How to Stream to a Global Kafka Table - apache-kafka

I have a Kafka Streams application that needs to join an incoming stream against a global table, then after some processing, write out the result of an aggregate back to that table:
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier supplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(
Materialized<String, String, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> m =
GlobalKTable<String, String> table = builder.globalTable(
topic, m.withKeySerde(
topic, Produced.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String())
However, when I try to stream into the KTable changelog, I get the following error: Invalid topology: Topic 'topic' has already been registered by another source.
If I try to aggregate to the store itself, I get the following error: InvalidStateStoreException: Store 'store' is currently closed.
How can both join against the table and write back to its changelog?
If this isn't possible, a solution that involves filtering incoming logs against the store would also work.

Calling through() is a shortcut for"topic");
KStream stream2 ="topic");
Because you use"topic") already, you get Invalid topology: Topic 'topic' has already been registered by another source. because each topic can only be consumed once. If you want to feed the data of a stream/topic into different part, you need to reuse the original KStream you created for this topic:
KStream stream ="topic");
// this won't work
KStream stream2 = stream.through("topic");
// rewrite to"topic");
KStream stream2 = stream; // or just omit `stream2` and reuse `stream`
Not sure what you mean by
If I try to aggregate to the store itself


Send Kafka stream join output to a topic with schema

I am trying to push KStream - KStream join to a output kafka topic. On this output topic I have a elasticsearch sink connector listening. Currently when i push joins output to topic, it only sends the model in json format. I want to send the schema of model also so that elasticsearch sink connector can get the schema and dump data to elasticsearch.
Following is my code snippet:
KStream<String, String> rightSource ="my-kafka-right-stream-topic");
KStream<String, String> joined = leftSource.join(rightSource,
(leftValue, rightValue) -> "left=" + leftValue + ", right=" + rightValue, /* ValueJoiner */
Serdes.String(), /* key */
Serdes.String(), /* left value */
Serdes.String()) /* right value */
Is this even possible ? or is there any other way to dump output to elasticsearh using sink connector ?

How to access a KStreams Materialized State Store from another Stream Processor

I need to be able to remove a record from a Ktable from a separate Stream Processor. Today I'm using aggregate() and passing a materialized state store. In a separate processor that reads from a "termination" topic, I'd like to query that materialized state store either in a .transform() or a different .aggregate() and 'remove' that key/value. Every time I try to access the materialized state from a separate stream processor, it keeps telling me either the store isn't added to the topology, so then I add it and run it again, then it tells me it's already be registered and errors out."topic1").map().groupByKey().aggregate(() -> null,
(aggKey, newValue, aggValue) -> {
//add to the Ktable
return newValue;
and in a separate stream I want to delete a key from that stateStoreMaterialized"topic2")
stateStoreDeleteTransformer will query the key and delete it.
//in ctor
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier stateStoreSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore("store1");
stateStoreMaterialized = Materialized.<String, MyObj>as(stateStoreSupplier)
I don't have a terminal flag on my topic1 stream object value that can trigger a deletion. It has to come from another stream/topic.
When I try to use the same Materialized Store on two separate stream processors I get..
Invalid topology: Topic STATE_STORE-repartition has already been registered by another source.
at org.springframework.kafka.config.StreamsBuilderFactoryBean.start(
This is the 1st error I receive.
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Processor KSTREAM-TRANSFORMVALUES-0000000012 has no access to StateStore store1 as the store is not connected to the processor. If you add stores manually via '.addStateStore()' make sure to connect the added store to the processor by providing the processor name to '.addStateStore()' or connect them via '.connectProcessorAndStateStores()'. DSL users need to provide the store name to '.process()', '.transform()', or '.transformValues()' to connect the store to the corresponding operator. If you do not add stores manually, please file a bug report at
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ProcessorContextImpl.getStateStore(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.ForwardingDisabledProcessorContext.getStateStore(
So then I do this:
stateStoreSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(STATE_STORE_NAME);
storeStoreBuilder = Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(stateStoreSupplier, Serdes.String(), jsonSerDe);
stateStoreMaterialized =;
Then I get this error:
Caused by: org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.TopologyException: Invalid topology: StateStore 'state-store' is already added.
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.InternalTopologyBuilder.addStateStore(
at org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.internals.InternalTopologyBuilder.addStateStore(
Here's the code that fixed my issue. As it turns out, order matters when building the streams. Had to set the materialized store first and then in subsequent lines of code, setup the transformer.
* Create the streams using the KStreams DSL - a method to configure the stream and add any state stores.
public KafkaStreamsConfig setup() {
final JsonSerDe<Bus> ltaSerde = new JsonSerDe<>(Bus.class);
final StudentSerde<Student> StudentSerde = new StudentSerde<>();
//start lta stream
KStream<String, Bus> ltaStream = builder
.stream(ltaInputTopic, Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), ltaSerde));
final KStream<String, Student> statusStream = this.builder
//create lta store
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier ltaStateStoreSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(LTA_STATE_STORE_NAME);
final Materialized<String, Bus, KeyValueStore<Bytes, byte[]>> ltaStateStoreMaterialized =
<String, Bus>as(ltaStateStoreSupplier)
KTable<String, Bus> ltaStateProcessor = ltaStream
//map and convert lta stream into Loco / LTA key value pairs
.groupByKey(Grouped.with(Serdes.String(), ltaSerde))
//The 'aggregate' and 'reduce' functions ignore messages with null values FYI.
// so if the value after the groupbykey produces a null value, it won't be removed from the state store.
//which is why it's very important to send a message with some terminal flag indicating this value should be removed from the store.
() -> null, /* initializer */
(aggKey, newValue, aggValue) -> {
if (null != newValue.getAssociationEndTime()) { //if there is an endTime associated to this train/loco then remove it from the ktable
logger.trace("removing LTA: {} loco from {} train", newValue.getLocoId(), newValue.getTrainAuthorization());
return null; //Returning null removes the record from the state store as well as its changelog topic. re:
logger.trace("adding LTA: {} loco from {} train", newValue.getLocoId(), newValue.getTrainAuthorization());
return newValue;
}, /* adder */
// don't need builder.addStateStore(keyValueStoreStoreBuilder); and CANT use it
// because the ltaStateStoreMaterialized will already be added to the topology in the KTable aggregate method above.
// The below transformer can use the state store because it's already added (apparently) by the aggregate method.
// Add the KTable processors first, then if there are any transformers that need to use the store, add them after the KTable aggregate method., v) -> new KeyValue<>(v.getLocoId(), v))
.to("testing.outputtopic", Produced.with(Serdes.String(), StudentSerde));
return this; //can return anything except for void.
is stateStoreMaterialized and has the same name?
Use have a error in your topology
You have to supply new instant of StateStoreDeleteTransformer per ProcessContext in TransformerSupplier, like this:
KStream.transform(() -> StateStoreDeleteTransformerSupplier.get(), return new instant of StateStoreDeleteTransformer
in stateStoreDeleteTransformer how do you intent on using stateStoreMaterialized inside transformer directly?
I have the similar use case and I using a KeyValueStore<String, MyObj>
public void init(ProcessorContext context) {
kvStore = (KeyValueStore<String, MyObj>) context.getStateStore("store1");

Kafka stream : class cast exception during left join

I am new to kafka. I am trying to leftJoin a kafka stream (named as inputStream) to kafka-table(named as detailTable) where the kafka-stream is built as:
//The consumer to consume the input topic
Consumed<String, NotifyRecipient> inputNotificationEventConsumed = Consumed
//Now create the stream that is directly reading from the topic
KStream<NotifyKey, NotifyVal> initialInputStream =, inputNotificationEventConsumed);
//Now re-key the above stream for the purpose of left join
KStream<String, NotifyVal> inputStream = initialInputStream
.map((notifyKey,notifyVal) ->
And the kafka-table is created this way:
//The consumer for the table
Consumed<String, Detail> notifyDetailConsumed =
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Constants.DET_CONSUMER_VALUE_SERDE);
//Now consume from the topic into ktable
KTable<String, Detail> detailTable = streamsBuilder
.table(properties.getDetailTopic(), notifyDetailConsumed);
Now I am trying to join the inputStream to the detailTable as:
//Now join
KStream<String,Pair<Long, SendCmd>> joinedStream = inputStream
.leftJoin(detailTable, valJoiner)
I am getting an error from which it seems that during the join, the key and value of the inputStream were tried to cast into the default key-serde and default value-serde and getting a class cast exception.
Not sure how to fix this and need help there.
Let me know if I should provide more info.
Because you use a map(), key and value type might have changes and thus you need to specify the correct Serdes via Joined.with(...) as third parameter to .leftJoin().

Kafka Stream producing custom list of messages based on certain conditions

We have the following stream processing requirement.
Source Stream ->
transform(condition check - If (true) then generate MULTIPLE ADDITIONAL messages else just transform the incoming message) ->
output kafka topic
If condition is true for message B(D,E,F are the additional messages produced)
A,B,C -> A,D,E,F,C -> Sink Kafka Topic
If condition is false
A,B,C -> A,B,C -> Sink Kafka Topic
Is there a way we can achieve this in Kafka streams?
You can use flatMap() or flatMapValues() methods. These methods take one record and produce zero, one or more records.
flatMap() can modify the key, values and their datatypes while flatMapValues() retains the original keys and change the value and value data type.
Here is an example pseudocode considering the new messages "C","D","E" will have a new key.
KStream<byte[], String> inputStream ="inputTopic");
KStream<byte[], String> outStream = inputStream.flatMap(
List<KeyValue<byte[], String>> result = new LinkedList<>();
// If message value is "B". Otherwise place your condition based on data
result.add(KeyValue.pair("<new key for message C>","C"));
result.add(KeyValue.pair("<new key for message D>","D"));
result.add(KeyValue.pair("<new key for message E>","E"));
return result;
You can read more about this :

Joining a KTable with a KStream and nothing arrives in the output topic

I leftjoin a KStream with a KTable, but I don't see any output to the output topic:
val stringSerde: Serde[String] = Serdes.String()
val longSerde: Serde[java.lang.Long] = Serdes.Long()
val genericRecordSerde: Serde[GenericRecord] = new GenericAvroSerde()
val builder = new KStreamBuilder()
val networkImprStream: KStream[Long, GenericRecord] = builder
// Create a global table for advertisers. The data from this global table
// will be fully replicated on each instance of this application.
val advertiserTable: GlobalKTable[java.lang.Long, GenericRecord]= builder.globalTable(advertiserTopicName, "advertiser-store")
// Join the network impr stream to the advertiser global table. As this is global table
// we can use a non-key based join with out needing to repartition the input stream
val networkImprWithAdvertiserNameKStream: KStream[java.lang.Long, GenericRecord] = networkImprStream.leftJoin(advertiserTable,
(_, networkImpr) => {
(networkImpr: GenericRecord, adertiserIdToName: GenericRecord) => {
networkImpr.put("advertiserName", adertiserIdToName.get("name"))
val streams = new KafkaStreams(builder, streamsConfiguration)
// usually the stream application would be running forever,
// in this example we just let it run for some time and stop since the input data is finite.
If I bypass the join and directly output the input topic to the output, I see messages arriving. I've already changed the join to a left join, added some printlns to see when the key is extracted (nothing is printed on the console though). Also I use the kafka streams reset tool every time, so starting from the beginning. I am running out of ideas here. Also I've added some test access to the store and it works and contains keys from the stream (although this should not prohibit any output because of the left join).
In my source stream the key is null. Although I am not using this key to join the table this key must not be null. So creating an intermediate stream with a dummy key it works. So even I have a global KTable here the restrictions for the keys for the stream messages also apply here:
Input records for the stream with a null key or a null value are ignored and do not trigger the join.