How is cconv in matlab implemented? - matlab

My understanding was, that these three should be the same, however matlab gives completely different results. The first and third one are in sync with what I calculated by hand, the second one is different.
x_1 = [1, 2, 0, 5];
x_2 = [1/2, -1/4, 1, 0, 3/4];
y_2_1 = ifft(fft(x_1, 2) .* fft(x_2, 2))
y_2_2 = cconv(x_2, x_1, 2)
y_2_3 = cconv(x_2(1:2), x_1(1:2), 2)

From the documentation:
The modulo-2 circular convolution is equivalent to splitting the linear convolution into two-element arrays and summing the arrays.
So it is not the same to do
res = cconv(x_2, x_1, 2);
as to do
res2 = cconv(x_2, x_1);
res2 = res(1:2);
The former is equivalent to
res = cconv(x_2, x_1);
res = res(1:2) + res(3:4) + res(5:6) + ...;
(padding with zeros if res is odd in size).
On the other hand,
res3 = ifft(fft(x_1, 2) .* fft(x_2, 2));
is equivalent to
res3 = fft(x_1(1:2)) .* fft(x_2(1:2));
res3 = ifft(res3);
and different from either of the two cconv results.


Is there an function in PyTorch for converting convolutions to fully-connected networks form?

I'm trying to convert a convolution layer to a fully-connected layer.
For example, there is an example of 3×3 input and 2x2 kernel:
which is equivalent to a vector-matrix multiplication,
Is there a function in PyTorch to get the matrix B?
I can only partially answer your question:
In your example above, you write the kernel as matrix and the input as a vector. If you are fine with writing the input as a matrix, you can use torch.nn.Unfold which explicitly calculates a convolution in the documentation:
# Convolution is equivalent with Unfold + Matrix Multiplication + Fold (or view to output shape)
inp = torch.randn(1, 3, 10, 12)
w = torch.randn(2, 3, 4, 5)
inp_unf = torch.nn.functional.unfold(inp, (4, 5))
out_unf = inp_unf.transpose(1, 2).matmul(w.view(w.size(0), -1).t()).transpose(1, 2)
out = out_unf.view(1, 2, 7, 8)
(torch.nn.functional.conv2d(inp, w) - out).abs().max()
# tensor(1.9073e-06)
If, however, you need to calculate the matrix for the kernel (the smaller matrix) you can use this function, which is based on Warren Weckessers answer:
def toeplitz_1_ch(kernel, input_size):
# shapes
k_h, k_w = kernel.shape
i_h, i_w = input_size
o_h, o_w = i_h-k_h+1, i_w-k_w+1
# construct 1d conv toeplitz matrices for each row of the kernel
toeplitz = []
for r in range(k_h):
toeplitz.append(linalg.toeplitz(c=(kernel[r,0], *np.zeros(i_w-k_w)), r=(*kernel[r], *np.zeros(i_w-k_w))) )
# construct toeplitz matrix of toeplitz matrices (just for padding=0)
h_blocks, w_blocks = o_h, i_h
h_block, w_block = toeplitz[0].shape
W_conv = np.zeros((h_blocks, h_block, w_blocks, w_block))
for i, B in enumerate(toeplitz):
for j in range(o_h):
W_conv[j, :, i+j, :] = B
W_conv.shape = (h_blocks*h_block, w_blocks*w_block)
return W_conv
which is not in pytorch but in numpy. This is for padding = 0 but can easily be adjusted by changing h_blocks and w_blocks and W_conv[i+j, :, j, :].
Update: Multiple output channels are just multiple of these matrices, as each output has its own kernel. Multiple input channels also have their own kernels - and their own matrices - over which you average after the convolution. This can be implemented as follows:
def conv2d_toeplitz(kernel, input):
"""Compute 2d convolution over multiple channels via toeplitz matrix
kernel: shape=(n_out, n_in, H_k, W_k)
input: shape=(n_in, H_i, W_i)"""
kernel_size = kernel.shape
input_size = input.shape
output_size = (kernel_size[0], input_size[1] - (kernel_size[1]-1), input_size[2] - (kernel_size[2]-1))
output = np.zeros(output_size)
for i,ks in enumerate(kernel): # loop over output channel
for j,k in enumerate(ks): # loop over input channel
T_k = toeplitz_1_ch(k, input_size[1:])
output[i] +=[j].flatten()).reshape(output_size[1:]) # sum over input channels
return output
To check the correctness:
k = np.random.randn(4*3*3*3).reshape((4,3,3,3))
i = np.random.randn(3,7,9)
out = conv2d_toeplitz(k, i)
# check correctness of convolution via toeplitz matrix
print(np.sum((out - F.conv2d(torch.tensor(i).view(1,3,7,9), torch.tensor(k)).numpy())**2))
>>> 1.0063523219807736e-28
Update 2:
It is also possible to do this without looping in one matrix:
def toeplitz_mult_ch(kernel, input_size):
"""Compute toeplitz matrix for 2d conv with multiple in and out channels.
kernel: shape=(n_out, n_in, H_k, W_k)
input_size: (n_in, H_i, W_i)"""
kernel_size = kernel.shape
output_size = (kernel_size[0], input_size[1] - (kernel_size[1]-1), input_size[2] - (kernel_size[2]-1))
T = np.zeros((output_size[0], int([1:])), input_size[0], int([1:]))))
for i,ks in enumerate(kernel): # loop over output channel
for j,k in enumerate(ks): # loop over input channel
T_k = toeplitz_1_ch(k, input_size[1:])
T[i, :, j, :] = T_k
T.shape = (,
return T
The input has to be flattened and the output reshaped after multiplication.
Checking for correctness (using the same i and k as above):
T = toeplitz_mult_ch(k, i.shape)
out =,4,5,7))
# check correctness of convolution via toeplitz matrix
print(np.sum((out - F.conv2d(torch.tensor(i).view(1,3,7,9), torch.tensor(k)).numpy())**2))
>>> 1.5486060830252635e-28
You can use my code for convolution with circular padding:
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as linalg
def toeplitz_1d(k, x_size):
k_size = k.size
r = *k[(k_size // 2):], *np.zeros(x_size - k_size), *k[:(k_size // 2)]
c = *np.flip(k)[(k_size // 2):], *np.zeros(x_size - k_size), *np.flip(k)[:(k_size // 2)]
t = linalg.toeplitz(c=c, r=r)
return t
def toeplitz_2d(k, x_size):
k_h, k_w = k.shape
i_h, i_w = x_size
ks = np.zeros((i_w, i_h * i_w))
for i in range(k_h):
ks[:, i*i_w:(i+1)*i_w] = toeplitz_1d(k[i], i_w)
ks = np.roll(ks, -i_w, 1)
t = np.zeros((i_h * i_w, i_h * i_w))
for i in range(i_h):
t[i*i_h:(i+1)*i_h,:] = ks
ks = np.roll(ks, i_w, 1)
return t
def toeplitz_3d(k, x_size):
k_oc, k_ic, k_h, k_w = k.shape
i_c, i_h, i_w = x_size
t = np.zeros((k_oc * i_h * i_w, i_c * i_h * i_w))
for o in range(k_oc):
for i in range(k_ic):
t[(o * (i_h * i_w)):((o+1) * (i_h * i_w)), (i * (i_h * i_w)):((i+1) * (i_h * i_w))] = toeplitz_2d(k[o, i], (i_h, i_w))
return t
if __name__ == "__main__":
import torch
k = np.random.randint(50, size=(3, 2, 3, 3))
x = np.random.randint(50, size=(2, 5, 5))
t = toeplitz_3d(k, x.shape)
y =, 5, 5)
xx = torch.nn.functional.pad(torch.from_numpy(x.reshape(1, 2, 5, 5)), pad=(1, 1, 1, 1), mode='circular')
yy = torch.conv2d(xx, torch.from_numpy(k))
err = ((y - yy.numpy()) ** 2).sum()
While the other answers are correct, there is a faster way. In your example, you give an input of size 3x3 with a kernel of size 2x2. And your resulting circulant matrix multiplied by the input image is 9x9x4 operations, or 324 in total. Here is a method that does this with 4 x 4 x 4, or 64 operations in total. We will use Pytorch, but this could be done in Numpy, as well.
Assume an image input of shape (batch, channels, height, width):
import torch
def get_kernel_inputs(image, kernel):
out = torch.empty(image.size()[0], 0, 1, kernel.size()[-2] * kernel.size()[-1])
for k in range(image.size()[-2] - kernel.size()[-2] + 1):
for l in range(image.size()[-1] - kernel.size()[-1] + 1):
out =[out,image[:, :, k:k+kernel.size()[-2],l:l + kernel.size()[-1]].reshape(image.size()[0], -1, 1, kernel.size()[-1] * kernel.size()[-2])], dim=1)
return out
Now let's test to see what size out this gives:
img = torch.rand(1, 1, 3, 3)
kernel = torch.rand(2, 2)
kernelized_img = get_kernel_inputs(img, kernel)
This yields a size of:
torch.Size([1, 4, 1, 4])
So there are 16 values stored in the above tensor. Now let's matrix multiply:
print(torch.matmul(kernelized_img, kernel.view(4)))
This is 16 x 4 multiplications.
Finally, let's test that this is, in fact, giving out the correct value by using the Torch Conv2d module:
import torch.nn as nn
mm = nn.Conv2d(1, 1, (2,2), bias=False)
with torch.no_grad():
kernel_test = mm.weight
print("Control ", mm(img))
print("Test", torch.matmul(kernelized_img, kernel_test.view(4)).view(1, 1, 2, 2))
Control tensor([[[[-0.0089, 0.0178],
[-0.1419, 0.2720]]]], grad_fn=<ThnnConv2DBackward>)
Test tensor([[[[-0.0089, 0.0178],
[-0.1419, 0.2720]]]], grad_fn=<ViewBackward>)
All we are doing differently in the above is reshaping the image instead of the kernel.
Setting the image height and width equal and the kernel height and width equal, where
i=image height/width
k=kernel height/width
Then the difference in the number of calculations in the Toeplitz method vs. the above method is:
Edit Addition:
The above implementation only worked on single-channel inputs. For this definition to work on multiple channel inputs and outputs, plus handle batches, can do the following:
def get_kernel_inputs(image, kernel):
out=torch.empty(image.size()[0], image.size()[1], 0, kernel.size()[-2]*kernel.size()[-1])
for k in range(out_size[0]):
for l in range(out_size[1]):[out,image[:,:,k:k+kernel.size()[-2],l:l+kernel.size()[-1]].reshape(image.size()[0],-1,1,kernel.size()[-1]*kernel.size()[-2])],dim=2)
kernel1 = kernel.view(kernel.size()[0], -1)
out = torch.matmul(preout, kernel1.T).permute(0, 2, 1).reshape(image.size()[0], kernel.size()[0],
out_size[0], out_size[1])
return out
images=torch.rand(5, 3, 32, 32)
mm=nn.Conv2d(3, 32, (3, 3), bias=False)
#Set the kernel to Conv2d init for testing
with torch.no_grad():
print(get_kernel_inputs(images, kernel))

MATLAB: efficient generating of block matrices using a block vector

x = [x1;x2; ...; xn]
where each xi is a column vector with length l(i). We can set L = sum(l), the total length of x. I would like to generate 2 matrices based on x:
Let's call them A and B. For example, when x only as 2 blocks x1 and x2 then:
A = [x1*x1' zeros(l(1),l(2)); zeros(l(2),l(1)), x2*x2'];
B = [x1 zeros(l(1),1);
zeros(l(2),1), x2];
In the notation of the problem, A is always L by L and B is L by n. I can generate A and B given x using loops but it is tedious. Is there a clever (loop-free) way to generate A and B. I am using MATLAB 2018b but you can assume earlier version of MATLAB if necessary.
I think it is both short and fast:
B = x .* (repelem((1:numel(l)).',l)==(1:numel(l)));
A = B * B.';
If you have large data It is better to use sparse matrix:
B = sparse(1:numel(x), repelem(1:numel(l), l), x);
A = B * B.';
The following should work. In this case I do an inefficient conversion to cell arrays so there may be a more efficient implementation possible.
cuml = [0; cumsum(l(:))];
get_x = #(idx) x((1:l(idx))+cuml(idx));
x_cell = arrayfun(get_x, 1:numel(l), 'UniformOutput', false);
B = blkdiag(x_cell{:});
A = B*B';
After running some benchmarks I found a direct loop based implementation to be about twice as fast as the cell based approach above.
A = zeros(sum(l));
B = zeros(sum(l), numel(l));
prev = 0;
for idx = 1:numel(l)
xidx = (1:l(idx))+prev;
A(xidx, xidx) = x(xidx,1) * x(xidx,1)';
B(xidx, idx) = x(idx,1);
prev = prev + l(idx);
Here's an alternative approach:
s = repelem(1:numel(l), l).';
t = accumarray(s, x, [], #(x){x*x'});
A = blkdiag(t{:});
t = accumarray(s, x, [], #(x){x});
B = blkdiag(t{:});

How to fill columns of a matrix with random numbers of specific range of a 100*5 matrix?

I've a matrix of order 100*5 . Now the objective is to fill each columns of the matrix with random integer within a specific range. Now the problem is for every column the range of the random number changes. For instance, for the first column, the range is 1 to 100 , for the second its -10 to 1 and so on till 5th column.
This is what I've tried:
b = [0,100;-10,1;0,1;-1,1;10,20]
range = b(:,2) - b(:,1)
offset = b(:,1)
A = round(rand(100,5) * range - offset)
which is from this question. However this generates an error,
Error using * Inner matrix dimensions must agree.
What's possibly causing this and how to resolve it ?
lets bsxfun this thing!
A = round(bsxfun(#minus,bsxfun(#times,rand(100,5) ,range'), offset'))
As an alternative solution, you could use repmat to complete what you already had:
b = [0, 100; -10, 1; 0, 1; -1, 1; 10, 20].';
rng = b(2, :) - b(1, :);
ofst = b(1, :);
A = round(rand(100,5) .* repmat(rng, 100, 1) + repmat(ofst, 100, 1));
You don't have to define rng or ofst, and this can be simply written as:
A = round(rand(10,5) .* repmat(diff(b), 10, 1) + repmat(b(1,:), 10, 1));
Out of curiousity I wrote this quick benchmark* to compare to Ander's bsxfun method. It appears that bsxfun has some initial overhead which means for 5 columns (test other cases yourself) and less than a few thousand rows, repmat is quicker. Above this, the creation of additional large arrays by repmat probably causes a slow down, and we see bsxfun is much quicker.
For future readers if this doesn't apply to you: with broadcasting introduced from R2016b you may find you can dodge using bsxfun and repmat entirely.
*benchmarking code. Tested on Windows 64-bit R2015b, your mileage may vary etc.
function benchie()
b = [0, 100; -10, 1; 0, 1; -1, 1; 10, 20].';
Tb = [];
Tr = [];
K = 20;
for k = 1:K
n = 2^k;
fb = #()bsxfunMethod(b,n);
fr = #()repmatMethod(b,n);
Tb(end+1) = timeit(fb);
Tr(end+1) = timeit(fr);
figure; plot(2.^(1:K), Tb, 2.^(1:K), Tr); legend('bsxfun', 'repmat');
function bsxfunMethod(b, n)
round(bsxfun(#minus,bsxfun(#times, rand(n,5), diff(b)), b(1,:)));
function repmatMethod(b, n)
round(rand(n,5) .* repmat(diff(b), n, 1) + repmat(b(1,:), n, 1));
You can use arrayfun, even though I don't see any harm in using loops and writing more readable code as in Steve's answer.
A = cell2mat(arrayfun(#(imin, imax) randi([imin, imax], 100, 1), b(:,1), b(:,2), 'uni', 0)')
You can do this with randi, passing in rows of b to its first argument:
b = [0,100;-10,1;0,1;-1,1;10,20];
A = zeros(100,5);
for ii = 1:size(A,2)
A(:,ii) = f(ii);
I suspect there is a way of doing this without looping through rows/columns, probably with bsxfun.

How to vectorize the code in MATLAB

I have some Cluster Centers and some Data Points. I want to calculate the distances as below (norm is for Euclidean distance):
costsTmp = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
lambda = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
for clustclust = 1:NClusters
for objobj = 1:NObjects
costsTmp(objobj,clustclust) = norm(curCenters(clustclust,:)-curPartData(objobj,:),'fro');
lambda(objobj,clustclust) = (costsTmp(objobj,clustclust) - log(si1(clustclust,objobj)))/log(si2(objobj,clustclust));
How can I vectorize this snippet?
Try this:
Difference = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
costsTmp = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
lambda = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
for clustclust = 1:NClusters
repeated_curCenter = repmat(curCenter(clustclust,:), NObjects, 1);
% ^^ This creates a repeated matrix of 1 cluster center but with NObject
% rows. Now, dimensions of repeated_curCenter equals that of curPartData
Difference(:,clustclust) = repeated_curCenter - curPartData;
costsTmp(:,clustclust) = sqrt(sum(abs(costsTmp(:,clustclust)).^2, 1)); %Euclidean norm
The approach is to try and make the matrices of equal dimensions. You could eliminate the present for loop also by extending this concept by making 2 3D arrays like this:
costsTmp = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
lambda = zeros(NObjects,NClusters);
%Assume that number of dimensions for data = n
%curCenter's dimensions = NClusters x n
repeated_curCenter = repmat(curCenter, 1, 1, NObjects);
%repeated_curCenter's dimensions = NClusters x n x NObjects
%curPartData's dimensions = NObject x n
repeated_curPartData = repmat(curPartData, 1, 1, NClusters);
%repeated_curPartData's dimensions = NObjects x n x NClusters
%Alligning the matrices along similar dimensions. After this, both matrices
%have dimensions of NObjects x n x NClusters
new_repeated_curCenter = permute(repeated_curCenter, [3, 2, 1]);
Difference = new_repeated_curCenter - repeated_curPartData;
Norm = sqrt(sum(abs(Difference)).^2, 2); %sums along the 2nd dimensions i.e. n
%Norm's dimensions are now NObjects x 1 x NClusters.
Norm = permute(Norm, [1, 3, 2]);
Here, Norm is kinda like costsTmp, just with an extra dimensions. I havent provided the code for lambda. I dont know what lambda is in the question's code too.
This vectorization can be done very elegantly (if I may say so) using bsxfun. No need for any repmats
costsTemp = bsxfun( #minus, permute( curCenters, [1 3 2] ), ...
permute( curPartData, [3 1 2] ) );
% I am not sure why you use Frobenius norm, this is the same as Euclidean norm for vector
costsTemp = sqrt( sum( costsTemp.^2, 3 ) ); % now we have the norms
lambda = costsTmp -reallog(si1)./reallog(si2);
you might need to play a bit with the order of the permute dimensions vector to get the output exactly the same (in terms of transposing it).

How do I multiply all the elements in each row of a given matrix with corresponding elements of a given vector and sum them in MATLAB?

For example, given a matrix randn(3,2) - 3 rows, 2 columns and a vector of multipliers randn(1,2)) 2 columns, I want to get a vector of size (3, 1) in which each row would represent a sum of per element multiplication of the matrix's row elements and the given multipliers like
row_element_1*mul_element_1 + row_element_2*mul_element_2
Sounds like you want a matrix-vector multiplication.
1> x = randn(3, 2)
x =
0.62055 -1.08060
-0.24064 -2.56097
-0.53202 -0.49712
2> y = randn(1, 2)
y =
-1.26010 -0.25200
3> x * y'
ans =
Note the transposition y'.
I think you can do this with a combination of bsxfun and sum, like so:
a = rand(3,2);
b = rand(1,2);
result = sum(bsxfun(#times,a,b),2)
result =
Note dimension argument to SUM to sum along each row (rather than the default, which is down columns). BSXFUN applies a binary function with scalar expansion, which is ideal for the multiplication part here.
A = randn(3, 2);
B = randn(1, 2);
C = A(:, 1) * B(1) + A(:, 2) * B(2); % size(C) = [3, 1]
If you have to scale to a much larger array with lots more columns and didn't want to write out the equation for C in full, you can use repmat and element-wise multiplication
A = randn(300, 200);
B = randn(1, 200);
C = sum(A .* repmat(B, 300, 1), 2);