Is there a minimal TV GUI for youtube-dl & omxplayer on the Raspberry Pi? - raspberry-pi

Here's my issue:
My Raspberry Pi boots to console (Raspbian) and does the following:
- Checks a small Youtube-DL script for new updates to a playlist. If so, it pulls the video and copies it to a folder.
After the video is saved, OMXPlayer plays that video from command line and it works perfectly (on 720p, which is great for my use).
-- That's it. It doesn't do anything else.
Here's the issue. I wanted to create a small GUI where I can scroll through older videos. I don't want to boot to a desktop. I tried an Electron JS app but it creates an entire instance of a web browser - which slows down OMXPlayer for me. I tried to mess around with Python TKinter but it won't let me load the script without first typing "startx" which boots up the Raspbian desktop.
Just want a small GUI (similar to KODI) but without anything else other than videos, and a short interface to scroll through different files.
Any suggestions?


Stream video from Raspberry Pi 4 while another program uses the pi camera as well

I have a raspberry pi 4 with a camera module on it and a pan-tilt hat.
I've made a project which when started, it uses the feed from the RPI camera, detects a face and center around it. If the person moves, the camera tracks him.
When I run the .py file through the terminal, it works.
Now I want to use it with my PC. Therefore, I need to simultaneously run my project in the background AND to steam the feed to my PC somehow.
From the methods I searched online, I saw that it's possible to use flask and get a URL to use as an IP camera.
My question is, is it possible to stream the camera feed while my projects runs and tracks the face?
Thank you.

Execute Python Script on Motion Eye on event of Motion Detection

I have installed motioneye on a raspberry pi and it's working perfectly (images and videos are recording which I can access through FTP). Motion detection is enabled with a mask.
I have written a .py script that will open a new web browser displaying the streamed video so colleagues around the office can see at a glance who has entered the building (the script works perfectly when exectued in PyCharm)
I have placed the executbale .py file in /home/data/
However, it doesn't seem to execute when motion has been detected and captured/recorded.
Can anyone help please?

kweb3 projeckktor raspberry pi memory leak

I am using Kweb3 in kiosk mode with projekktor on raspberry pi to play html5 mp4 video files. The time I play 5-6 files, it keeps on increasing virtual memory & hence the time it reaches 500mb, browser start showing loader & nothing happens (basically goes out of memory/memory leak is happening). How can this memory issue be fixed? it is not removing the older video from memory. I also tried the iframe way of doing it. no luck. Please help.
I note your question was asked a long time but there is a solution to this.
We had the same problem and the solution is to:
Play the video in an iframe within your application
When the video has finished, remove the iframe from the DOM
This effectively creates a fresh page and then destroys that page once it is removed. This causes it to be freed up from memory.
We were able to play 12 videos consecutively (in a single page app) after finally finding this fix.

VLC just shows a single picture of the webcam

I would like to show the live video of a Microsoft Studio webcam with a Raspberry Pi. It should be a reading tool for my grandma.
So I tried vlc v4l2:///dev/video0 and I get always just a single picture. After that the system is frozen. You can just plug the power supply out.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong? I also tried a smaller resolution.

Control Windows 8 Camera app with Powershell?

I am wanting to use a webcam to record video and have two options. First is using Flash/AS3 with Flash Media Server - I have this one done really and it works fine but I can't quite get the quality I'd like. Well, the Win8 camera app will record 1920x1080 video at 30fps with the same webcam. So, I was thinking I could use powershell to control the app - I'd need to send space to start/stop the recording, and be able to swap the camera application back and forth with another, gallery application, that shows the recordings.
I also need to be able to send the start/stop recording command on input from a tcp socket - which from reading seems to be doable.
So, is this something for powershell? I've been experimenting and can't reliably access the camera app. Maybe because it's a metro app? Thanks for any tips.
You can't really access or interact with Metro apps from PowerShell. There are a limited number of WinRT APIs that can be accessed from the desktop. The Windows.Media.Capture.MediaCapture type is accessible from the desktop. However using WinRT in PowerShell is really challenging given that there are a lot of async APIs in WinRT. Take a look at this blog post I wrote on what it takes to use WinRT APIs in PowerShell.