Commit issue with Kafka - apache-kafka

I am working on a module and the requirement is there is a producer and we are using kafka as queue for data producing and feeding it to consumer.
Now In consumer,I am trying to implement At-Least-Once messaging scenario.
For this i have to pool the messages from kafka and then consumer those.After consuming i am calling consumer.commitAsync(offset,Callback).
I want to know what will happen
Case 1). when commitAsync() api is never called(suppose there was an exception just before calling this api).In my case,I was supposing the message will be pumped again to consumer; but it is not happening.Consumer never get that data again.
Case 2). if the consumer reboots.
Below is the code snippet of properties set with the consumer
private Properties getConsumerProperties() {
final Properties props = new Properties();
props.put(BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "server");
props.put(GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "groupName");
props.put(ENABLE_AUTO_COMMIT_CONFIG, false);
props.put(HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL_MS_CONFIG, heartBeatinterval);
props.put(METADATA_MAX_AGE_CONFIG, metaDataMaxAge);
props.put(SESSION_TIMEOUT_MS_CONFIG, sessionTimeout);
props.put(AUTO_OFFSET_RESET_CONFIG, autoOffsetReset);
props.put(KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
props.put(VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class.getName());
return props;
Now in consumer, on the basis of some property set; i have 3 topics and create 3 consumers for each topic(as there are 3 partition and 3 brokers of kafka).
For consumption of data...I identify the packet in the basis of some propertywhen received fron kafka..and pass it to the relevant topic(i have taken a different thread pools for different topics and create the tasks on the basis of property in the packet and submit to thread pool).In the tasks, after processing i call the consumer.commitAsync(offset,callback).
I was expecting the same message to be pulled again from kafka in case of commitAsync is not called for some packet...but to my surprise it is not coming back...Am i missing something.Is there any sort of setting we need to do in the apache-kafka as well for At-Least-One.
Please suggest.

There is couple of things to be addressed in your question.
Before I get to the suggestions on how to achieve at-least-once behavior, I'll try and address the 2 cases:
Case 1). when commitAsync() api is never called(suppose there was an
exception just before calling this api).In my case,I was supposing the
message will be pumped again to consumer; but it is not
happening.Consumer never get that data again.
The reason why your consumer does not get the old data could be because of the property, this is set to true by default and will commit the offsets regularly in the background. Due to this, the consumer on subsequent runs will find an offset to work with and will just wait for new data/messages to arrive.
Case 2). if the consumer reboots.
This would also be similar i.e. if the consumer after rebooting finds a committed offset to work with, it will start consuming from that offset whether the offset was committed automatically due to the property set to true or by invoking commitAsync()/commitSync() explicitly.
Now, moving to the part on how to achieve at-least-once behavior - I could think of the following 2 ways:
If you want to take control of committing offsets, then set the "" property to false and then invoke commitSync() or commitAsync() with retries handled in the Callback function.
Note: The choice of Synchronous vs Asynchronous commit will depend on your latency budget and any other requirements. So, not going too much into those details here.
The other option is to utilise the automatic offset commit feature i.e. setting to true and to an acceptable number (again, based on your requirements on how often would you like to commit offsets).
I think the default behaviour of Kafka is centered around at-least-once semantics, so it should be fairly straightforward.
I hope this helps!


Kafka consumer consuming older messages on restarting

I am consuming Kafka messages from a topic, but the issue is that every time the consumer restarts it reads older processed messages.
I have used auto.offset.reset=earliest. Will setting it manually using commit async help me overcome this issue?
I see that Kafka already has enabled auto commit to true by default.
I have used auto.offset.reset=earliest. Wwill setting it manually
using commit async help me overcome this issue?
When the setting auto.offset.reset=earliest is set the consumer will read from the earliest offset that is available instead of from the last offset. So, the first time you start your process with a new and set this to earliest it will read from the starting offset.
Here is how we the issue can be debugged..
If your consumer is same across every restart, you need to check if the commit is actually happening.
Cross check if you are manually overriding to false anywhere.
Next, check the auto commit interval ( which is by default 5 sec and see if you have changed it to something higher and that you are restarting your process before the commit is getting triggered.
You can also use commitAsync() or even commitSync() to manually trigger. Use commitSync() (blocking call) for testing if there is any exception while committing. Few possible errors during committing are (from docs)
CommitFailedException - When you are trying to commit to partitions
that are no longer assigned to this consumer because the consumer is
for example no longer part of the group this exception would be thrown
RebalanceInProgressException - If the consumer instance is in the
middle of a rebalance so it is not yet determined which partitions
would be assigned to the consumer.
TimeoutException - if the timeout specified by expires before successful completion of the
offset commit
Apart from this..
Also check if you are doing seek() or seekToBeginning() in your consumer code anywhere. If you are doing this and calling poll() you will likely get older messages also.
If you are using Embedded Kafka and doing some testing, the topic and the consumer groups will likely be created everytime you restart your test, there by reading from start. Check if it is a similar case.
Without looking into the code it is hard to tell what exactly is the error. This answer provides only an insight on debugging your scenario.

Difference between kafka idempotent and transactional producer setup?

When setting up a kafka producer to use idempotent behaviour, and transactional behaviour:
I understand that for idempotency we set:
and that by changing this one flag on our producer, we are guaranteed exactly-once event delivery?
and for transactions, we must go further and set the<some value>
but by setting this value, it also sets idempotence to true?
Also, by setting one or both of the above to true, the producer will also set acks=all.
With the above should I be able to add 'exactly once delivery' by simply changing the enable idempotency setting? If i wanted to go further and enable transactional support, On the Consumer side, I would only need to change their setting, isolation.level=read_committed? Does this image reflect how to setup the producer in terms of EOS?
Yes you understood the main concepts.
By enabling idempotence, the producer automatically sets acks to all and guarantees message delivery for the lifetime of the Producer instance.
By enabling transactions, the producer automatically enables idempotence (and acks=all). Transactions allow to group produce requests and offset commits and ensure all or nothing gets committed to Kafka.
When using transactions, you can configure if consumers should only see records from committed transactions by setting isolation.level to read_committed, otherwise by default they see all records including from discarded transactions.
Actually idemnpotency by itself does not always guarantee exactly once event delivery. Let's say you have a consumer that consumes an event, processes it and produces an event. Somewhere in this process the offset that the consumer uses must be incremented and persisted. Without a transactional producer, if it happens before the producer sends a message, the message might not be sent and its at most once delivery. If you do it after the message is sent you might fail in persisting the offset and then the consumer would read the same message again and the producer would send a duplicate, you get an at least once delivery. The all or nothing mechanism of a transactional producer prevents this scenario given that you store your offset on kafka, the new message and the incrementation of the offset of the consumer becomes an atomic action.

How to handle various failure conditions in Kafka

Issue we were facing:
In our system we were logging a ticket in database with status NEW and also putting it in the kafka queue for further processing. The processors pick those tickets from kafka queue, do processing and update the status accordingly. We found that some tickets are left in NEW state forever. So we were guessing whether tickets are failing to get produced in the queue or are no getting consumed.
Message loss / duplication scenarios (and some other related points):
So I started to dig exhaustively to know in what all ways we can face message loss and duplication in Kafka. Below I have listed all possible message loss and duplication scenarios that I can find in this post:
How data loss can occur in different approaches to handle all replicas down
Handle by waiting for leader to come online
Messages sent between all replica down and leader comes online are lost.
Handle by electing new broker as a leader once it comes online
If new broker is out of sync from previous leader, all data written between the
time where this broker went down and when it was elected the new leader will be
lost. As additional brokers come back up, they will see that they have committed
messages that do not exist on the new leader and drop those messages.
How data loss can occur when leader goes down, while other replicas may be up
In this case, the Kafka controller will detect the loss of the leader and elect a new leader from the pool of in sync replicas. This may take a few seconds and result in LeaderNotAvailable errors from the client. However, no data loss will occur as long as producers and consumers handle this possibility and retry appropriately.
When a consumer may miss to consume a message
If Kafka is configured to keep messages for a day and a consumer is down for a period of longer than a day, the consumer will lose messages.
Evaluating different approaches to consumer consistency
Message might not be processed when consumer is configured to receive each message at most once
Message might be duplicated / processed twice when consumer is configured to receive each message at least once
No message is processed multiple times or left unprocessed if consumer is configured to receive each message exactly once.
Kafka provides below guarantees as long as you are producing to one partition and consuming from one partition. All guarantees are off if you are reading from the same partition using two consumers or writing to the same partition using two producers.
Kafka makes the following guarantees about data consistency and availability:
Messages sent to a topic partition will be appended to the commit log in the order they are sent,
a single consumer instance will see messages in the order they appear in the log,
a message is ‘committed’ when all in sync replicas have applied it to their log, and
any committed message will not be lost, as long as at least one in sync replica is alive.
Approach I came up with:
After reading several articles, I felt I should do following:
If message is not enqueued, producer should resend
For this producer should listen for acknowledgement for each message sent. If no ackowledement is received, it can retry sending message
Producer should be async with callback:
As explained in last example here
How to avoid duplicates in case of producer retries sending
To avoid duplicates in queue, set enable.idempotence=true in producer configs. This will make producer ensure that exactly one copy of each message is sent. This requires following properties set on producer:<=5
acks=all (Obtain ack when all brokers has committed message)
Producer should be transactional
As explained here.
Set transactional id to unique id:
producerProps.put("", "prod-1");
Because we've enabled idempotence, Kafka will use this transaction id as part of its algorithm to deduplicate any message this producer sends, ensuring idempotency.
Use transactions semantics: init, begin, commit, close
As explained here:
try {
} catch(ProducerFencedException e) {
} catch(KafkaException e) {
Consumer should be transactional
consumerProps.put("isolation.level", "read_committed");
This ensures that consumer don't read any transactional messages before the transaction completes.
Manually commit offset in consumer
As explained here
Process record and save offsets atomically
Say by atomically saving both record processing output and offsets to any database. For this we need to set auto commit of database connection to false and manually commit after persisting both processing output and offset. This also requires setting to false.
Read initial offset (say to read after recovery from cache) from database
Seek consumer to this offset and then read from that position.
Doubts I have:
(Some doubts might be primary and can be resolved by implementing code. But I want words from experienced kafka developer.)
Does the consumer need to read the offset from database only for initial (/ first after consumer recovery) read or for all reads? I feel it needs to read offset from database only on restarts, as explained here
Do we have to opt for manual partitioning? Does this approach works only with auto partitioning off? I have this doubt because this example explains storing offset in MySQL by specifying partitions explicitly.
Do we need both: Producer side kafka transactions and consumer side database transactions (for storing offset and processing records atomically)? I feel for producer idempotence, we need producer to have unique transaction id and for that we need to use kafka transactional api (init, begin, commit). And as a counterpart, consumer also need to set isolation.level to read_committed. However can we ensure no message loss and duplicate processing without using kafka transactions? Or they are absolutely necessary?
Should we persist offset to external db as explained above and here
or send offset to transaction as explained here (also I didnt get what does it exactly mean by sending offset to transaction)
or follow sync async commit combo explained here.
I feel message loss / duplication scenarios 1 and 2 are handled by points 1 to 4 of approach I explained above.
I feel message loss / duplication scenario 3 is handled by point 6 of approach I explained above.
How do we implement different consumer consistency approaches as stated in message loss / duplication scenario 4? Is their any configuration or it needs to be implemented inside custom logic inside consumer?
Message loss / duplication scenario 5 says: "Kafka provides below guarantees as long as you are producing to one partition and consuming from one partition."? Is it something to concern about while building correct system?
Is any consideration unnecessary/redundant in the approach I came up with above? Also did I miss any necessary consideration? Did I miss any message loss / duplication scenarios?
Is their any other standard / recommended / preferable approach to ensure no message loss and duplicate processing than what I have thought above?
Do I have to actually code above approach using kafka APIs? or is there any high level API built atop kafka API which allows to easily ensure no message loss and duplicate processing?
Looking at issue we were facing (as stated at very beginning), we were thinking if we can recover any lost/unprocessed messages from files in which kafka stores messages. However that isnt correct, right?
(Extremely sorry for such an exhaustive post but wanted to write question which will ask all related question at one place allowing to build big picture of how to build system around kafka.)

Kafka set to false but poll still fetch "next" messages

I want to tell Kafka when my consumer has successfully processed a record so I have turned auto-commit off by settting to false. I have two messages on a topic I am subscribed to at offset zero and one and have created a consumer so that each call to poll will return at most one record (by setting max.poll.records to 1).
I now call consumer.poll(5000) and receive the first message but I do not acknowledge it; I do not call commitSync or commitAsync. If I now call consumer.poll(5000) again, using the same consumer, I expect to get the exact same message I just read but, instead, I receive the second message.
How do I get consumer.poll to keep handing out the same message until I explicitly acknowledge it?
What you described is the expected behaviour. Every time you call poll(), it will return the next messages. The offset you commit is only used when connecting a new consumer so it knows where to (re)start from.
In MessageHub, we've set the session.timeout to 30 seconds. So you need to call poll() slightly faster to avoid being disconnected. If your processing takes longer than that, then I can think of 2 options:
Use Kafka 0.10.2 and set to tell your Kafka client to keep the session alive (without you having to call poll()) while you process the previous record. (This feature was added in 0.10.1 but we don't support that version. 0.10.2 works because it's capable to work with 0.10.0 brokers)
Use seek() to move back to the previous offset after poll so it keeps returning the same record.
Hope this helps!

Making Kafka consumers consume existing messages before subscription

Having Publisher and N Consumers, if consumers use auto.offset.reset=latest then they miss all the messages that were published to a topic before they subscribed to it ... It is a known fact that Consumer with auto.offset.reset=latestdoesn't replay messages that existed in the topic before it subscribed...
So I would need either :
Make publisher wait until all subscribers start consuming messages and then start publishing. Dunno how to do that without leveraging Zookeeper for instance. Does Kafka provide means to do that ?
Another way would be having auto.offset.reset=latest Consumers and make them explicitly consume all existing messages before in case they are about to subscribe to a topic with existing messages...
What is the best practice for this case?
I guess that consumer must check topic for existing messages, consume them if there are any and then initiate auto.offset.reset=latest consumption. That sounds like the best way to me ...
If a high level consumer gets started, it does the following:
look for committed offsets for its consumer group
a. if valid offsets are found, resume from there
b. if no valid offsets are found, set offsets according to auto.offset.reset
Thus, auto.offset.reset only triggers, if no valid offset was committed. This behavior is intended and necessary to provide at-least-once processing guarantees in case of failure.
Thus, is you want to read a topic from its beginning, you can either use a new consumer and set auto.offset.reset = earliest or you explicitly modify the offsets on startup using seekToBeginning() before you start your poll() loop.
We do the option (1) using a service discovery feature provided by Eureka (any other service discovery app would do the job) + aliasing. Basically a publisher does not register itself (and start processing requests nor publish notifications) until at least one subscriber is available.