Set Status bar in AppDelegate? - swift

Previously, I had this code and it worked perfectly before Swift was updated. Now it says:
Setter for 'statusBarStyle' was deprecated in iOS 9.0: Use -[UIViewController preferredStatusBarStyle]
Now, I read that you have to override the statusBarStyle but I don't want to do this manually in each UIViewController but instead, control it via a struct and an extension of the UIApplication. Not sure how to do that though.
The code:
extension UIApplication {
var statusBarView: UIView? {
return value(forKey: "statusBar") as? UIView
struct StatusBar {
static func setStatusBar() {
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as? AppDelegate
if let currentVC = appDelegate?.window?.rootViewController?.getCurrentlyDisplayedVC() {
if currentVC is LoginVC || currentVC is SignUpVC || currentVC is SignUpVC {
UIApplication.shared.statusBarView?.backgroundColor = .clear
else {
UIApplication.shared.statusBarView?.backgroundColor = Colors.mainBlueColor
UIApplication.shared.statusBarStyle = .lightContent
extension UIViewController {
func getCurrentlyDisplayedVC() -> UIViewController {
if let presentedVC = presentedViewController {
return presentedVC.getCurrentlyDisplayedVC()
else if let split = self as? UISplitViewController, let last = split.viewControllers.last {
return last.getCurrentlyDisplayedVC()
else if let nav = self as? UINavigationController, let top = nav.topViewController {
return top.getCurrentlyDisplayedVC()
else if let tab = self as? UITabBarController {
if let selected = tab.selectedViewController {
return selected.getCurrentlyDisplayedVC()
return self


use a switch to change the value of boolean saved core data value

In my swift code below right now the code saves 2 boolean values to a core data boolean value. The two values are true false. I would like the user to turn on the switch and have the 2nd value be true as well. So it would be true true. I am trying to do that in func alternate() but I dont know how to exactly effect a specific value. Looking for any kind of help.
import UIKit;import CoreData
class ViewController: UIViewController {
var lbl = UILabel()
var sw = UISwitch()
var checkmarkButton = UIButton()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[ lbl,sw,checkmarkButton].forEach {
$0.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
$0.layer.borderWidth = 1
getBool(imageNo: 1)
func getBool(imageNo:Int) {
// first check the array bounds
let info = helpBool.shareInstance.fetchBool()
if info.count > imageNo {
// if info[imageNo].bool {
if info[imageNo].bool == true {
checkmarkButton.setImage(UIImage(named:"unnamed"), for: .normal);
if info[imageNo].bool == false {
checkmarkButton.setImage(nil, for: .normal);
// }
#objc func alternate(){
//fetch alternate
getBool(imageNo: 1)
if sw.isOn = true {
else {
class helpBool: UIViewController{
static let shareInstance = helpBool()
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
func saveBoolean(_ boolean: Bool) {
let imageInstance = OnOff(context: context)
imageInstance.bool = boolean
do {
print("text is saved")
} catch {
func fetchBool() -> [OnOff] {
var fetchingImage = [OnOff]()
let fetchRequest = NSFetchRequest<NSFetchRequestResult>(entityName: "OnOff")
do {
fetchingImage = try context.fetch(fetchRequest) as! [OnOff]
} catch {
print("Error while fetching the image")
return fetchingImage

macOS menu bar text with icon

As you can see in the image I would like to be able to do a similar one, to make a way that instead of showing only the icon of the sun, also showing a text.
As seen in the image below, an icon followed by a text.
But I only managed to do this:
The problem I would like to put the icon on the left or right of the text, not above it, can you give me a hand?
The text must change accordingly, how can I make the StatusBarController receive the text changes.
import AppKit
import SwiftUI
class StatusBarController {
#ObservedObject var userPreferences = UserPreferences.instance
private var statusBar: NSStatusBar
private var statusItem: NSStatusItem
private var popover: NSPopover
init(_ popover: NSPopover) {
self.popover = popover
statusBar = NSStatusBar.init()
statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
if let statusBarButton = statusItem.button {
if let _ = userPreferences.$inDownload {
statusItem.button?.title = userPreferences.$percentualDownload
statusBarButton.image = #imageLiteral(resourceName: "Weather")
statusBarButton.image?.size = NSSize(width: 18.0, height: 18.0)
statusBarButton.image?.isTemplate = true
statusBarButton.action = #selector(togglePopover(sender:)) = self
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageLeft
#objc func togglePopover(sender: AnyObject) {
if(popover.isShown) {
else {
func showPopover(_ sender: AnyObject) {
if let statusBarButton = statusItem.button { statusBarButton.bounds, of: statusBarButton, preferredEdge: NSRectEdge.maxY)
func hidePopover(_ sender: AnyObject) {
I'm thinking of using something like that:
import EventKit
import ServiceManagement
private struct PreferencesKeys {
static let backgroundIsTransparent = "backgroundIsTransparent"
static let inDownload = "inDownload"
static let percentualDownload = "percentualDownload"
class UserPreferences: ObservableObject {
static let instance = UserPreferences()
private init() {
// This prevents others from using the default '()' initializer for this class.
private static let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
#Published var backgroundIsTransparent: Bool = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent) != nil else {
return true
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent)
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(backgroundIsTransparent, forKey: PreferencesKeys.backgroundIsTransparent)
#Published var inDownload: Bool = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload) != nil else {
return true
return UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload)
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(inDownload, forKey: PreferencesKeys.inDownload)
#Published var percentualDownload: String = {
guard UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload) != nil else {
return "0%"
return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload)!
}() {
didSet {
UserPreferences.defaults.set(percentualDownload, forKey: PreferencesKeys.percentualDownload)
but I get the following error:
First problem solved I used:
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageLeft
statusBarButton.imagePosition = NSControl.ImagePosition.imageRight
For the update text problem, what can I do?

Passing data from Scene Delegate to ViewController when opening app with URL

I need to Show a View on my initial controller and set a UILabel when the app launches through URL Dynamic Link during Firebase Email Verification.
Problem I'm having is the label is not initialised so app crashes during the process. I have tried many approaches but can't get it to show my view and set the label when opening a Dynamic Link, even when the App is already open.
Scene Delegate
func scene(_ scene: UIScene, continue userActivity: NSUserActivity) {
if let link = userActivity.webpageURL?.absoluteString
if Auth.auth().isSignIn(withEmailLink: link) {
Config().verifyEmail(link: link)
class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
var errorText: String?
var errorType: Bool?
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
return true
func loadErrorInfo()
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
if let eText = appDelegate.errorText, let eType = appDelegate.errorType {
errorCall(message: eText, error: eType)
} else {
errorBox.isHidden = true
func errorCall(message: String, error: Bool)
if error {
self.errorLabel.textColor = UIColor.yellow
self.errorLabel.text = message
self.errorBox.isHidden = false
} else {
self.errorLabel.textColor = UIColor.white
self.errorLabel.text = message
self.errorBox.isHidden = false
Custom Config NSObject Class
import UIKit
import FirebaseAuth
open class Config: NSObject {
public func verifyEmail(link: String)
var email = ""; var password = ""
if let x = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "Email") as? String { email = x }
if let y = UserDefaults.standard.object(forKey: "Password-\(email)") as? String { password = y }
if password != "" && email != ""
Auth.auth().signIn(withEmail: email, link: link) { (user, error) in
if let use = user, error == nil
Auth.auth().currentUser?.updatePassword(to: password) { (error) in
if let error = error
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appDelegate.errorText = error.localizedDescription
appDelegate.errorType = true
print(use, "Logged In")
let appDelegate = UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate
appDelegate.errorText = "\(use) Logged In"
appDelegate.errorType = false
Not sure what other method will work. To summarise, after clicking a Dynamic Link in an Email, I want to Change my UILabel on main ViewController which is an initial controller. At the moment every approach causes it to crash as the UILabel is not Set, even if the controller is already initialised.
Managed to fix it by initialising the controller again and updating the root controller.
// SceneDelegate
func changeRootViewController(_ vc: UIViewController, animated: Bool = true)
guard let window = self.window else {
window.rootViewController = vc
let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: nil)
let destinationNavigationController = storyboard.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "ViewController2")
(UIApplication.shared.connectedScenes.first?.delegate as? SceneDelegate)?.changeRootViewController(destinationNavigationController)

Replacing UISearchBar magnifying icon with UIActivityViewController

I've been searching all day but couldn't find out a fix for this code.
This extension replaces the UISearchField magnifying icon with UIActivityView (shows the loading icon when is true)
The extension was working fine on iOS 12, Xcode 10.3 but after I've changed into iOS 13, Xcode 11 Beta 4 it stopped working.
I've still made a workaround using this:
if let textFieldInsideSearchBar = searchBar.value(forKey: "searchField") as? UITextField {
let loadingIcon = UIActivityIndicatorView() = .medium
loadingIcon.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
textFieldInsideSearchBar.leftView = loadingIcon
But I can't understand the reason why the extension stopped working.
Also I've noticed that .flatMap was deprecated in iOS 13 and changed to .compactMap but as I understood there were no differences, and I've already tried to change the .flatMap to .compactMap but still didn't work.
Here is the extension:
extension UISearchBar {
private var textField: UITextField? {
let subViews = self.subviews.compactMap { $0.subviews }
return (subViews.filter { $0 is UITextField }).first as? UITextField
private var searchIcon: UIImage? {
let subViews = subviews.flatMap { $0.subviews }
return ((subViews.filter { $0 is UIImageView }).first as? UIImageView)?.image
private var activityIndicator: UIActivityIndicatorView? {
return textField?.leftView?.subviews.compactMap{ $0 as? UIActivityIndicatorView }.first
var isLoading: Bool {
get {
return activityIndicator != nil
} set {
let _searchIcon = searchIcon
if newValue {
if activityIndicator == nil {
let _activityIndicator = UIActivityIndicatorView() = .medium
_activityIndicator.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
self.setImage(UIImage(), for: .search, state: .normal)
let leftViewSize = textField?.leftView?.frame.size ?? = CGPoint(x: leftViewSize.width/2, y: leftViewSize.height/2)
} else {
self.setImage(_searchIcon, for: .search, state: .normal)
There have been some changes with iOS 13 in terms of UISearchBar, And you can use UISearchBar.searchTextField instead of searchBar.value(forKey: "searchField")
searchBar.searchTextField.backgroundColor = .red
Or if you want to keep it work with the extension, You can do this:
var searchTextField: UITextField? {
let subViews = self.subviews.first?.subviews.last?.subviews
return subViews?.first as? UITextField

Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0

I am using below code in my project. After update to swift 4 and run my app crashed . How can I fix it?
func from(systemItem: UIBarButtonSystemItem)-> UIImage? {
let tempItem = UIBarButtonItem(barButtonSystemItem: systemItem, target: nil, action: nil)
// add to toolbar and render it
UIToolbar().setItems([tempItem], animated: false)
// got image from real uibutton
let itemView = tempItem.value(forKey: "view") as! UIView
for view in itemView.subviews {
if let button = view as? UIButton, let imageView = button.imageView {
return imageView.image
return nil
extension UITextView {
static let ScrollModeBottom = "UITextFieldScrollModeBottom"
static let ScrollModeUp = "UITextFieldScrollModeUp"
static let ScrollModeMiddle = "UITextFieldScrollModeMiddle"
func scrollToBotom() {
let range = NSMakeRange((text as NSString).length - 1, 1);
var scrollMode: String {
let scrollViewHeight: Float = Float(frame.size.height)
let scrollContentSizeHeight: Float = Float(contentSize.height)
let scrollOffset: Float = Float(contentOffset.y)
if scrollOffset == 0 {
return UITextView.ScrollModeUp
} else if scrollOffset + scrollViewHeight == scrollContentSizeHeight {
return UITextView.ScrollModeBottom
} else {
return UITextView.ScrollModeMiddle
Thread 1: EXC_BAD_INSTRUCTION (code=EXC_I386_INVOP, subcode=0x0)
// add to toolbar and render it
let bar = UIToolbar()
animated: false)
bar.snapshotView(afterScreenUpdates: true)
//got image from real uibutton
let itemView = tempItem.value(forKey: "view") as! UIView
for view in itemView.subviews {
if let button = view as? UIButton,
let image = button.imageView?.image {
return image.withRenderingMode(.alwaysTemplate)
return nil