How to turn of the grouping of markers - leaflet

When you have many markers and zoom out, the are replaced by a circle marker with the number of them inside.
How can I turn this feature off?


Mapbox markers and the centre of the map v marker

See attached image, I have a Mapbox map and a marker that is "centred in the map", what I want is the marker's point to be at the centre (where the red arrow is) and not the middle of the marker.
the marker is Mapbox, setting the lng lat is Mapbox, getting the centre of the map is Mapbox, does anyone know if Mapbox construct the marker in such a way where the end point is the middle?
if not, is there a way to adjust ?
for anyone else needing this information
mapbox allows the markers centre to be set when you add the marker, so you can say the centre is top, bottom, centre etc etc
out of the box the mapbox markers are centred in the correct place using "centre". proved this by debugging the GPS from mapbox and comparing to google maps lng,lat and then using every setting to see which one was exactly the same mapping

Any Ideas how show two (or more) nearby polylines

I ran into a problem when two nearby polylines merge visually.
It looks pretty when zoom is large.
And polylines are merged visually in one line with color mixing when zoom level is small.
I have an idea: polylines must render on a distance between them when zoom level is small and decrease the distance when zoom in.
Does anyone have experience with it?

Mapbox gl repeat marker

I try to repeat a marker at the same coordinates when I am moving the map to infinity, in the same way that layers.
example :
Has anyone found how to do that please?
If it's not possible, conversely is it possible to not repeat layers when you moving the map ?
Thank you
The Link example you provided is not using Markers to render the shaded area. It is using a feature, in this case a polygon, included in a layer (a layer can have many features).
In MapBox the rendered map is made up of any number of layers (including the tile data) which is rendered whenever you scroll or drag to a particular area of the map. For example as you keep dragging to the right in the map it will just keep rendering in the relevant layers and tiles.
The Marker functionality has a different purpose which is as a one off selected point which is useful for a user click or hover interaction.

leaflet marker overlapping with polyline

Is there a plugin (like OverlappingMarkerSpiderfier-Leaflet) or does anyone know how to account for polyline overlapping with markers? I am basically trying to avoid situation line this
I specifically want the polyline to go around the marker (like an arc) so that its clear to the user that the curved polyline is connecting the end-most markers and middle marker's polylines are then visible
What exactly is the issue with the above? If it's a matter of the markers appearing below the lines, you just need to either
add the markers after you add the lines
or better yet, use leaflet's .bringToFront() and .bringToBack() methods.
Reordering the z index of a feature layer is a pretty straightforward use case, so I don't imagine you'd need a plugin for it.

geoJson stroke overlap on hover

I am creating a MapBox project with a geoJson vector layer. I have been using the following example as my guide.
When I hover over any geoJson feature the stroke is changed to 2 pixels. However the stroke gets clipped by the neighboring features sometimes. I believe this has something to do with how the different features are stacked. So if I hover on a feature which is stacked near the bottom the neighboring features are covering that stroke.
Here is an example...
Is their a way to set the stroke to be inside of the polygon or a way to bring a feature to the top of the stack when hovering?
Thanks for any help!
By adding the function
after setting the hover styling your polygons will come to front.