Apache Kafka Grouping Twice - apache-kafka

I'm writing an application where I'm trying to count the number of users who visit a page every hour. I'm trying to filter to specific events, group by the userId and event hour time, then group by just the hour to get the number of users. But grouping the KTable causes excessive cpu burn and locks when trying to close the streams. Is there a better way to do this?

Given the answer to your question above "I just want to know within an hour time window the number of users that perfomed a specific action", I would suggest the following.
Assuming you have a record something like this:
class ActionRecord {
String actionType;
String user;
You can define an aggregate class something like this:
class ActionRecordAggregate {
private Set<String> users = new HashSet<>();
public void add(ActionRecord rec) {
public int count() {
return users.size();
Then your streaming app can:
accept the events
rekey them according to event type (the .map() )
group them by event type (.groupByKey())
window them by time (selected 1 minute but YMMV)
aggregate them into ActionRecordAggregate
materialize them into a StateStore
so this looks something like:
.map((key, val) -> KeyValue.pair(val.actionType, val))
(key, value, agg) -> agg.add(value),
.<String, ActionRecordAggregate, WindowStore<Bytes, byte[]>>as("actionTypeLookup")
Then, to get the events back, you can query your state store:
ReadOnlyWindowStore<String, ActionRecordAggregate> store =
streams.store("actionTypeLookup", QueryableStoreTypes.windowStore());
WindowStoreIterator<ActionRecordAggregate> wIt =
store.fetch("actionTypeToGet", startTimestamp, endTimestamp);
int totalCount = 0;
while(wIt.hasNext()) {
totalCount += wIt.next().count();
// totalCount is the number of distinct users in your
// time interval that raised action type "actionTypeToGet"
Hope this helps!


KStream-KStream leftJoin not consistently emitting after window expiry

We have a service where people can order a battery with their solar panels. As part of provisioning we try to fetch some details about the battery product, however it sometimes fails to get any data but we still want to send through the order to our CRM system.
To achieve this we are using the latest version of Kafka Streams leftJoin:
We receive an event on the order-received topic.
We filter out orders that do not contain a battery product.
We then wait up to 30mins for an event to come through on the order-battery-details topic.
If we dont receive that event, we want to send a new event to the battery-order topic with the data we do have.
This seems to be working fine when we receive both events, however it is inconsistent when we only receive the first event. Sometimes the order will come through immediately after the 30 min window, sometimes it takes several hours.
My question is, if the window has expired (ie. we failed to receive the right side of the join), what determines when the event will be sent? And what could be causing the long delay?
Here's a high level example of our service:
class BatteryOrderProducer {
fun buildPipeline(streamsBuilder: StreamsBuilder) {
// listen for new orders and filter out everything except orders with a battery
val orderReceivedReceivedStream = streamsBuilder.stream(
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), JsonSerde<OrderReceivedEvent>())
).filter { _, order ->
// check if the order contains a battery product
}.peek { key, order ->
log.info("Received order with a battery product: $key", order)
// listen for battery details events
val batteryDetailsStream = streamsBuilder
Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), JsonSerde<BatteryDetailsEvent>())
).peek { key, order ->
log.info("Received battery details: $key", order)
val valueJoiner: ValueJoiner<OrderReceivedEvent, BatteryDetailsEvent, BatteryOrder> =
ValueJoiner { orderReceived: OrderReceivedEvent, BatteryDetails: BatteryDetailsEvent? ->
// new BatteryOrder
if (BatteryDetails != null) {
// add battery details to the order if we get them
// return the BatteryOrder
// we always want to send through the battery order, even if we don't get the 2nd event.
).peek { key, value ->
log.info("Merged BatteryOrder", value)
The leftJoin will not trigger as long as there are no new recods. So if I have an order-received record with key A at time t, and then there is no new record (on either side of the join) for the next 5 hours, then there will be no output for the join for these 5 hours, because the leftJoin will not be triggered. In particular, leftJoin needs to receive a record that has a timestamp > t + 30m, for a null result to be sent.
I think to satisfy your requirements, you need to work with the more low-level Processor API: https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/streams/developer-guide/processor-api.html
In a Processor, you can define a Punctuator that runs regularly and checks if an order has been waiting for more than half an hour for details, and sends off the null record accordingly.

Debounce kafka events

I am planning on setting up a MySQL to Kafka flow, with the end goal being to schedule a process to recalculate a mongoDB document based on the changed data.
This might involve directly patching the mongoDB documents, or running a process that will recreate an entire document.
My question is this, if a set of changes to the MySQL database are all related to one mongoDB document, then I don't want to re-run the recalculate process for each change in real time, I want to wait for the changes to 'settle' so that I only run the recalculate process as needed.
Is there a way to 'debounce' the Kafka stream? E.g. is there a well defined pattern for a Kafka consumer that I can use to implement the logic I want?
At present there's no easy way to debounce events.
The problem, in short, is that Kafka doesn't act based on 'wall clock time'. Processing is generally triggered by incoming events (and the data contained therein), not by arbitrary triggers, like system time.
I'll cover why Suppressed and SessionWindows don't work, the proposed solution in KIP-242, and an untested workaround.
Suppressed has a untilTimeLimit() function, but it isn't suitable for debouncing.
If another record for the same key arrives in the mean time, it replaces the first record in the buffer but does not re-start the timer.
I thought that using SessionWindows.ofInactivityGapAndGrace() might work.
First I grouped, windowed, aggregated, and suppressed the input KStream:
val windowedData: KTable<Windowed<Key>, Value> =
Then I aggregated the windows, so I could have a final state
/* adder */
{ a, b -> a + b },
/* subtractor */
{ a, a -> a - a },
However the problem is that SessionWindows will not close without additional records coming up. Kafka will not independently close the window - it requires additional records to realise that the window can be closed, and that suppress() can forward a new record.
This is noted in Confluent's blog https://www.confluent.io/de-de/blog/kafka-streams-take-on-watermarks-and-triggers/
[I]f you stop getting new records wall-clock time will continue to advance, but stream time will freeze. Wall-clock time advances because that little quartz watch in your computer keeps ticking away, but stream time only advances when you get new records. With no new records, stream time is frozen.
KIP-424 proposed an improvement that would allow Suppress to act as a debouncer, but there's been no progress in a couple of years.
Andrey Bratus provided a simple workaround in the JIRA ticket for KIP-424, KAFKA-7748. I tried it but it didn't compile - I think the Kafka API has evolved since the workaround was posted. I've updated the code, but I haven't tested it.
import java.time.Duration;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.KeyValue;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.PunctuationType;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.api.Processor;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.api.ProcessorContext;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.processor.api.Record;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.state.TimestampedKeyValueStore;
import org.apache.kafka.streams.state.ValueAndTimestamp;
* <br>
* This processor mirrors the source, but waits for an inactivity gap before forwarding records.
* <br>
* The suppression is key based. Newer values will replace previous values, and reset the inactivity
* gap.
public class SuppressProcessor<K, V> implements Processor<K, V, K, V> {
private final String storeName;
private final Duration debounceCheckInterval;
private final long suppressTimeoutMillis;
private TimestampedKeyValueStore<K, V> stateStore;
private ProcessorContext<K, V> context;
* #param storeName The name of the {#link TimestampedKeyValueStore} which will hold
* records while they are being debounced.
* #param suppressTimeout The duration of inactivity before records will be forwarded.
* #param debounceCheckInterval How regularly all records will be checked to see if they are
* eligible to be forwarded. The interval should be shorter than
* {#code suppressTimeout}.
public SuppressProcessor(
String storeName,
Duration suppressTimeout,
Duration debounceCheckInterval
) {
this.storeName = storeName;
this.suppressTimeoutMillis = suppressTimeout.toMillis();
this.debounceCheckInterval = debounceCheckInterval;
public void init(ProcessorContext<K, V> context) {
this.context = context;
stateStore = context.getStateStore(storeName);
context.schedule(debounceCheckInterval, PunctuationType.WALL_CLOCK_TIME, this::punctuate);
public void process(Record<K, V> record) {
final var key = record.key();
final var value = record.value();
final var storedRecord = stateStore.get(key);
final var isNewRecord = storedRecord == null;
final var timestamp = isNewRecord ? System.currentTimeMillis() : storedRecord.timestamp();
stateStore.put(key, ValueAndTimestamp.make(value, timestamp));
private void punctuate(long timestamp) {
try (var iterator = stateStore.all()) {
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
KeyValue<K, ValueAndTimestamp<V>> storedRecord = iterator.next();
if (timestamp - storedRecord.value.timestamp() > suppressTimeoutMillis) {
final var record = new Record<>(
If you are using a Kafka Streams app, you could try to use suppress
It is designed for WindowedKStream and KTable to "hold back" an update and very useful for rate limiting or notification at the end of a window.
There is a quite useful explanation on https://www.confluent.de/blog/kafka-streams-take-on-watermarks-and-triggers/

How to process a KStream in a batch of max size or fallback to a time window?

I would like to create a Kafka stream-based application that processes a topic and takes messages in batches of size X (i.e. 50) but if the stream has low flow, to give me whatever the stream has within Y seconds (i.e. 5).
So, instead of processing messages one by one, I process a List[Record] where the size of the list is 50 (or maybe less).
This is to make some I/O bound processing more efficient.
I know that this can be implemented with the classic Kafka API but was looking for a stream-based implementation that can also handle offset committing natively, taking errors/failures into account.
I couldn't find anything related int he docs or by searching around and was wondering if anyone has a solution to this problem.
#Matthias J. Sax answer is nice, I just want to add an example for this, I think it might be useful for someone.
let's say we want to combine incoming values into the following type:
public class MultipleValues { private List<String> values; }
To collect messages into batches with max size, we need to create transformer:
public class MultipleValuesTransformer implements Transformer<String, String, KeyValue<String, MultipleValues>> {
private ProcessorContext processorContext;
private String stateStoreName;
private KeyValueStore<String, MultipleValues> keyValueStore;
private Cancellable scheduledPunctuator;
public MultipleValuesTransformer(String stateStoreName) {
this.stateStoreName = stateStoreName;
public void init(ProcessorContext processorContext) {
this.processorContext = processorContext;
this.keyValueStore = (KeyValueStore) processorContext.getStateStore(stateStoreName);
scheduledPunctuator = processorContext.schedule(Duration.ofSeconds(30), PunctuationType.WALL_CLOCK_TIME, this::doPunctuate);
public KeyValue<String, MultipleValues> transform(String key, String value) {
MultipleValues itemValueFromStore = keyValueStore.get(key);
if (isNull(itemValueFromStore)) {
itemValueFromStore = MultipleValues.builder().values(Collections.singletonList(value)).build();
} else {
List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(itemValueFromStore.getValues());
itemValueFromStore = itemValueFromStore.toBuilder()
if (itemValueFromStore.getValues().size() >= 50) {
processorContext.forward(key, itemValueFromStore);
keyValueStore.put(key, null);
} else {
keyValueStore.put(key, itemValueFromStore);
return null;
private void doPunctuate(long timestamp) {
KeyValueIterator<String, MultipleValues> valuesIterator = keyValueStore.all();
while (valuesIterator.hasNext()) {
KeyValue<String, MultipleValues> keyValue = valuesIterator.next();
if (nonNull(keyValue.value)) {
processorContext.forward(keyValue.key, keyValue.value);
keyValueStore.put(keyValue.key, null);
public void close() {
and we need to create key-value store, add it to StreamsBuilder, and build KStream flow using transform method
Properties props = new Properties();
Serde<MultipleValues> multipleValuesSerge = Serdes.serdeFrom(new JsonSerializer<>(), new JsonDeserializer<>(MultipleValues.class));
StreamsBuilder builder = new StreamsBuilder();
String storeName = "multipleValuesStore";
KeyValueBytesStoreSupplier storeSupplier = Stores.persistentKeyValueStore(storeName);
StoreBuilder<KeyValueStore<String, MultipleValues>> storeBuilder =
Stores.keyValueStoreBuilder(storeSupplier, Serdes.String(), multipleValuesSerge);
builder.stream("source", Consumed.with(Serdes.String(), Serdes.String()))
.transform(() -> new MultipleValuesTransformer(storeName), storeName)
.print(Printed.<String, MultipleValues>toSysOut().withLabel("transformedMultipleValues"));
KafkaStreams kafkaStreams = new KafkaStreams(builder.build(), props);
with such approach we used the incoming key for which we did aggregation. if you need to collect messages not by key, but by some message's fields, you need the following flow to trigger rebalancing on KStream (by using intermediate topic):
.transform( ..)
The simplest way might be, to use a stateful transform() operation. Each time you receive a record, you put it into the store. When you have received 50 records, you do your processing, emit output, and delete the records from the store.
To enforce processing if you don't read the limit in a certain amount of time, you can register a wall-clock punctuation.
It seems that there is no need to use Processors or Transformers and transform() to batch events by count. Regular groupBy() and reduce()/aggregate() should do the trick:
KeyValueSerde keyValueSerde = new KeyValueSerde(); // simple custom Serde
final AtomicLong batchCount = new AtomicLong(0L);
.groupBy((k,v) -> KeyValue.pair(k, batchCount.getAndIncrement() / batchSize),
.reduce(this::windowReducer) // <-- how you want to aggregate values in batch
.filter((k,v) -> /* pass through full batches only */)
.selectKey((k,v) -> k.key)
You'd also need to add straightforward Serde for the standard KeyValue<String, Long>.
This option is obviously only helpful when you don't need a "punctuator" to emit incomplete batches on timeout. It also doesn't guarantee the order of elements in the batch in case of distributed processing.
You can also concatenate count to the key string to form the new key (instead of using KeyValue). That would simplify example even further (to using Serdes.String()).

KTable Reduce function does not honor windowing

Requirement :- We need to consolidate all the messages having same orderid and perform subsequent operation for the consolidated Message.
Explanation :- Below snippet of code tries to capture all order messages received from a particular tenant and tries to consolidate to a single order message after waiting for a specific period of time
It does the following stuff
Repartition message based on OrderId. So each order message will be having tenantId and groupId as its key
Perform a groupby key operation followed by windowed operation for 2 minutes
Reduce operation is performed once windowing is completed.
Ktable is converted again to stream back and then its output is send to another kafka topic
Expected Output :- If there are 5 messages having same order id being sent with in window period. It was expected that the final kafka topic should have only one message and it would be the last reduce operation message.
Actual Output :- All the 5 messages are seen indicating windowing is not happening before invoking reduce operation. All the messages seen in kafka have proper reduce operation being done as each and every message is received.
Queries :- In kafka stream library version reduce function used to accept timewindow as its argument. I see that this is deprecated in kafka stream version 1.0.0. Windowing which is done in the below piece of code, is it correct ? Is windowing supported in newer version of kafka stream library 1.0.0 ? If so, then is there something can be improved in below snippet of code ?
String orderMsgTopic = "sampleordertopic";
JsonSerializer<OrderMsg> orderMsgJSONSerialiser = new JsonSerializer<>();
JsonDeserializer<OrderMsg> orderMsgJSONDeSerialiser = new JsonDeserializer<>(OrderMsg.class);
Serde<OrderMsg> orderMsgSerde = Serdes.serdeFrom(orderMsgJSONSerialiser,orderMsgJSONDeSerialiser);
KStream<String, OrderMsg> orderMsgStream = this.builder.stream(orderMsgTopic, Consumed.with(Serdes.ByteArray(), orderMsgSerde))
.map(new KeyValueMapper<byte[], OrderMsg, KeyValue<? extends String, ? extends OrderMsg>>() {
public KeyValue<? extends String, ? extends OrderMsg> apply(byte[] byteArr, OrderMsg value) {
TenantIdMessageTypeDeserializer deserializer = new TenantIdMessageTypeDeserializer();
TenantIdMessageType tenantIdMessageType = deserializer.deserialize(orderMsgTopic, byteArr);
String newTenantOrderKey = null;
if ((tenantIdMessageType != null) && (tenantIdMessageType.getMessageType() == 1)) {
Long tenantId = tenantIdMessageType.getTenantId();
newTenantOrderKey = tenantId.toString() + value.getOrderKey();
} else {
newTenantOrderKey = value.getOrderKey();
return new KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>(newTenantOrderKey, value);
final KTable<Windowed<String>, OrderMsg> orderGrouping = orderMsgStream.groupByKey(Serialized.with(Serdes.String(), orderMsgSerde))
.reduce(new OrderMsgReducer());
orderGrouping.toStream().map(new KeyValueMapper<Windowed<String>, OrderMsg, KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>>() {
public KeyValue<String, OrderMsg> apply(Windowed<String> key, OrderMsg value) {
return new KeyValue<String, OrderMsg>(key.key(), value);
}).to("newone11", Produced.with(Serdes.String(), orderMsgSerde));
I realised that I had set StreamsConfig.CACHE_MAX_BYTES_BUFFERING_CONFIG to 0 and also set the default commit interval of 1000ms. Changing this value helps me to some extent get the windowing working

Apache Samza aggregation rules for missing expected events in rolling time-period

My use-case is to identify entities from which expected events have not been received after X amount of time in real-time.
For example:
If we have received PaymentInitiated event at time T but didn't receive either of PaymentFailed / PaymentAborted / PaymentSucedded by T+X, then raise a trigger saying PaymentStuck along with details of PaymentIntitiated event.
How can I model such use-cases in Apache Samza as it is rolling time period X on each event, rather than fixed time interval.
Thanks, Harish
I'm not aware of any native support for this in Samza, but I can imagine a work-around that uses WindowableTask.
public class PaymentEvent implements Comparable<PaymentEvent> {
// if current time > timestamp, payment is stuck
public long timestamp;
// we want a corresponding PaymentFailed... event with the same id
public long interactionId;
// PaymentRequest, PaymentAborted, PaymentSucceeded...
public enum type;
public int compareTo(PaymentEvent o){
return timestamp - o.timestamp;
Now in your process method you would have something like:
PriorityQueue<PaymentEvent> pqueue;
Map<Long, PaymentEvent> responses;
public void process(...) {
PaymentEvent e = new PaymentEvent(envelope.getMessage());
if (e.enum == PAYMENT_REQUEST) {
} else {
responses.put(e.interactionId, e);
And finally during your window you would pop off from the priority queue everything with timestamp > current time and check if there is a corresponding event in the Map.
public void window(...) {
while(pqueue.peek().timestamp <= currentTime) {
if (!map.containsKey(pqueue.poll().interactionId) {
// send the trigger via the collector
Then lastly you would set the window time in your configuration to however long you wanted to poll. The config is task.window.ms.