MS Bot Framework / Facebook Account Linking and Messenger Extensions integration - facebook

We would like to enable the following scenario :
user can login to a web application leveraging Azure AD B2C as the identity provider.
user can also interact with a bot on FB messenger (built on MS Bot Framework). He is asked to log in so that we can get him an access token for subsequent web api calls.
user has access to a persistent menu on his FB messenger where he can navigate to some pages of the actual web site and be logged in straight away.
I have the following question :
Could Azure AD B2C be used in conjunction with Facebook Account Linking ? Could not find any samples... What I am doing now : in the FB login button, I pass a link to one of my bot server controller method as a level of indirection. Then in this method, I get the redirect Uri and account linking token that FB is adding to the url and then do a redirect to my B2C policy url passing these 2 arguments in the state and my own redirect Uri (not the one from FB). This way, once authentication is done, b2c redirects to my bot where I rebuilt the callback to fb url. Any security concern with this approach?
Thx !

After looking at this post Facebook Messenger: get access token of linked account it seems that FB account linking is not really useful in regards to access token. I was expecting similar behavior as Amazon Alexa account linking but in fact it has nothing to do with exchanging an authorization code with an access token and having this token manage by FB... So I am just going to leverage the BotAuth code to store the access token in the bot state... I dont really care about collecting the PSID...
Regarding the last step of the scenario, we are investigating cookies reuse from the first authentication flow.


How to get Instagram direct API authentication

Facebook recently released a step-by-step documentation for using a GrapAPI to manage Instagram messages. To obtain the access token to use it, it's necessary to create an application in the developer center, enable login via Facebook and include the permissions "instagram_basic", "instagram_manage_messages" and "pages_manage_metadata" but to activate these options it's necessary to submit various information for approval as statement of how the integration works and descriptions of the usage flow. I don't have access to this information because I can't develop an integration without it being approved.
It's not possible to use the provided test user as the pages raised by him cannot be linked to Instagram accounts.
Tutorial followed:
Someone with some experience with the Facebook API could give me a light on how to obtain the token with access required and proceed the tests?
I have done the tutorial as well, I faced the same problem. To enable instagram_basic, instagram_manage_messages and pages_manage_metadata without app review you need to create a test-app. For test apps all permissions are granted without review.
Instructions on how to create a test-app
Another usefull tipp: If you are wondering why you need to implement facebook login to access the instagram messaging api, the logic is the following: You need to implement login to then use your own implementation to logg in your own account and obtain the page access key that will let you do api calls to the instagram messaging api. This process is obviously overkill and instagram is working on a way of getting that access token through the developer dashboard.
For now to obtain that access token you need:
implement facebook login as a simple html website and console log the response. Be sure to add the required permissions to the data-scope attribute of the facebook login button:
deploy to a website that has https enabled (logging in from
localhost will only work if you use a tunelling service like ngrok).
Open your website that has facebook login implemented and logg in with your facebook account that is also linked to the target instagram account and also is admin of your test-app.
get the access token from the response to call the other API endpoints.

Facebook Messenger: get access token of linked account

First off, I'm not looking for the access token of a facebook account.
I (or my facebook messenger bot) need the access token of a linked 3rd party account.
The account was successfully linked as described here:
Slightly off topic: The first issue I noticed that does not meet the OIDC/OAuth2 specs is, that the redirect URI given to the /authorize endpoint expects a param "authorization_code" instead of "code" with the actual authorization code. Ok, good thing we do not use off-the-shelf software for the IdP, so I could mend that. Yet.
Now, I'm accustomed from the Amazon Alexa account linking to let the amazon do the token management, refreshing etc. and to deliver an 3rd party access token with every request.
But not with Facebook, it seems. As far as I managed to understand (not by the docs, but by try&error), for the Facebook Messenger the account linking is finished once they get the authorization code (and call an associated webhook).
But since I need an actual access token for every request to my bot, that's not gonna help much.
It now looks as if I have to extend my bot to be a complete, but not standardised, OAauth2/OIDC client (including token handling, refreshing etc.) with some problems:
how to check the validity of the redirect URI?
should be the same as in the initial request
how to validate the authorization_code?
keep in mind, normally this bot has no connections/access to the database of the IdP
how to link this to a specific facebook user id?
My question now is, how to cope with that behaviour when I aim to use standardised software for the OAuth/OIDC IdP? Any ideas?
Thanks in advance
To clarify what is meant by "account linking": I'm not interested in the users facebook account, I want to access information of a 3rd party account (provided with my actual service) of that user.
For example a call like "How many pictures are in my tumblr account" will need the customer to link the tumblr account to this facebook messenger bot.
For comparison: this worked extremely smooth with Amazon's Alexa and Google Actions. I simply had to input the client credentials and OAuth endpoints and thats that. If the user successfully linked the 3rd party account, I get an access token with every query to my backend, as expected.
EDIT2: as pointed out by CBroe, this is not supported by Facebook. Only actually "linking" the User IDs is possible.

How to secure REST service that login from third parties

I have a REST service that my mobile app uses to authenticate when the users click on the Facebook or Google icons.
The service accepts the user's id from the provider and checks if it exists on the database and then issues the access_token to be used for the other methods.
The problem is that I just thought that it could be pretty easy for someone to intercept the calls and discover which service authenticates and what the user id is and then call it with to get a token.
How can I avoid this?
I think you just need to separate the authentication and authorization functions. You can let Google (Google Sign-In) handle authentication. If you follow the API they will securely authenticate the user and send you the token which you can validate.
Once you know who they are for sure, your site can safely authorize that user approriately. For example, they might be an existing user, need to make an account, be an administrator. You can make those authorizations on your site based on the user authenticated by Google (in my example).
Twitter, Facebook and others do the same. Also see OpenID Connect.

What OAuth providers are safe to use as Login authorization

Recently I've been doing some research into OAuth and OpenID/OpenId Connect and it's all just left me confused as to what is best to use and what is safe.
Originally I thought you could just use OAuth2.0 to log a user in (using their ID as a way of remembering the user) but then I found out that due to how the spec of OAuth 2 works, hijacking tokens would allow a malicious user to impersonate another person. Which is why it's stated that you shouldn't use OAuth 2 as authorization.
But then I have been reading that providers as such as google and facebook have decided to go away a little from the standard and ensure that such attacks are not possible. So my question, what OAuth providers are safe to use to gather a users ID to be used to log them into my service.
Also, facebook is offering another service called facebook login. From what I can tell it's OAuth but without the impersonation issue (obviously) AND the app creator cannot do other OAuth features as such as posting on behalf of the user without getting their app reviewed by facebook. Why would I use facebook login over OAuth which gives me all those permissions without review?
Thanks a heap everone

Interaction with Facebook API without full OAuth, is it possible?

I need to post message on a certain FB page as a owner by cron, using php and ZF 1.1.X. For this small issue, I don't want to create a full OAuth stack. Is it possible to communicate with FB API (it's desirable, PHP SDK for FB) without it, such as twitter with his precreated access tokens (Access token, Access token secret)?
As long as you need an active user access_token to retrieve desired data this is not possible to skip OAuth flow.
Without authenticating user you only have application access_token (in old format APP_ID|APP_SECRET, but it's still works) and only limited access to most of Graph API endpoints and Application settings.
Actually there is nothing hard in implementing the user authentication with OAuth flow and it is completely transparent with usage of PHP-SDK.
Just look at the sample code in documentation for server-side authentication
Yes, you need to build an app and then authorize the page via the app while requesting the manage_page permission.
You should make yourself familiar with the Server Side Auth process as well.