OWASP ZAP need to be integrated with Jackhammer as one of the scanners - owasp

Jackhammer user guide explanation does not help, can anyone describe that process step by step. Thanks in advance


How to reset Principal attributeMap in Apereo CAS 6.1.x?

I am a beginner of CAS. I want to reset Principal attributeMap after loging successfully, and no solution in similar questions. Can anyone help me? Thanks for your advice!
CAS Version:6.1.6
I want to reset Principal attributeMap after logging successfully, and no solution in similar questions.
The reason you can't "find solution in similar questions" is because,
It cannot be done without a great deal of coding.
It's a bad idea. You cannot change the verified subject identify after it has been verified. Once the credentials are verified and the attributes are collected, that collection is final.
Rather than asking what is possible, it would be best if you described why you want to do this, and then folks can help you with alternatives once your use case and objectives are clearer.

Is it possible to assign a phone number to a server without a third party tool?

I have been planning a long-term development project and a major requirement for the project is to be able to have a server receive text messages.
I know about services such as Twilio and Plivo, but I'm wondering if there's another way to create this functionality without going through a paid service.
I guess a good starter question would be: How do Twilio and Plivo do it and is there some sort of way I can recreate this myself?
I am willing to do all the research and studying necessary to figure it out, but I'm not sure where to start.
If anyone can lead me in the right direction or give me some sort of insight on this, I would appreciate it. Thank you.

Zed Attack Proxy only crawling one page

I have just recently started using Zed Attack Proxy(ZED) to check for OWASP vulnerabilities and I am trying to get it to scan my whole site. I have successfully got it to login as a user and scan from there but it stays on the main page after logging in. Is there a way to get it to scan the other pages throughout the website? Also, is there a way to test for specific vulnerabilities only or is it more of a broad scan of everything? I am still new to this software so any help is appreciated.
This might not be a one sentence answer, and will probably need quite a bit more info from you. I'd recommend asking them on the ZAP User Group that way we can walk you through things a bit more easily.
Cheers, Simon (ZAP Project Lead)

Where can I find bluemix programmer(s) for contract work?

I have some work I need completed on the bluemix platform and need contractors to complete it? I will have a constant flow flow of work. Any advice/recommendations greatly appreciated.
Look on StackOverflow careers!!!
They have a database full of awesome programmer... If you don't like it, you can look for programmers who specialize in certain fields (such as BlueMix API usage) in sites such as:
Freelancer - https://www.freelancer.com/
Elance - https://mobile.elance.com/m/
And any other freelancing sites
Leave a comment below if you have any questions, or require further assistance.


Can anyone suggest books to understand writing rules looking upon business process and integrating that into ESB? I know how to write a rule and run a java application. That is where I reached for last 2 days. Anything useful will help me in catching up with all these.
Did you check the jbpm.org documentation site and the drools.org documentation site?
I'm promoting a Community Training Course about Drools and jBPM5 you can find it here:
If you find it useful please give us feedback.