What is the name of the role that allows one to use oc/kubectl port-forward? - kubernetes

I'd like to create a Service Account which is allowed to do oc port-forward on OpenShift.com Online (AKA kubectl port-forward on Kubernetes), but can't for the life of me figure out which of the many roles I see in oc get clusterrole would permit that? (oc get role is empty.)
error: error upgrading connection: pods "minecraft-storeys-maker-40-ps85h" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:learn-study:oc-port-forward-container" cannot create pods/portforward in the namespace "learn-study": User "system:serviceaccount:learn-study:oc-port-forward-container" cannot create pods/portforward in project "learn-study"
So based on this error message I've tried "pods/portforward", but no good:
oc policy add-role-to-user pods/portforward -z oc-port-forward-container
Error from server (BadRequest): Name parameter invalid: "pods/portforward": may not contain '/'
Also just "portforward" is no good:
oc policy add-role-to-user portforward -z oc-port-forward-container
Error from server (NotFound): rolebindings.authorization.openshift.io "portforward" not found
It's for https://github.com/OASIS-learn-study/oc-port-forward-container.

In OpenShift the edit and admin cluster roles should have create permissions on pods/portforward.
Therefore, a command such as oc policy add-role-to-user edit -z <your-sa-name> should add the permissions you need.


why i can't create pods a a user with enough permissions in kubernetes

I am following a tutorial regarding RBAC, I think I understand the main idea but I don't get why this is failing:
kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy#test.com
kc create clusterrole deploy --verb="*" --resource=pods --resource-name=compute
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created
kc create clusterrolebinding deploy --user=deploy#test.com --clusterrole=deploy
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/deploy created
# this tells me that deploy#test.com should be able to create a pod named compute
kc auth can-i "*" pod/compute --as deploy#test.com
# but it fails when trying to do so
kc run compute --image=nginx --as deploy#test.com
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "deploy#test.com" cannot create resource "pods" in API group "" in the namespace "default"
the namespace name should be irrelevant afaik, since this is a clusterrole.
Restricting the create permission to a specific resource name is not supported.
This is from the Kubernetes documentation:
Note: You cannot restrict create or deletecollection requests by resourceName. For create, this limitation is because the object name is not known at authorization time.
This means the ClusterRole you created doesn't allow you to create any Pod.
You need to have another ClusterRole assigned where you don't specify the resource name.

Openshift Monitoring with REST_API

I am trying to use Openshift REST-API's to get the status of my cron-jobs. I am the admin of my namespace but I don't have cluster access so I can't do anything on cluster level.
Now, to get the status, I am first creating the role :
# oc create role podreader --verb=get --verb=list --verb=watch --resource=pods,cronjobs.batch,jobs.batch
role.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/podreader created
But when I try to add a role to a service account it fails.
# oc create serviceaccount nagios
# oc policy add-role-to-user podreader system:serviceaccount:uc-immoscout-dev:nagios
Warning: role 'podreader' not found
Error from server (NotFound): clusterroles.rbac.authorization.k8s.io "podreader" not found
My main intention is to to get the status of my cron-jobs, jobs and pods which I am scheduling.
You'll have to add --role-namespace=namespace-of-role to the oc policy add-role-to-user command otherwise the role is treated as a cluster role.
From the docs:
--role-namespace='': namespace where the role is located: empty means a role defined in cluster policy

Problem deploying K8s with gitlab runner get an error

I changed something and deployed on a new cluster then I got this error even though I didn't change anything in the code. Has anybody seen it before?
from server for:
"/builds/dropcunt/nettmoster.com/deployment/webapp.yml": ingresses.extensions "nettmoster.comn-273414" is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:gitlab-managed-apps:default" cannot get resource "ingresses" in API group "extensions" in the namespace "nettmoster-com-9777808"
59 Error from server (Forbidden): error when retrieving current configuration of:
As suggested I runkubectl auth can-i --list --as=system:serviceaccount:gitlab-managed-apps:default
It returns:
This is a RBAC problem. The service account system:serviceaccount:gitlab-managed-apps:default does not have permission to get ingress resource in the new cluster.
You can compare what permission a service account have by running below command in both the cluster
kubectl auth can-i --list --as=system:serviceaccount:gitlab-managed-apps:default
Run below commands to get permission via RBAC
kubectl create role ingress-reader --verb=get,list,watch,update --resource=ingress
kubectl create rolebinding ingress-reader-role --role=ingress-reader --serviceaccount=gitlab-managed-apps:default

Access Kubernetes API with kubectl failed after enabling RBAC

I'm trying to enable RBAC on my cluster and iadded those following line to the kube-apiserver.yml :
- --authorization-mode=RBAC
- --runtime-config=rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1beta1
- --authorization-rbac-super-user=admin
and i did systemctl restart kubelet ;
the apiserver starts successfully but i'm not able to run kubectl command and i got this error :
kubectl get po
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "kubectl" cannot list pods in the namespace "default"
where am I going wrong or i should create some roles to the kubectl user ? if so how that possible
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "kubectl" cannot list pods in the namespace "default"
You are using user kubectl to access cluster by kubectl utility, but you set --authorization-rbac-super-user=admin, which means your super-user is admin.
To fix the issue, launch kube-apiserver with superuser "kubectl" instead of "admin."
Just update the value of the option: --authorization-rbac-super-user=kubectl.
Old question but for google searchers, you can use the insecure port:
If your API server runs with the insecure port enabled (--insecure-port), you can also make API calls via that port, which does not enforce authentication or authorization.
Source: https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/rbac/#privilege-escalation-prevention-and-bootstrapping
So add --insecure-port=8080 to your kube-apiserver options and then restart it.
Then run:
kubectl create clusterrolebinding kubectl-cluster-admin-binding --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user=kubectl
Then turn the insecure-port off.

Login to GKE via service account with token

I am trying to access my Kubernetes cluster on google cloud with the service account, but I am not able to make this works. I have a running system with some pods and ingress. I want to be able to update images of deployments.
I would like to use something like this (remotely):
kubectl config set-cluster cluster --server="<IP>" --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true
kubectl config set-credentials foo --token="<TOKEN>"
kubectl config set-context my-context --cluster=cluster --user=foo --namespace=default
kubectl config use-context cluster
kubectl set image deployment/my-deployment boo=eu.gcr.io/project-123456/image:v1
So I created the service account and then get the secret token:
kubectl create serviceaccount foo
kubectl get secret foo-token-gqvgn -o yaml
But, when I try to update the image in any deployment, I receive:
error: You must be logged in to the server (Unauthorized)
IP address for API I use the address, which is shown in GKE administration as cluster endpoint IP.
Any suggestions? Thanks.
I have tried to recreate your problem.
Steps I have followed
kubectl create serviceaccount foo
kubectl get secret foo-token-* -o yaml
Then, I have tried to do what you have done
What I have used as token is base64 decoded Token.
Then I tried this:
$ kubectl get pods
Error from server (Forbidden): pods is forbidden: User "system:serviceaccount:default:foo" cannot list pods in the namespace "default": Unknown user "system:serviceaccount:default:foo"
This gave me error as expected. Because, I need to grant permission to this ServiceAccount.
How can I grant permission to this ServiceAccount? I need to create ClusterRole & ClusterRoleBinding with necessary permission.
Read more to learn more role-based-access-control
I can do another thing
$ kubectl config set-credentials foo --username="admin" --password="$PASSWORD"
This will grant you admin authorization.
You need to provide cluster credential.
Username: admin
Password: -----
You will get this info in GKE -> Kubernetes Engine -> {cluster} -> Show credential