How to debug SocialEngine through an IDE - eclipse

I've downloaded SocialEngine source code, added few plugins to the website I'm testing.
Now, I'm trying to customize the plugins' and SocialEngine's code to fit my use cases.
How can I make a change to the source code of any of these plugins through Eclipse and reflect that on my website? I want to be able to debug the source code from Eclipse.
I understand that I need to create a module through SocialEngine SDK and install it via the package manager tool, but, I've already got the module source code for the plugins I mentioned above. So, speaking of a full development IDE like Eclipse, how can I tweak this code and have it deployed to my website and debug through it as well?

For customizations, you should understand, the plugins releases upgrades and bug fixes. So, you should add your work in such ways, that you merge easily with those updates regularly.
For debugging you should understand and follow zend framework application, on which socialengine is built.
Would be better, if you ask specific issues you are having in development.
Then, you would have better answers with insights.
Maybe this is helpful, for now.


How I deploy my libgdx project to HTML/JS using TeaVM

I recently created a libGDX project using vis-runtime version 0.3.4. As due to long build times and requirement for separate runtime-gwt project, GWT support was dropped in 0.3.3 version of vis-runtime.
Maybe TeaVM can be used as web backend, so I am looking for integration of TeaVM with vis-runtime library ?
Take a look of this project (integration of libgdx with teaVM) that uses Maven as build system not Gradle.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I created TeaVM backend for libGDX as a prototype. I have no time to maintain it and thought someone from libGDX community becomes interested and picks this project. No one did, so backend is not maintained anymore. You can ask question on libGDX community forums and may be you find someone who is interested in developing my prototype. From my side I can help with fixing bugs in TeaVM and telling how this or that thing works in TeaVM.
Regarding Gradle, there's no official support, but 3rd party plugin is available: You can examine source code and see that it's easy to write one. You can even write your own Gradle plugin if you are not satisfied with this one. However, I think that supporting Gradle is a little more complicated task than just wring Gradle plugin. For example, IDE integration is also needed (i.e. IDE must import and setup project from build.gradle).

Eclipse plugin does not work on some computer

I've made an eclipse plugin but for some reason it does not seem to work on some computer. By not work I mean that eclipse says that the plugin is installed but none of the menu contributions show up.
Since the computer is not mine what would be the best way to figure out why does it not work?
Is there any app that could give me a log of some kind?
Installed means the plugin has been found, but there are some dependencies unsolved that prevents it from launching. You want it to be resolved or active
Look at Dude, where's my bundle for more information on plugins and their different states. Install the Eclipse plugin development functionality to get plugin registry view, then you can diagnose your plugin. Or follow my advice here and use the osgi console to diagnose it.
The error or workspace log could also give some information regarding why the plugin wont start.

Using Eclipse with HTML5 Boilerplate

I just got my new computer and I'm going to learn an IDE fresh. Everyone suggests Eclipse; therefore, I'll go with that. I downloaded Java EE for I may use it later for java programming also. I don't mind the bloat.
What I want to achieve is that every time I create a new website project that HTML5 Boilerplate also gets created as a template to the project. Anyone know how to achieve this?
Also any additional plugins for web dev or anything to do helpful with web development ideas with eclipse would be most appreciated.
If you are using Java EE eventually, I think the best strategy would be creating a Maven archetype. This way once you have your baseline project definition, you can archetype it and create all your subsequent projects from that.
Apache - Guide to creating archetypes
If you don't have Maven yet, you can get it here.
And the Maven Eclipse plugin can be installed from the update site:
Finally, since you are new to Eclipse, you can install plugins from Help > Install New Software. Best of luck! I know that's probably a lot to take in.

ColdFusion dev in Eclipse vs Intellij

Getting thrown into ColdFusion dev at work and just starting out, I wonder if there are any advantages (or disadvantages) of using Eclipse vs Intellij. I'm used to working in Intellij on Groovy/Grails and have close to zero hands-on time with Eclipse. The shop I'm in mostly uses Eclipse (I think because it's free and not much else), some use Dreamweaver (1 person me thinks).
Thanks in advance.
I'm a CF Developer that has been playing with intelliJ of late! I must say I do love the smoothness of intelliJ. IntelliJ does has have a CF code library ( ).
I don't use Eclipse for CF Development, but do use CFBuilder, which is based on Eclipse.
I personally prefer intelliJ as an IDE, but prefer CF Builder when working with CF.
There are two options for working with Eclipse for ColdFusion Development:
cfeclipse - an open source, free plugin for Eclipse
cfBuilder - the 'official' IDE, sold and distributed by Adobe.
There is also a plugin for IntelliJ which I have no personal experience using however I note that some highly respected CF devs are using it and preferring it to the Eclipse-based options.
My team and I currently use CFBuilder 2 and find that to be good enough for our needs. The biggest criticism I see about CFBuilder/Eclipse is that it can perform poorly on older PCs and the common solution is to increase the RAM available to it.
The benefit my team finds with CFBuilder is that the full Eclipse plug-in ecosystem is available giving us bundled options for source control and other development tools. (The same may exist for IntelliJ but I have no personal experience with it.)
Dreamweaver, especially a recent version, is an option and many CF devs swear by ColdFusion Studio which is a very old program and might be hard to get your hands on. Finally, there is also a plugin for Notepad++ for the times where you need to make a quick edit to a file and don't require a full IDE.
The editor that a lot of people have been using for ColdFusion lately is SublimeText 2 ( with the official ColdFusion Package ( The link I posted below from Nettuts will help you get up and running with the PackageControl package that makes installing the ColdFusion package very easy.
Sublime is lightweight, powerful, and a pleasure to code in. It has small animations that make it feel responsive, and the birds eye map view of the code can be very useful. It even has some code insite that I find really helpful.
Heres a great post on Nettuts to get you started:

Flex development in Eclipse

I was about to start with a chat application like this one. I was wondering how to do it on Eclipse. Does Eclipse support Flex development? Is there a plugin or a tool which I need to download for Eclipse?
I installed Flash Develop on my machine, but I am getting some issue in unzipping the zip file for Flex SDK which I can't figure out why. Thus I was thinking of switching to Eclipse. It will be really great if someone can also help me fix this issue.
Another solution would be to use Maven and especially the Flexmojos Plugin to build your application and to use Maven inside Eclipse. This was the way we did it for quite a long time, because Eclipse really sucked if a Project consisted of 50+ Sub-Projects. In the meanwile we switched to IntelliJ but are still using the Maven+Flexmojos approach.
Eclipse does not support Flex development by itself. You will need to purchase Flash Builder which is based on Eclipse. It can be used is a plug-in for an existing Eclipse installation, or installed as a standalone application. There isn't a free solution for using flex inside of eclipse that I am aware of.
Flash Builder has advantages and disadvantages compared to Flash Develop. Try both and see which one meets your requirements.
If you are having trouble using the Flex SDK to with Flash Develop, please post a new question with the details.