Dropping Unique Constraint - PostgreSQL - postgresql

I am seeking clarity on this: does a FOREIGN KEY require a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the other side, specifically, in Postgres and, generally, in relational database systems?
Perhaps, I can test this, but I'll ask, if the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is required by the FOREIGN KEY what would happen if I don't create it? Will the Database create one or will it throw an error?
How I got there
I had earlier on created a table with a column username on which I imposed a unique constraint. I then created another table with a column bearer_name having a FOREIGN KEY referencing the previous table's column username; the one which had a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT.
Now, I want to drop the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the username column from the database because I have later on created a UNIQUE INDEX on the same column and intuitively I feel that they serve the same purpose, or don't they? But the database is complaining that the UNIQUE INDEX has some dependent objects and so it can't be dropped unless I provide CASCADE as an option in order to drop even the dependent object. It's identifying the FOREIGN KEY on bearer_name column in the second table as the dependent object.
And is it possible for the FOREIGN KEY to be a point to the UNIQUE INDEX instead of the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT?

I am seeking clarity on this: does a FOREIGN KEY require a UNIQUE CONSTRAINT on the other side
No it does not require only UNIQUE CONSTRAINT. It could be PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE INDEX.
Perhaps, I can test this, but I'll ask, if the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT is required by the FOREIGN KEY what would happen if I don't create it? Will the Database create one or will it throw an error?
CREATE TABLE tab_a(a_id INT, b_id INT);
CREATE TABLE tab_b(b_id INT);
ALTER TABLE tab_a ADD CONSTRAINT fk_tab_a_tab_b FOREIGN KEY (b_id)
REFERENCES tab_b(b_id);
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys
for referenced table "tab_b"
DBFiddle Demo
And is it possible for the FOREIGN KEY to be a point to the UNIQUE INDEX instead of the UNIQUE CONSTRAINT?
Yes, it is possible.
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX tab_b_i ON tab_b(b_id);
DBFiddle Demo2


PostgreSQL declarative partition - unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
(1 answer)
Closed last month.
I'm trying to create a partitioned table which refers to itself, creating a doubly-linked list.
id serial NOT NULL,
category integer NOT NULL,
time timestamp(6) NOT NULL,
prev_event integer,
next_event integer
) PARTITION BY HASH (category);
Once I add primary key I get the following error.
alter table test2 add primary key (id);
ERROR: unique constraint on partitioned table must include all partitioning columns
DETAIL: PRIMARY KEY constraint on table "test2" lacks column "category" which is part of the partition key.
Why does the unique constrain require all partitioned columns to be included?
EDIT: Now I understand why this is needed: https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/ddl-partitioning.html#DDL-PARTITIONING-DECLARATIVE-LIMITATIONS
Once I add PK with both columns it works.
alter table test2 add primary key (id, category);
But then adding the FK to itself doesn't work.
alter table test2 add foreign key (prev_event) references test2 (id) on update cascade on delete cascade;
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "test2"
Since PK is not just id but id-category I can't create FK pointing to id.
Is there any way to deal with this or am I missing something?
I would like to avoid using inheritance partitioning if possible.
EDIT2: It seems this is a known problem. https://www.reddit.com/r/PostgreSQL/comments/di5mbr/postgresql_12_foreign_keys_and_partitioned_tables/f3tsoop/
Seems that there is no straightforward solution. PostgreSQL simply doesn't support this as of v14. One solution is to use triggers to enforce 'foreign key' behavior. Other is to use multi-column foreign keys. Both are far from optimal.

Composite FK referencing atomic PK + non unique attribute

I am trying to create the following tables in Postgres 13.3:
account_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL
user_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
account_id Integer NOT NULL REFERENCES accounts(account_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
calendar_id Integer PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL,
user_id Integer NOT NULL,
account_id Integer NOT NULL,
FOREIGN KEY (user_id, account_id) REFERENCES users(user_id, account_id) ON DELETE CASCADE
But I get the following error when creating the calendars table:
ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "users"
Which does not make much sense to me since the foreign key contains the user_id which is the PK of the users table and therefore also has a uniqueness constraint. If I add an explicit uniqueness constraint on the combined user_id and account_id like so:
ALTER TABLE users ADD UNIQUE (user_id, account_id);
Then I am able to create the calendars table. This unique constraint seems unnecessary to me as user_id is already unique. Can someone please explain to me what I am missing here?
Postgres is so smart/dumb that it doesn't assume the designer to do stupid things.
The Postgres designers could have taken different strategies:
Detect the transitivity, and make the FK not only depend on users.id, but also on users.account_id -> accounts.id. This is doable but costly. It also involves adding multiple dependency-records in the catalogs for a single FK-constraint. When imposing the constraint(UPDATE or DELETE in any of the two referred tables), it could get very complex.
Detect the transitivity, and silently ignore the redundant column reference. This implies: lying to the programmer. It would also need to be represented in the catalogs.
cascading DDL operations would get more complex, too. (remember: DDL is already very hard w.r.t. concurrency/versioning)
From the execution/performance point of view: imposing the constraints currently involves "pseudo triggers" on the referred table's indexes. (except DEFERRED, which has to be handled specially)
So, IMHO the Postgres developers made the sane choice of refusing to do stupid complex things.

UNIQUE constraint on table "subscriber_historization" lacks column "processing_date" which is part of the partition key

I want to use constraint so i can use upsert. Because i don't want duplicate entry on customer_identifier_value.
on conflict (customer_identifier_value) do nothing
[42P10] ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification
When i create the constraint
alter table subscriber_historization
add constraint customer_identifier_value_unique unique (customer_identifier_value);
[0A000] ERROR: insufficient columns in UNIQUE constraint definition
Detail: UNIQUE constraint on table "subscriber_historization" lacks column "processing_date" which is part of the partition key.
Here is the DDL.
-- auto-generated definition
create table subscriber_historization
customer_identifier_value text not null,
product_value text,
contract_date_end date,
processing_date date not null,
constraint subscriber_historization_pk
primary key (processing_date, customer_identifier_value)
partition by RANGE (processing_date);
If i use
ON CONFLICT ON CONSTRAINT subscriber_historization_pk DO NOTHING
The row will be inserted if process_date is different. Then there will be duplicate entry on customer_identifier_value.
How to use upsert then?
Thanks for your help.
You cannot prevent that with partitioned tables, because all unique indexes must contain the partitioning key.
Your only way out is to use SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation throughout and verify the constraint with a trigger. This will be a performance hit, however.
This is a limitation of partitioning.

Doesn't Postgres reuse unique indexes for unique key constraint?

Having experience with Oracle I assumed that each unique constraint would reuse unique index.
I created schema population script that creates named unique index and then same unique constraint. In that way I hoped to set index name explicitly rather than relay on Postgres default naming schema.
As experiment was shown I got two indexes with same definition in a result:
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX agent_ux ON agent (branch_id, initials);
ALTER TABLE agent ADD CONSTRAINT agent_uk UNIQUE (branch_id, initials);
select indexname from pg_indexes where tablename = 'agent';
Doesn't Postgres reuse unique indexes for unique key constraint?
NOTE I can't drop index, corresponding to unique constraint (error says about related constraint), but index is automatically deleted if I delete constraint.
In postgres, creating a UNIQUE constraint automatically creates an index. You can also create the constraint by promoting an existing index, using the ALTER TABLE ttt add constraint ccc USING xxx syntax: Documentation

Are Postgres constrains per table or db?

Can I have two tables with different constrains that are names the same - that is:
Table A with constraint C
Table B with constraint C
The constrains are different
I couldn't find any suitable reference in the documentation but it would seem that the uniqueness of the constraint name depends on the type of constraint.
unique and primary key constraint names must be unique and may not be reused in multiple tables, but check and foreign key constraint names can be used in multiple tables (although that might be a bad idea for obvious reasons).
I would guess that the reason is that unique and primary key constraints create indexes and therefore needs to be uniquely named.
I didn't find where is it mentionned in postgres documentation. Here's a confirmation that constraint name but be different in the database.
CREATE TABLE type_position(
type_position INTEGER CONSTRAINT pk_type_position PRIMARY KEY,
description VARCHAR( 64 )
CREATE TABLE type_position2(
type_position INTEGER CONSTRAINT pk_type_position PRIMARY KEY,
description VARCHAR( 64 )
And I got the message
ERROR: relation "pk_type_position" already exists