Scala: Reading HDFS file as Stream - scala

I would like to read an HDFS File in scala. This is a text file and wanted to insert a field default value in each line. How do I read the hdfs file as stream line by line?
I got this code:
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(new URI("hdfs://df:port/"), new Configuration())
val path = new Path("/dir/fileNm")
val stream =
Stream.cons(, Stream.continually(
But this read byte by byte. The readLine() is deprecated. How to read a line?
I am using scala version - 2.11.8

You can use
val source = Source.fromInputStream(stream)
source.getLines() // Iterator[String]

I think you shuld do something similar to this:
def readLines = Stream.cons(stream.readLine, Stream.continually( stream.readLine))
readLines.takeWhile(_ != null).foreach(line => println(line))

Pipe the contents to another function that will delineate by new line character then just use that line stream as you normally would. Sometimes you have to do the work yourself.


Spark Scala - textFile() and sequenceFile() RDDs

I'm successfully loading my sequence files into a DataFrame with some code like this:
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
val jsonRecs = (String, String)) => new String(record._2))
val df =
I'd like to do the same with some text files. The text files have a similar format as the sequence files (A timestamp, a tab char, then the json). But the problem is textFile() returns an RDD[String] instead of an RDD[LongWritable,String] like the sequenceFile() method.
My goal is to be able to test the program with either sequence files or text files as input.
How could I convert the RDD[String] coming from textFile() into an RDD[LongWritable,String]? Or is there a better solution?
Assuming that your text file is a CSV file, you can use following code for reading a CSV file in a Dataframe where spark is the SparkSession:
val df ="header", "false").csv("file.txt")
Like header option there are multiple options you can provide depending upon your requirement. Check this for more details.
Thanks for the responses. It's not a CSV but I guess it could be. It's just the text output of doing this on a sequence file in HDFS:
hdfs dfs -text /path/to/my/file > myFile.txt
Anyway, I found a solution that works for both sequence and text file for my use case. This code ends up setting the variable 'file' to a RDD[String,String] in both cases, and I can work with that.
var file = if (inputType.equalsIgnoreCase("text")) {
sc.textFile(src).map(line => (line.split("\t")(0), line.split("\t")(1)))
} else { // Default to assuming sequence files are input

How to read HDFS file from Scala code

I am new to Scala and HDFS:
I am just wondering I am able to read local file from Scala code but how to read from HDFS:
object ReadLine {
def main(args:Array[String]) {
if (args.length>0) {
for (line <- Source.fromLine(args(0)).getLine())
in Argument I have passed hdfs://localhost:9000/usr/local/log_data/file1.. But its giving FileNotFoundException error
I am definitely missing something.. can anyone help me out here ? api cannot read from HDFS. Source is used to read from local file system.
If you want to read from hdfs then I would recommend to use spark where you would have to use sparkContext.
val lines = sc.textFile(args(0)) //args(0) should be hdfs:///usr/local/log_data/file1
No Spark
If you don't want to use spark then you should go with BufferedReader or StreamReader or hadoop filesystem api. for example
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(new URI("hdfs://yourUrl:port/"), new Configuration())
val path = new Path("/path/to/file/")
val stream =
def readLines = Stream.cons(stream.readLine, Stream.continually( stream.readLine))

skip header of csv while reading multiple files into rdd in scala

I am trying to read multiple csvs into an rdd from a path. This path has many csvs Is there a way I can avoid the headers while reading all the csvs into rdd? or use spotsRDD to omit out the header without having to use filter or deal with each csv individually and then union them?
val path ="file:///home/work/csvs/*"
val spotsRDD= sc.textFile(path)
That is pity you are using spark 1.0.0.
You can use CSV Data Source for Apache Spark but this library requires Spark 1.3+ and btw. this library was inlined to Spark 2.x.
But we can analyse and implement something similar.
When we look into the com/databricks/spark/csv/DefaultSource.scala there is
val useHeader = parameters.getOrElse("header", "false")
and then in the com/databricks/spark/csv/CsvRelation.scala there is
// If header is set, make sure firstLine is materialized before sending to executors.
val filterLine = if (useHeader) firstLine else null
baseRDD().mapPartitions { iter =>
// When using header, any input line that equals firstLine is assumed to be header
val csvIter = if (useHeader) {
iter.filter(_ != filterLine)
} else {
parseCSV(csvIter, csvFormat)
so if we assume the first line is only once in RDD (our csv rows) we can do something like in the example below:
CSV example file:
48.1,0.25,"First point"
49.2,1.1,"Second point"
47.5,0.75,"Third point"
scala> val csvData = sc.textFile("test.csv")
csvData: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = test.csv MapPartitionsRDD[24] at textFile at <console>:24
scala> val header = csvDataRdd.first
header: String = Latitude,Longitude,Name
scala> val csvDataWithoutHeaderRdd = csvDataRdd.mapPartitions{iter => iter.filter(_ != header)}
csvDataWithoutHeaderRdd: org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[String] = MapPartitionsRDD[25] at mapPartitions at <console>:28
scala> csvDataWithoutHeaderRdd.foreach(println)
49.2,1.1,"Second point"
48.1,0.25,"First point"
47.5,0.75,"Third point"

Spark Reading Compressed with Special Format

I have a file .gz I need to read this file and add the time and file name to this file I have some problems and need your help to recommend a way for this points.
Because the file is compressed the first line is reading with not the proper format I think due to encoding problem I tried the below code but not working
implicit val codec = Codec("UTF-8")
File has special format and I need to read it using Regex into a datafame ==> the only way i found is to read it using RDD and map it to the regex is there any way to read it direct to DF and pass the regex?
val Test_special_format_RawData = sc.textFile("file://"+filename.toString())
.map(line ⇒ line.replace("||", "|NA|NA"))
.map(line ⇒ if (line.takeRight(1) == "|") line+"NA" else line)
.map { x ⇒ regex_var.findAllIn(x).toArray }
import hiveSqlContext.implicits._
val Test_special_format_DF = Test_special_format_RawData.filter { x⇒x.length==30 }
.filter { x⇒x(0) !=header(0) }
.map { x⇒ (x(0), x(1), x(2), x(3), x(4), x(5), x(6), x(7),
x(8), x(9), x(10), x(11), x(12), x(13), x(14),
x(15),x(16), x(17), x(18), x(19))}.toDF()
val Test_special_format_Tranformed_Data = Test_special_format_DF.withColumn("FileName", lit(filename.getName))
.withColumn("rtm_insertion_date", lit(RTM_DATE_FORMAT.format(Cal.getInstance().getTime())))
Can I ignore any delimiter between any special charachter for example if "|" pipe coming between ^~ ^~ ignore it?
Some times the dataframe columns types received by wrong data types. How can we handle this problem to apply data quality checks?
When I tried to insert into hive from the Spark using Dataframe. Can I specify the rejection Directory for un handle rows error below is the code I used?
Sample of the file is here
I will answer my question regarding the file format issue. The solution is to override the default extension format for the gzib.
class TmpGzipCodec extends GzipCodec {
override def getDefaultExtension(): String = ".gz.tmp"
Now we just registered this codec, setting on SparkConf:
val conf = new SparkConf()
// Custom Codec that process .gz.tmp extensions as a common Gzip format
conf.set("", "smx.ananke.spark.util.codecs.TmpGzipCodec")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val data = sc.textFile("s3n://my-data-bucket/2015/09/21/13/*")
I found this solution is this link
Regarding the malformed records, There are two solutions as follow:
Case as case class and then check if it pattern matched this case class or not.
Parse the RDD line by line but it required update in the spark.csv library.
Regarding delimiter delimiter issue, it required to use RDD with regex.

spark textfile load file instead of lines

In Spark, we can use textFile to load file into lines and try to do some operations with these lines as follows.
val lines = sc.textFile("xxx")
val counts = lines.filter(line => lines.contains("a")).count()
However, in my situation, I would like to load the file into blocks because the data in files and the block will be kind of as follow. Blocks will be separated with empty line in files.
user: 111
book: 222
comments: like it!
Therefore, I hope the textFile function or any other solutions can help me load the file with blocks, which may be achieved as follows.
val blocks = sc.textFile("xxx", 3 line)
Does anyone face this situation before? Thanks
I suggest you to implement your own file reader function from Hdfs. Look attextFile function, it's built on top of hadoopFile function and it uses TextInputFormat:
def textFile(path: String, minPartitions: Int = defaultMinPartitions): RDD[String] = {
hadoopFile(path, classOf[TextInputFormat], classOf[LongWritable], classOf[Text],
minPartitions).map(pair => pair._2.toString).setName(path)
But this TextInputFormat can be customized via hadoop properties as described in this answer. In your case delimiter could be:
conf.set("textinputformat.record.delimiter", "\n\n")