RubyMine shortcut to select an entire block of code - rubymine

I'm switching editors to RubyMine and I wanted to know what the easiest way to select a block of code is. I'm surprised the default shortcuts are kind of spare. Say I have this code:
require 'spec_helper'
describe Promotions::DarkChocolatePromotion do
let(:multiplier) { 2 }
it "extends Chocolate Promotion" do
expect(described_class.singleton_class.included_modules).to include(Promotions::ChocolatePromotion)
describe ".bonuses" do
subject { described_class.bonuses(multiplier) }
let(:expected_bonus) { { "dark" => 2 } }
it { eq(expected_bonus) }
What's the easiest way to select the code from describe ".bonueses"... all the way down to the completing end?

Best way is to use the shortcut for the Extend/Shrink Selection action which is Alt+Up Arrow / Alt+Down Arrow on Mac and Ctrl+W / Shift+Ctrl+W on Windows and Linux. Here's what it looks like.

In a Mac its its option + Up/Down arrow


TinyMCE Shortcuts - Custom shortcuts appear to be overwriting each other

I've seen a ton of questions about TinyMCE shortcuts, but nothing quite like this.
I have a situation in which I am iterating over an object of shortcuts I want to add to TinyMCE.
The shortcuts add functionality for the greater app around the editor.
For the most part, it works fine.
However, it appears that I cannot add certain combinations. For example, alt+l and alt+left.
Take this code:
_.each(oHotKeyCollection, function (oHotKey, sHotKey) {
this.editor.addShortcut(sHotKey, oHotKey.note, function (e) {
if (!e) {
e = event;
// sHotKey is the pattern (ie. alt+l)
When alt+l is added, and then alt+left is added, hitting alt+l on the keyboard will bring up an alert with alt+left.
Removing the alt+left shortcut allows alt+l to function as expected.
The same behaviour seems to be true of alt+r and alt+right as well as alt+u and alt+up.
How I can get both shortcuts working?
The problem is that only certain keywords can be used in a shortcut, such as the modifier names (ctrl, alt, etc...). Anything else is treated as a single key so left in this case isn't valid and is treated as just being l (see Shortcuts.ts). That's why alt+l is being overridden with your alt+left behavior.
So to fix that, you'll need to use the keycode for left instead of a keyword. In this case that would be alt+37. Here's a fiddle showing that working by printing to the console:
Since you also mentioned you're trying to register other arrow keys, here's the key combinations you'd need to use:
Left: alt+37
Right: alt+39
Up: alt+38
Down: alt+40

Shortcut key to jump to start of entire string in VSCode

What keyboard shortcut lets you go to the start of a string? I need this for emails. When i use CTRL + back arrow it jumps to the dot and # sign, i have a block of strings with emails at the end, i want to select only the email by going to the end of the string but as some people have and the cursors dont line up when i use CTRL + back arrow.
I cant find any specific shortcuts which would help in this situation.
You can use the extension Select By
You can use the:
forward - backward
Add this to your settings:
"selectby.regexes": {
"email": {
"surround": "[-.a-zA-Z0-9]+#[-.a-zA-Z0-9]+"
You can call the select with a command or define a keybinding, see the doc page
There are no built-in commands that will do what you want. You will need an extension. I wrote such an extension: Jump and select.
With this setting (in your settings.json):
"jump-and-select.putCursorBackward": "afterCharacter" // default is beforeCharacter
and the default keybinding for jumping backward and selecting Shift+Alt+B it is easy to select everything from your cursor to some preceding character. Just trigger that keybinding and type the character to select backward to, in your case a Space. As you can see in the demo, it works with multiple or single cursors.

Jump to Closing tag in VS Code?

I can't seem to find a way to select the beginning of a bracket and jump to the end of it through some key combination or something in VS Code. For example, in atom, this is done with Ctrl + m.
I know there is a way to jump to the beginning and end of a bracket or curlybraces with Cmd + Shift + \ but that does not work for tags. Any ideas?
It is possible to do, but either using Ctrl + Shift + P -> "Emmet: Go to Matching Pair" or by manually setting a shortcut for it (Ctrl + K Ctrl + S).
Unfortunately there is currently no support for it out of the box.
You can use Cmd + % to jump tags in VSCode if you add the following to your keybindings.json.
"command": "editor.emmet.action.matchTag"
Go to: File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and click the underlined link to edit keybindings.json.
For those using VIM keys: you are already used to pressing % to jump to matching parens and tags. So, hopefully, Cmd + % will be close enough to your existing muscle memory to make this transition painless.
For those who are using Vim plugin and Mac, Leader+% is working well for me.
You can setup in your Vim json file setting.json by adding:
"vim.normalModeKeyBindingsNonRecursive": [
"before": ["<leader>", "%"],
"commands": [
"command": "editor.emmet.action.matchTag"
PS. I mentioned Mac user because cmd+shift+5 is for capturing the screen in Mac.
You can jump to the matching bracket with Ctrl+Shift+\
For more reference, you can refer: Visual Studio Code Navigation
I think you are asking about Breadcrumb Keyboard Navigation
In this case you can simply press Ctrl+Shift+. to go to elements before or after the current element.
There is no support for this out of the box. Though if you are willing to use extensions, there is: which among other things, gives you ability to use command: Jump to matching tag which you can bind to a key.

advance hotstrings in autohotkey

I found this working autohotkey (ahk) code from the website .
TextMenu("again,a gin,aging")
TextMenu("what,huh,you're joking")
StringSplit, MenuItems, TextOptions , `,
Loop %MenuItems0%
Item := MenuItems%A_Index%
Menu, MyMenu, add, %Item%, MenuAction
Menu, MyMenu, Show
Menu, MyMenu, DeleteAll ;Moved from MenuAction:
SendInput %A_ThisMenuItem%{Raw}%A_EndChar%
This is a hotstring script with menu. For example when I type agin I get a many with three options (again,a gin,aging) to choose. Now I want to write it something like this:
agin=again,a gin,aging
duh=what,huh,you're joking
Because I have a lot of hotstrings.
As time has passed, in the most recent version of AHK it became possible to do!
Use option x to allow expressions in the oneliner.
Either as :x:...:: OR as a group option above all lines: #Hotstring x
:x:agin::TextMenu("again,a gin,aging")
As nice as it would be, unlike AutoHotkey Hotkeys, I don't believe you can put anything other than replacement text on the same line of an AutoHotkey Hotstring. In other words,
::agin::TextMenu("again,a gin,aging")
would not work while,
TextMenu("again,a gin,aging")
does. It is a few more characters long, but not overwhelming.

How to send { character with AutoHotkey

I am trying to send { character with AutoHotkey but following script is not working.
The { char has special meaning so it needs to be escaped. Your code would need to look like
see explanation here
While #garyh provided correct answer to the question asked, it didn't actually solve the problem that made me use AutoHotkey in the first place.
In my case that was fixing Delphi 7 and RAD PHP XE2 on Windows 8.1 where using Alt Gr + B in editor would execute "Show breakpoints window" shortcut (defined as Ctrl + Alt + B) instead of writing { character.
Another way of emitting { character that does work even in above case is
<^>!b::Send,{Asc 0123}
You can also send the { and other special meaning keys by using the raw option
<^>!b::Sendraw, {
<^>!b::Sendinput, {raw}{
Hope it helps