Where can I find the code that converts PR descriptions into HTML - azure-devops

Pull requests' (PRs) descriptions use Markdown that's documented here, and when the PR is viewed in a browser, that Markdown content is converted into HTML and looks "pretty".
Where can I find the code that converts it from Markdown to HTML, so I can leverage the same algorithms in my (internal-only) code?

Unfortunately we can not see the source code. It should be something like the Markdown editor/viewer.
So if you mean you want to render the Markdown with the "pretty" formatting offline, then you can use the existing Markdown editor/Tools such as markdown-it or showdown or any others.
Showdown is a JavaScript Markdown to HTML converter, based on the
original works by John Gruber. Showdown can be used client side (in
the browser) or server side (with Node.js).
If you are interested in the codes, then you can reference the open source code of markdown-it or showdown on GitHub.
Other related questions:
How to render Markdown Text from database in a Razor view?


Embed readme file snippet into another one [duplicate]

If I have an html file somewhere in the same folder as a markdown document, is there any way to embed the entire file inside a markdown document, so that the html will be rendered correctly (not just the code displayed)?
Markdown doesn't support includes out-of-the-box. You need to use one of the existing flavors or static site generators that support markdown or/and HTML inclusions. For example, DocFX
You can't include other Markdown files in Readme (Readme is usually Markdown file). You can use the "Quote" (See example below)
This is Quote
> This is Quote
You can see my Markdown guide here

Show contents of a md file in another in GitHub [duplicate]

If I have an html file somewhere in the same folder as a markdown document, is there any way to embed the entire file inside a markdown document, so that the html will be rendered correctly (not just the code displayed)?
Markdown doesn't support includes out-of-the-box. You need to use one of the existing flavors or static site generators that support markdown or/and HTML inclusions. For example, DocFX
You can't include other Markdown files in Readme (Readme is usually Markdown file). You can use the "Quote" (See example below)
This is Quote
> This is Quote
You can see my Markdown guide here

Images not showing on Github in Readme.md file

Every time I drag and drop images into the Issue page of the project on Github and then copy the link to the Readme.md file. This usually works but if I have some more complex tags then images won't display, instead the link will be displayed.
This is how it looks like in the Markdown Editor:
And this is how it looks like on Github(live):
Note that the MarkDown editor displays the images as expected:
You're trying to nest Markdown inside block-level HTML (specifically <details>¹). In the original implementation, this doesn't work by design:
Note that Markdown formatting syntax is not processed within block-level HTML tags. E.g., you can’t use Markdown-style *emphasis* inside an HTML block.
If you are using an implementation that respects this decision, you should be able to use HTML syntax:
<summary>Some summary</summary>
<img alt="Description" src="https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/foo/bar/baz.png">
However, newer specs (most notably GitHub Flavored Markdown and CommonMark) do allow Markdown in block-level elements as long as they are separated by whitespace.
If you are using a modern implementation, try this:
<summary>Some summary</summary>
¹Note that
"block-level" is not technically defined for elements that are new in HTML5

How does GitHub's Gist embed work?

Let's suppose that I have a file named my_python_code.py, and I upload it to GitHub's gist. Now I embed that gist into my blog, using the code provided by GitHub on the corresponding page.
When I browse my blog and I check the source code for the page, I discover that:
the embed code calls a js file which performs some DocumentWrite commands, inserting the appropriate html tags (with css styles) on my page, and
the associated css file is linked to my page. This file contains css declarations for 'gist' class as well as other classes.
This is all very nice. But I wonder: starting from the same my_python_code.py file, what would I have to do to end up with the same final html code?
I've tried using pygments and rouge (via pygmentize and rougify commands) with reasonable options but none of them highlights the original code using 'gist' tags (among others) as is done when performing the GitHub embed.

How do I view the source of Markdown files on Github?

Github helpfully renders Markdown (.md) files to HTML when viewing on github.com (for example, this README.md).
When viewing any other source file, it is shown as unrendered source code (for example, this .gitignore). A handy feature this gives is linking directly to a line in the source by clicking the line number (for example, like this).
How can I view the unrendered source of Markdown files on Github (so I can link to a particular line in the source)?
note: I know of the "Raw" button, however it does not provide any of the nice UI Github has.
If you don't want to use the "raw" button, you can (since June 2021) add ?plain=1 to your GitHub markdown file URL:
Appending ?plain=1 to the url for any Markdown file will now display the file without rendering.
As with other code files, it will also show line numbers, and can be used to link other users to a specific line or lines.
For example, appending ?plain=1#L52 will highlight line 52 of a plain text Markdown file.
Since Sept. 2021, there is a button which adds the ?plain=1 for you:
Use the "Raw" button. For instance, if you were looking at README.md there is a Raw button in the Navigation. This can be simple URL change (from blob to raw), but in this case becomes a separate link.
Edit: There is no "pretty" view for the Markdown source. There's the converted HTML view, the Raw view without the UI, and the Blame view. Only the Blame view provides you with the ability to link to a specific line within the source.
Edit 2: The other option is to use Anchors within the README.md. If you take the Installation title for example, you can directly link within the content of the Markdown file. Assuming you don't have anything hidden within the Markdown itself, this is closer still to solving your original question.
Using the "Blame" button, you are able to see the source of the Markdown (for example, like this).
Unfortunately, "Blame" comes with extra UI elements which make the source more cluttered.
Refined Github provides an additional "Raw" button to view the raw source and link to a specific line:
I ran into this issue, as a complete surprise to me, on a file with a .wiki extension. It appears that files with .wiki, .mediawiki, and .wikitext extensions are recognized and rendered as HTML, with a table of contents even. I guess it makes sense, what with GitHub projects having wikis and all.
That's nifty, but this one particular case, I really wanted the raw wikitext to be visible and copy-pasteable, not some rendered representation of it.
The only half-way solution I found was to use a bogus file extension that isn't one of the ones recognized by GitHub, and then a .gitattributes to tell GitHub how to syntax highlight it, e.g.:
*.wiki_ linguist-language=mediawiki
I'm not thrilled about this, but all the good extensions were already "taken" according to the languages.yml linked above.