How do I create a pop up window using the AppDrag CMS? - content-management-system

I want a new modal to open up upon the clicking of a link. Can I achieve that using the page builder, and not the code editor in developer mode?

In PageBuilder double click on the button where you want to set your modal popup trigger then click on "Link", there set your target page or external url then set the "open mode" to "Modal"
You can also configure there the size of the modal and if you want to set a Title


How to open app window on toolbar click in safari app extension?

I'd like to open an application/extension Window when user clicks toolbar item in safari. This is not question about extension's Popover feature. The main reason is to close/hide the window on deactivation AND user action (both conditions are required to work).
Safari App Extension (meaning the new preferred/forced way to create extensions for safari by Apple) can open a Popover or call a Command when toolbar item is clicked. But it cannot be hidden programatically ( Per answer by bweinstein it's work in progress by apple devs.
My use case is about Window containing WKWebView with loaded webpage. When user clicks anything in there I want to open a page in Safari's new tab (this part already works for me in Popover mode) and close the window immediately (this doesn't work for me yet)
So my thinking here was to avoid integrated Popover feature. I'd like to show Window instead when Command (override func toolbarItemClicked(in window: SFSafariWindow) {}) is called.
I know this is somehow doable as e.g. agilebits' 1Password extension is doing exactly this: when you click a toolbar item, window is displayed having no close/minimize buttons, no menu etc. It works exactly as I need, but I don't know how to achieve that.
I don't know whether to define the view as part of Safari extension or as part of Storyboard of containing app and how to access it programatically and show it on screen when user clicks the toolbar item.
As I am new to macos development I don't really have a code to share. Important part from my POV:
- Info.plist's NSExtension->SFSafariToolbarItem->Action is set to Command
As pointed above, feature I need to achieve is to open and close a Window programatically when user clicks toolbar item.
Thanks in advance
Could you not call SFSafarWindow.openTab("httxxx://", true, ...) in your toolbarItemClicked
You could also call SFSafariApplication.openWindow API and close SFSafariWindow (by calling windowObject.close() ) -

How to remove submit button from a dialog opened for a web-item?

The dialog opened for the web-item has a submit button and a cancel link in it.
I don't want the submit button to be present in the dialog.
How to do that?
The api provided by connect i.e.
AP.require('dialog', function(dialog){
var submitButton = dialog.getButton("submit");
has methods only to enable/disable it.
You can turn the chrome of the dialog off when it's created via dialog options. You would need to add your own buttons in once this has been done.

How to set focus on login box that render when click on sub menu bar?

I have menu bar that consist on menu and login.Each of this menu has its own sub menu.When I click on the submenu, it will render panel group layout that contain input text for login such as username and password.My question is how to set focus on the username every time i click on submenu on menu bar?
Here I attach the structure of my menu and submenu.
Use JS to set the focus when your page loads.
Or use google and find this :

GWT-Google web Toolkit-DialogBox

I have doubt regarding GWT .In Gwt if i click one button than it shows one dialog box at th same time the form outside the dialog box disabled.What component can be used for this task?
Thanks in advance
So, you want to open a popup dialog box, and at the same time disable the rest of the page until the user closes the dialog box?
If so, you can simply use gwt's DialogBox.
Use the constructor with the autohide flag set to false, and the box will not close until the user responds, thus disabling the rest of the page. If you want to make this even more clear, use the glass effect:
You can also use the PopupPanel directly and build your own custom dialog box.
Now, if I got it wrong and you want to disable the form so it remains disabled after the popup, just disable it in the onClick handler of the button that opens the box.

Ajax Control Toolkit - Use client-side button to activate tab

I'm using the TabContainer/TabPanel components of the Ajax Control Toolkit.
I'd like to hide the tabs themselves and use a button elsewhere on the page to activate (bring to the front) one of the tabs without posting back to the server.
I can show and hide the tabs by grabbing their clientIDs and manually setting the visibility and display styles.
But is there a javascript function I can call to do this and perform whatever magic happens behind the scenes when I click an actual tab?
var tab = $find(“tabContainer’s ClientID”);
tab.set_activeTabIndex(1); // active the second tab panel
tab.getFirstTab().set_enabled(false); // disable the first panel