I need to collect a coverage only when one of the items has a specific value (only when size == BYTE). The code I wrote:
item size : size_t = trans.size using no_collect;
item byte_alignment : uint(bits:2) = trans.addr using no_collect;
cross size, byte_alignment using ignore = (size != BYTE);
In the test I run, size != BYTE, but I still have the cross_size__byte_alignment item in the coverage statistics with zero Overall Average Grade.. Why?
How to prevent collecting coverage for size != BYTE?
Thank you for your help
use the "when" option on the item/cross to say when you want to collect coverage.
use the "ignore" option to remove buckets from the item/cross.
if you want to collect only when size equals BYTE and you do not want to see the buckets where size is not BYTE, combine both options:
cross size, byte_alignment using ignore = (size != BYTE), when = (size == BYTE);
What is the semantic difference between size and sizeIs? For example,
List(1,2,3).sizeIs > 1 // true
List(1,2,3).size > 1 // true
Luis mentions in a comment that
...on 2.13+ one can use sizeIs > 1 which will be more efficient than
size > 1 as the first one does not compute all the size before
Add size comparison methods to IterableOps #6950 seems to be the pull request that introduced it.
Reading the scaladoc
Returns a value class containing operations for comparing the size of
this $coll to a test value. These operations are implemented in terms
of sizeCompare(Int)
it is not clear to me why is sizeIs more efficient than regular size?
As far as I understand the changes.
The idea is that for collections that do not have a O(1) (constant) size. Then, sizeIs can be more efficient, specially for comparisons with small values (like 1 in the comment).
But why?
Simple, because instead of computing all the size and then doing the comparison, sizeIs returns an object which when computing the comparison, can return early.
For example, lets check the code
def sizeCompare(otherSize: Int): Int = {
if (otherSize < 0) 1
else {
val known = knownSize
if (known >= 0) Integer.compare(known, otherSize)
else {
var i = 0
val it = iterator
while (it.hasNext) {
if (i == otherSize) return if (it.hasNext) 1 else 0 // HERE!!! - return as fast as possible.
i += 1
i - otherSize
Thus, in the example of the comment, suppose a very very very long List of three elements. sizeIs > 1 will return as soon as it knows that the List has at least one element and hasMore. Thus, saving the cost of traversing the other two elements to compute a size of 3 and then doing the comparison.
Note that: If the size of the collection is greater than the comparing value, then the performance would be roughly the same (maybe slower than just size due the extra comparisons on each cycle). Thus, I would only recommend this for comparisons with small values, or when you believe the values will be smaller than the collection.
I have a sorted dataset, which is updated (filtered) inside a cycle according on the value of the head of the dataset.
If I cache the dataset every n (e.g., 50) cycles, I have good performance.
However, after a certain amount of cycles, the cache it seems to not work, since the program slows down (I guess it is because the memory assigned to the caching is filled).
I was asking if and how is it possible to maintain only the updated dataset in cache, in order to not fill the memory and still have good performance.
Please find below an example of my code:
dataset = dataset.sort(/* sort condition */)
var head = dataset.head(1)
var count = 0
while (head.nonEmpty) {
count +=1
/* custom operation with the head */
dataset = dataset.filter(/* filter condition based on the head of the dataset */
if (count % 50 == 0) {
head = dataset.head(1)
cache alone won't help you here. With each iteration lineage and execution plan grow, and it is not something that can be addressed by caching alone.
You should at least break the lineage:
if (count % 50 == 0) {
although personally I would also write data to a distributed storage and read it back:
if (count % 50 == 0) {
dataset = spark.read.parquet(s"/some/path/$count")
it might not be acceptable depending on your deployment, but in many cases behaves more predictably than caching and checkpointing
Try uncaching dataset before caching this way you will remove old copy of dataset from memory and keep only the latest, avoiding multiple copies in memory. Below is sample but you have keep dataset.unpersist() in correct location based on you code logic
if (count % 50 == 0) {
dataset = dataset.filter(/* filter condition based on the head of the dataset */
if (count % 50 == 0) {
I've created a neural network in tensorflow. This network is multilabel. Ergo: it tries to predict multiple output labels for one input set, in this case three. Currently I use this code to test how accurate my network is at predicting the three labels:
_, indices_1 = tf.nn.top_k(prediction, 3)
_, indices_2 = tf.nn.top_k(item_data, 3)
correct = tf.equal(indices_1, indices_2)
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
percentage = accuracy.eval({champion_data:input_data, item_data:output_data})
That code works fine. The problem is now that I'm trying to create code that tests if the top 3 items it finds in indices_1 are amongst the top 5 images in indices_2. I know tensorflow has an in_top_k() method, but as far as I know that doesn't accept multilabel. Currently I've been trying to compare them using a for loop:
_, indices_1 = tf.nn.top_k(prediction, 5)
_, indices_2 = tf.nn.top_k(item_data, 3)
indices_1 = tf.unpack(tf.transpose(indices_1, (1, 0)))
indices_2 = tf.unpack(tf.transpose(indices_2, (1, 0)))
correct = []
for element in indices_1:
for element_2 in indices_2:
if element == element_2:
accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct, 'float'))
percentage = accuracy.eval({champion_data:input_data, item_data:output_data})
However, that doesn't work. The code runs but my accuracy is always 0.0.
So I have one of two questions:
1) Is there an easy replacement for in_top_k() that accepts multilabel classification that I can use instead of custom writing code?
2) If not 1: what am I doing wrong that results in me getting an accuracy of 0.0?
When you do
correct = tf.equal(indices_1, indices_2)
you are checking not just whether those two indices contain the same elements but whether they contain the same elements in the same positions. This doesn't sound like what you want.
The setdiff1d op will tell you which indices are in indices_1 but not in indices_2, which you can then use to count errors.
I think being too strict with the correctness check might be what is causing you to get a wrong result.
I have a csv file where amount and quantity fields are present in each detail record except header and trailer record. Trailer record has a total charge values which is the total sum of quantity multiplied by amount field in detail records . I need to check whether the trailer total charge value is equal to my calculated value of amount and quantity fields. I am using the double data type for all these calculations. When i browsed i am able to understand from the below web link that it might create an issue using double datatype while comparison with decimal points. It's suggesting to using BigDecimal
Will i get issues if i use double data type. How can i do the calculations using BigDecimal. Also i am not sure how many digits i will get after decimal points in csv file. Also amount can have a positive or negative value.
In csv file
------------------------------ While Validation i am having the below code --------------------
double detChargeCount =0;
//From csv file i am reading trailer records charge value
String totChargeValue = items[3].replaceAll("\"","").trim();
if (null != totChargeValue && !totChargeValue.equals("")) {
detChargeCount = new Double(totChargeValue).doubleValue();
-----------------------While reading CSV File i am having the below code
if (null != chargeQuan && !chargeQuan.equals("")) {
if (null != chargeAmount && !chargeAmount.equals("")) {
tmpChargeAmt=new Double(chargeAmount).doubleValue();
I had declared the variables tmpChargeQuan, tmpChargeAmt, calChargeCount as double
Especially for anything with financial data, but in general for everything dealing with human readable numbers, BigDecimal is what you want to use instead of double, just as that source says.
The documentation on BigDecimal is pretty straight-forward, and should provide everything you need.
It has a int, double, and string constructors, so you can simply have:
BigDecimal detChargeCount = new BigDecimal(0);
detChargeCount = new BigDecimal(totChargeValue);
The operators are implemented as functions, so you'd have to do things like
instead of simply tmpChargeQun * tmpChargeAmt, but that shouldn't be a big deal.
but they're all defined with all the overloads you could need as well.
It is very possible that you will have issues with doubles, by which I mean the precomputed value and the newly computed value may differ by .000001 or less.
If you don't know how the value you are comparing to was computed, I think the best solution is to define "equal" as having a difference of less than epsilon, where epsilon is a very small number such as .0001.
I.e. rather than using the test A == B, use abs(A - B) < .0001.
I am facing the problem of having several integers, and I have to generate one using them. For example.
Int 1: 14
Int 2: 4
Int 3: 8
Int 4: 4
Hash Sum: 43
I have some restriction in the values, the maximum value that and attribute can have is 30, the addition of all of them is always 30. And the attributes are always positive.
The key is that I want to generate the same hash sum for similar integers, for example if I have the integers, 14, 4, 10, 2 then I want to generate the same hash sum, in the case above 43. But of course if the integers are very different (4, 4, 2, 20) then I should have a different hash sum. Also it needs to be fast.
Ideally I would like that the output of the hash sum is between 0 and 512, and it should evenly distributed. With my restrictions I can have around 5K different possibilities, so what I would like to have is around 10 per bucket.
I am sure there are many algorithms that do this, but I could not find a way of googling this thing. Can anyone please post an algorithm to do this?.
Some more information
The whole thing with this is that those integers are attributes for a function. I want to store the values of the function in a table, but I do not have enough memory to store all the different options. That is why I want to generalize between similar attributes.
The reason why 10, 5, 15 are totally different from 5, 10, 15, it is because if you imagine this in 3d then both points are a totally different point
Some more information 2
Some answers try to solve the problem using hashing. But I do not think this is so complex. Thanks to one of the comments I have realized that this is a clustering algorithm problem. If we have only 3 attributes and we imagine the problem in 3d, what I just need is divide the space in blocks.
In fact this can be solved with rules of this type
if (att[0] < 5 && att[1] < 5 && att[2] < 5 && att[3] < 5)
Block = 21
if ( (5 < att[0] < 10) && (5 < att[1] < 10) && (5 < att[2] < 10) && (5 < att[3] < 10))
Block = 45
The problem is that I need a fast and a general way to generate those ifs I cannot write all the possibilities.
The simple solution:
Convert the integers to strings separated by commas, and hash the resulting string using a common hashing algorithm (md5, sha, etc).
If you really want to roll-your-own, I would do something like:
Generate large prime P
Generate random numbers 0 < a[i] < P (for each dimension you have)
To generate hash, calculate: sum(a[i] * x[i]) mod P
Given the inputs a, b, c, and d, each ranging in value from 0 to 30 (5 bits), the following will produce an number in the range of 0 to 255 (8 bits).
bucket = ((a & 0x18) << 3) | ((b & 0x18) << 1) | ((c & 0x18) >> 1) | ((d & 0x18) >> 3)
Whether the general approach is appropriate depends on how the question is interpreted. The 3 least significant bits are dropped, grouping 0-7 in the same set, 8-15 in the next, and so forth.
0-7,0-7,0-7,0-7 -> bucket 0
0-7,0-7,0-7,8-15 -> bucket 1
0-7,0-7,0-7,16-23 -> bucket 2
24-30,24-30,24-30,24-30 -> bucket 255
Trivially tested with:
for (int a = 0; a <= 30; a++)
for (int b = 0; b <= 30; b++)
for (int c = 0; c <= 30; c++)
for (int d = 0; d <= 30; d++) {
int bucket = ((a & 0x18) << 3) |
((b & 0x18) << 1) |
((c & 0x18) >> 1) |
((d & 0x18) >> 3);
printf("%d, %d, %d, %d -> %d\n",
a, b, c, d, bucket);
You want a hash function that depends on the order of inputs and where similar sets of numbers will generate the same hash? That is, you want 50 5 5 10 and 5 5 10 50 to generate different values, but you want 52 7 4 12 to generate the same hash as 50 5 5 10? A simple way to do something like this is:
long hash = 13;
for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
hash = hash * 37 + array[i] / 5;
This is imperfect, but should give you an idea of one way to implement what you want. It will treat the values 50 - 54 as the same value, but it will treat 49 and 50 as different values.
If you want the hash to be independent of the order of the inputs (so the hash of 5 10 20 and 20 10 5 are the same) then one way to do this is to sort the array of integers into ascending order before applying the hash. Another way would be to replace
hash = hash * 37 + array[i] / 5;
hash += array[i] / 5;
EDIT: Taking into account your comments in response to this answer, it sounds like my attempt above may serve your needs well enough. It won't be ideal, nor perfect. If you need high performance you have some research and experimentation to do.
To summarize, order is important, so 5 10 20 differs from 20 10 5. Also, you would ideally store each "vector" separately in your hash table, but to handle space limitations you want to store some groups of values in one table entry.
An ideal hash function would return a number evenly spread across the possible values based on your table size. Doing this right depends on the expected size of your table and on the number of and expected maximum value of the input vector values. If you can have negative values as "coordinate" values then this may affect how you compute your hash. If, given your range of input values and the hash function chosen, your maximum hash value is less than your hash table size, then you need to change the hash function to generate a larger hash value.
You might want to try using vectors to describe each number set as the hash value.
Since you're not describing why you want to not run the function itself, I'm guessing it's long running. Since you haven't described the breadth of the argument set.
If every value is expected then a full lookup table in a database might be faster.
If you're expecting repeated calls with the same arguments and little overall variation, then you could look at memoizing so only the first run for a argument set is expensive, and each additional request is fast, with less memory usage.
You would need to define what you mean by "similar". Hashes are generally designed to create unique results from unique input.
One approach would be to normalize your input and then generate a hash from the results.
Generating the same hash sum is called a collision, and is a bad thing for a hash to have. It makes it less useful.
If you want similar values to give the same output, you can divide the input by however close you want them to count. If the order makes a difference, use a different divisor for each number. The following function does what you describe:
int SqueezedSum( int a, int b, int c, int d )
return (a/11) + (b/7) + (c/5) + (d/3);
This is not a hash, but does what you describe.
You want to look into geometric hashing. In "standard" hashing you want
a short key
inverse resistance
collision resistance
With geometric hashing you susbtitute number 3 with something whihch is almost opposite; namely close initial values give close hash values.
Another way to view my problem is using the multidimesional scaling (MS). In MS we start with a matrix of items and what we want is assign a location of each item to an N dimensional space. Reducing in this way the number of dimensions.