App working on dialogflow but not on Actions on Google Simulator - actions-on-google

Recently, I have launched an app named 'Voice Cricket' on the google assistant skill store and it has been deployed successfully. I was trying to implement new features in the app, but when I tested my app successfully on dialogflow test console, I shifted over to Actions on Google simulator where I am getting this error
expected_inputs[0].input_prompt.rich_initial_prompt: 'rich_response'
must contain at least one item.
with response as
Voice Cricket isn't responding right now. Try again soon.
And now, I am unable to play the game on my device(getting same response as above) which is linked to the same google account on which I am building the app but when I tried playing the app on my friend's phone, it was working perfectly.
What could be the scenario? Where I might be wrong?
I even tried printing the logs on the firebase console which I am using in my app, but none is being shown.
P.S. - I am also confused about the status shown on my assistant console which is 'Deployed' but according to documentation, these can be possible status of your app, in which 'Deployed' is not one of them. Why is it so?


How to test an Alpha version of a Google Assistant app

I have deployed an Alpha version of my app and supplied the email address of a tester and received the opt-in link the user can use to access the Alpha app. In typical fashion, Google gives no instructions for the user, who clicks on the link and promptly gets an error message that no Google or Stackflow search throws any light on.
A further Stackflow search reveals a complex procedure for an Android phone involving copying the opt-in link to Google Notes, pressing on it, and then taking the option to open the Google Assistant app. It would be difficult to find a better way to discourage testers.
Also, this only opens the app on an Android phone. No mention of how the 20 testers can access the Alpha app on Google Home or Nest Mini. Frustrating when the app is specifically designed for use on Google Home or Nest Mini and not on a phone. Does anyone have a solution?
Users need to opt-in to the alpha program on the phone by following the link. (They shouldn't need to copy it, but they will likely need to open it in an actual browser such as chrome.)
Once they have opted in, however, it will be usable on any device linked to the same account on your approved list and that they used to accept.

Action works everywhere except Google Home on iOS

I have a pretty basic conversational action built in Actions Console and Dialogflow, it's published publicly in the directory.
No surface capability requirements, so it should be available on all surfaces according to Actions Console.
I'm able to invoke the action on my Google Home Mini, on Google Assistant and Google Home on Android, on Google Assistant on iOS, but not on Google Home on iOS. There I only get the error "Sorry, isn't supported on this device."
And we get customer complaining this as well, so it's not a one-off with my account. I've also used the same account across all surfaces when testing. Any ideas what can cause this behaviour?

Flutter Google service leader board not working

I'm using this Flutter package to interface with the Google game service
I think I configured the game service in Google play console correctly and implemented codes in my project. Although my app is showing and submitting the score to the iOS game center, but my app can not show the leaderboard nor submitting a score as well.
I published my app in the Google play console and linked this app in the Game service in Google play console. Actually I set up the Firebase AdMob as well, so I configured my app with the SHA1 fingerprint through the Firebase(It created the OAuth ClientID, etc. automatically in Google API console) before I linked my app in Google game service.
I'm suspicious that the credentials including OAuth ClientID, etc. were not created by Google play console.
Can anybody give me a tip to resolve this issue?
Do you mean that your leaderboards are running correctly in iOS game center?
If not, you may have to make sure that your implementation is correct first.
If you suspect it's an OAuth credentials issue, you can try linking a second SHA1 fingerprint as described in Google's official documentation.
In "Check the certificate fingerprint" section:
Note: If you are debugging your game using your debug certificate but
have configured games services using your release certificate, you
should add a second linked app using the same package name and your
debug certificate's SHA1 fingerprint. This will allow you to sign in
to the application whether it's signed with the debug or release
Google Play Console default has a managed App Signing feature that will replace your upload key with a Google-managed key, which may cause fingerprint mismatch that you described.

Invocation fails only in simulator of smart home actions on Google

I followed Google's example and create a smart home action and add a table lamp device to the smart home server.
With "turn on the table lamp", invocation only fails in simulator. It does respond to the assistant on my phone and shows a brightness control.
In simulator, it showed "Sure, turning the table lamp on." in displayText, but response is still "We're sorry, but something went wrong. Please try again."
The console of my server did show a success response to Device Exec api.
I read some Stackoverflow questions and tried the following things:
I link my test account to the action on my phone.
In Chrome, I only login one account, and simulator also shows an account being linked.
I fill in all information in Directory information
Use "turn on the table lamp" directly without saying "talk to...(action name)"
What maybe a possible reason for it? Is there anything I can try?
This is the screenshot of simulator
This is a known issue with the simulator. You can test on-device using a phone, smart speaker, or any other Assistant surface that is connected to the Google account you're using to test.

Google play games services not working during testing phase

I developed a game using unity engine for android platform.
I have used GPGS plugin from github
But i was unable to "sign in" into GPGS during testing phase(A popup comes up saying "connecting to GPGS" loads 2 times and vanish).but as soon as i published my game on google play store,GPGS starts working properly(now i am able to sign in to my account).
Where i was wrong during my testing phase?
I already add tester email on google play console
Try to check this documentation.
Maybe you missed some essential steps.
To add testing access to an account:
Open the Testing tab for your game in the Google Play Developer Console.
Click the Add testers button.
In the dialog that appears, enter the email addresses of the Google Accounts that you wish to add as testers (one email address per
Click Add to save your preferences. The tester accounts you added should now be able to access your Google Play games services.
You can also see this forum for reference.