ComponentDidMount actions with timeout - scala.js

I am trying to perform some actions when my component did mount, but not immediately. My component looks like something this:
object MyComponent {
def apply = compopnent()
class Backend($: BackendScope) {
def render = {
// Some markup
def actions() = setTimeout(1000) {
//... Some state modifications
val component = ScalaComponent.builder[Unit]("My component")
.componentDidMount(f => f.backend.actions()) // HERE!
I get type missmatch. Found SetTimeoutHandle, required react.Callback.
How to use timeout inside componentDidMount?

CallbackTo class has async / delay / delayMs methods. You can get a delayed state mod callback like so: $.modState(...).delayMs(1000).void.
Note that async callbacks in React.js need careful handling. 1 second from mounting, your component might already be unmounted (in theory), and if your callback runs when it's already unmounted you will get an error. I'm not sure if scalajs-react offers anything on top of React.js in that regard.


java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException when testing scala future

I have the following test class:
class NodeScalaSuite extends FunSuite with ScalaFutures {
Within it, I added this test to check a method returning a future:
test("Any should return the first future") {
val p = Promise[Int]()
p completeWith Future.any(List(Future{wait(2000); 1}, Future{wait(1); 2}))
whenReady(p.future) {x =>
(I made the assert true just for simpler debugging.)
When I run the test suite I am getting this error:
[info] The future returned an exception of type: java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException.
What could cause this?
According to docs for java.lang.Object#wait it
throws IllegalMonitorStateException if the current thread is not the owner of the object's monitor.
Which means wait should be called inside synchronized block. Something like synchronized { wait(2000) } should work but I think what you really want to do is to use Thread.sleep(2000). wait is meant to be used in combination with notify and notifyAll for synchronizing access to shared resource from multiple threads. It releases the object's monitor so another thread can execute the same synchronized block.

Activiti Java Service Task: Passivate w/out the need for receive task

this has already been answered but the solutions have not been working out for me.
Activiti asynchronous behaviour is fairly simple and only allows the user to enable a flag which tells activiti engine to insert such task in a execution queue (managing a pool of threads).
What i want is not to insert my java service task in a pool but to passivate its behaviour and only complete such task when an external signal is received and/or a callback is called.
My attempt:
class customAsyncTask extends TaskActivityBehavior {
override def execute(execution: ActivityExecution): Unit = {
val future = Future {
println(s"Executing customAsyncTask -> ${execution.getCurrentActivityName}, ${cur}")
future.onComplete {
case Success(result) => leave(execution)
case _ => // whatever
def signal(processInstanceId : String, transition : String) = {
val commandExecutor = main.processEngine.getProcessEngineConfiguration.asInstanceOf[ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl].getCommandExecutor
val command = new customSignal(processInstanceId, transition)
On my previous code sample i have registered a scala future callback which when called will terminate the current activity and move to the next.
I also have a signal method which builds a custom signal that based on the processId and a name will call execution.take with the appropriate transition.
On both cases i am getting the following error (the bottom stack changes a little)
at org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntity.performOperationSync(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntity.performOperation(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntity.take(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.persistence.entity.ExecutionEntity.take(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.BpmnActivityBehavior.performOutgoingBehavior(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.BpmnActivityBehavior.performDefaultOutgoingBehavior(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.FlowNodeActivityBehavior.leave(
at org.activiti.engine.impl.bpmn.behavior.AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior.leave(
Unfortunately, it is highly likely that the engine is erasing the information concerning the execution when the execute method returns, even though no complete/leave/take has been called. Even though my callback has the execution object in context, when i query for information using its proccess ID all i receive is null.
So, what i am doing wrong here? How can i achieve the behaviour that i want?
I dont see anything specific, I would have said you need to extend a class that implements SignalableActivityBehavior, but I think TaskActivityBehavior actually does this.
While the stack indicates the NPE is coming from the leave(), I am confused why leave is calling "take" since take is a transition event and really should only happen on a task labeled as synchronous.
All I can offer is, Camunda have an example implementation that is similar to your scenario. You may be able to use this to help you:
It seems that activiti uses thread local variables which means that when calling methods from the scala threads (scala Executor Context) would be pointless since they do not share the context.
To solve all i have to do from my callback is make a signal call much like if i were calling from a remote system. The only difference is that i do not need to save my process instance identifier.
The code looks as such:
class AsynchronousServiceTask extends AbstractBpmnActivityBehavior {
val exec_id : String = "executionId"
override def execute(execution : ActivityExecution) = {
val future = Future { println("Something") }
future onComplete {
case _ => myobject.callSignalForMe(execution.getId)
override def signal(execution : ActivityExecution, signalName : String, signalData : AnyRef) = {
println("Signal called, leaving current activity..")
Basically, myobject holds the runTimeEngine and will inject the signal in a ThreadLocal context. All clean and working as intended.

If you don't block on a future, can it cause a race like condition?

Say I have a controller that has a future call, and then I redirect to another page which expects that call to have computed. Is it possible the future doesn't return fast enough and when I redirect to the other page the data will not be "fresh"?
class HomeController {
def action1 = Action{
val f1 = Future { ... }
def action2 = Action {
// expects the call to f1:Future to have executed
The reason I am asking is should my Service layer return Future's or block? Or should I pass the Future down to the calling code like in my controller.
etc. etc..
Should these return Future?
If I expected the call to have computed, I have to block. So is there no hard and fast rule for this?
There's a couple of things in your question that are somewhat tangential, so I'll address them in turn
1) Will the redirect response return before the future returns?
Impossible to tell and, further, it will not behave consistently. For the redirect to not return before the Future has completed its computation, you should use an async action instead, so that the call doesn't respond with the redirect until the Future completes:
def action1 = Action.async { request =>
futureComputation().map { _ => Redirect(routes.HomeController.action2) }
2) Should my Service layer return a Future?
The simple answer is yes, if the underlying API is also non-blocking.
The more nuanced answer is yes, even if your service call is blocking, but every other call that is used in your workflow returns a future. This second qualification is about composition and readability.
Suppose the workflow is:
fetchHttpResource (async get)
update (with data from fetch
Because there is one async component, the workflow should be async and you might write it like this:
def workflow(id:UUID):Future[Unit] = {
val user = UserService.findById(id)
fetchHttpResource(id).map { resource =>
val updatedUser = user.copy(x = resource)
If UserService returns Future's as well, you could use a for-comprehension instead:
def workflow(id: UUID): Future[Unit] = for {
user <- UserService.findById(id)
resource <- fetchHttpResource(id)
_ <- UserService.update(user.copy(x = resource))
} yield {}
which brings me to
3) Is there a hard and fast rule for using Future's?
Async code is a turtles all the way down affair. Once you have one async call in your chain, your chain has to return a Future and once you have that requirement, composition via for, map, flatMap, etc. and error handling becomes a lot cleaner among Future signatures. The additional benefit is that if you have a blocking call now, maybe in the future you can find an async API to use inside that service, your signature doesn't have to change.
For returning a Future from blocking calls that may fail the best policy is to wrap them with future {}. If however, you have computed data that cannot fail, using Future.successful() is the better choice.
As your code stands your action1 will kick off the code executed in the future then send the redirect to the browser. The is no guarantee that the code in the future will be done before action2 is called.
Howver, assuming this is play framework, you can wait for the code in the future to complete without blocking the current thread, by using the map or onComplete methods on Future to register callbacks, in which you'd complete the request by sending the redirect. You'll need to change your Action to Action.async.

Multiple Futures in Play and using case classes to hold the future data

The scenario:
I have two different Api calls to make (across the web). ApiCall1, ApiCall2. Eventually ApiCall1 will return an Option[Catalogue] and ApiCall2 will return a Seq[Catalogue]
I then need to take these two and build a FrontPage object. During the instantiation of the FrontPage object it creates a Seq[NewProducts]. Everytime it makes a NewProduct the NewProduct must also call a MongoDB across the web inside a Future. Every Future must have completed prior to handing the FrontPage object off to the view.
Here is the code for the FrontPage class:
case class FrontPage(maybeCat1: Option[Catalogue], maybeCat2: Seq[Catalogue]) {
val newProducts:Seq[NewProduct] = { { cat =>
Here is the code so far for the NewProduct class:
case class NewProduct(cat:Catalogue) {
val indivProduct:Option[IndivProduct] = {
// ???
// This next line goes out to Mongo and returns a Future[List[JsObject]]
val indiv:Future[List[JsObject]] = MongoFetch.getIndivProduct(cat)
//need to strip out the 'Future', wait for it to return?
val listJS = indiv .. ???? // <-- need just the List[JsObject]]
return IndivProduct(listJs) // <-- constructs a new Option[IndivProduct]
Here is the code so far for the controller:
def landing() = Action.async {
for {
catalogue1 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("front-page") // <- ApiCall1
catalogue2 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("tags") // <- ApiCall2
} yield {
//??? How to now build the FrontPage object
// surely it also depends on the future?
val fp = FrontPage(catalogue1, catalogue2)
Ok(views.html.frontpage.landing(fp)) // <- at this point all futures must have returned.
I really want to be able to pass a nice neat FrontPage object to the View (and hence the designers) with a really simple set of function defined on it for them to template with. All the futures must return. Catalogue1 and Catalogue2 are not dependent on anything or even each other. Creating a Seq[NewProducts] inside the FrontPage object is depending on both of them having returned. And I can not then pass the FrontPage object to the view until it to has returned the NewProducts from Mongo.
This level of complexity is above what I am used to. I am getting confused with where and when to use for/yield comprehensions. I am afraid that this will somehow just block because the Futures are too far embedded in a case class, within a case class. The very top level of the controller is wrapped in an Async, so will this mean that any and all Futures within that Async call will be non-blocking?
See the futures as steps to get to a fully complete front page, not parts of it and think what each little part of those steps would be.
For example, to construct an instance of NewProduct, create a method that talks to the db and returns the future completed NewProduct instances.
case class NewProduct(cat:Catalogue, indiv: Option[IndivProduct])
def newProductFor(cat: Catalogue): Future[NewProduct] =
for {
listJs <- MongoFetch.getIndivProduct(cat)
} yield NewProduct(cat, IndivProduct(listJs))
You can then create your front page, again, in a function/method that handles the loading/future:
case class FrontPage(
maybeCat1: Option[Catalogue],
maybeCat2: Seq[Catalogue],
newProducts: Seq[NewProduct])
def loadFrontPage: Future[FrontPage] =
for {
catalogue1 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("front-page")
tags <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("tags")
newProducts <- loadNewProducts(tags)
} yield FrontPage(catalogue1, tags, newProducts)
def loadNewProducts(catalogues: Seq[Catalogue]): Future[Seq[NewProduct]] = {
Future.traverse(catalogues) { catalogue =>
Note Future.traverse which takes a collection with A:s in and a function that goes from A => Future[B] and returns a Future[collection[B]].
You can then call that in an async controller to feed to a template:
def page() = Action.async {
for {
frontPage <- loadFrontPage
} yield Ok(views.some.template(frontPage))

Changing Akka actor state by passing a method with arguments to "become"

I am having some trouble using become in my Akka actor. Basically, my actor has a structure like so:
// This is where I store information received by the actor
// In my real application it has more fields, though.
case class Information(list:List[AnyRef]) {
def received(x:AnyRef) = {
Information(list :+ x)
class MyActor extends Actor {
// Initial receive block that simply waits for a "start" signal
def receive = {
case Start => {
// The main waiting state. In my real application, I have multiple of
// these which all have a parameter of type "Information"
def waiting(info:Information):Receive = {
// If a certain amount of messages was received, I decide what action
// to take next.
if(someCondition) {
return {
case Bar(x) => {
// !!! Problem occurs here !!!
// This is where the problem occurs, apparently. After a decision has been
// made, (i.e. decideNextState was invoked), the info list should've been
// cleared. But when I check the size of the info list here, after a decision
// has been made, it appears to still contain all the messages received
// earlier.
become(waiting(info received x))
def decideNextState(info:Information) {
// Some logic, then the received information list is cleared and
// we enter a new state.
Sorry for the long code snippet, but I couldn't really make it any smaller.
The part where the problem occurs is marked in the comments. I am passing a parameter to the method that returns the Receive partial function which is then passed to the become method. However, the created partial function seems to somehow preserve state from an earlier invocation. I find the problem a bit difficult to explain, but I did my best to do so in the comments in the code, so please read those and I'll answer anything that is unclear.
Your logic is a little convoluted but I'll take a shot at what could be the problem:
If someCondition is true then your actor steps into a state, let's call it S1 characterized by a value Information(List()). And then you return (by the way, avoid using return unless it is absolutely necessary) a receive method which will put your actor into a state S2 characterized by a list Information(somePreviousList :+ x). So at this point your stack of states has S1 on top. But when you receive a Bar(x) message the state S2 will be pushed, thus covering S1 and you actually transition into a state characterized by an Information with the old values + your new x.
Or something like that, the recursion in your actor is a bit mesmerizing.
But I'll suggest rewriting that code since it seems that the state which changes is something of type Information and you are manipulating this state using Akka's actor state transitions which is not at all the best tool to do that. become and unbecome are meant to be used to transition from different states of the actor's behavior. That is, an actor can have a different behavior at any time and you use become and unbecome to change between these behaviors.
Why not do something like this ?
class MyActor extends Actor {
private var info = Information(List.empty)
def receive = {
case Start => info = Information(List()) //a bit redundant, but it's just to match 1:1 with your code
case Bar(x) => {
if (someCondition) {
info = Information(List.empty)
info = info received x
I might not have captured your entire idea, but you get the picture.