how to remove table border line in dita? - dita

I got a question related to dita.
It's a sample for dita below that i searched on web.
<table frame="topbot">
<tgroup cols="2">
<colspec colname="COLSPEC0" colwidth="121*" />
<colspec colname="COLSPEC1" colwidth="76*" />
<entry colname="COLSPEC0" valign="top">Animal</entry>
<entry colname="COLSPEC1" valign="top">Gestation</entry>
<entry>Elephant (African and Asian)</entry>
<entry>19-22 months</entry>
<entry>15 months</entry>
<entry>14-16 months</entry>
<entry>7 1/2 months</entry>
I looked forward to see table that has no border line since there was attribute frame="topbot". as far as i know, the attribute removes all border line on table except only top and bottom line. but result has all border lines.
So, which part is wrong ? why does frame="topbot" attribute not work ?

I resolved this problem.
It needs colsep="0" rowsep="0" attribute as below.
<table frame="topbot">
<tgroup cols="2" colsep="0" rowsep="0">
<colspec colnum="1" colname="1" colwidth="61*"/>
<colspec colnum="2" colname="2" colwidth="39*"/>
<row rowsep="0">
<entry colname="1">Animal</entry>
<entry colname="2">Gestation</entry>
<row rowsep="0">
<entry colname="1">Elephant (African and Asian)</entry>
<entry colname="2">19-22 months</entry>
<row rowsep="0">
<entry colname="1">Giraffe</entry>
<entry colname="2">15 months</entry>
<row rowsep="0">
<entry colname="1">Rhinoceros</entry>
<entry colname="2">14-16 months</entry>
<row rowsep="0">
<entry colname="1">Hippopotamus</entry>
<entry colname="2">7 1/2 months</entry>


How to handle selectedItem on hirarchy grid ZK

I got a problem with hirarchy grid, i am following this zk live demo,so i am using grid for header data and listbox for detail data, but when i am using the selectedItem property in listbox detail the second row detail become selected too,Here is my UI design
This is my code i am using mvvm
<grid model="#load(vm.headers )">
<column width="40px" />
<column label="Nomor Part" sort="auto(name)" style="color:black"/>
<column label="Description" sort="auto(averageHigh)" align="center" style="color:black"/>
<column label="Hotline" sort="auto(averageVolume)" align="center" style="color:black"/>
<template name="model" var="item" >
<custom-attributes details="${item.details}" hotline="${item.hotline}" partNumber="${item.partNumber}"/>
<detail open="false" fulfill="onOpen">
<!--<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul" details="${details}" hotline="${item.hotline}"/>-->
<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul" details="#bind(item.details)" hotline="#bind(item.hotline)" partNumber="#bind(item.partNumber)"/>
<label value="${item.partNumber}" />
<label value="${item.partDescription}"/>
<checkbox checked="#bind(item.hotline)" onCheck="#command('checkHotline',hotline=item.hotline)"></checkbox>
And here is my list detail code :
<listbox width="100%" height="300px" model="#load(details)" mold="paging" pageSize="5"
emptyMessage="no data found" >
<listhead style = "text-align: center">
<listheader label="Kode Dealer"/>
<listheader label="Nama Dealer"/>
<listheader label="Alamat"/>
<listheader label="Jarak"/>
<listheader label="Aksi"/>
<template name="model" var="dtl">
<listitem style = "text-align: center" >
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.dealerCode)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.dealerName)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.address)"/>
<listcell label="#bind(dtl.distance)"/>
<checkbox checked="#bind(dtl.selectedDealer)" oncheck="#command('onSelectDealer',partNumber)" visible="#load(not hotline)"/>
<div align="right">
<button label="Cancel" onClick="#command('onSelectDealer',partNumber=partNumber)"/>
It's hard to provide advice without seeing your code. I would pay careful attention to the row expander code (from the demo)
<!-- use custom-attributes to store quarters and stock in row,
so it can be accessed later when detail onOpen -->
<custom-attributes quarters="${each.quarters}" stock="${each}" />
<detail open="false" fulfill="onOpen">
<include src="/widgets/grid/hierarchy/season.zul"
stock="${stock}" quarters="${quarters}" />

not able get the rows in the grid zk java

I have following code where I am adding the row to the group.
When I trying to fetch the rows by using grid.getRows.getChildren() is giving me the empty rows.
<template name="model">
<zk if="${forEachStatus.index == 0}">
<group label="refund" />
<row if ="${forEachStatus.index != 0}">
<inbox value="${forEachStatus.index}" />
<input value="${each}" />
How we retrieve from the template.

Why Does Object Page Section Title Come in Capital Letters and How to Disable It

When I try to add ObjectPageSection inside <sections> of an ObjectPageLayout, I see the title coming in capital letters.
Could anyone explain why? I would like to show it as title-cased.
Here is the snippet of the code:
<ObjectPageLayout id="ObjectPageLayout"
<ObjectPageHeader objectTitle="{DataAgingGroupName}"/>
<ObjectPageSection title="Section 2">
<ObjectPageSubSection title="Deletable Data Subjects">
<Table xmlns="sap.m" id="table"
<Column id="nameColumn1">
<Text text="Data Subject"/>
<Text id="__picker0"
<ObjectPageSection title="Section 1">
<ObjectPageSubSection title="General Information"/>
You can, and you should if you're following the Fiori Guidelines, disable the uppercase via upperCaseAnchorBar since the default value is true there. The same goes for the <ObjectPageSection> which has the property titleUppercase enabled by default. So, disable them explicitly:
<ObjectPageLayout upperCaseAnchorBar="false" ...>
<ObjectPageSection titleUppercase="false" ...>
The <ObjectPageSubSection>, on the other hand, provides the property titleUppercase too, but its default value is already false there.
It comes from the css
.sapUxAPObjectPageSectionTitleUppercase {
text-transform: uppercase;

how to set categorical outputfield in pmml

I can set a derivedField like that
<DerivedField name="grouped_pressurex" dataType="string" optype="categorical">
<MapValues outputColumn="group">
<FieldColumnPair column="C1" field="TD_SALE_FLG_00M_5" />
But actually I need that show this field as an output. So I added that code (which in mapvalues tag) in outputField. But it didnt work. How can I do that?
<OutputField name="QQQ" optype="categorical" dataType="string" feature="transformedValue">
<MapValues outputColumn="group">
<FieldColumnPair column="C1" field="TD_SALE_FLG_00M_5" />
How can I create categorical output field from a data (example TD_SALE_FLG_00M_5) from data dictionary ?

Intuit QBO Reports API -- What's the full qzurl URL?

The documentation for the Intuit Partner Platform (IPP) QBO v3 API for reports (such as this one for a Balance Sheet) refers to very promising-looking elements called Quick-Zoom URLs (discussed near the bottom of the doc page I linked to).
When you run the report, you get an href element like this (redacted) one:
{u'href': u'ProfitAndLossDetail?token=PANDL_DET&parenttoken=PANDL&crit=accounttype%3D10..14%3Bhigh_date%3D03%2F31%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3Dmx%2C3%2C8%2C20%2C19%2C10%2C36%2C24%2C6%2C21%2C34%2C15%2C193%2C51%2C32%2C26%2C33163%2C77%2C62%2%2C86%2C107%2C60%2C79%2C166%%2C82%2C186%2C108%2C54%2C190%2C101%2C95%2C136%2C71%2C64%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015%000740743&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName%2CKlass%2FOrderName', u'value': u'53.90'}
What's the full URL I'd construct to actually follow the link?
EDIT: To clarify, I am already able to run the balance sheet report with the qzurl links. What I need help with is building and following the Quick Zoom URLs themselves; the things in the response that are the do I follow those?
You can try all QBO V3 Reports using ApiExplorer.
If call these APIs programmatically please feel free to use IDG provided java/C#/php SDKs.
According docs,
Sandbox Base URL to use with development keys:
Production Base URL to use with production keys:​
Operation: GET /company/companyId/reports/BalanceSheet?name=value[&...]
Edit Adding Request URL and response [ condition : qzurl=true ]
Request URI :
Response -
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Report xmlns="">
<ColTitle />
<Row type="Section" group="TotalAssets">
<ColData value="Assets" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Section" group="OtherCurrentAssets">
<ColData value="Current Assets" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Data">
<ColData value="Inventory Asset" id="83" />
<ColData value="0.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3Dmx%2C83%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<Row type="Section" group="AR">
<ColData value="Accounts receivable (Debtors)" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Data">
<ColData value="Accounts Receivable (Debtors)" id="86" />
<ColData value="4299.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3Dmx%2C86%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<ColData value="Total Accounts receivable (Debtors)" />
<ColData value="4299.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3D86%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<ColData value="Total Current Assets" />
<ColData value="4299.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3D78%2C66%2C83%2C12%2C79%2C4%2C59%2C85%2C7%2C86%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<ColData value="Total Assets" />
<ColData value="4299.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3D78%2C66%2C83%2C12%2C79%2C4%2C59%2C85%2C7%2C86%2C5%2C6%2C8%2C10%2C11%2C13%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<Row type="Section" group="TotalLiabilitiesAndEquity">
<ColData value="Liabilities and Equity" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Section" group="Equity">
<ColData value="Equity" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Data">
<ColData value="Opening Balance Equity" id="84" />
<ColData value="0.00" href="QZReport?token=GENERIC_QZREPORT&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3Dmx%2C84%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<Row type="Data">
<ColData value="Retained Earnings" id="2" />
<ColData value="" />
<Row type="Data" group="NetIncome">
<ColData value="Profit for the year" />
<ColData value="4299.00" href="ProfitAndLoss?token=PANDL&parenttoken=BAL_SHEET&crit=high_date%3D05%2F05%2F2015%3Bnopost%3Dfalse%3Baccount%3D*%3Blow_date%3D01%2F01%2F2015&cumulative=yes&groupby=%28Account%2FAccountTypeID%2CAccount%2FOrderName" />
<ColData value="Total Equity" />
<ColData value="4299.00" />
<ColData value="Total Liabilities and Equity" />
<ColData value="4299.00" />
Edit -
Add the qzURL at then end of the following BASE URL and use OAuth tokens to call this endpoint.
For ex -
Assume the quickzoom url will be as follows-
1.Client will first send a request to know all the customization attributes supported for a QZReport .Request will also contain all the filtering criteria or attrobutes set.From above url the request will look like this.
Response of this request will be all customization attributes available for the QZReport or transaction report .
reportName : "TranscationList"
.... }