HAProxy - Add Trailing Slash - redirect

I am working on a project where I need requests destined to a particular page to be routed to a separate backend.
For example, all requests for https://mycooldomain.com will go to backend "A". But, if navigating to https://mycooldomain.com/secretpage I want it to go to backend "B".
Now, I have this working but running into an issue where I need the trailing slash for this to work correctly.
So, I need a way to say if request is https://[whateverhostnameisused]/secretpage redirect to https://[whateverhostnameisused]/secretpage/.
Here is a sample of my config so far:
frontend f_https
bind *:443 ssl crt cert.pem
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
#define hosts
acl host_a hdr(host) -i a.mycooldomain.com
acl host_b hdr(host) -i b.mycooldomain.com
acl host_c hdr(host) -i c.mycooldomain.com
#custom acls
acl secret path_beg -i /secretpage
#Custom redirects
##define backend
use_backend b_secret if secret
use_backend b_a if host_a
use_backend b_b if host_b
use_backend b_c if host_c
default_backend b_https
backend b_secret
server secret check

It seems that you are looking for something like this:
http-request redirect scheme https drop-query append-slash if { path -m str /secretpage }
This should work if applied to either the frontend or the backend.
Specifying the scheme is only necessary because the syntax requires one of location | prefix | scheme, and with the other two options, you have to reassemble the URL yourself in the config.
Note also that reqadd is not officially deprecated, but the preferred way to add that request header is like this:
http-request set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https
Note that no : is specified and the space after the header name must not be escaped with \. This accomplishes the same result, but it uses a different code path inside HAProxy, and should be a more efficient operation. You will want to use the the http-request and http-response directives instead of reqxxx and rspxxx where possible, as they are also better suited to more complex manipulations.


Redirect short/host name to subdomain

I have a collection of hosts that currently use just hostnames for reference, I'm switching over to using haproxy as an https proxy and would like to do a rewrite or redirect from http://server1/ to https://server1.internal.mydomain.com/.
# do a redirect for insecure connections
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
I have the HTTPS redirect/upgrade working as expected it's getting the rewrite/redirect configured properly that I'm hung up on, and I'm not really sure on the right verbiage to use when asking the question to get a relevant answer.
mode http
timeout client 10s
timeout connect 5s
timeout server 10s
timeout http-request 10s
frontend mydomain_frontend
# Listen for both http and https requests
bind *:80
bind *:443 ssl crt /etc/ssl/certs/Wildcard_mydomain_web_server.pem
# Setup conditional ACLs for hosts
acl server1_hosts hdr_beg(host) -i server1. server1 server1-2. server1-2
acl server2_hosts hdr_beg(host) -i server2. server2 server2-2. server2-2
# Setup Conditional ACLs for redirecting short/host names to FQDNs
acl is_internal hdr_sub(host) -i internal.mydomain.com
# I think the ACL is right, I'm just not sure how I would do the redirect, Is there string substitution?
http_request redirect location https://ORIGINALHOST.internal.mydomain.com if !is_internal
# do a redirect for insecure connections
http-request redirect scheme https code 301 if !{ ssl_fc }
use_backend server1_bend if server1_hosts
use_backend server2_bend if server2_hosts
default_backend server1_bend
# Setup DNS resolution
resolvers default
nameserver ns1
nameserver ns2
backend server1_bend
mode http
option forwardfor if-none
# server site check resolvers default
server site server1.internal.mydomain.com:80 check resolvers default
backend server2_bend
mode http
option forwardfor if-none
# server site check resolvers default
server site server2.internal.mydomain.com:80 check resolvers default
** EDIT **
I added an acl and a partial redirect statement to my example configuration, I think it is the beginning of what I am looking for but I don't know if it will work without string substitution in the redirect.
Updating the http-request line to use hdr(host) and pathq solved the issue for me.
http-request redirect location https://%[hdr(host)].internal.mydomain.com%[pathq] if !is_internal
hdr(host) - is the host from the URI minus the path and queries.
pathq - is the path including any queries. if we wanted just the path we could use just path.
The %[] pattern is important for triggering the substitution.

How can I redirect specific HTTPS request to a backend server using HAPROXY

I have a HTTPS server and want to redirect the specific request based on the URL to my Backend server.
Something like this should do it (for HTTP):
frontend http
bind *:80
acl mpd path_end -i .mpd
acl test hdr(host) test.com www.test.com
use_backend internal if test mpd
backend internal
http-request set-path /path/folder%[path]
# for older versions
# reqirep ^([^\ :]*)\ \/(.+\/)*(.*)\ \1\ /path/to/folder/\3
server internal-1 internal:80 check
Two ACLs in the frontend select the right backend and the http-request (reqirep for older versions) command overwrites the original request path.
You might need to tweak it.

pass a backend from backend map to haproxy nbsrv

Can someone advise what I have to change in the nbsrv expression in order to make it work:
frontend webfarm
acl MAIN_not_enough_capacity nbsrv([%[req.hdr(host),lower,map(/etc/haproxy/backend.map,bk_default)]]) eq 0
http-request redirect code 301 location http://global-swajm.example.com if MAIN_not_enough_capacity
use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,map(/etc/haproxy/backend.map,bk_default)]
The idea is according to the host in the header to get the right backend name from the map file.
If there are no available servers in this backend the request will be redirected to another haproxy (in another DC).
use_backend is working perfectly:
use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,map(/etc/haproxy/backend.map,bk_default)]
but I don't know how to modify the expression for nbsrv in order to pass the backend name:
just chiming in after having struggled with the same
acl MAIN_not_enough_capacity req.hdr(host),lower,map(/etc/haproxy/backend.map,bk_default),nbsrv eq 0

HAProxy path_beg not redirecting

I'm testing a simple haproxy rule to make http://localhost/haproxy-dconv take me to http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv but it isn't working. 404 response seems to be from the site but the path isn't resolving.
frontend HTTP
mode http
bind *:80
acl url_dconv path_beg /haproxy-dconv
use_backend dconv-backend if url_dconv
backend dconv-backend
mode http
server dconv cbonte.github.io
Try this -
frontend HTTP
mode http
bind *:80
use_backend dconv-backend if { path_beg /haproxy-dconv/ }
backend dconv-backend
mode http
server dconv cbonte.github.io
Source: https://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.7/configuration.html#use_backend
That is because the Host header that is being sent is localhost, instead of cbonte.github.io. Add this to your backend:
http-request set-header Host cbonte.github.io
Also note that without the ending slash, you will get a 301, so make sure you send http://localhost/cbonte-dconv/ and fix your ACL.
You are using Haproxy in an incorrect way.
You need to match the ACL to get the URL between host and query parameter as you do:
acl url_dconv path_beg /haproxy-dconv
Then using this ACL to redirect from localhost if ACL is matched:
redirect prefix http://cbonte.github.io code 301 if url_dconv
But again this is more a conceptual problem of thinking redirect and matching path.

HAproxy domain name to backend mapping for path(url) based routing

Does HAProxy support domain name to backend mapping for path based routing.
Currently it does support maps for vhost:
frontend xyz
use_backend backend1 if { hdr(Host) -i myapp.domain1.com }
use_backend backend2 if { hdr(Host) -i myapp.domain2.com }
Can be rewritten using maps as:
frontend xyz
use_backend %[req.hdr(host),lower,map_dom(/path/to/map,default)]
With the contents of map file as:
#domainname backendname
myapp.domain1.com backend1
myapp.domain2.com backend2
But if the routing is based on paths as shown in the example below:
frontend xyz
acl host_server_myapp hdr(host) -i myapp.domain.com
acl path_path1 path_beg /path1
acl path_path2 path_beg /path2
use_backend backend1 if host_server_myapp path_path1
use_backend backend2 if host_server_myapp path_path2
Is it possible to have mapping for this usecase? Using base instead of hdr(host) might give the entire path but it will not have the flexibility of domains since base is string comparison. Is there an other way to convert this to haproxy maps.
Start with the Layer 7 base fetch --
This returns the concatenation of the first Host header and the path part of
the request, which starts at the first slash and ends before the question
...then use map_beg() to match the beginning of the string to the map.
use_backend %[base,map_beg(/etc/haproxy/testmap.map,default)]
If the map file /etc/haproxy/testmap.map has a line matching the prefix, the backend in the map file is used. Otherwise, the backend called default will be used (that's the 2nd argument to map_beg() -- the value to be returned if the map doesn't match).
If the resulting backend doesn't actually exist, HAProxy continues processing the request as if this statement weren't configured at all.
So your map file would look something like this:
example.com/foo this-backend # note, also matches /foo/ba
example.com/foo/bar that-backend # note, matches /foo/bar
example.org/foo some-other-backend
To treat a subdomain as equivalent to the parent domain (e.g., treating example.com and www.example.com to be handled equivalently, without map duplication, as discussed in comments) the regsub() converter could be used to modify the value passed to the map:
use_backend %[base,regsub(^www\.,,i),map_beg(/etc/haproxy/testmap.map,default)]