TQL) query; specifying tables, joins, unions and possibly some where/having clauses for data source filters.
The actual SQL generated for any particular view will be an (optimized) query that only selects columns that are actually needed for that particular view, adds where/having clauses based on the filters being used etc.
So a column doesn't have a fixed number. The same column may be the first field selected in one situation, the last field in another situation, and left off completely in another.
If you want to change the name of column shelf:
Create a duplicate of variable and change original with duplicates and assign name as your wish by right-click on Edit Aliases and change as per your requirement.
Go to Data Source
On the middle right corner check on Show aliases
Go to column and right click on it. Go to Rename