Numbers n such that sigma(F(n)) > 2*F(n) where F(n) is the n-th Fibonacci number - numbers

Sorry to be so dumb, but in layman's terms with possible simple examples can someone explain how this works?
Numbers n such that sigma(F(n)) > 2*F(n) where F(n) is the n-th
Fibonacci number.


RSA Prime Generation using Provable vs Probable Prime Construction

I am trying to implement RSA prime generation for P and Q based on FIP186-4 specification. The specification describes two different implementations: Section 3.2 Provable Prime Construction vs. Section 3.3 Probable Prime Construction. Initially, I tried implementing the probable prime approach because it is easier to understand and implement, but I discovered it is very slow because of the number of iterations needed to find P and Q primes (worst case it takes 15 minutes). Next, I decided to try the provable prime approach but I found out the algorithm is much more complex and might be slow as well. Below are my two issues:
In Section C.10, Step 12, how to eliminate the sqrt(2) to the expression x = floor(sqrt(2))(2^(L−1))) + (x mod (2^L − floor((sqrt(2)(2^(L−1))))) so that I can represent it as whole numbers using BigNum representation?
In Section C.10, Step 14, is there a fast way to compute y in the interval [1, p2] such that 0 = ( y p0 p1–1) mod p2? The specification doesn't specify a method to implement this. My initial thought was to perform a linear search staring from integer 1 and up but that can be very slow because p2 can be a very large number.
I tried searching online for help on this issue, but I discovered a lot of examples don't even comply with FIPS186-4. I assume it is because these two methods are too slow.

Lisp - How to do Random Permutations

I'm fairly new to Lisp and I was wondering what is the simplest way to create a function that given n returns an array with n elements, with the permutations from 0 to n-1, like for example:
(random-permutations 5)
#(2 4 3 1 0)
Create a vector of length n. Fill it with the consecutive numbers. Shuffle (e. g. Fisher-Yates).
In order to play with all permutations, you might want to take a look at map-permutations from the library alexandria.

Hashing using division method

For the hash function : h(k) = k mod m;
I understand that m=2^n will always give the last n LSB digits. I also understand that m=2^p-1 when K is a string converted to integers using radix 2^p will give same hash value for every permutation of characters in K. But why exactly "a prime not too close to an exact power of 2" is a good choice? What if I choose 2^p - 2 or 2^p-3? Why are these choices considered bad?
Following is the text from CLRS:
"A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m. For
example, suppose we wish to allocate a hash table, with collisions resolved by
chaining, to hold roughly n D 2000 character strings, where a character has 8 bits.
We don’t mind examining an average of 3 elements in an unsuccessful search, and
so we allocate a hash table of size m D 701. We could choose m D 701 because
it is a prime near 2000=3 but not near any power of 2."
Suppose we work with radix 2p.
2p-1 case:
Why that is a bad idea to use 2p-1? Let us see,
k = ∑ai2ip
and if we divide by 2p-1 we just get
k = ∑ai2ip = ∑ai mod 2p-1
so, as addition is commutative, we can permute digits and get the same result.
2p-b case:
Quote from CLRS:
A prime not too close to an exact power of 2 is often a good choice for m.
k = ∑ai2ip = ∑aibi mod 2p-b
So changing least significant digit by one will change hash by one. Changing second least significant bit by one will change hash by two. To really change hash we would need to change digits with bigger significance. So, in case of small b we face problem similar to the case then m is power of 2, namely we depend on distribution of least significant digits.

Space complexity for a simple streaming algorithm

I want to determine the space complexity of the go to example of a simple streaming algorithm.
If you get a permutation of n-1 different numbers and have to detect the one missing number, you calculate the sum of all numbers 1 to n using the formula n (n + 1) / 2 and then you subtract each incoming number. The result is your missing number. I found a german wikipedia article stating that the space complexity of this algorithm is O(log n). (
What I do not understand is: The amount of bits needed to store a number n is log2(n). ok.. but I do have to calculate the sum, tough. So n (n + 1) / 2 is larger than n and therefore needs more space than just log (n) right?
Can someone help me with this? Thanks in advance!
If integer A in binary coding requires Na bits and integer B requires Nb bits then A*B requires no more than Na+Nb bits (not Na * Nb). So, expression n(n+1)/2 requires no more than log2(n) + log2(n+1) = O(2log2(n)) = O(log2(n)) bits.
Even more, you may raise n to any fixed power i and it still will use O(log2(n)) space. n itself, n10, n500, n10000000 all require O(log(n)) bits of storage.

Universal Hashing Integers

This is my first thread here and I would like to ask you a couple of questions for universal hashing of integers.
A universal hashing algorithm is supposed to use this:
equation =
((a*x+b)mod p) mod m
a=random number from 1 to p-1
b=random number from 0 to p-1
x= the Key
p= a prime number >=m
m=the size of the array
I know the numbers I am going to hash are on the range of 1-2969.
But I cannot understand how to use this equation in order to make as low collisions as possible.
At the time a and b are random I cannot do anything about it.
My question is how I am supposed to pick the prime if I have more than one choice, the range of primes I can use are from 2 to 4999.
I tried to pick the first available that corresponds the requirements for the function but sometimes it can return negative numbers. I have searched on Google and Stackoverflow but I could not figure out what I am not doing wrong.
I am coding in C. Also, I can use only universal hashing.
Thank your for your time.