db2 update dbm cfg immediate - db2

I am looking as the following article:
I would like to ask about the IMMEDIATE and the DEFERRED part. Sorry I am still confuse and not really understand on it.
in the IMMEDIATE part, it explain that IMMEDIATE is the default, but it requires an instance attachment to be effective. , what does it means that requires an instance attachment to be effective? I though it should be straight take effect after I run the command?
For example:
db2 update dbm cfg using diaglevel 4 immediate
Does this direct take effect on my db2diag log files?

Take care to read the Db2 knowledge-center version that matches your Db2-version. Maybe you are using a more recent version of Db2 like V10.5 or v11.1.
For the DIAGLEVEL parameter, you can change it on the fly i.e. without needing to bounce the Db2-instnce. The new value is effective immediately and you can see this in the db2diag (which will increase quickly in size because of all the extra messages that will appear).
For "instance attachment" it means that you can run db2 attach ... command before running the db2 update dbm cfg ... The details are here.
However, if you are running as the Db2-instance owner and you are on the Db2-server directly (e.g. via ssh etc) then the instance-attachment is not necessary in this specific case. The instance-attachment is necessary when the instance is remote, or is not the current instance, or you are not running as the instance-owner etc.


Can I debug a PostgreSQL query sent from an external source, that I can't edit?

I see how to debug queries stored as Functions in the database. But my problem is with an external QGIS plugin that connects to my Postgres 10.4 via network and does a complex query and calculations, and stores the results back into PostGIS tables:
(1 - ST_LineLocatePoint(path.geom, ST_Intersection(r.geom, path.geom))) * ST_Length(path.geom)
(continues ...)
When it errors, it just returns that line number as the failing location, but no clue where it was in the loop through hundreds of features. (And any features it has processed are not stored to the output tables when it fails.) I totally don't know enough about the plugin and about SQL to hack the external query, and I suspect if it was a reasonable task the plugin author would have included more revealing debug messages.
So is there some way I could use pgAdmin4 (or anything) from the server side to watch the query process? Even being able to see if it fails the first time through the loop or later would help immensely. Knowing the loop count at failure would point me to the exact problem feature. Being able to see "station" or "r.geom" would make it even easier.
Perfectly fine if the process is miserably slow or interferes with other queries, I'm the only user on this server.
This is not actually a way to watch the RiverGIS query in action, but it is the best I have found. It extracts the failing ST_Intersects() call from the RiverGIS code and runs it under your control, where you can display any clues you want.
When you're totally mystified where the RiverGIS problem might be, run this SQL query:
xs."XsecID" AS "XsecID",
xs."ReachID" AS "ReachID",
xs."Station" AS "Station",
xs."RiverCode" AS "RiverCode",
xs."ReachCode" AS "ReachCode",
ST_Intersection(xs.geom, riv.geom) AS "Fraction"
"<your project name>"."StreamCenterlines" AS riv,
"<your project name>"."XSCutLines" AS xs
ST_Intersects(xs.geom, riv.geom)
ORDER BY xs."ReachID" ASC, xs."Station" DESC
Obviously replace <your project name> with the QGIS project name.
Also works for the BankLines step if you replace "StreamCenterlines" with "BankLines". Probably could be adapted to other situations where ST_Intersects() fails without a clue.
You'll get a listing with shorter geometry strings for good cross sections and double-length strings for bad ones. Probably need to widen your display column a lot to see this.
Works for me in pgAdmn4, or in QGIS3 -> Database -> DB Manager -> (click the wrench icon). You could select only bad lines, but I find the background info helpful.

db2ilist shows the instance, but db2idrop says instance doesn't exists

/opt/IBM/db2_10_01/bin/db2ilist shows the instance db2inst1 exists. But, when I try to drop it using /opt/IBM/db2_10_01/instance/db2idrop it gives error:
The specified instance "db2inst1" does not exist. Specify an existing instance
How to drop instance in such scenario
This can happen when Db2-instance removal was incorrectly performed, often if directories were manually removed or mount points unavailable etc.
To recover, study this page until you comprehend it.
Become root and run
db2greg -dump
Study its output carefully and ensure you comprehend the output (read the documentation carefully).
You may see the line that identifies the db2inst1 - so carefully verify that each detail matches your expectation and the documentation.
Take a secure backup of the global-registry-file. This is a vital step.
As root, run db2greg without any arguments and study the instructions. Your aim is to run db2greg -delinstrec with some additional options to identify the line to delete, via a comma-separated list of field=value tokens.
For example db2greg -delinstrec instancename=db2inst1,instancepath=... etc.
When db2greg -delinstrec completes successfully (it takes a couple of seconds), you can then run db2ilist and you should find that db2inst1 has disappeared.

How to send an email from IBM iSeries DB2 v7.1

I am trying to create a trigger that sends an email based on a database event, specifically, when a record is INSERTed in a certain table, I want an email stating that fact to go to the SysAdmin.
I can successfully do the following from a SQL window in iSeries Navigator:
DSTD('this is the Subject Line')
LONGMSG('This is an Email sent from iSeries box via Navigator')
...and an email gets sent. Which means that the necessary SMTP stuff is there and working.
So all I'm trying to do is encapsulate this code, perhaps with some data changes (e.g. "A record has been added to the XYZ table on whatever-the-sysdate-is"). Navigator has some tantalizing examples that call CL to do some plain-vanilla things, but no clue as to how to make it work in a trigger. I know how to write triggers that do "database stuff", but not this CL stuff. And this is iSeries DB2, so I don't have access to UTL_MAIL.
I know next to nothing about CL, DDS or other iSeries internals... I would prefer not to have to create an external Java program, but will do that as a last resort...but even then, I'm having a hard time finding straightforward examples.
thanks in advance.
First off, note that SNDDST isn't the best choice for internet mail from the IBM i. Basically, SNDDST is a relic from the SNADS networking days that IBM hacked into supporting SMTP emails. There are free alternatives, or if you're reasonably current on fixes for 7.1 then you should have the Send SMTP E-mail (SNDSMTPEMM) command available.
The Run SQL Scripts window of iNav does indeed support CL commands using the CL: prefix. But that's not the same thing as having the query engine itself understand CL.
The CL: prefix isn't going to work inside an SQL trigger.
You could however,use the QCMDEXC stored procedure to call a CL command. But I wouldn't necessarily call that the best option.
The IBM i supports using "external" stored procedures and triggers. Theoretically, you could use a CL program that invokes the SNDSMTPEMM command directly. But given you desires to include data from the table, I wouldn't recommend that approach as you'd be tied to the table structure.
Instead, create your own UTLMAILSND CL program that invokes SNDSMTPEMM. Then defined the UTLMAILSND program as an external stored procedure (you can even give it a longer SQL name of UTIL_MAIL_SEND).
Now you can call your UTIL_MAIL_SEND() procedure from your SQL trigger.
You need to try the SNDSMTPEMM command. It's like sliced bread compared to SNDDST TYPE(*LMSG) It supports HTML too which makes for a lot of fun.
Yes, I used SNDSMPTEMM (skipping the html for now...).
One big note, however: using this command in a CL program doesn't work when being called from SQL. I had to change it to a CLLE program.
So the final answer is as follows: a) an INSERT trigger on the table in question, which calls: b) an (external) PROCEDURE created in the database, which in turn calls: c) the compiled CLLE program object. Works like a charm.
p.s. I create the whole body of the email in the INSERT trigger, and pass it along, eventually to the CLLE program. This allows me to have just this one CLLE program to report on any INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE anywhere in the database.

What can cause an inability to set QRYTIMLMT in DB2 from .NET?

We are using IBM's data provider from C# .NET 4.5 to query an i Series DB2 database. Normally this works very well, but for some queries, DB2 reports error "SQL0666 - SQL query exceeds specified time limit or storage limit".
I have tried setting the command timeout to 0, but to no effect. I have also tried to execute, in the manner explained here, the CHGQRYA command to set the QRYTIMLMT value to *NOMAX (or some other large value), but seemingly to no effect. However, if I use the same command to set the QRYSTGLMT (storage limit), it takes effect. Thus, I know that I am using the command correctly, and that it gets interpreted and executed by the database.
So, what can cause my inability to set the QRYTIMLMT value?
Also, our "DBA" has set the limit to *NOMAX on his end, and for queries not running through the .NET provider, everything works fine.
We're using IBM's Client Tools version 6r1 with service pack SI42423.
OK, so after lots of testing, I found the problem.
We're using the DeriveParameters() method to set the parameter types correctly, and if this method is called before setting CommandTimeout, the latter has no effect(!). The solution was to reverse the ordering of these statements.

xlang/s engine event log entry: Failed while creating a X service. Object of type 'Y' cannot be converted to type 'Y'

xlang/s engine event log entry: Failed while creating a X service. Object of type 'Y' cannot be converted to type 'Y'.
This event log entry appears to be the same as what is discussed here:
Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.ServiceCreationException : Failed while creating a ABC service
I've investigated the 2 solutions offered in this post, but neither fixed my problem.
I'm running BizTalk 2010 and am seeing the issue with a uniform sequential convoy. Each instance of the orchestration is initially activated as expected. All the shapes before the second receive shape execute without issue. The problem occurs when the orchestration instance receives its second message. Execution does not proceed beyond the receive shape that corresponds to this second message.
Using the Group Hub page, I can see that the second message is associated with the correct service instance. This service instance is suspended and the error message shown above appears in the event log.
Occasionally (about 1 out of every 5 times), the problem mentioned above does NOT occur. That is, subsequent messages are process by the orchestration. I'm feeding in the same test files each time. Even more interesting...the problem NEVER occurs if I set a break point (in Orchestration Debugger) on a Listen shape just before the second receive shape.
The fact that I don't see the problem when using the debugger makes me wonder if this is a timing issue. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like I would have much control over the timing.
Does anyone have any idea about how to prevent this problem from occurring?
Is there only a single BizTalk host server involved? It wouldn't surprise me if the issue was related to difficulty loading a required assembly from the GAC. If there were multiple BizTalk servers involved, it could be that one of them is the culprit (or only one of them isn't). Of course, it may not be that easy.
An alternative is the second answer on the other question to which you linked, stating to check that a required schema is not deployed more than once. I have had this problem before, and about the only way to figure out that this is what's going on is to look in the BizTalk Admin Console under BizTalk Group > Applications > <AllArtifacts> > Schemas and sort by the Target Namespace to see if there are any two (or more) rows with the same combination of Target Namespace and Root Name.
The issue could also be caused by a schema mismatch, where perhaps an older/different version of a schema is deployed than expected, and a field that is only sometimes there (hence why it sometimes works) causes a mismatch.
These are, of course, just theories, without the ability to look into your environment and see the actual BizTalk artifacts.
I filed this issue with Microsoft. It turns out that "the behavior is actually an existing design limitation with the way the XLANG compiler relies on type wrappers." The issue resulted from an very specific scenario. We had an orchestration with a message variable directly referencing a schema and another message variable referencing a multi-part message type based on the same schema. The orchestration, schema, and multi-part message type were each defined in different projects.
Microsoft suggested that we modify one of the variables so that both referenced the schema or both referenced the MMT. Unfortunately, keeping the variables as they were was critical for us. We discovered (and Microsoft confirmed) that moving the definition of the MMT into the same project as the orchestration resolved the issue as well.