How can I concatenate csv colums and rename their header with Powershell? - powershell

I am attempting to merge two csv files together and select only two of their columns for use in a new csv. I don't understand why I cannot use the code I have already:
$Temp1 = (Import-csv "C:\path\APPcsv.csv" -header "APP") |
select-object APP
$Temp2 = (Import-csv "C:\path\ALLdb42APPs.csv"-header "NA1", "NA2", "Applications", "NA3", "Project") |
select-object Project
$CSV= #($temp1, $temp2) |
export-csv -path "C:\path\Why isn't this working.csv" -noTypeInformation
Here is an example line from each CSV:
CSV1 (ALLdb42APPs.csv)
"Current Application","Calculation","AdobeReaderDC-18.011.20036 V1 - Add Instalation Status: SUCCESSFUL","2018-05-16 08:54:17","DK ATM error main"
CSV2 (APPcsv.csv)
"DameWareService- V2 - Add"

So your issue is because #($temp1,$temp2) doesn't combine the first element of $temp1 with the first element of $temp2, but instead makes a new collection which is all of $temp1's objects followed by all of $temp2.
Since $temp1 is objects with an APP property and $temp2 is objects with a Project, combining these into a collection doesn't make sense to export to a csv.
If $temp1 is a bag of apples and $temp2 is a bag of oranges, #($temp1,$temp2) isn't holding the bags together, it's dumping both into one bag on top of each other.
You could either join the two objects into one. Warren Frame has a well respected module Join-Object that could be used as James C pointed out, but your two csvs would need to share a column.
The other alternative is to use a for loop, then in each iteration take the value from each collection and create a new object with both values.
$Temp1 = (Import-csv "C:\path\APPcsv.csv" -header "APP") |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty APP
$Temp2 = (Import-csv "C:\path\ALLdb42APPs.csv"-header "NA1", "NA2", "Applications", "NA3", "Project") |
Select-Object -ExpandProperty Project
$LargestIndex = [math]::Max($temp1.count,$temp2.count)
$CombinedArray = For ($i=0; $i -le $LargestIndex; $i++) {
APP = $temp1[$i]
Project = $temp2[$i]
$CombinedArray |
Export-Csv -Path "C:\path\Example.csv" -NoTypeInformation
Note: requires PowerShell 3+ for the pscustomobject way of creating objects.


How to merge 2 x CSVs with the same column but overwrite not append?

I've got this one that has been baffling me all day, and I can't seem to find any search results that match exactly what I am trying to do.
I have 2 CSV files, both of which have the same columns and headers. They look like this (shortened for the purpose of this post):
Each of the 2 CSVs only have some actual Lab IDs, and the 'nonexx' are just fillers for the importing software. There is no duplication ie each 'well' is only referenced once across the 2 files.
What I need to do is merge the 2 CSVs, for example the second CSV might have a Lab ID for well H006 but the first will not. I need the lab ID from the second CSV imported into the first, overwriting the 'nonexx' currently in that column.
Here is my current code:
$CSVB = Import-CSV "$RootDir\SymphonyOutputPending\$plateID`A_Header.csv"
Import-CSV "$RootDir\SymphonyOutputPending\$plateID`_Header.csv" | ForEach-Object {
$CSVData = [PSCustomObject]#{
labid = $_.labid
well = $_.well
If ($CSVB.well -match $CSVData.wellID) {
write-host "I MATCH"
($CSVB | Where-Object {$_.well -eq $CSVData.well}).labid = $CSVData.labid
$CSVB | Export-CSV "$RootDir\SymphonyOutputPending\$plateID`_final.csv" -NoTypeInformation
The code runs but doesn't 'merge' the data, the final CSV output is just a replication of the first input file. I am definitely getting a match as the string "I MATCH" appears several times when debugging as expected.
Based on the responses in the comments of your question, I believe this is what you are looking for. This assumes that the both CSVs contain the exact same data with labid being the only difference.
There is no need to modify csv2 if we are just grabbing the labid to overwrite the row in csv1.
$csv1 = Import-Csv C:\temp\LabCSV1.csv
$csv2 = Import-Csv C:\temp\LabCSV2.csv
# Loop through csv1 rows
Foreach($line in $csv1) {
# If Labid contains "none"
If($line.labid -like "none*") {
# Set rows labid to the labid from csv2 row that matches plate/well
# May be able to remove the plate section if well is a unique value
$line.labid = ($csv2 | Where {$_.well -eq $line.well -and $_.plate -eq $line.plate}).labid
# Export to CSV - not overwrite - to confirm results
$csv1 | export-csv C:\Temp\LabCSV1Adjusted.csv -NoTypeInformation
Since you need to do a bi-directional comparison of the 2 Csvs you could create a new array of both and then group the objects by their well property, for this you can use Group-Object, then filter each group if their Count is equal to 2 where their labid property does not start with none else return the object as-is.
Using the following Csvs for demonstration purposes:
Note that this code assumes there will be a maximum of 2 objects with the same well property and, if there are 2 objects with the same well, one of them must have a value not starting with none.
$mergedCsv = #(
Import-Csv pathtocsv1.csv
Import-Csv pathtocsv2.csv
$mergedCsv | Group-Object well | ForEach-Object {
if($_.Count -eq 2) {
return $_.Group.Where{ -not $_.labid.StartsWith('none') }
} | Export-Csv pathtomerged.csv -NoTypeInformation
plate labid well
----- ----- ----
1013740016604537004556 3835265 A007
1013740016604537004556 3835269 F006
1013740016604537004556 3835271 G006
newrowuniquecsv1 none123 X001
newrowuniquecsv2 none123 X002
If the lists are large, performance might be an issue as Where-Object (or any other where method) and Group-Object do not perform very well for embedded loops.
By indexing the second csv file (aka creating a hashtable), you have quicker access to the required objects. Indexing upon two (or more) items (plate and well) is issued here: Does there exist a designated (sub)index delimiter? and resolved by #mklement0 and zett42 with a nice CaseInsensitiveArrayEqualityComparer class.
To apply this class on Drew's helpful answer:
$csv1 = Import-Csv C:\temp\LabCSV1.csv
$csv2 = Import-Csv C:\temp\LabCSV2.csv
$dict = [hashtable]::new([CaseInsensitiveArrayEqualityComparer]::new())
$csv2.ForEach{ $dict.($_.plate, $_.well) = $_ }
Foreach($line in $csv1) {
If($line.labid -like "none*") {
$line.labid = $dict.($line.plate, $line.well).labid
$csv1 | export-csv C:\Temp\LabCSV1Adjusted.csv -NoTypeInformation

Powershell - Finding the output of get-contents and searching for all occurrences in another file using wild cards

I'm trying to get the output of two separate files although I'm stuck on the wild card or contains select-string search from file A (Names) in file B (name-rank).
The contents of file A is:
The contents of file B is:
And I need to match on every occurrence of the names after the '-' so my ordered output should look like this which is a combination of both files as the output:
So far I only have the following and I'd be grateful for any pointers or assistance please.
import-csv (c:\temp\names.csv) |
select-string -simplematch (import-csv c:\temp\names-rank.csv -header "Date", "RankedName" | select RankedName) |
set-content c:\temp\names-and-ranks.csv
I imagine the select-string isn't going to be enough and I need to write a loop instead.
The data you give in the example does not give you much to work with, and the desired output is not that intuitive, most of the time with Powershell you would like to combine the data in to a much richer output at the end.
But anyway, with what is given here and what you want, the code bellow will get what you need, I have left comments in the code for you
$nameImport = Import-Csv -Path $names -Header names
$nameRankImport= Import-Csv -Path $namesRank -Header date,rankName
#create an empty array to collect the result
foreach($name in $nameImport){
#get all the match names
$match=$nameRankImport.RankName -like "$($name.names)*"
#add the name from the First list
#if there are any matches, add them too
#Because its a one column string, Export-CSV will now show us what we want
$list | Set-Content -Path "$pathDir\names-and-ranks.csv" -Force
For this I would use a combination of Group-Object and Where-Object to first group all "RankedName" items by the name before the dash, then filter on those names to be part of the names we got from the 'names.csv' file and output the properties you need.
# read the names from the file as string array
$names = Get-Content -Path 'c:\temp\names.csv' # just a list of names, so really not a CSV
# import the CSV file and loop through
Import-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\names-rank.csv' -Header "Date", "RankedName" |
Group-Object { ($_.RankedName -split '-')[0] } | # group on the name before the dash in the 'RankedName' property
Where-Object { $_.Name -in $names } | # use only the groups that have a name that can be found in the $names array
ForEach-Object {
$_.Name # output the group name (which is one of the $names)
$_.Group.RankedName -join [environment]::NewLine # output the group's 'RankedName' property joined with a newline
} |
Set-Content -Path 'c:\temp\names-and-ranks.csv'

Export results of (2) cmdlets to separate columns in the same CSV

I'm new to PS, so your patience is appreciated.
I'm trying to grab data from (2) separate CSV files and then dump them into a new CSV with (2) columns. Doing this for (1) is easy, but I don't know how to do it for more.
This works perfectly:
Import-CSV C:\File1.csv | Select "Employee" | Export-CSV -Path D:\Result.csv -NoTypeInformation
If I add another Import-CSV, then it simply overwrites the existing data:
Import-CSV C:\File2.csv | Select "Department" | Export-CSV -Path D:\Result.csv -NoTypeInformation
How can I get columns A and B populated with the info result from these two commands? Thanks for your help.
I would have choose this option:
$1 = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Users\user\Desktop\1.csv" | Select "Employee"
$2 = Import-Csv -Path "C:\Users\user\Desktop\2.csv" | Select "Department"
$marged = [pscustomobject]#()
$object = [pscustomobject]
for ($i=0 ; $i -lt $1.Count ; $i++){
$object = [pscustomobject]#{
Employees = $1[$i].Employee
Department = $2[$i].Department}
$marged += $object
$marged | ForEach-Object{ [pscustomobject]$_ } | Export-Csv -Path "C:\Users\user\Desktop\3.csv" -NoTypeInformation -Force
I'll explain how I would do this, but I do it this way because I'm more comfortable working with objects than with hastables. Someone else may offer an answer using hashtables which would probably work better.
First, I would define an array to hold your data, which can later be exported to CSV:
$report = #()
Then, I would import your CSV to an object that can be iterated through:
$firstSet = Import-CSV .\File1.csv
Then I would iterate through this, importing each row into an object that has the two properties I want. In your case these are Employee and Department (potentially more which you can add easily).
foreach($row in $firstSet)
$employeeName = $row.Employee
$employee = [PSCustomObject]#{
Employee = $employee
Department = ""
$report += $employee
And, as you can see in the example above, add this object to your report.
Then, import the second CSV file into a second object to iterate through (for good form I would actually do this at the begining of the script, when you import your first one):
$secondSet = Import-CSV .\File2.csv
Now here is where it gets interesting. Based on just the information you have provided, I am assuming that all employees in the one file are in the same order as the departments in the other files. So for example, if I work for the "Cake Tasting Department", and my name is on row 12 of File 1, row 12 of File 2 says "Cake Tasting Department".
In this case it's fairly easy. You would just roll through both lists and update the report:
$i = 0
foreach($row in $secondSet)
$dept = $row.Department
$report[i].Department = $dept
After this, your $report object will contain all of your employees in one row and departments in the other. Then you can export it to CSV:
$report | Export-CSV .\Result.csv -NoTypeInformation
This works if, as I said, your data aligns across both files. If not, then you need to get a little fancier:
foreach($row in $secondSet)
$emp = $row.Employee
$dept = $row.Department
$report | Where {$_.Employee -eq $emp} foreach {$_.Department = $dept
Technically you could just do it this way anyway, but it depends on a lot of things. First of all whether you have the data to match in that column across both files (which obviously in my example you don't otherwise you wouldn't need to do this in the first place, but you could match across other fields you may have, like EmployeeID or DoB). Second, on the sovereignty of individual records (e.g., if you have multiple matching records in your first file, you will have a problem; you would expect duplicates in the second as there are more than one person in each department).
Anyway, I hope this helps. As I said there is probably a 'better' way to do this, but this is how I would do it.

Adding columns and manipulating existing column values in csv file using powershell

I have a lot of csv files with values arranged like so:
I find it very tedious processing these with excel, so I want to setup a batch script to process these files such that they appear like this:
#where N is a specified value like 65536
I have only recently started using powershell for image processing (really simple scripts) and file name appending, so I am not certain how to go about this. A lot of the scripts I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row. I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
My bonus question is something I have yet to find a good answer to at all, and is the most tedious part of processing. Using excels sort function, I usually change the order of the Yn values in Col2 such that they are sorted in the exported csv like so:
Using the Col3 values as the sorting order (largest to smallest), then I delete this column so that the final saved csv only contains the first two columns (crucial step). Any help at all would be greatly appreciated, I apologize for the long-winded-ness of this question.
I have encountered looking to answer this question use csv files with titles per column whereas my files are just arrays of values without object titles in the first row.
The -Header parameter of Import-Csv is for adding column headers when the file does not contain them. It takes an array of strings, of however many columns there are.
I would like to avoid running multiple scripts to add titles.
If you couldn't use -Header, you could read the lines with Get-Content into memory, add a header in memory, and then use ConvertFrom-CSV all in one script.
That said, if I'm reading it rightly, you want:
No headers in the input file, and I imagine no headers in the output file
The whole point of adding the third column and sorting and removing it is just to reverse the lines?
The only column you keep is column 1?
I wouldn't use Import-Csv for this, it won't make it much nicer.
$n = 65536
# Read lines into a list, and reverse it
$lines = [Collections.Generic.List[String]](Get-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\test.csv')
# Split each line into two, create a new line with X and N-Y
# write new lines to an output file
$lines | ForEach-Object {
$x, $y = $_.split(',')
"$x,$($n - [int]$y)"
} | Set-Content -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -Encoding Ascii
If you do want to use CSV handling, then:
$n = 65536
$counter = 1
Import-Csv -LiteralPath 'C:\test\test.csv' -Header 'ColX', 'ColY' |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'ColN-Y' -Value {$n - $_.ColY} -PassThru |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name 'N' -Value {$script:counter++} -PassThru |
Sort-Object -Property 'N' -Descending |
Select-Object -Property 'ColX', 'ColN-Y' |
Export-Csv -LiteralPath 'c:\test\output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
But the output will have CSV headers and double-quoted values.
I would try something like, by extending the original table with a calculatable script-property as a new column:
#Your N number
$N = 65536
# Import CSV file without header columns
$table = Import-Csv -Header #("colX","colY") `
-Delimiter ',' `
-Path './numbers.csv'
Write-Host "Original table"
$table | Format-Table
# Manipulate table
$newtable = $table |
Add-Member -MemberType ScriptProperty -Name colNX -Value { $N-$this.colX } - PassThru
Write-Host "New table"
$newtable | Format-Table

Add Column to CSV Windows PowerShell

I have a fairly standard csv file with headers I want to add a new column & set all the rows to the same data.
column1, column2
column1, column2, column3
1,b, setvalue
2,c, setvalue
3,5, setvalue
I can't find anything on this if anybody could point me in the right direction that would be great. Sorry very new to Power Shell.
Here's one way to do that using Calculated Properties:
Import-Csv file.csv |
Select-Object *,#{Name='column3';Expression={'setvalue'}} |
Export-Csv file.csv -NoTypeInformation
You can find more on calculated properties here:
In a nutshell, you import the file, pipe the content to the Select-Object cmdlet, select all exiting properties (e.g '*') then add a new one.
The ShayLevy's answer also works for me!
If you don't want to provide a value for each object yet the code is even easier...
Import-Csv file.csv |
Select-Object *,"column3" |
Export-Csv file.csv -NoTypeInformation
None of the scripts I've seen are dynamic in nature, so they're fairly limited in their scope & what you can do with them.. that's probably because most PS Users & even Power Users aren't programmers. You very rarely see the use of arrays in Powershell. I took Shay Levy's answer & improved upon it.
Note here: The Import needs to be consistent (two columns for instance), but it would be fairly easy to modify this to dynamically count the columns & generate headers that way too. For this particular question, that wasn't asked. Or simply don't generate a header unless it's needed.
Needless to say the below will pull in as many CSV files that exist in the folder, add a header, and then later strip it. The reason I add the header is for consistency in the data, it makes manipulating the columns later down the line fairly straight forward too (if you choose to do so). You can modify this to your hearts content, feel free to use it for other purposes too. This is generally the format I stick with for just about any of my Powershell needs. The use of a counter basically allows you to manipulate individual files, so there's a lot of possibilities here.
$chargeFiles = 'C:\YOURFOLDER\BLAHBLAH\'
$existingReturns = Get-ChildItem $chargeFiles
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $existingReturns.count; $i++)
$CSV = Import-Csv -Path $existingReturns[$i].FullName -Header Header1,Header2
$csv | select *, #{Name='Header3';Expression={'Header3 Static'}}
| select *, #{Name='Header4';Expression={'Header4 Static Tet'}}
| select *, #{Name='Header5';Expression={'Header5 Static Text'}}|
CONVERTTO-CSV -DELIMITER "," -NoTypeInformation |
SELECT-OBJECT -SKIP 1 | % {$_ -replace '"', ""} |
OUT-FILE -FilePath $existingReturns[$i].FullName -FORCE -ENCODING ASCII
You could also use Add-Member:
$csv = Import-Csv 'input.csv'
foreach ($row in $csv)
$row | Add-Member -NotePropertyName 'MyNewColumn' -NotePropertyValue 'MyNewValue'
$csv | Export-Csv 'output.csv' -NoTypeInformation
For some applications, I found that producing a hashtable and using the .values as the column to be good (it would allow for cross reference validation against another object that was being enumerated).
In this case, #powershell on freenode brought my attention to an ordered hashtable (since the column header must be used).
Here is an example without any validation the .values
$newcolumnobj = [ordered]#{}
#input data into a hash table so that we can more easily reference the `.values` as an object to be inserted in the CSV
$newcolumnobj.add("volume name", $currenttime)
#enumerate $deltas [this will be the object that contains the volume information `$volumedeltas`)
# add just the new deltas to the newcolumn object
foreach ($item in $deltas){
$originalcsv = #(import-csv $targetdeltacsv)
#thanks to pscookiemonster in #powershell on freenode
for($i=0; $i -lt $originalcsv.count; $i++){
$originalcsv[$i] | Select-Object *, #{l="$currenttime"; e={$newcolumnobj.item($i)}}
Example is related to How can I perform arithmetic to find differences of values in two CSVs?
create a csv file with nothin in it
$csv >> "$PSScriptRoot/dpg.csv"
define the csv file's path. here $psscriptroot is the root of the script
$csv = "$PSScriptRoot/dpg.csv"
now add columns to it
$csv | select vds, protgroup, vlan, ports | Export-Csv $csv