Bioinformatics add-on for Orange 3.13 - orange

I am using Orange 3.13 on Windows 8.1 Enterprise. I successfully added add-on Bioinformatics, however I am missing some of the widgets in this add-on. I would need PIPAx, Volcano plot, Set enrichment, Select genes, BioMart, and Gene info. But some other widgets are also missing.
Could anyone tell me if this is due technical limitations on my side or due to some updates/removal of some widgets etc.?
And if I can find the missing widgets or similar ones for Orange somewhere else?
Thank you very much.
Kind regards, Ana :)

There a two version of the bioinformatics add-on, version 3 and 2. Your installed the newer add-on, which has less widgets.
To get the older version, open the add-on dialog, click "Add more..." button and type "orange-bioinformatics" into the box. Then, a new add-on (version 2) will appear on the list of add-ons. Now you can choose to install it.


Trying to add an add-on with an license that covers it but am being forced to buy it

My university has a total headcount license that covers all major add-ons. I was able to install it, alongside the two add-ons I need (Image Processing Toolbox and Computer Vision System Toolbox) at home with the install wizard.
However, in the lab when I try to add these add-ons to my matlab environment (even when logging in) via the 'Get Add-Ons' option in the menu (Add-On Explorer), I am forced to 'Buy' each toolbox. i.e. I am not offered the option to download it, despite it being covered in my license. Any idea how to get this working/ alternative method?
I should also note, it's not possible to reinstall Matlab as I do not have the permissions required.
For anyone who arrives here after me, just use Matlab Online. Bit of an workaround but it's the only solution I found.
This does not exactly answer the question, but nowadays it is not essential to stick to Matlab. Python with OpenCV and Numpy, R are basically free options with no license hassle and lots of support. Plus, you will be able to use your code after graduation :o)

Orange widgets between 2.7 and 3.2

I'm running Orange 3.2 and 2.7, but both are missing key widgets for my work.
My installation of 2.7 came without the 'Discretize' (although I've had it included before). So I moved on to 3.2, which now appears not to have the 'Regression trees' which I also use.
Anyone else experienced this?
Any tips?
Can I copy widgets from one generation to another?
Orange 2.7 vs Orange 3.2 are based on two different major Python versions (2.7 and 3+) and are thus largely incompatible out-of-the-box. Not all Orange2 widgets appear to have been ported to the new version yet. Discretize missing for you in Orange2, however, appears to be a bug, which you should report on their issue tracker.
How did you install Orange? Which operating system do you use?
If you are on Windows, I would guess that you probably manually installed some libraries (before or after installing Orange) whose versions are incompatible with Orange. In particular, the discretization widget uses Qwt and also Orange's custom extensions of some Qt classes, written in C++. You are probably also missing most visualization widgets.
Os X does not have this problem since Python is included in a bundle.
Can you run Orange from command line with arguments -l 4 --force-discovery and report what it says about the discretization widget?

Installing a Matlab App in MATLAB R2012a

First off I'm not a regular Matlab user, so this might appear as a rather simple question, but how do you install Apps in Matlab R2012a? Is it even possible? I found a link for how to do it in R2012b here, but I can't find any guidelines on how to do it in R2012a.
I have a custom app that was sent to me by a colleague at another research institution, and I think they must have a more recent version of Matlab that us. His instructions were to go to the Apps tab in the tool bar and select Install Apps, but in R2012a, I can only see File, Edit, Debug, Parrallel, Desktop, Window and Help. I've also had a look in the Product Help guide in Matlab, but I couldn't find a relevant entry.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I believe MATLAB apps were introduced in R2012b, and that it's not possible to install or use them in earlier releases. You would need to contact your colleague, and ask them to supply an unpackaged version of the application (i.e. just the code).

Is there a framework available to collect user feedback on an SWT GUI?

After 2 years of development, our Eclipse RCP desktop application is finally finished. The last step in development is to allow the client to provide feedback on the wording and labels in the application.
There will be about 10 people providing feedback, but the client is willing to consolidate this before sending this to us for implementation.
My first idea is to provide a Google Form which requires them to upload a screenshot and to precisely specify where the text to be changed is located. I am now wondering whether a framework exists to do this automatically (i.e. press 'CTRL+ALT' and you can automatically draw a box around the offending text in the application.
In short: Are there any user feedback tools specifically designed to collect feedback on the wording in a GUI?
Mylyn includes some facilities to do (almost) exactly this. In a standard Eclipse, try Help -> Report Bug or Enhancement...
You use various org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks... extension points to specify things like product, area and bug template.

How to change the color of UI elements in eclipse IDE on Linux OS?

I saw the following post located here:
Change background color of UI elements in eclipse IDE
But still unsure of how to do this in Linux. Are there .prefs files that need to be edited? I am on KDE would I still be able to use gtk-chtheme? If yes, how? Or is there an alternative way to get the UI to appear as it is displayed in the link above? Is there a step-by-step process?
I am using eclipse 3.6.2.
You could try install Aptana Studio 3 (as a plugin) and use all the theming features it has.
Check out thispost
It won't be exactly as it appears at the link above, but very close.