Select the last element of an Array in a DataFrame - scala

I'm working on a project and I'm dealing with some nested JSON date with a complicated schema/data structure. Basically what I want to do is filter out one of the columns, in a dataframe, such that I select the last element in the array. I'm totally stuck on how to do this. I hope this make sense.
Below is an example of what I'm trying to accomplish:
val singersDF = Seq(
("beatles", "help,hey,jude"),
("romeo", "eres,mia"),
("elvis", "this,is,an,example")
).toDF("name", "hit_songs")
val actualDF = singersDF.withColumn(
split(col("hit_songs"), "\\,")
|name |hit_songs |
|beatles|[help, hey, jude] |
|romeo |[eres, mia] |
|elvis |[this, is, an, example]|
|-- name: string (nullable = true)
|-- hit_songs: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
The end goal for the output would be the following, to select the last "string" in the hit_songs array.
I'm not worried about what the schema would look like afterwards.
|name |hit_songs|
|beatles|jude |
|romeo |mia |
|elvis |example |

You can use the size function to calculate the index of the desired item in the array, and then pass this as the argument of Column.apply (explicitly or implicitly):
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import spark.implicits._
actualDF.withColumn("hit_songs", $"hit_songs".apply(size($"hit_songs").minus(1)))
actualDF.withColumn("hit_songs", $"hit_songs"(size($"hit_songs").minus(1)))

Since spark 2.4+, you can use element_at which supports negative indexing. As you can see in this documentation quote:
element_at(array, index) - Returns element of array at given (1-based) index. If index < 0, accesses elements from the last to the first. Returns NULL if the index exceeds the length of the array.
With that, here's how to get the last element:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.element_at
actualDF.withColumn("hit_songs", element_at($"hit_songs", -1))
Reproducible example:
First let's prepare a sample dataframe with an array column:
val columns = Seq("col1")
val data = Seq((Array(1,2,3)))
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(data)
val df = rdd.toDF(columns:_*)
which looks like this:
| col1|
|[1, 2, 3]|
Then, apply element_at to get the last element as follows:
scala> df.withColumn("last_value", element_at($"col1", -1)).show()
| col1|last_value|
|[1, 2, 3]| 3|

Here's one approach:
val actualDF = Seq(
("beatles", Seq("help", "hey", "jude")),
("romeo", Seq("eres", "mia")),
("elvis", Seq("this", "is", "an", "example"))
).toDF("name", "hit_songs")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
actualDF.withColumn("total_songs", size($"hit_songs")).
select($"name", $"hit_songs"($"total_songs" - 1).as("last_song"))
// +-------+---------+
// | name|last_song|
// +-------+---------+
// |beatles| jude|
// | romeo| mia|
// | elvis| example|
// +-------+---------+

You are looking for the SparkSQL function slice. or this PySpark Source.
Your implementation in Scala slice($"hit_songs", -1, 1)(0) where -1 is the starting position (last index) and 1 is the length, and (0) extracts the first string from resulting array of exactly 1 element.
Full Example:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
val singersDF = Seq(
("beatles", "help,hey,jude"),
("romeo", "eres,mia"),
("elvis", "this,is,an,example")
).toDF("name", "hit_songs")
val actualDF = singersDF.withColumn(
split(col("hit_songs"), "\\,")
val newDF = actualDF.withColumn("last_song", slice($"hit_songs", -1, 1)(0))
| name | hit_songs | last_song |
| beatles | ["help","hey","jude"] | jude |
| romeo | ["eres","mia"] | mia |
| elvis | ["this","is","an","example"] | example |

You can also use an UDF like:
val lastElementUDF = udf((array: Seq[String]) => array.lastOption)
actualDF.withColumn("hit_songs", lastElementUDF($"hit_songs"))
array.lastOption will return None or Some, and array.last will throw an exception if the array is empty.


Scala Spark: Flatten Array of Key/Value structs

I have an input dataframe which contains an array-typed column. Each entry in the array is a struct consisting of a key (one of about four values) and a value. I want to turn this into a dataframe with one column for each possible key, and nulls where that value is not in the array for that row. Keys are never duplicated in any of the arrays, but they may be out of order or missing.
So far the best I've got is
val wantedCols =df.columns
.filter(_ != arrayCol)
.filter(_ != "col")
val flattened = df
.select(( ++ Seq(explode(col(arrayCol)))):_*)
This does exactly what I want, but it's hideous and I have no idea what the ramifactions of grouping on every-column-but-one would be. What's the RIGHT way to do this?
EDIT: Example input/output:
case class testStruct(name : String, number : String)
val dfExampleInput = Seq(
(0, "KY", Seq(testStruct("A", "45"))),
(1, "OR", Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("B", "10"))))
.toDF("index", "state", "entries")
|index|state| entries|
| 0| KY| [[A, 45]]|
| 1| OR|[[A, 30], [B, 10]]|
val dfExampleOutput = Seq(
(0, "KY", "45", null),
(1, "OR", "30", "10"))
.toDF("index", "state", "A", "B")
|index|state| A| B|
| 0| KY| 45|null|
| 1| OR| 30| 10|
I submitted a solution myself (see below) that handles this well so long as you know the keys in advance (in my case I do.) If finding the keys is an issue, another answer holds code to handle that.
Without groupBy pivot agg first
Please check below code.
scala> val df = Seq((0, "KY", Seq(("A", "45"))),(1, "OR", Seq(("A", "30"),("B", "10")))).toDF("index", "state", "entries").withColumn("entries",$"entries".cast("array<struct<name:string,number:string>>"))
df: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [index: int, state: string ... 1 more field]
scala> df.printSchema
|-- index: integer (nullable = false)
|-- state: string (nullable = true)
|-- entries: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- name: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- number: string (nullable = true)
|index|state|entries |
|0 |KY |[[A, 45]] |
|1 |OR |[[A, 30], [B, 10]]|
scala> val finalDFColumns =$"entries").as("entries")).select("entries.*").select("name")[String](0)).orderBy($"value".asc).collect.foldLeft(df.limit(0))((cdf,c) => cdf.withColumn(c,lit(null))).columns
finalDFColumns: Array[String] = Array(index, state, entries, A, B)
scala> val finalDF =$"*" +: (0 until max).map(i => $"entries".getItem(i)("number").as(i.toString)): _*)
finalDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [index: int, state: string ... 3 more fields]
|index|state|entries |0 |1 |
|0 |KY |[[A, 45]] |45 |null|
|1 |OR |[[A, 30], [B, 10]]|30 |10 |
scala> finalDF.printSchema
|-- index: integer (nullable = false)
|-- state: string (nullable = true)
|-- entries: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- name: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- number: string (nullable = true)
|-- 0: string (nullable = true)
|-- 1: string (nullable = true)
scala>,column) => fdf.withColumnRenamed(column._1,column._2)).show(false)
|index|state|entries |A |B |
|0 |KY |[[A, 45]] |45 |null|
|1 |OR |[[A, 30], [B, 10]]|30 |10 |
Final Output
scala>,column) => fdf.withColumnRenamed(column._1,column._2)).drop($"entries").show(false)
|index|state|A |B |
|0 |KY |45 |null|
|1 |OR |30 |10 |
I wouldn't worry too much about grouping by several columns, other than potentially making things confusing. In that vein, if there is a simpler, more maintainable way, go for it. Without example input/output, I'm not sure if this gets you where you're trying to go, but maybe it'll be of use:
Seq(Seq("k1" -> "v1", "k2" -> "v2")).toDS() // some basic input based on my understanding of your description
.select(explode($"value")) // flatten the array
.select("col.*") // de-nest the struct
.groupBy("_2") // one row per distinct value
.pivot("_1") // one column per distinct key
.count // or agg(first) if you want the value in each column
| _2| k1| k2|
| v2|null| 1|
| v1| 1|null|
Based on what you've now said, I get the impression that there are many columns like "state" that aren't required for the aggregation, but need to be in the final result.
For reference, if you didn't need to pivot, you could add a struct column with all such fields nested within, then add it to your aggregation, eg: .agg(first($"myStruct"), first($"number")). The main advantage is only having actual key column(s) referenced in the groubBy. But when using pivot things get a little weird, so we'll set that option aside.
In this use case, the simplest way I could come up with involves splitting your dataframe and joining it back together after the aggregation using some rowkey. In this example I am assuming that "index" is suitable for that purpose:
val mehCols = dfExampleInput.columns.filter(_ != "entries").map(col)
val mehDF =*)
val aggDF = dfExampleInput
.select($"index", explode($"entries").as("entry"))
.select($"index", $"entry.*")
scala> mehDF.join(aggDF, Seq("index")).show
|index|state| A| B|
| 0| KY| 45|null|
| 1| OR| 30| 10|
I doubt you would see much of a difference in performance, if any. Maybe at the extremes, eg: very many meh columns, or very many pivot columns, or something like that, or maybe nothing at all. Personally, I would test both with decently-sized input, and if there wasn't a significant difference, use whichever one seemed easier to maintain.
Here is another way that is based on the assumption that there are no duplicates on the entries column i.e Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("A", "70"), testStruct("B", "10")) will cause an error. The next solution combines both RDD and Dataframe APIs for the implementation:
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.explode
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType
case class testStruct(name : String, number : String)
val df = Seq(
(0, "KY", Seq(testStruct("A", "45"))),
(1, "OR", Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("B", "10"))),
(2, "FL", Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("B", "10"), testStruct("C", "20"))),
(3, "TX", Seq(testStruct("B", "60"), testStruct("A", "19"), testStruct("C", "40")))
.toDF("index", "state", "entries")
// get all possible keys from entries i.e Seq[A, B, C]
val finalCols =$"entries").as("entry"))
.sorted // Attention: we need to retain the order of the columns
// 1. when generating row values and
// 2. when creating the schema
val rdd ={ r =>
// transform the entries array into a map i.e Map(A -> 30, B -> 10)
val entriesMap = r.getSeq[Row](2).map{r => (r.getString(0), r.getString(1))}.toMap
// transform finalCols into a map with null value i.e Map(A -> null, B -> null, C -> null)
val finalColsMap ={c => (c, null)}.toMap
// replace null values with those that are present from the current row by merging the two previous maps
// Attention: this should retain the order of finalColsMap
val merged = finalColsMap ++ entriesMap
// concatenate the two first row values ["index", "state"] with the values from merged
val finalValues = Seq(r(0), r(1)) ++ merged.values
val extraCols ={c => s"`${c}` STRING"}
val schema = StructType.fromDDL("`index` INT, `state` STRING," + extraCols.mkString(","))
val finalDf = spark.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
// +-----+-----+---+----+----+
// |index|state| A| B| C|
// +-----+-----+---+----+----+
// | 0| KY| 45|null|null|
// | 1| OR| 30| 10|null|
// | 2| FL| 30| 10| 20|
// | 3| TX| 19| 60| 40|
// +-----+-----+---+----+----+
Note: the solution requires one extra action to retrieve the unique keys although it doesn't cause any shuffling since it it based on narrow transformations only.
I've worked out a solution myself:
def extractFromArray(colName : String, key : String, numKeys : Int, keyName : String) = {
val indexCols = (0 to numKeys-1).map(col(colName).getItem(_))
indexCols.foldLeft(lit(null))((innerCol : Column, indexCol : Column) =>
when(indexCol.isNotNull && (indexCol.getItem(keyName) === key), indexCol)
case class testStruct(name : String, number : String)
val df = Seq(
(0, "KY", Seq(testStruct("A", "45"))),
(1, "OR", Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("B", "10"))),
(2, "FL", Seq(testStruct("A", "30"), testStruct("B", "10"), testStruct("C", "20"))),
(3, "TX", Seq(testStruct("B", "60"), testStruct("A", "19"), testStruct("C", "40")))
.toDF("index", "state", "entries")
.withColumn("A", extractFromArray("entries", "B", 3, "name"))
which produces:
|index|state| entries| A|
| 0| KY| [[A, 45]]| null|
| 1| OR| [[A, 30], [B, 10]]|[B, 10]|
| 2| FL|[[A, 30], [B, 10]...|[B, 10]|
| 3| TX|[[B, 60], [A, 19]...|[B, 60]|
This solution is a little different from other answers:
It works on only a single key at a time
It requires the key name and number of keys be known in advance
It produces a column of structs, rather than doing the extra step of extracting specific values
It works as a simple column-to-column operation, rather than requiring transformations on the entire DF
It can be evaluated lazily
The first three issues can be handled by calling code, and leave it somewhat more flexible for cases where you already know the keys or where the structs contain additional values to extract.

Read csv into Dataframe with nested column

I have a csv file like this:
20,dog,"{is_large_animal=true, is_mammal=true}"
3.5,cat,"{is_large_animal=false, is_mammal=true}"
6.00E-04,ant,"{is_large_animal=false, is_mammal=false}"
And I created case class schema with the following:
package types
case class AnimalsType (
weight: Option[Double],
animal_type: Option[String],
animal_interpretation: Option[AnimalInterpretation]
case class AnimalInterpretation (
is_large_animal: Option[Boolean],
is_mammal: Option[Boolean]
I tried to load the csv into a dataframe with:
var df ="csv").option("header", "true").load("src/main/resources/animals.csv").as[AnimalsType]
But got the following exception:
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Can't extract value from animal_interpretation#12: need struct type but got string;
Am I doing something wrong? What would be the proper way of doing this?
You can not assigned schema to csv json directly. You need to do transform csv String column (animal_interpretation) into Json format, As I have done in below code using UDF. if you can get input data in format like df1 then there is no need of below UDF you can continue from df1 and get final dataframe df2.
There is no need of any case class since your data header contain column and for json data you need to declare schema AnimalInterpretationSch as below
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
//Input CSV DataFrame
|weight |animal_type|animal_interpretation |
|20 |dog |{is_large_animal=true, is_mammal=true} |
|3.5 |cat |{is_large_animal=false, is_mammal=true}|
|6.00E-04|ant |{is_large_animal=false,is_mammal=false}|
//UDF to convert "animal_interpretation" column to Json Format
scala> def StringToJson:UserDefinedFunction = udf((data:String,JsonColumn:String) => {
| var out = data
| val JsonColList = JsonColumn.trim.split(",").toList
| JsonColList.foreach{ rr =>
| out = out.replaceAll(rr, "'"+rr+"'")
| }
| out = out.replaceAll("=", ":")
| out
| })
//All column from Json
scala> val JsonCol = "is_large_animal,is_mammal"
//New dataframe with Json format
scala> val df1 = df.withColumn("animal_interpretation", StringToJson(col("animal_interpretation"), lit(JsonCol)))
|weight |animal_type|animal_interpretation |
|20 |dog |{'is_large_animal':true, 'is_mammal':true} |
|3.5 |cat |{'is_large_animal':false, 'is_mammal':true}|
|6.00E-04|ant |{'is_large_animal':false,'is_mammal':false}|
//Schema declarion of Json format
scala> val AnimalInterpretationSch = new StructType().add("is_large_animal", BooleanType).add("is_mammal", BooleanType)
//Accessing Json columns
scala> val df2 ="weight"), col("animal_type"),from_json(col("animal_interpretation"), AnimalInterpretationSch).as("jsondata")).select("weight", "animal_type", "jsondata.*")
scala> df2.printSchema
|-- weight: string (nullable = true)
|-- animal_type: string (nullable = true)
|-- is_large_animal: boolean (nullable = true)
|-- is_mammal: boolean (nullable = true)
| weight|animal_type|is_large_animal|is_mammal|
| 20| dog| true| true|
| 3.5| cat| false| true|
|6.00E-04| ant| false| false|

Converting Array of Strings to String with different delimiters in Spark Scala

I want to convert an array of String in a dataframe to a String with different delimiters than a comma also removing the array bracket. I want the "," to be replaced with ";#". This is to avoid elements that may have "," inside as it is a freeform text field. I am using spark 1.6.
Examples below:
|-- carLineName: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
Input as Dataframe:
|carLineName |
|[Avalon,CRV,Camry] |
|[Model T, Model S] |
|[Cayenne, Mustang] |
|[Pilot, Jeep] |
Desired output:
|carLineName |
|Avalon;#CRV;#Camry |
|Model T;#Model S |
|Cayenne;#Mustang |
|Pilot;# Jeep |
Current code which produces the input above:
val newCarDf ="carLineName").cast("String").as("carLineName"))
You can use native function array_join (it is available since Spark 2.4):
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{array_join}
val l = Seq(Seq("Avalon","CRV","Camry"), Seq("Model T", "Model S"), Seq("Cayenne", "Mustang"), Seq("Pilot", "Jeep"))
val df = l.toDF("carLineName")
df.withColumn("str", array_join($"carLineName", ";#")).show()
| carLineName| str|
|[Avalon, CRV, Camry]|Avalon;#CRV;#Camry|
| [Model T, Model S]| Model T;#Model S|
| [Cayenne, Mustang]| Cayenne;#Mustang|
| [Pilot, Jeep]| Pilot;#Jeep|
you can create a user defined function that concatenate elements with "#;" separator as the following example:
val df1 = Seq(
("1", Array("t1", "t2")),
("2", Array("t1", "t3", "t5"))
).toDF("id", "arr")
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{col, udf}
def formatString: Seq[String] => String = x => x.reduce(_ ++ "#;" ++ _)
def udfFormat = udf(formatString)
df1.withColumn("formatedColumn", udfFormat(col("arr")))
| id| arr| formated|
| 1| [t1, t2]| t1#;t2|
| 2|[t1, t3, t5]|t1#;t3#;t5|
You could simply write an User-defined function udf, which will take an Array of String as input parameter. Inside udf any operation could be performed on an array.
import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.UserDefinedFunction
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.udf
def toCustomString: UserDefinedFunction = udf((carLineName: Seq[String]) => {
val newCarDf = df.withColumn("carLineName", toCustomString(df.col("carLineName")))
This udf could be made generic further by passing the delimiter as the second parameter.
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit
def toCustomStringWithDelimiter: UserDefinedFunction = udf((carLineName: Seq[String], delimiter: String) => {
val newCarDf = df.withColumn("carLineName", toCustomStringWithDelimiter(df.col("carLineName"), lit(";#")))
Since you are using 1.6, we can do simple map of Row to WrappedArray.
Here is how it goes.
Input :
scala> val carLineDf = Seq( (Array("Avalon","CRV","Camry")),
| (Array("Model T", "Model S")),
| (Array("Cayenne", "Mustang")),
| (Array("Pilot", "Jeep"))
| ).toDF("carLineName")
carLineDf: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [carLineName: array<string>]
Schema ::
scala> carLineDf.printSchema
|-- carLineName: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: string (containsNull = true)
Then we just use Row.getAs to get an WrappedArray of String instead of a Row object and we can manipulate with usual scala built-ins :
scala> import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
import scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray
scala> row => row.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](0)).map( a => a.mkString(";#")).toDF("carLineNameAsString").show(false)
|Avalon;#CRV;#Camry |
|Model T;#Model S |
|Cayenne;#Mustang |
|Pilot;#Jeep |
// Even an easier alternative row => row.getAs[WrappedArray[String]](0)).map( r => r.reduce(_+";#"+_)).show(false)
That's it. You might have to use a dataframe.rdd otherwise this should do.

How can I split a column containing array of some struct into separate columns?

I have the following scenarios:
case class attribute(key:String,value:String)
case class entity(id:String,attr:List[attribute])
val entities = List(entity("1",List(attribute("name","sasha"),attribute("home","del"))),
val df = entities.toDF()
| id| attr|
| 1|[[name,sasha], [d...|
| 2| [[home,hyd]]|
|-- id: string (nullable = true)
|-- attr: array (nullable = true)
| |-- element: struct (containsNull = true)
| | |-- key: string (nullable = true)
| | |-- value: string (nullable = true)
what I want to produce is
| id| name | home |
| 1| sasha |del |
| 2| null |hyd |
How do I go about this. I looked at quite a few similar questions on stack but couldn't find anything useful.
My main motive is to do groupBy on different attributes, thus want to bring it in the above mentioned format.
I looked into explode functionality. It breaks downs a list in separate rows, I don't want that. I want to create more columns from the array of attribute.
Similar things I found:
Spark - convert Map to a single-row DataFrame
Split 1 column into 3 columns in spark scala
Spark dataframe - Split struct column into 2 columns
That can easily be reduced to PySpark converting a column of type 'map' to multiple columns in a dataframe or How to get keys and values from MapType column in SparkSQL DataFrame. First convert attr to map<string, string>
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.{explode, map_from_entries, map_keys}
val dfMap = df.withColumn("attr", map_from_entries($"attr"))
then it's just a matter of finding the unique keys
val keys =$"attr"))).as[String].distinct.collect
then selecting from the map
val result =$"id" +: => $"attr"(key) as key): _*)
| id| name|home|
| 1|sasha| del|
| 2| null| hyd|
Less efficient but more concise variant is to explode and pivot
val result = df
.select($"id", explode(map_from_entries($"attr")))
| id|home| name|
| 1| del|sasha|
| 2| hyd| null|
but in practice I'd advise against it.

Get minimum value from an Array in a Spark DataFrame column

I have a DataFrame with Arrays.
val DF = Seq(
("123", "|1|2","3|3|4" ),
("124", "|3|2","|3|4" )
).toDF("id", "complete1", "complete2")
.select($"id", split($"complete1", "\\|").as("complete1"), split($"complete2", "\\|").as("complete2"))
|id |complete1|complete2|
| 123| [, 1, 2]|[3, 3, 4]|
| 124| [, 3, 2]| [, 3, 4]|
How do I extract the minimum of each arrays?
|id |complete1|complete2|
| 123| 1 | 3 |
| 124| 2 | 3 |
I have tried defining a UDF to do this but I am getting an error.
def minArray(a:Array[String]) :String = a.filter(_.nonEmpty).min.mkString
val minArrayUDF = udf(minArray _)
def getMinArray(df: DataFrame, i: Int): DataFrame = df.withColumn("complete" + i, minArrayUDF(df("complete" + i)))
val minDf = (1 to 2).foldLeft(DF){ case (df, i) => getMinArray(df, i)}
java.lang.ClassCastException: scala.collection.mutable.WrappedArray$ofRef cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.String;
Since Spark 2.4, you can use array_min to find the minimum value in an array. To use this function you will first have to cast your arrays of strings to arrays of integers. Casting will also take care of the empty strings by converting them into null values.$"id",
array_min(expr("cast(complete1 as array<int>)")).as("complete1"),
array_min(expr("cast(complete2 as array<int>)")).as("complete2"))
You can define your udf function as below
def minUdf = udf((arr: Seq[String])=> arr.filterNot(_ == "").map(_.toInt).min)
and call it as"id"), minUdf(col("complete1")).as("complete1"), minUdf(col("complete2")).as("complete2")).show(false)
which should give you
|id |complete1|complete2|
|123|1 |3 |
|124|2 |3 |
In case if the array passed to udf functions are empty or array of empty strings then you will encounter
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: empty.min
You should handle that with if else condition in udf function as
def minUdf = udf((arr: Seq[String])=> {
val filtered = arr.filterNot(_ == "")
if(filtered.isEmpty) 0
I hope the answer is helpful
Here is how you can do it without using udf
First explode the array you got with split() and then group by the same id and find min
val DF = Seq(
("123", "|1|2","3|3|4" ),
("124", "|3|2","|3|4" )
).toDF("id", "complete1", "complete2")
.select($"id", split($"complete1", "\\|").as("complete1"), split($"complete2", "\\|").as("complete2"))
.withColumn("complete1", explode($"complete1"))
.withColumn("complete2", explode($"complete2"))
.groupBy($"id").agg(min($"complete1".cast(IntegerType)).as("complete1"), min($"complete2".cast(IntegerType)).as("complete2"))
|id |complete1|complete2|
|124|2 |3 |
|123|1 |3 |
You don't need an UDF for this, you can use sort_array:
val DF = Seq(
("123", "|1|2","3|3|4" ),
("124", "|3|2","|3|4" )
).toDF("id", "complete1", "complete2")
split(regexp_replace($"complete1","^\\|",""), "\\|").as("complete1"),
split(regexp_replace($"complete2","^\\|",""), "\\|").as("complete2")
// now select minimum
| id|complete1|complete2|
|123| 1| 3|
|124| 2| 3|
Note that I removed the leading | before splitting to avoid empty strings in the array