Understanding the JWT signature in a signed token from IdentityServer - certificate

I'm essentially doing something very similar to this post. I would like to be able to verify some JWT tokens that have been signed on an IdentityServer, and there are a few details that I haven't figured out yet. Here is an example token:
Taking this over to https://jwt.io/ you can see that the token parses out to be
"alg": "RS256",
"kid": "0bf399b0b4d76791901ec9f55156d37e",
"typ": "JWT"
"nbf": 1527890600,
"exp": 1527894200,
"iss": "http://commandcenter:5000",
"aud": "http://commandcenter:5000/resources",
"client_id": "commandcenter",
"sub": "e7768212-7a0f-408a-8c9f-ff44f95e776e",
"auth_time": 1527890600,
"idp": "local",
"scope": [
"amr": [
I've seen 2 main ways in which tokens are signed. One is just using some passpharase that everyone magically has to know in order to verify the token. We don't want to have to manage updating multiple clients when a passphrase changes, so this is not an option for us. The other way is to use essentially a PKI method much like how HTTPS keys are exchanged and authenticated using X509 certificates. I have a few questions about this and this particular example:
1. Why isn't the 3rd and final section of the token Base64 encoded? I'm guessing its Base64Url, is that right? The rest of the segments use Base64, why not this one as well?
2. We would like to use essentially SSL certificates for signing and I presume this example token has done the same, but how does the receiver know which public certificate it should fetch in order to validate this token? Shouldn't the certificate serial number be provided?
3. Why is this signature so big? This seems like way to many bytes for just a signature, is there other data packed inside?


Removing cognito:username on AWS Cognito JWT Response

I am using AWS Cognito to conduct authentication. And, I am trying to figure-out if it's possible to remove one of JWT's key, value?
A typical decoded JWT would contain.
"sub": "aaaaaaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddd-example",
"aud": "xxxxxxxxxxxxexample",
"email_verified": true,
"token_use": "id",
"auth_time": 1500009400,
"iss": "https://cognito-idp.ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/ap-southeast-2_example",
"cognito:username": "exampleuser",
"exp": 1500013000,
"given_name": "Anaya",
"iat": 1500009400,
"email": "exampleuser#example.com"
Based here: https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/decode-verify-cognito-json-token/
I wanted to remove on the accessToken the cognito:username.
Just checking options if it's possible to remove or hide via cognito first, my last option would be using the code, meaning, parse it, then remove, then encode again.
cognito:username cannot be removed or modified.
Ref: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/user-pool-lambda-pre-token-generation.html

How long is JWT time to live without "exp" field?

How long is JWT time to live without "exp" field? For example, this token:
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"iat": 1516239022
does not have "exp". How long before it's updated, or will this token not be updated in my application?
When there's is no expiration time defined, the token won't expire. Then it would be valid until you change the secret that was used for signing and validation.
Of course you can also implement a mechanism based on the issued at (iat) claim and not accepting a token of a certain age, but this depends on your own implementation.

Minimal jwt token payload with keycloak

At my company, we are trying to use Keycloak to generate a jwt token with an minimal payload with only the role of the user, the email et the expiration of the token.
We need to use this minimal payload because we have a performance limitation I do not wish to explain further.
Is it possible? and how?
We are using Keycloak v7.0.0 and tried different things with the mappers to expose only what we need without success.
Edit: By removing everything in default scope, I still get a lot I do not need
"jti": "ac6f9ed1-e33b-4204-affc-c5992c600ead",
"exp": 1571741519,
"nbf": 0,
"iat": 1571741219,
"iss": "http://keycloak:8080/auth/realms/test",
"sub": "c530d809-fabf-44a7-b186-1d095321edf7",
"typ": "Bearer",
"azp": "web_app",
"auth_time": 0,
"session_state": "83ce24ff-9e2f-4775-ae2c-066935b7ffa9",
"acr": "1",
"scope": "openid"
I would like a payload that looks like this
"exp": 1571741519,
"email": "john#doe.com"
"groups": ["ROLE_USER"]
I am looking into adding a authenticator SPI
You should remove everything except role and role_list from Default Client Scopes.
By adding a script mapper, we can remove a lot of info from the payload.
removes iss key
set nbf key to 0
You can look at the token JavaDoc for more information on what is possible to change.

Forbidden !! while trying to access the hereapi traces service

I've been working on here API from past one week, I've tested the geofencing and other rest services. I am trying to work on tracking, Where we have to generate a token by giving all the valid credentials. At last, I've got the token as well but when am trying to access the traces one for which the endpoint URL is
here I've given the trackingid(deviceid) which I've used to generate an access token and included this token as a bearer in authorization I am using postman to test these, my token is valid for only 23 hours
Authorization Bearer {mytoken}
As mentioned I've also provided this x-request-id, I've no idea regarding this x-request-id but came to know about this from this thread and tried to generate uuid and use it for x-request-id
x-request-id 5506b7d0-2fe6-4967-8ad8-cf0f08fdedbf
And I am receiving the response as
"code": 403,
"id": "5506b7d0-2fe6-4967-8ad8-cf0f08fdedbf",
"message": "Forbidden",
"error": "Forbidden\n\nThe account does not have the correct
The similar case even when I am trying to access the allotted geofences for that device and how many devices are in that particular geofence. I've read about whitelisting but whatever the service I am requesting for is not on their list. My account was a 90days free trial account
I am new to this hereapi Kindly correct me if I am doing anything wrong.
Kindly Help me out with this issue
Thanks in advance
--Meghana Goud
I've figured it out, I'll include the details here follow the step by step process as mentioned in the documentation
refer this HERE Tracking | API Reference
And follow the step by step process as mentioned in this documentation
The first one, you'll get your bearer token from this endpoint URL https://tracking.api.here.com/users/v2/login which is post
method and set its Content-Type to application/json and provide the username and password in JSON format and send a POST request to it
EndpointURL :https://tracking.api.here.com/users/v2/login
Headers :{"Content-Type":"application/json"}
Input :{"email":"XXXXXX", "password":"XXXX"}
Expected Response:{
"userId": "XXXXXX",
"accessToken": "XXXXX",
"tokenType": "bearer",
"expiresIn": 86399,
"refreshToken": "XXX"
the token is valid for only 24 hours. Now use this token for all the rest services you want to access from here-API
Now I would like to get the traces of my device using this endpointURL https://tracking.api.here.com/traces/v2/{trackingid}?count=1 , send a get request to this endpointURL by giving your trackingID, I repeat TrackingID is different from your deviceId TrackingId will be HERE-XXX(UUIDv4) whereas deviceId will be XXXX(UUIDv4)
now set the authorization to Bearer Token and pass an x-request-id which is a UUIDv4
Your request should look like
EndpointURL :https://tracking.api.here.com/traces/v2/{trackingid}?count=1
Headers :{"Authorization":"Bearer XXXXXX","x-request-id":"XXXX(UUIDv4)"}
Expected Response:{
"count": 1,
"data": [
"position": {
"lat": 17.44936354,
"lng": 78.36296417,
"accuracy": 45,
"alt": 539
"timestamp": 1531462419813,
"payload": {
"batteryState": {
"charging": false,
"level": 52,
"temperature": 25
"pageToken": "1531462359711"
In order to update any data from your device, you'll require your device token which is generated from this endpoint URLhttps://tracking.api.here.com/v2/token you'll get your access token by OAuth1.o Authorization give the respected values as mentioned in the documentation. you'll get the response as
"accessToken": "XXXXXX",
"expiresIn": 86399
Similarly, you can test other services,
Hope this helps

Explanations on JWT Tokens structure

I'm trying to understand JWT tokens usage but I'm getting lost on the theorycal part.
I have some questions about JWT Tokens structure, in order to make this question a sort of documentation for new users, providing it with a logic order, I will write them in bold below as long as I list a sample JWT content.
I will also summary them in the end of the question
A "classic" JWT token is composed as follows:
In detail:
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
Which contains the following fields:
ALG = Encryption algorythm (using the default HS256 could be fine)
TYP = simply tells that it's a JWT
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "MrJohnDoe",
"iat": 1516239022
SUB = Is an OPTIONAL parameter. It's the subject of the token. (credits: see #cassiomolin answer)
According to: Where to store user id in jwt, it looks like you can use it to store your user ID in it.
NAME = The username
IAT = Token creation date and time, expressed in unix timestamp. (Thanks to #jps and #JeanRostan in the comments below)
base64UrlEncode(header) + "." +
SECRET = Unique key known just by the server. To not confuse with the current user password, which should never be used for this! (thanks to #jps in the comments below)
What is sub? Can you please provide me an example of what it could be in a common usage?
The sub claim identifies the principal that is the subject of the JWT. In other other, it can hold the username of the user who you issued the token to.
From the RFC 7519:
4.1.2. "sub" (Subject) Claim
The sub (subject) claim identifies the principal that is the
subject of the JWT. The claims in a JWT are normally statements
about the subject. The subject value MUST either be scoped to be
locally unique in the context of the issuer or be globally unique.
The processing of this claim is generally application specific. The
sub value is a case-sensitive string containing a StringOrURI
value. Use of this claim is OPTIONAL.