How to rename a key in a jsonb list? - postgresql

I am trying to rename a json key of all the objects in a list e.g. given my_table with my_col containing a jsonb list:
[{name:0}, {name:1}, {name:2}]
I have worked out how to change a single element of a list by removing and adding a key using explicit indexing e.g.
select (my_col->0)::jsonb - 'name' ||
jsonb_build_object('new_name', my_col->0->'name')
from my_table
But how can this then be applied to all elements in the list?

Here is my best answer so far that works using a lateral join.
update my_table t1
set my_col =
(select json_agg(el::jsonb - 'name' || jsonb_build_object('new_name', el->'name'))
from my_table t2, jsonb_array_elements(t2.my_col) as el
where =
Ideally there would just be some neat pattern matching operators e.g. my_col->*->'name'.


How to get the matching column name when searching across multiple columns in PostgreSQL?

Is there a way to get the matching column name when searching across multiple columns in PostgreSQL?
Say I have the following table structure and query:
CREATE TABLE document (
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
document_content VARCHAR
id serial PRIMARY KEY,
headline VARCHAR
INNER JOIN story_document AS Documents_join ON "document".id = Documents_join.document_id
INNER JOIN story ON "story".id = Documents_join.story_id
WHERE to_tsvector(document_content) ## to_tsquery('foo')
OR to_tsvector(headline) ## to_tsquery('foo');
I was thinking of concatenating the value of the two columns, run the full text search, then create a sub query for both columns and re-run the search individually and record the result as a reference, but this would mean executing the search 3x:
"document".*, AS story_id,
(SELECT "document".id WHERE to_tsvector(document_content) ## to_tsquery('foo')) AS "matching_document_id",
(SELECT story_id WHERE to_tsvector(headline) ## to_tsquery('foo')) AS "matching_story_id"
INNER JOIN story_document AS Documents_join ON "document".id = Documents_join.document_id
RIGHT JOIN story ON "story".id = Documents_join.story_id
WHERE to_tsvector(document_content || ' ' || headline) ## to_tsquery('foo');
How could I get a reference to the column: document_content or headline, where the keyword "foo" was found in one query?
Since the columns are in different tables the best you can do is translate the OR into a UNION:
INNER JOIN story_document AS Documents_join ON "document".id = Documents_join.document_id
INNER JOIN story ON "story".id = Documents_join.story_id
WHERE to_tsvector(document_content) ## to_tsquery('foo')
INNER JOIN story_document AS Documents_join ON "document".id = Documents_join.document_id
INNER JOIN story ON "story".id = Documents_join.story_id
WHERE to_tsvector(headline) ## to_tsquery('foo');
Then PostgreSQL doesn't have to build the complete join just to filter out most of the rows. My variant will be fast if the conditions are selective and indexed and you have indexes on the join conditions as well, so that you can get fast nested loop joins.
Here is some more about dealing with OR.

Fetch rows from postgres table which contains a specific id in jsonb[] column

I have a details table with adeet column defined as jsonb[]
a sample value stored in adeet column is as below image
Sample data stored in DB :
I want to return the rows which satisfies id=26088 i.e row 1 and 3
I have tried array operations and json operations but it does'nt work as required. Any pointers
Obviously the type of the column adeet is not of type JSON/JSONB, but maybe VARCHAR and we should fix the format so as to convert into a JSONB type. I used replace() and r/ltrim() funcitons for this conversion, and preferred to derive an array in order to use jsonb_array_elements() function :
WITH t(jobid,adeet) AS
SELECT jobid, replace(replace(replace(adeet,'\',''),'"{','{'),'}"','}')
FROM tab
), t2 AS
SELECT jobid, ('['||rtrim(ltrim(adeet,'{'), '}')||']')::jsonb as adeet
FROM t2 t
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(adeet) j
WHERE (j.value ->> 'id')::int = 26088
You want to combine JSONB's <# operator with the generic-array ANY construct.
select * from foobar where '{"id":26088}' <# ANY (adeet);

Can achieve Postgres jsonb LIKE query?

does anyone know how to introduce wildcards (e.g. %% ) when querying a jsonb column that in this case is an array at the top level ? would also like to ignore casee
select * from "food" where (type #> '"xyz"')
You need to unnest the array:
select f.*
from food f
where exists (select *
from jsonb_array_elements_text(f.type) as x(typ)
where x.typ like '%xyz%');
One option would be applying a CROSS JOIN between the table and unnested array elements without a subquery as
FROM food f
CROSS JOIN jsonb_array_elements(type) AS j
WHERE value::text like '%"xyz"%'
thanks folks.. this seems to do the trick:
jsonb_array_elements(type) as types
WHERE types::text ilike '%xyz%';```

can't select data from a dictionary inside a list

I have two jsonb fields in the table below and I would like to do a query where I filter any key of the dictionary.
My problem is that those dictionaries are inside of a list and when I try to access them with:
FROM public.monitoring_environmentalcontrol
WHERE celery_status->'queue'='0'
I get nothing:
You can use jsonb_array_elements DOC function to achieve your goal plus a LATERAL JOIN LATERAL Subqueries on it:
This is the setup I created:
create table test (
id int,
celery_status jsonb
insert into test values
(1,'[{"queue":"a"}, {"queue":"b"}, {"queue":"c"}]'),
(2,'[{"queue":"d"}, {"queue":"e"}, {"queue":"f"}]'),
(3,'[{"queue":"g"}, {"queue":"h"}, {"queue":"i"}]');
This is the query:
select, t.celery_status, obj->>'queue'
from test t
join lateral
jsonb_array_elements(t.celery_status) obj(value) on obj->>'queue' = 'a'
You can see it working here:!17/bf7bf/6

PostGres joins Using JSONB

I have two tables which look like such
Id (primary_key. big int)
Name (text)
Id (primary_key. big int)
ConnectedIdentifiers (JSONB)
Info (text)
CustomInformations's ConnectedIdentifiers column contains a JSONB structure which looks like
{ 'organizations': [1,2,3] }
This means that there's an array of organizations with those ids 1, 2, 3, which are related to that particular CustomInformation
I'm trying to do a JOIN where given a CustomInformation Id will also get me all the Organizations names
I tried this after looking at some examples:
SELECT * FROM CustomInformations ci
INNER JOIN Organizations o on jsonb_array_elements(ci.ConnectedIdentifiers->'19') =
I got an error No operator matches the given name and argument type(s). You might need to add explicit type casts.
Is this the right approach? And if so what is wrong with my syntax?
You cannot use jsonb_array_elements() in this way because the function returns set of rows. It should be placed in a lateral join instead. Use jsonb_array_elements_text() to get array elements as text and cast these elements to bigint:
select ci.*, o.*
from custominfo ci
-- lateral join
cross join jsonb_array_elements_text(ci.connectedidentifiers->'organizations') ar(elem)
join organizations o
on elem::bigint =
where = 5