Using Copy Local for ESRI References? - arcobjects

I have recently updated to ArcGIS 10.4 and I have to update some code written for ArcGIS 10.2. The code must be run on a 10.2 machine so I thought if I make all the ESRI references 'Copy Local' it would run (with 10.4 compilation) on a 10.2 machine.
Can I use 10.4 code on a 10.2 machine with Copy Local set?

No you can't
Unfortunately ArcObjects is only forward compatible (not backward).
You can find this in the Documentation under "compatibility across newer versions of ArcGIS".
Add-ins targeting previous versions of ArcGIS will automatically load in newer releases, there is no need to rebuild or reinstall them. For example, ArcGIS 10.4 will automatically discover and load add-ins from the 10.3 well-known folder location. Add-ins are not backward compatible; for example, and add-in targeting ArcGIS 10.4 will not load in 10.3.
It's possible to develop targeting 10.2 and use your code in 10.4.
However subtle changes between ESRI SDK versions can cause hard to find issues. (for example field names on joined tables are different between some versions of the SDK)
When I need to support multiple versions, I compile against the lowest version, and test it on a virtual machine with the newer version (remote debugger).
This might not be the answer you're looking for, but I hope it helps to solve your problem.


How to install plv8 in postgresql 14 for windows?

I tried installing plv8 from
but it did not work.
The challenge is Windows and Version 14. The solution you point to has only the files going up to PG Version 12. It works on 12, I used that on 12.
But I am also trying to find the windows version of this extension for PG 14. So far, people have updated the Linux builds for working with 14.
The correct, full answer is to download the source from github.
Install Version 14 of PG (You need the header files). Install the tools spelled out in the PLV8\Windows directory README. And then compile everything locally. This is what the Linux users do to get the binaries for their specific system.
we are grabbing the source from here:
We are working on this right now. We will push the compiled (under windows 10 x64) Versions up to another GIT and publish the link for others as our way of supporting this. (But it's not trivial, this stuff is made more for the Linux side of things)

Installing older version of AnyLogic or downgrading AnyLogic

The newest AnyLogic version is not supported by my current AnyLogic license. The license only supports up to 8.3.3. However, I do wish to install AnyLogic on another computer and activate it with my license. However, surprisingly I could not find downloads of earlier AnyLogic versions. Does anyone know if and where I can find these earlier versions, and whether I perhaps can downgrade a newer AnyLogic version?
For any version, just put the version you want and you will likely be able to download it
if using mac:
In addition to Felipe's answer, you can always ask
if you need very old versions. I believe that AL7.x is not available online anymore but they happily send the installers if you need them.

How to Upgrade TYPO3 7.6.x to 8.x.0

What are the required steps to upgrade TYPO3 7.6.x to 8.X?. Currently My project running on TYPO3 7.6.15 and linux systems.
The only requirement that changes when you update from TYPO3 7 LTS to TYPO3 8 LTS ist the PHP version.
TYPO3 8 LTS requires at least PHP 7.0.
So first of all you need a local environment and a server with PHP 7.0 or 7.1. Then make a copy of your project (keep the original as a backup and a reference) and check all extensions. You want to know a) if you still need them and b) if they are already available for TYPO3 8LTS. If they are, you are fine, if they are not, you have to find an alternative, disable the extension (temporarily) or just wait with the update.
You then update the core and the extensions to the latest releases and go to the install tool. First you want to compare the DB structure to add new fields and tables (don't remove anything yet). After that go to the Upgrade Wizards and perform all of them that are not marked as "optional". Perform the optionals as you need them.
Now your backend should work if no extension breaks it. Your next steps are testing the functionalities that are provided by your extensions and make sure they still work. You might also want to have a look at the breaking changes of the TYPO3 core since 7 LTS to see if your system might be affected. Those can also be found in the install tool (Upgrade Analysis) and they usually have a migration documented.
You can find additional advice regarding updates of TYPO3 systems here:

SQL Developer 4.0 extensions not loading

I've recently downloaded the new SQL Developer 4.0 tool, and moved my usually used extensions to it. But while after i started the software my extensions weren't there ! not loaded at all and no log about them when i activated debug logging mode !
Any body has an idea on how to load extensions in 4.0 version ?
As noted in the early adopter release announcement:
All 3rd party extensions are currently disabled – our framework has
changed such that they will need to be updated to be compatible with
the new version
The extension developers will need to update their extensions; if there is not already a new version available you'll need to contact them directly to ask for this to be done, it's not something Oracle has control over really. This and this might also be of interest. As mentioned in the release notes, issues with the early-adopter version should be reported on the SQL Developer forum.

Migrate Enterprise Library 4.1 to 5.0

We are using enterprise library 4.1 and smart client software factory 2008 to our application.
how we can upgrade enterprise library 5.0 and SCSF 2010 to our application.presently we are using visual studio 2008.
To upgrade what are the thing needs to be taken care.
Early help would be appreciated.
In terms of Enterprise Library, the best case scenario would be to replace the 4.1 assembly references with 5.0 assembly references and change the configuration (to use 5.0 references instead of 4.1 references). However, you could also hit some issues.
You should read the Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0 Migration Guide for a full description. The Breaking Changes document could also help you determine if you may run in to migration issues.
For the Smart Client Software Factory the approach appears the same: change the references and configuration to use the new dlls. The Web Client Software Factory 2010 Documentation download has a section on Migrating to Visual Studio 2010.
Install the 5.0 package.
remove all the previous refreneces and add the newer ones generated.
You can refer the dlls by copying it to some folders or directly from the location where you have installed (C:\programfiles\Microsoftenterpriselibrary5.0)
I faced the below issues while migrating
Configuration errors in web.config files - some of my references in the web.config files were refering to the older version( upgraded from 2.0 to 5.0) and the publictokenkey="null"
so i pushed all the dlls to the gac and added the publicktokenkey from the c:\windows\assembly. which solved the issue
And another issue was regarding the microsoft.practices.enterpriselibrary.caching.cryptography- it was displaying soem weird error.- solution-the bin folder was having the old dlls and when tried to
clean the solution the dll reference was still there. SO i deleted all those from the folder and rebuild again.
IT was initially having the logicacmg.enterpriselibraryextensions.logging which caused some issues- i used the microsoft.practices.enterpriselibrary.logging.configuration.rollingflatfiletracelistenerdata which could solve the issue.
Hope some one might get some inputs with this post