Default variable logic for swift protocol - swift

I have a protocol
protocol Example: class {
var value: Bool { get set }
func foo()
func bar()
And extension:
extension Example {
// var value: Bool { // Error: Extensions must not contain stored properties
// didSet {
// switch value {
// case true:
// foo()
// case false:
// bar()
// }
// }
// }
func foo() {
// logic...
func bar() {
// logic...
When value is set to true, I want foo() to be called
When value is set to false, I want bar() to be called
However, I do not want to redundantly implement didSet{ } logic into every class that conforms to Example
But, if I try to add didSet{ } logic into the extension, Xcode says "Extensions must not contain stored properties".
What is the best practice for adding default property-observing logic without having to copy/paste into every conforming class?
The Goal:
I want any subclass of UIView to conform to my protocol Expandable. The requirements of my protocol are isExpanded: Bool, expand(), and collapse. I want isExpanded = true to call expand(), and isExpanded = false to call collapse() (much like the behavior of setting isHidden). But for every subclass of UIView, I don't want to have rewrite any logic. I'd like to just make the class conform to Expandable, and jump right in to setting isExpanded.

You don't need observers for what you're describing. You just need some storage for your state. Since you know this is an NSObject, you can do that with the ObjC runtime.
// Since we know it's a UIView, we can use the ObjC runtime to store stuff on it
private var expandedProperty = 0
// In Xcode 10b1, you can make Expandable require this, but it's probably
// nicer to still allow non-UIViews to conform.
extension Expandable where Self: UIView {
// We'll need a primitive form to prevent infinite loops. It'd be nice to make this private, but
// then it's not possible to access it in custom versions of expand()
var _isExpanded: Bool {
get {
// If it's not know, default to expanded
return objc_getAssociatedObject(self, &expandedProperty) as? Bool ?? true
set {
objc_setAssociatedObject(self, &expandedProperty, newValue, .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN)
var isExpanded: Bool {
get {
return _isExpanded
set {
_isExpanded = newValue
if newValue { expand() } else { collapse() }
func expand() {
_isExpanded = true // Bypassing the infinite loop
func collapse() {
_isExpanded = false
If you didn't know that this were an NSObject, you can get the same thing with a global (private) dictionary that maps ObjectIdentifier -> Bool. It just leaks a tiny amount of memory (~16 bytes per view that you collapse).
That said, I wouldn't do it this way. Having two ways to do the same thing makes everything much more complicated. I would either have just isExpanded as settable, or have isExpanded as read-only and a expand and collapse. Then you don't need the extra _isExpanded.

You have to implement getter, setter explicitly:
protocol Example {
var value: Bool { get set }
func foo()
func bar()
extension Example {
var value: Bool {
get { return value }
set(newValue) {
value = newValue
value ? foo() : bar()
func foo() {
func bar() {


Why is conformance to an object required for read/write extension properties to work on let variables?

I know the title may be confusing, but this should clear it up.
Say I define the following extension on UIView...
extension UIView {
var isVisible:Bool {
get { return !isHidden }
set { isHidden = !newValue }
In code, I can do this without issue...
let myView = UIView()
myView.isVisible = true
But if I try pulling out the extension into a reusable protocol (so I can apply it to both UIView and NSView without having to duplicate the code) like so...
public protocol ExtendedView {
var isHidden: Bool { get set }
public extension ExtendedView {
var isVisible: Bool {
get { return !isHidden }
set { isHidden = !newValue }
extension UIView: ExtendedView {}
extension NSView: ExtendedView {}
...then while I can read it like so...
let myView = UIView()
if myView.isVisible {
...This line will not compile!
myView.isVisible = true
It gives the following compile-time error...
cannot assign to property: 'myView' is a 'let' constant
To fix it, I have to either change the variable to a var (not what I want to do), or conform the protocol to AnyObject, like so...
public protocol ExtendedView : AnyObject {
var isHidden: Bool { get set }
My question is why? I mean the compiler knows at compile time the type of item the extension is being applied to so why does the protocol have to conform to AnyObject? (Yes, I do acknowledge that extending UIView (or NSView) implies an object, but still... doesn't the call site know it's not a value type?)
doesn't the call site know it's not a value type?
That doesn't matter. Protocol members allows for mutation of self. For example, if you don't constrain the protocol to AnyObject, this will always compile:
set { self = newValue as? Self ?? self }
I.e. protocols provide the only way to be able to change a reference internally. Even though you're not actually doing that in your code, the possibility of the reference mutation is there.
And even if you don't actually cause any mutation, property observers are still going to be triggered by mutating protocol members.
var myView = UIView() {
didSet {
print("Still the same \(myView) after `isVisible` changes, but that's not provable at compile-time.")
Your particular issue is due to the default of set accessors.
{ get set }
is shorthand for
{ nonmutating get mutating set }
If you change the get to be mutating as well, you'll run into the same issue.
public protocol ExtendedView {
var isHidden: Bool { get }
public extension ExtendedView {
var isVisible: Bool {
mutating get { !isHidden }
// Cannot use mutating getter on immutable value: 'myView' is a 'let' constant
let myView = UIView()
I have to either change the variable to a var (not what I want to do), or conform the protocol to AnyObject
Although it's not apparent why you shouldn't be constraining to AnyObject or something more restrictive, you can just use
var isHidden: Bool { get nonmutating set }
That's enough to be able to make myView a constant. However, it's more accurate to mark isVisible completely nonmutating as well, which will stop property observers triggering.
nonmutating set { isHidden = !newValue }
Ultimately, constraining as much as possible is going to make working with any protocol easier. Especially when it allows you to enforce reference semantics.
public enum OldUIFramework { }
#if os(macOS)
import AppKit
public extension OldUIFramework {
typealias View = NSView
import UIKit
public extension OldUIFramework {
typealias View = UIView
extension OldUIFramework.View: ExtendedView { }
public protocol ExtendedView: OldUIFramework.View {
var isHidden: Bool { get set }
If you really need ExtendedView to apply to value types sometimes, then make a constrained extension for the other cases, calling the value type code.
any should be some, here, but the compiler has bugs that make it not work right now.
public extension ExtendedView where Self: OldUIFramework.View {
var isVisible: Bool {
get {
let `self`: any ExtendedView = self
return `self`.isVisible
nonmutating set {
var `self`: any ExtendedView = self
`self`.isVisible = newValue
I mean the compiler knows at compile time the type of item the extension is being applied to
I know, it looks like the compiler knows that, especially when you write the lines next to each other like that:
let myView = UIView()
myView.isVisible = true
But command-click on isVisible in that code, and where do you end up? In the protocol ExtendedView. In other words, isVisible is not ultimately a property declared by UIView; it's a property declared by ExtendedView.
And nothing about the protocol itself guarantees that the adopting object will be a reference type — unless you guarantee it by qualifying the protocol, either directly or in an extension of the protocol, by saying what kind of object can adopt it.
I would just like to add that the situation you've posited is extremely specialized: the issue only arises in exactly the situation you've created, where a protocol extension injects a computed property implementation into its adopters. That's not a common thing to do.

Is it possible to point class instance variables to `inout` parameters in Swift?

Is it possible for multiple class methods to access and modify a single inout parameter that is set in the class constructor? For example something like this:
class X {
var mySwitch: Bool
init(mySwitch: inout Bool) {
self.mySwitch = mySwitch
func updateSwitch() {
self.mySwitch.toggle() // this should toggle the external Boolean value that was originally passed into the init
// usage
var myBool: Bool = false
let x = X(mySwitch: &myBool)
print(myBool) // this should read 'true'
Short Answer
Long Answer
There are other approaches that can satisfy this.
Binding Variables
In SwiftUI we use Binding Variables to do stuff like this. When the Binding variable updates, it also updates the bound variable. I'm not sure if it will work in Sprite Kit.
class X {
var mySwitch: Binding<Bool>
init(_ someSwitch: Binding<Bool>) {
self.mySwitch = someSwitch
func toggle() { mySwitch.wrappedValue.toggle() }
struct Y {
#State var mySwitch: Bool = false
lazy var switchHandler = X($mySwitch)
We can add a callback to X and call it on didSet of the boolean.
class X {
var mySwitch: Bool {
didSet { self.callback(mySwitch) } // hands the new value back to the call site in Y
let callback: (Bool) -> Void
init(_ someSwitch: Bool, _ callback: #escaping (Bool) -> Void) {
self.mySwitch = someSwitch
self.callback = callback
func toggle() { mySwitch = !mySwitch } // explicitly set to trigger didSet
class Y {
var mySwitch: Bool = false
lazy var switchHandler = X(mySwitch) {
self.mySwitch = $0 // this is where we update the local value
Short answer: NO.
Your question does not make sense. An inout parameter allows you read/write access to the parameter during the call to function. It has no meaning once the function returns. You sem to think it creates some persistent link between the parameter that is passed as inout and some other variable. It DOES NOT.
You can't "link" a variable that way because inout only works in the scope it's declared.
If what you want is to have some kind of global state, you can wrap it in a class.
class Wrapper {
var value = false
init() {}
class Modifier {
let wrapper: Wrapper
init(wrapper: Wrapper) {
self.wrapper = wrapper
func updateSwitch() {
let wrapper = Wrapper()
let modifier = Modifier(wrapper: wrapper)
print(wrapper.value) // this will read 'true'

Extension property not working as instance property

I have created an protocol extension of UIImageView and added a bool property isFlipped to the extension. My problem is that if I set isFlipped true of false for one object is sets the same values for the all the UIImageView objects. Can anyone guide how to handle it separately for each UIImageView objects.
protocol FlipImage {
var isFlipped: Bool { get set }
var flippedValue = false
extension UIImageView:FlipImage{
var isFlipped: Bool {
get {
return flippedValue
set {
flippedValue = newValue
If you want to add stored properties using extensions, here's a little trick I used that allows you to do it for base classes that you can override (namely view controllers, which is the one I used it for):
This protocol allows a base class to be extended with stored properties in extensions and in protocols:
protocol ExtensibleObject:class
var extendedProperties:[String:Any] { get set }
extension ExtensibleObject
func get<T>(_ defaultValue:T, _ file:String = #file, _ line:Int = #line) -> T
return (extendedProperties["\(file):\(line)"] as? T) ?? defaultValue
func set<T>(_ newValue:T, _ file:String = #file, _ line:Int = #line)
return extendedProperties["\(file):\(line)"] = newValue
To use the protocol, you need to create a subclass of the base class to add storage for all extended properties (for the class and all its sub classes).
class ExtensibleViewController:UIViewController, ExtensibleObject
var extendedProperties:[String:Any] = [:]
Note that you can do it directly in the base class if it is yours.
You would then use the "extensible" base class for your own subclass instead of the base class:
class MyVC:ExtensibleViewController
From then on, any of the subclass can receive new "stored" properties in extensions:
extension MyVC
var newStoredProperty:Int
{ get { return get(0) } set { set(newValue) } } // set and get must be on same line
Stored properties can also be added through protocol adoption for classes implementing the ExtensibleObject protocol:
protocol ListManager:ExtensibleObject
var listContent:[String] { get set }
extension ListManager
var listContent:[String]
{ get { return get([]) } set { set(newValue) } }
extension MyVC:ListManager {}
Bear in mind that these extended properties behave as lazy variables and that they have some additional overhead when used. For UI components and view controllers, this is usually not a problem.

Observer Pattern in Swift

I want to implement an observer pattern, but I do not find the proper programming language constructs in Swift (also 2.0). The main problems are:
protocol and extension does not allow stored properties.
In classes we could add stored properties, but we can not force a subclass to override some of its inherited methods.
This is what I want:
{class|protocol|extension|whathaveyou} Sensor {
var observers = Array<Any>() // This is not possible in protocol and extensions
// The following is does not work in classes
func switchOn()
func switchOff()
var isRunning : Bool {
class LightSensor : Sensor {
override func switchOn() {
// turn the sensor on
// In the class C, implementing the protocol 'ObserverProtocol'
var lightSensor = LightSensor()
lightSensor.registerObserver(self) // This is what I want
And here comes what is possible to my knowledge:
class Sensor {
private var observers = Array<Observer>()
func registerObserver(observer:ObserverDelegate) {
protocol SensorProtocol {
func switchOn()
func switchOff()
var isRunning : Bool {
class LightSensor : Sensor, SensorProtocol {
func switchOn() {
func switchOff() {
var isRunning : Bool {
get {
return // whatever
But this is not very convenient, because both Sensor and SensorProtocol should come hand in hand, and are both requirements the subclass LightSensor has to fulfill.
Any ideas?
A protocol is an abstract set of requirements shared across a number of (potentially very different) other objects. As such, it's illogical to store data in a protocol. That would be like global state. I can see that you want to define the specification for how the observers are stored though. That would also allow 'you' to remove 'someone else' from being an observer, and it's very restrictive about how the observers are stored.
So, your protocol should expose methods to add and remove 'yourself' as an observer. It's then the responsibility of the object implementing the protocol to decide how and where the observers are stored and to implement the addition and removal.
You could create a struct to work with your protocols, something like:
protocol Observer: class {
func notify(target: Any)
protocol Observable {
mutating func addObserver(observer: Observer)
mutating func removeObserver(observer: Observer)
struct Observation: Observable {
var observers = [Observer]()
mutating func addObserver(observer: Observer) {
mutating func removeObserver(observer: Observer) {
for i in observers.indices {
if observers[i] === observer {
func notify(target: Any) {
for observer in observers {
struct ATarget: Observable {
var observation = Observation()
mutating func addObserver(observer: Observer) {
mutating func removeObserver(observer: Observer) {
func notifyObservers() {
class AnObserver: Observer {
func notify(target: Any) {
let myObserver = AnObserver()
var myTarget: Observable = ATarget()
if let myTarget = myTarget as? ATarget {
This is my solution in Swift 3
import UIKit
class ViewController: UIViewController {
override func viewDidLoad() {
var objectToObserve = ObjectToObserve()
let observer = Observer()
let observer1 = Observer()
objectToObserve.add(observer: observer, notifyOnRegister: true)
objectToObserve.add(observer: observer1, notifyOnRegister: true)
// MARK: Protocol
protocol Observing: class {
func doSomething()
func doSomethingClosure(completion: () -> Void)
protocol Observable {
extension Observable {
private var observers: [Observing] {
get {
return [Observing]()
set {
//Do nothing
mutating func add(observer: Observing, notifyOnRegister: Bool) {
if !observers.contains(where: { $0 === observer }) {
if notifyOnRegister {
observer.doSomethingClosure(completion: {
mutating func remove(observer: Observing) {
observers = observers.filter({ $0 !== observer })
// MARK: Observing
class ObjectToObserve: Observable {
init() {
print("Init ObjectToObserve")
class Observer: Observing {
init() {
print("Init Observer")
func doSomething() {
print("Do something")
func doSomethingClosure(completion: () -> Void) {
print("Do something Closure")
All answers above incorrectly use an array for retaining the observers, which may create retain cycles because of the strong references.
Also in general you may not want to allow the same observer to register itself twice.
The presented solutions also are not general purpose or lack type safety. I reference my blog post here which presents a full solution in a Swifty manner:
Well, you can certainly overcome the restriction of not having stored properties on extensions.
Maybe that way you can complement one of the proposed solutions with an extension that helps you avoid creating the observer list in each subclass / protocol implementation.
Although extensions can't have stored properties, you can actually get them by using the Objective-C Runtime. Assuming you have a base class for your sensors (BaseSensor) and a protocol for observers (SensorObserver):
import Foundation
import ObjectiveC
private var MyObserverListKey: UInt8 = 0
extension BaseSensor {
var observers:[SensorObserver] {
get {
if let observers = objc_getAssociatedObject( self, &MyObserverListKey ) as? [SensorObserver] {
return observers
else {
var observers = [SensorObserver]()
objc_setAssociatedObject( self, &MyObserverListKey, observers, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) )
return observers
set(value) {
objc_setAssociatedObject( self, &MyObserverListKey, observers, objc_AssociationPolicy(OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) )
To be clear, even though you would need BaseSensor and all Sensors to inherit from it in order to have this property, BaseSensor wouldn't actually implement the Sensor protocol.
It's a bit weird, but I think it would suit your needs:
class BaseSensor {
protocol Sensor {
func switchOn()
class LightSensor: BaseSensor, Sensor {
func switchOn() {
// whatever
With Swift 2.0 this would be much simpler, since you can use Protocol Extensions, so you could simply do this:
protocol Sensor {
func switchOn()
extension Sensor {
// Here the code from the previous implementation of the extension of BaseSensor
class LightSensor : Sensor {
func switchOn() {
// whatever
Way better.

Swift implement multiple protocols with a delegate

I'm trying to implement a protocol that itself inherits multiple protocols that both have a delegate member. Is there a clean way to do this without needing different names for the delegate of each protocol?
protocol ProtocolOne {
var delegate: ProtocolOneDelegate?
protocol ProtocolTwo {
var delegate: ProtocolTwoDelegate?
protocol CombinedProtocol: ProtocolOne, ProtocolTwo {
protocol CombinedDelegate: ProtocolOneDelegate, ProtocolTwoDelegte {
class ProtocolImpl: CombinedProtocol {
// How can I implement delegate here?
// I've tried the following options without success:
var delegate: CombinedDelegate?
var delegate: protocol<ProtocolOneDelegate, ProtocolTwoDelegate>?
You should be able to combine them in one:
var delegate: (ProtocolOneDelegate & ProtocolTwoDelegate)?
You can now use both protocols.
In your code, delegate is just a normal property. You can have multiple protocols declaring a property with the same name and same type, and have a class directly or indirectly implement it.
If different protocols define a property with the same name but different type, you won't be able to make it compile, because the compiler will complain for redeclaration of a property and class not confirming to one of the protocols.
There are 2 possible solution. The most obvious one is to avoid using names having high probability of being used in other protocols - delegate is a typical case. Use a different naming convention, such as protocol1Delegate, dataSourceDelegate, apiCallDelegate, etc.
The 2nd solution consists of replacing properties with methods. For example:
protocol P1 {
func test() -> String?
protocol P2 {
func test() -> Int?
protocol P3: P1, P2 {
class Test : P3 {
func test() -> String? { return nil }
func test() -> Int? { return nil }
Swift consider functions with the same parameters list but different return type as overloads. Note however that if 2 protocols use the same function signature (name, parameters and return type), when implementing in the class you will implement that function once - that might be the wanted behavior in some cases, but unwanted in other cases.
A solution might be to use protocol extensions (check extension Combined). The benefit is that Combined only declares delegate and oneDelegate and twoDelegate are computed cross-implementation. Unfortunately, it's a requirement to have the three variables exposed out of the class, that might be inconvenient.
// MARK: - Delegates protocols
protocol OneDelegate {
func oneDelegate(one: One)
protocol TwoDelegate {
func twoDelegate(two: Two)
protocol CombinedDelegate: OneDelegate, TwoDelegate {
func combinedDelegate(combined: Combined)
// MARK: - Model protocols
protocol One: class {
var oneDelegate: OneDelegate? { get }
protocol Two: class {
var twoDelegate: TwoDelegate? { get }
protocol Combined: One, Two {
var delegate: CombinedDelegate? { get }
extension Combined {
var oneDelegate: OneDelegate? {
return delegate
var twoDelegate: TwoDelegate? {
return delegate
// MARK: - Implementations
class Delegate: CombinedDelegate {
func oneDelegate(one: One) {
func twoDelegate(two: Two) {
func combinedDelegate(combined: Combined) {
class CombinedImpl: Combined {
var delegate: CombinedDelegate?
func one() {
func two() {
func combined() {
// MARK: - Usage example
let delegate = Delegate()
let protocolImpl = CombinedImpl()
protocolImpl.delegate = delegate