New-CryptographyKey module Powershell - powershell

I have been working on a script and I needed to use Encryption/Decryption. Basically, encrypt a text file and then add the decryption code in my script and then let the script do its work by taking the encrypted file and decrypting it. After googling through stuff, I came across this post. By far it seemed the most simple implementation for my work. However, I am unable to import this module in my PS window.
When I write:
Import-Module New-CryptographyKey
I get the error:
Import-Module Cannot find path 'C:\WINDOWS\system32\New-CryptographyKey' because it does not exist.
I understand that this is some path issue but I have set the path in the environment.
Any suggestions will be helpful.

Your problem is how you're importing the module. Because the technet link you have in your question is directly to a .psm1 file, you need to fully-path that in your import command (as it does not have a proper module manifest):
Import-Module -Name 'C:\path\to\FileCryptography.psm1'
With this, it should work.
The alternative is you generate a module manifest, learn how module loading works and have the folder/files in the right location/named correctly, and then it can be auto-loaded on v3+, but that's a little outside the scope of this question.

So what I was missing was to importing the module as stated by TheIncorrigible1. After that, I was also missed adding the Assembly as follows in the Script.:
Add-Type -Assembly System.Security
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
How this worked is that I used the Technet link and understood what he was doing and used the assemblies that he imported in my script and extracted the Encrypting and the Decrypting statements he used. This seemed to work for me.
This happened because I was unable to Import the New-CryptographyKey because I was not specifying the path. So for anyone else, better to import the module with its path when you are facing this issue.
Thanks Incorrigible1 for letting me know of this, however I made this work in a noob way but the correct way to import it was by giving the correct path as
Import-Module -Name 'C:\path\to\FileCryptography.psm1'


How to require a dll inside .psd1 for a .psm1 that is being invoked from a .ps1?

I read a lot of the answers here and I can't seem to find what I am looking for. So please bear with me.
Each psm1 is a class.
I have:
I am trying to load a dll to use inside module02.psm1. I know that in order to do so I have to require it inside a .psd1. I created a psd1 for module02 and put it in the same folder and imported it like this "Import-Module" before the code but it didn't work.
I also tried to create a psd1 for Main.ps1 but it didn't work.
Can I require (using using module statements and Add-Type) all modules and dll inside a .ps1 script and require it inside a .psd1 for Main.ps1?
Thank you.

Loading/use CsvHelper in PowerShell 7/.NET 5

Long story short - requesting assistance loading/using CsvHelper in PS 7 w/.NET 5. Dll loads fine but no exported commands available. Added a manifest (nested, root, etc) with full export didn't expose. Assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Long story long - Have a system with fairly vanilla installs of pwsh v7.1.3 and .NET v5.0.300. I've been assigned a project to work with very large CSV files and process them with SQLBULKCOPY. The files will have formatting challenges as well as date (datetime2) fun so a Csv parser seems to be the best course of action.
After seeing that CsvHelper can cut through the parsing requirements, is compiled for .NET 5 (no dependencies), and reading reviews showing 20%+ better performance than another DLL (lu...) being tested I would like to leverage it for the project.
This solution will be used on systems with no access to the internet and users with limited skills, so the hope is to use just include the CsvHelper dll in the script module directory.
Loading the CsvHelper.dll (net5.0) file import-module "...\CsvHelper.dll" appears to work. Get-Module shows the dll is loaded but doesn't show any exported commands. Get-Command doesn't either. I've tried creating a manifest file for the DLL (nestedmodules, rootmodule, etc. and export specific publics, *) but am unsuccessful. I'm sure I'm missing something simple and would appreciate assistance. Thanks much.
When I started this project the first test was using a Lumenworks parser. It can be loaded into PS and used directly. That was nice and it set my head in that specific direction. Moving into CsvHelper I was wanting (hoping) to stay in PS only. There were bureaucratic motivations to not to go into studio, compile a dll, and the like.
My hope was to load the helper dll in PS and then inline the C# code. Something along the lines of:
Import-Module "C:\...\CsvHelper.dll"
$Assem = (
<?? for csvhelper>
$source = #"
using CsvHelper;
<C# around using CsvHelper>
and appropriate Add-Type
Add-Type -ReferencedAssemblies $Assem -TypeDefinition $Source -Language CSharp
What I wanted to do can probably be done but I don't have the skills for it. For now I'm going with a Studio project. Will build set it to do what I want, use it in PS for the solution and deal with the politics.
Appreciate the inputs.

Can't load powershell module from explicit path

I can't recall if this stopped working at some point or has always been this way. When I develop powershell modules I would like to be able to load them explicitly from my local repo directory to make sure everything is working properly. MSDN indicates this should work, however I get the error:
"The specified module .\SomeModule was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any
module directory. FileNotFoundException"
I would expect this is because it can't find the psm1 file in the directory but I can't understand why. I can load the module by referencing the psm1 file directly but this excludes anything being loaded by the manifest. I can also copy the module to one of the standard module paths and it will load correctly. This is what I've been doing as a work around but I'd love to get this figured out. TIA
**Update: Ran process monitor while running the import command. Interesting results. Seems like it may just be a powershell bug.
You can load the module by referencing the module manifest file (.psd1) directly, which will then ensure any dependencies are loaded.

How do I generate a self-signed certificate and use it to sign my powershell script?

So I've been researching/googling for the last 2 hours, and I'm practically at the point of tears...
I can't use New-SelfSignedCertificate because I'm on Windows 7.
I can't use makecert because of a bug that won't allow me to install the SDK for Windows 7 because it thinks I have a pre-release version of .NET 4, but I don't. Trying to install .NET 4 informed me I have a new or better version.
I tried a registry hack that I found to get around this, which unfortunately didn't work.
I've downloaded this
But can't seem to manage to get through all the steps I need to actually get my script signed so I can give it to other people to use safely.
I think I've managed to create the certificate (although I'm not sure if I did it right).
From what I can tell I need to apply a password or key to it now, and then export it? I'm still not sure how I specifically sign my script, so others can execute it as 'Signed'.
Thanks guys.
Alternatively all this could possibly be unnecessary if anyone knows how I can get relative .ps1 paths working in a .exe file?
The script works fine as a .ps1, but as soon as I compile it into a .exe using PowerGUI, these lines don't work.
. .\Import-XLS.ps1
$OutFile = ".\TEST$(get-date -Format dd-MM).txt"
$Content = Import-XLS '.\TEST.xlsx'
I instead get things like
"The term '.\Import-XLS.ps1' is not recognised as the name of a cmdlet, along with some reference to a Appdata\Local\Temp\QuestSoftware\PowerGUI\ folder.
So I'm guessing PowerGUI is doing something weird, but I don't know how else to convert a .ps1 into a .exe.
Depending on the answer to the main question, I may submit a new question for the .exe one officially.
Thanks guys.
So I ended up resolving this issue with a combination of two things.
Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
I needed to use both, as the former worked in a .ps1 but not in a compiled .exe, while the latter worked in a compiled .exe, but not in a .ps1.
As the PowerGUI compiled .exe has a consistent path folder name, I ended up using the following.
$ScriptPath = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
if ($ScriptPath -match 'Quest Software') {$ScriptPath = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory}
I also included the Function into the .exe (but it wasn't necessary).
I then used $OutFile = "$ScriptPath\<Filename>.txt"
and $Content = Import-XLS "$ScriptPath\<Filename>.xlsx"
This means I can now use a .exe instead of trying to get a working certificate for the script. While also being able to quickly test changes to it while it's still a .ps1.
I hope this is helpful for others using PowerGUI to make .exe's in the future, who also need to use relative paths.
Thanks to those that provided help and advice.
So I have not used PowerGUI to create .exe files from scripts so this is a bit of a shot in the dark but I am guessing it just does not implement dot-sourcing external files, if that is the only thing preventing you from deploying the code why not just copy the functions from Import-XLS.ps1 into the body of your script?

PowerShell module changes not visible

I'm confused as to how PowerShell modules work.
I have downloaded and copied a module from a blogger. I've unblocked and extracted the .zip to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SomeModule
In this folder is a .NET assembly that the module uses, but doesn't not contain compiled CmdLets. Instead, the commands are functions in a .psm1 file and a .psd1 file describes the manifest.
If I open PowerShell, the functions are available and work but I want to add my own function, so I have added it, however I cannot see it. I've restarted all PowerShell instances, removed the module and imported it again.
As a test, I renamed an existing, working function. Interestingly, after remove and import the function disappears instead of adopting its new name. If I rename it back (just a single character change) and remove/import then it appears again.
I use help blahblah to list all commands in a set, since they all have the same prefix. The manifest exports all (*) functions. Clearly I don't understand how these type of script modules work, the functions are all listed even after I run Remove-Module! I've written a compiled module before in C# and that worked as expected.
What's going on? Why does renaming a function cause it to vanish? Thanks.
Found it. This line appears in some stuff I overlooked in the .psm1 file.
Export-ModuleMember X, Y, Z
So, I guess the manifest can overrule this or replace the need for it in a script? Who knows. Anyway, hope this helps someone.