I'm working on a magazine page. Therefor I would like the client to be able to select the design type when creating/editing a new post. So I'd like to add a custom field to the "edit news", something like a dropdown where all the news (design) types are listed.
For example: News Types:
Special Event
When the client doesn't select anything it should fallback to a default i.e "Normal" and also it would be nice that when the client selects Interview a second input field shows up where he can enter the persons profession/description.
My goal is, that in the fluid template I can add a line where the selected news type will be added as a class to the list item, something like:
<div class="news-item {newsItem.type}">
// some code
will render out as:
<div class="news-item interview">
// some code
I'm not quite sure what I have to add to my custom extension that I'm using to accomplish that.
I appreciate all the help.
you need to extend the news data with further fields. This is described in the manual and this blog(ext:news is extended, but filestructure is old) and this article(current fielstructure, but other tabel is enhanced).
For the evaluation and displaying of your fields you need to modify the templates of ext:news. copy the neccessary parts into your extension and provide the modifications to it.
Also set the typoscript to include your templates like described in the manual.
Is it possible to specify metafields in theme? I'm thinking either in a header part of the liquid template file or in the settings_data.json file or somewhere?
That would enable us to have different meta fields for different page tempaltes and to specify that information in code where it is under source control.
To be clear, I'm not asking how to access the metafield data once it's set. Thats well documented and straight forward. I'm asking how to define in the theme what metafield keys should have form fields in the corresponding edit screens in /admin.
So, if for example I have a template /page.coffee.liquid there might be a header section:
Origin: String
Strength: integer
Options: radio
<h1>Hi, checkout your coffee</h1>
<li>Origin: {{ extras.Origin }}</li>
<li>Strength: {{ extras.Strength }}</li>
<li>Milk n Sugar: {{ extras.Options }}</li>
Shpify would then now that if a product uses this template (selected in the admin interface) then these metafield options would show in the edit screen in admin.
This is an example of how it could work to enable me to do what i want, which is:
Define metafield controls displayed in the admin area per template within a config or template file.
Shopify doesn't work that way. You'd do this with an app where you would link the template and sets of metafields.
The app would use the embedded app sdk so that it can be embedded in the Shopify admin
The app would provide an admin link on the product page. Your app would check the product template and look up the metafields needed and then present those with appropriate drop-downs/validation etc.
Biggest and most incredible thing I have found to help with metafields is this Chrome Extension by FreakDesign called ShopifyFD.
It's a Chrome extension that -- once clicked and activated -- extends your Shopify admin pages to give you complete access to current metafields as well as any new ones that you want to add.
I just found it the other day and I got so giddy with the new doors that opened up.
This will allow you to control your metafields per page and then handle your logic elsewhere.
Source: https://freakdesign.com.au/pages/shopifyfd
TYPO3 7.6.16 ext:news 5.3.2
We're looking to create a json stream of news stories that have been created in the CMS so that we can consume the feed in other applications. For each element in the feed we're looking include some simple properties such as the news story name, when it was published and a link to the news story, so that we can direct someone back to the relevant page on the Website.
We've been able to return a list of news stories by querying the tx_news_domain_model_news table. From this table we've been able to query all the information that we need from the story, but we're having trouble building a link to the story.
The links that the news plugin is building for each story at the moment takes the form:
So the id field of the news story field is included as a parameter. We've tried making links by adjusting this parameter for the various Ids of different news stories, but each link allways returns the same news item. So we are assuming that the hash value for each nwes story has to be calculated for each item to find the correct story.
Our question is. Is it possible to build a unique URL for each story based on the information in the tx_news_domain_model_news table or is there a better way to create a JSON feed for each news story which includes the link to the original article.
You could define a special page rendering. either a new page or a new pagetype of an existing page.
You use a page object and instead of the usual include of a template the whole content is generated by a CONTENT object. With this you select all news records and define a renderobject where you can use FLUIDTEMPLATE or build up the rendering in typoscript.
In this way you can generate 'normal' URLs, which also might be niced by realurl.
If you want to output other formats than HTML you propably need to escape string-delimiters in your texts and strings.
Fluid templates may be a little bit complex if you have a format where whitespace is important. In typoscript whitespace can be handled with stdWrap.noTrimWrap
What's the best practice to be able to store fluid form variables as a bookmark (for simple search filter storing)?
We have a simple extbase&fluid plugin that shows searchfilters and searchresults. The filters are a collection of input and select fields, all created with . Fluid puts in a lot of extra parameters with _referred information and chash's into the request.
Now we want a visitor to be able to bookmark a search result easily. If we use a HTTP GET request, the URL sadly exceeds the URL variable limit because of all the extra parameters; and without them, the fluid plugin won't take on the arguments (unless we disable caching of the whole page?).
The best way (imo) is to generate a clean url that can be stored. In Fluid you can add a link with only the parameters you need and add an onclick event with JS to add this link as a bookmark.
<f:link.action action="yourAction" controller="yourController" arguments="{filterArguments}">Add Bookmark</f:link.action>
How to add the bookmark function with js(jQuery):
How do I add an "Add to Favorites" button or link on my website?
It is also a good practice to configure realurl to produce nice urls for your extension
My company is using marketo forms, and we are generating the page from a content management system.
We'd like to keep the contribution experience as simple as possible and prevent the user from contributing actual <script> tags.
The API documentation says they will give you a block of code that looks like this:
<script src="//app-sjqe.marketo.com/js/forms2/js/forms2.js"></script>
<form id="mktoForm_621"></form>
<script>MktoForms2.loadForm("//app-sjqe.marketo.com", "718-GIV-198", 621);</script>
My question is, what portions of this code are subject to change?
I am sure the 3 part hypen separated string and the integer being passed in can change.
What about the app-sjqe.marketo.com address?
The 3-part string is your Marketo instance ID, and shouldn't really change. The other integer is the form ID, which definitely will change depending on what form you want to embed.
The other thing that you may want to consider, is the other configurable options that you can send along with the form embed. For example, in the module that I have made for my CMS, I let the user put an optional 'thank-you' page URL, to redirect the form to after submission, and also a checkbox to optionally open the form in a lightbox on page load.
The simple module I made is for the Sitefinity CMS - happy to share code with you if that helps!
I'm trying to place a link on the submit page of my powermail setup.
You'd think this is a simple task, but bear with me.
My Powermail form has 2 hidden fields which are prefilled with a page ID and a page title.
These belong to the page I later want to return to, after having sent the mail. By putting these values in the form, I hoped to have access to them whenever I need them in the process.
I prefill these hidden fields from TypoScript like so:
plugin.tx_powermail {
settings {
setup {
prefill {
// Hidden "back to" page ID. This is the page you may want to return to after sending a mail.
backto = TEXT
backto.data = GP:backTo
backto.if.isTrue.data = GP:backTo
backtotext = TEXT
backtotext.noTrimWrap = |Back to ||
backtotext.data = GP:title
backtotext.if.isTrue.data = GP:title
backtotext.htmlSpecialChars = 1
1. Approach
Given that Powermail claims you can now use Fluid ViewHelpers in your content sections, I though, great, let's use the PageViewHelper, like so:
But where does my link text go? More inline notation to the rescue!
{backtotext -> f:link.page(pageUid:'{backto}')}
Rendered Result
Seems like the inline notation is not fully supported. I thought I was smart by simply using:
But this leaves the <a> tag open, which has very undesirable effects...
So - No link for me!
2. Approach
So I thought I would simply construct the link in TypoScript and render it on the page via
But I can't see any way to access the variables from the (sent) Powermail form in TS. So I don't have access to the page ID or title.
3. Approach
So I thought, if the default PageViewHelper only wants to render its children as its content, maybe I can roll my own ViewHelper that accepts the content as a parameter!
But how would I make that ViewHelper known to the system so that I can use it in my customized Powermail templates?
I've only used Fluid inside of my extensions before. It was obvious how Fluid would look up the correct ViewHelper by name, by what if I want to use a ViewHelper in my fileadmin folder hierarchy?
4. Approach
So, why not just use a normal link by using {backtotext} in the RTE?
TYPO3 realizes, that that is an illegal reference, and quickly turns the link into:
And the resulting output will simply not be a link.
So, that doesn't work either.
OK, so I change the target to {backtotext} (removed a slash). Now the URL is no longer recognized as internal and is marked with data-htmlarea-external="1". This causes my link to actually be fully evaluated and rendered (yay).
But it is now treated like an external link, RealURL no longer affects it and it is subject to external link _target behavior.
Why is this so difficult? What am I not understanding?
In RTE you have to use <link ###pageid###> instead of <a href="...">.
Have a look into the RTE DB field contents (or hit the no RTE checkbox) on how to use the link elements.
As it turned out, none of the previously attempted solution actually worked.
To get things over with, I just replaced the web section in the PowermailAll template, like so:
Section for Web view
<f:section name="web">
And then I used the following in my Submit Page content:
Problem solved. I guess...