how to start Kafka and zookeeper when the HDD is full - apache-kafka

I have setup Kafka cluster with 3 nodes. now their hard disk is full, and Kafka and Zookeeper are down.
What is the best solution to re-start Kafka and Zookeeper?
Can I delete the directory for Kafka logs (log.dirs directory) and start Kafka again?
I using confluent version 4.0.0

If you delete log.dirs you will loose all your data, which I guess should be your last option. If you are using amazon EC2 you better try to add more disk, and after starting the brokers play with the retention policy or with replication factor or remove topics.
Take a look on:

I solved this problem with this method and I hope useful for you:
step 1 :
I moved some of the log files from my servers to another server to free up a little bit of disk space. You can temporarily change the port of Kafka So nobody can produce it.
step 2 :
when the disk Was emptied, I was able to run Zookeeper and Kafka on the server.
step 3 :
now I've deleted messages (by kafka-delete-records) from some topics and released half of the hard drive
step 4 :
I stopped Kafka and Zookeeper in all servers (3 nodes)
step 5 :
I moved the Log files to their directory (I moved them in the step 1) and changed the port Kafka to 9092 again
step 6 :
And finally, I started Kafka and Zookeeper on all servers successfully


Is Kafka topic linked with zookeeper and If zookeeper changed will topic disappeare

I was working with Kafka. I downloaded the zookeeper, extracted and started it.
Then I downloaded Kafka, extracted the zipped file and started Kafka. Everything was working good. I created few topics and I was able to send and receive messages. After that I stopped Kafka and Zookeeper. Then I read that Kafka itself provides Zookeeper. So I started Zookeeper that was provided with Kafka. However the data directory for it was different, and then I started Kafka from same configuration file and same data directory location. However after starting Kafka I could not find the topics that I had created.
I just want to know that, does this mean the meta data about the topics is maintained by Zookeeper. I searched Kafka documentation, however, I could not find anything in detail.
Check this documentation provided by confluent. According to this Apache Kafka® uses ZooKeeper to store persistent cluster metadata and is a critical component of the Confluent Platform deployment. For example, if you lost the Kafka data in ZooKeeper, the mapping of replicas to Brokers and topic configurations would be lost as well, making your Kafka cluster no longer functional and potentially resulting in total data loss.
So, the answer to your question is, yes, the purpose of zookeeper is to store relevant metadata about the kafka brokers, topics, etc,.
Also, since you have just started working on Kafka and Zookeeper, I would like to mention this. By default, Kafka stored it's data in a temp location which get's deleted on system reboot, so you should change that as well.
the answer to your question tag is yes,
1)Initially you started standalone zookeeper from zip file and you stopped the zookeeper, which means the topics that are created are stored in the zookeeper standalone are lost.Now you persistent cluster metadata related to Kafka is lost .
2)second time you started the zookeeper from the package that comes along with Kafka, now the new zookeeper instance does not have any topics information that you created previously, so you need to create newly .
3) suppose in case 1: if you close the terminal and start again the zookeeper from standalone , you no need to create the Topic again ,but if you stopped the zookeeper server from standalone then topics are lost.
in simple : you created two separate zookeeper instances, where topics will not be shared between them .

How to add two more kafka brokers in the local machine if my current running kafka broker already has the data

I have one broker running in my local machine with Windows OS which has 2-3 topics with messages stored. I want to scale up my machine by adding two more broker instances. I have followed all the steps to configure 3 brokers on the same machine by creating different properties file.
My broker=0 getting shutdown when I am starting broker=1 server with below error.
[2019-07-11 13:56:33,580] INFO Stopping serving logs in dir C:\kafka_2.12-2.2.1\data\kafka (kafka.log.LogManager)
[2019-07-11 13:56:33,585] ERROR Shutdown broker because all log dirs in C:\kafka_2.12-2.2.1\data\kafka have failed (kafka.log.LogManager)
Is it possible to add more brokers if my existing broker instance has the data.
Or do I need to delete the data directory and freshly start the broker 0. Is there any possibility to preserve the data without deleting it from the kafka server.
Yes you can add brokers to your cluster and migrate/spread data across all your brokers.
The Expanding your cluster section in the documentation details the steps to achieve this.
After starting the new brokers, you basically need to use the bin/ tool (other 3rd party tools also exists) to move data onto them.
Please note however that adding brokers on the same machine does not provide a lot of resiliency as if the machine was to go down, all brokers would be affected. But if you want to just play around and learn about Kafka that may be fine.
To run multiple brokers on the same physical machine, it is necessary for each broker in the config to specify a unique, different log.dirs and ports in listeners.
For example,
in every config set difference<id>
When all three brokers start, new topics will be created evenly throughout the cluster, but old ones need to be rebalanced.

Kafka partitions and offsets disappeared

My Kafka clients are running in GCP App Engine Flex environment with auto scale enabled (GCP keeps the instance count to at least two and it has been mostly 2 due to low CPU usages). The consumer groups running in that 2 VMs have been consuming messages from various topics in 20 partitions for several months and recently I noticed that partitions in older topics shrank to just 1 (!) and offsets for that consumer group was reset to 0. topic-[partition] directories were also gone from the kafka-logs directory. Strangely, recently created topic partitions are intact. I have 3 different environments (all in GCP) and this happened to all three. We didn't see any lost messages or data problem but want to understand what had happened to avoid this happening again.
The kafka broker and zookeeper are running in the same and single GCP compute engine instance (I know it's not the best practice and have plan to improve) and I suspect it has something to do with machine restart and that wipes out some information. However, I verified that data files are written under /opt/bitnami/(kafka|bitnami) directory and not /tmp which can be removed by machine restarts.
Spring Kafka 1.1.3
kafka client
single node kafka broker
single node zookeeper 3.4.9
Any insights on this will be appreciated!
Bitnami developer here. I could reproduce the issue and track it down to an init script that was clearing the content of the tmp/kafka-logs/ folder.
We released a new revision of the kafka installers, virtual machines and cloud images fixing the issue. The revision that includes the fix is 1.0.0-2.

Separate zookeeper install or not using kafka 10.2?

I would like to use the embedded Zookeeper 3.4.9 that come with Kafka 10.2, and not install Zookeeper separately. Each Kafka broker will always have a 1:1 Zookeeper on localhost.
So if I have 5 brokers on hosts A, B, C, D and E, each with a single Kafka and Zookeeper instance running on them, is it sufficient to just run the Zookeeper provided with Kafka?
What downsides or configuration limitations, if any, does the embedded 3.4.9 Zookeeper have compared to the standalone version?
These are a few reason not to run zookeeper on the same box as Kafka brokers.
They scale differently
5 zk and 5 Kafka works but 6:6 or 11:11 do not. You don't need more than 5 zookeeper nodes even for a quite large Kafka cluster. Unlike Kafka, Zookeeper replicates data to all nodes so it gets slower as you add more nodes.
They compete for disk I/O
Zookeeper is very disk I/O latency sensitive. You need to have it on a separate physical disk from the Kafka commit log or you run the risk that a lot of publishing to Kafka will slow zookeeper down and cause it to drop out of the ensemble causing potential problems.
They compete for page cache memory
Kafka uses Linux OS page cache to reduce disk I/O. When other apps run on the same box as Kafka you reduce or "pollute" the page cache with other data that takes away from cache for Kafka.
Server failures take down more infrastructure
If the box reboots you lose both a zookeeper and a broker at the same time.
Even though ZooKeeper comes with each Kafka release it does not mean they should run on the same server. Actually, it is advised that in a production environment they run on separate servers.
In the Kafka broker configuration you can specify the ZooKeeper address, and it can be local or remote. This is from broker config (config/
# Zookeeper connection string (see zookeeper docs for details).
# This is a comma separated host:port pairs, each corresponding to a zk
# server. e.g. ",,".
# You can also append an optional chroot string to the urls to specify the
# root directory for all kafka znodes.
You can replace localhost with any other accessible server name or IP address.
We've been running a setup as you described, with 3 to 5 nodes, each running a kafka broker and the zookeeper that comes with kafka distribution on the same nodes. No issues with that setup so far, but our data throughput isn't high.
If we were to scale above 5 nodes we'd separate them, so that we only scale kafka brokers but keep the zookeeper ensemble small. If zookeeper and kafka start competing for I/O too much, then we'd move their data directories to separate drives. If they start competing for CPU, then we'd move them to separate boxes.
All in all, it depends on your expected throughput and how easily you can upgrade your setup if it starts causing contention. You can start small and easy, with kafka and zookeeper co-located as long as you have the flexibility to upgrade your setup with more nodes and introduce separation later on. If you think this will be hard to add later, better start running them separate from the start. We've been running them co-located for 18+ months and haven't encountered resource contention so far.

How to run kafka on different machines

From last 10 days i am trying to set Kafka on different machine:
Below are the list of task which i have done so far
Configured Zookeeper and started on both server with
I also changed server and server-1 properties as below port=9092 log.dir=/tmp/kafka0-logs
& server-1 port=9062 log.dir=/tmp/kafka1-logs
zookeeper.connect=Server32_IP:9092,Server56_IP:9062 i ran in Server32 i ran in Server56
The Problem is : when i start producer in both the servers and if i try to consume from any one then it is working BUT
When i stop any one server then another one is not able to send the details
Please help me in explaining the process
Running 2 zookeepers is not fault tolerant. If one of the zookeepers is stopped, then the system will not work. Unlike Kafka brokers, zookeeper needs a quorum (or majority) of the configured nodes in order to work. This is why zookeeper is typically deployed with an odd number of instances (nodes). Since 1 of 2 nodes is not a majority it really is no better than running a single zookeeper. You need at least 3 zookeepers to tolerate a failure because 2 of 3 is a majority so the system will stay up.
Kafka is different so you can have any number of Kafka brokers and if they are configured correctly and you create your topics with a replication factor of 2 or greater, then the Kafka cluster can continue if you take any one of the broker nodes down , even if it's just 1 of 2.
There's a lot of information missing here like the Kafka version and whether or not you're using the new consumer APIs or the old APIs. I'm assuming you're probably using a new version of Kafka like 0.10.x along with the new client APIs. In the new version of the client APIs the log data is stored on the Kafka brokers and not Zookeeper as in the older versions. I think your issue here is that you created your topics with a replication factor of 1 and coincidently the Kafka broker server you shutdown was hosting the only replica, so you won't be able to produce or consume messages. You can confirm the health of your topics by running the command: --zookeeper ZHOST:2181 --describe
You might want to increase the replication factor to 2. That way you might be able to get away with one broker failing. Ideally you would have 3 or more Kafka Broker servers with a replication factor of 2 or higher (obviously not more than the number of brokers in your cluster). Refer to the link below:
For a topic with replication factor N, we will tolerate up to N-1 server >failures without losing any records committed to the log."