Create/alter table for each new user/project - postgresql

I am building a platform with two kinds of users: Users_A create projects with unique virtual coins associated, and Users_B can buy and exchange this coins.
The problem:
Approach 1: if I use one unique table as a virtual wallet, the User_B ID will be the row, and each column will be each coin. In this way, I have to ALter the table each time a new project is created.
Approach 2: I create an electronic wallet (table) for every single User_B.
Which one of the two is worse/better in terms of performance?
Is there any other possible approach?

It's a bit unclear to me what exactly you are trying to model. But any model that requires ALTERing a table because you add new content to the database is flawed.
That sounds like a basic many-to-many relationship to me:
You definitely need a table for the users:
create table users
user_id integer primary key,
... other columns ...
and one for the different coins:
create table coin
coin_id integer primary key,
... other columns ...
You need a table for the projects. You said "unique virtual coins associated", so I assume one project deals with exactly one type of coins:
create table project
project_id integer primary key,
owner_user_id integer not null references users,
coin_id integer not null references coin
... other columns
I am not sure what exactly you mean with "buy and exchange" coins, but you probably need something like a transfer table:
create table coin_transfer
from_user_id integer not null references users,
to_user_id integer not null references users,
project_id integer not null references project,
transfer_type text not null check (transfer_type in ('buy', 'exchange'))
amount numeric not null
You also mention a "wallet" that belongs to a user. You would never create one table for each wallet, instead a table that contains the information which user owns the wallet. Assuming each user would have one wallet for each coin type you'd need something like this:
create table wallet
wallet_id integer primary key,
owner_user_id integer not null references users,
coin_id integer not null references coin,
... other columns ...
The above is only a very rough sketch and because there is a lot of information missing from your question.


Would this PostgresQL model work for long-term use and security?

I'm making a real-time chat app and was stuck figuring out how the DB model should look like. I've made this diagram, but would this work? My issue is more to do with foreign keys.
I know this is a very vague question. But have been struggling with this model for a while now. This is the first database I'm setting up so it's probably got a load of errors.
Actually you are fairly close, but over complicated it a bit. At the conceptual/logical model you have just 2 entities. Users and Messages
with a many-to-many relationship. At the physical level the Channels table resolves the M:M into the 2 one_to_many you have described. But the
viewing this way ravels a couple issues. The attribute user is not required in the Messages table and if physically implemented requires a not easily done validation
that the user there exists in the Channels table. Further everything that Message:User relationship provides is a available
via Users:Channels:Messages relationship. A similar argument applies to Channels column in Users - completely resolved by the resolution table. Suggestion: drop user from message table and channels from users.
Now lets look at the columns of Channels. It looks like you using a boiler plate for created_at and updated_at, but are they necessary?
Well at least for updated_at No. What can be updated? If either User or Message is updated you have a brand new entry. Yes it may seem like the same physical row (actually it is not)
but the meaning is completely different. Well how about last massage? What is it trying to indicate that the max value created at for the user does not give you?
I cannot see anything. I guess you could change the created at but what is the point of tracking when I changed that column. Suggestion: drop last message sent and updated at (unless required by Institution standards) from message table.
That leaves the Users table itself. Besides Channels mentioned above there is the Contacts column. Physically as a array it violates 1NF and becomes difficult to manage - (as wall as validating that the contact is in fact a user)
Logically it is creating a M:M on USER:USER. So resolve it the same way as User:Messages, pull it out into another table, say User_Contacts with 2 attributes to the Users table. Suggestion drop contacts for the users table and create a resolution table.
Unfortunately, I do not have a good ERD diagrammer, so I just provide DDL.
create table users (
user_id integer generated always as identity primary key
, name text
, phone_number text
, last_login timestamptz
, created_at timestamptz
, updated_at timestamptz
) ;
create type message_type as enum ('short', 'long'); -- list all values
create table messages(
msg_id integer generated always as identity primary key
, msg_type message_type
, message text
, created_at timestamptz
, updated_at timestamptz
create table channels( -- resolves M:M Users:Messages
user_id integer
, msg_id integer
, created_at timestamptz
, constraint channels_pk
primary key (user_id, msg_id)
, constraint channels_2_users_fk
foreign key (user_id)
references users(user_id)
, constraint channels_2_messages_fk
foreign key (msg_id)
references messages(msg_id )
create table user_contacts( -- resolves M:M Users:Users
user_id integer
, contact_id integer
, created_at timestamptz
, constraint user_contacts_pk
primary key (user_id, contact_id)
, constraint user_2_users_fk
foreign key (user_id)
references users(user_id)
, constraint contact_2_user_fk
foreign key (user_id)
references users(user_id)
, constraint contact_not_me_check check (user_id <> contact_id)
Do not use text as PK, use either integer (bigint) or UUID, and generate them during insert.
Caution on ENUM. In Postgres you can add new values, but you cannot remove a value. Depending upon number of values and how often the change consider creating a lookup/reference table for them.
Do not use the data type TIME. It is really not that useful without the date. Simple example I login today at 15:00, you login tomorrow at 13:00. Now, from the database itself, which of us logged in first.

Do i really need individual table for my three types of users?

If i have three type of users. Let's say seller, consumers, and sales persons. Should i make individual table for there details like name, email passwords and all other credentials etc with a role_type table or separate table for each of them. Which is the best approach for a large project considering all engineering principles for DBMS like normalization etc.
Also tell me Does it effect the performance of the app if i have lots of joins in tables to perform certain operations?
If the only thing that distinguishes those people is the role but all details are the same, then I would definitely go for a single table.
The question is however, can a single person have more than one role? If that is never the case, then add a role_type column to the person table. Depending on how fixed those roles are maybe use a lookup table and a foreign key, e.g.:
create table role_type
id integer primary key,
name varchar(20) not null unique
create table person
id integer primary key,
.... other attributes ...,
role_id integer not null references role_type
However, in my experience the restriction to exactly one role per person usually doesn't hold, so you would need a many-to-many relation ship
create table role_type
id integer primary key,
name varchar(20) not null unique
create table person
id integer primary key,
.... other attributes ...,
create table person_role
person_id integer not null references person,
role_id integer not null references role_type,
primary key (person_id, role_id)
It sounds like this is a case of trying to model inheritance in your relational database. Complex topic, discussed here and here.
It sounds like your "seller, consumer, sales person" will need lots of different attributes and relationships. A seller typically belongs to a department, has targets, is linked to sales. A consumer has purchase history, maybe a credit limit, etc.
If that's the case,I'd suggest "class table inheritance" might be the right solution.
That might look something like this.
create table user_account
(id int not null,
username varchar not null,
password varchar not null
create table buyer
(id int not null,
user_account_id int not null(fk),
credit_limit float not null,
create table seller
(id int not null,
user_account_id int not null(fk),
sales_target float,
To answer your other question - relational databases are optimized for joining tables. Decades of research and development have gone into this area, and a well-designed database (with indexes on the columns you're joining on) will show no noticeable performance impact due to joins. From practical experience, queries with hundreds of millions of records and ten or more joins run very fast on modern hardware.

How to map tables without FK

I have these tables:
Connections: one carWash to many orders, one order to one orderHistory, one carWash to many services, one user to many orders
The question is: when user create order he choose some services that are provided by car_wash for example (wash_car_body = 20$, wash_wheels = 10$ ) from services table and when user wants to see order history I want to show all chosen services to user, how to do it better?
My services script:
create table services(
id SERIAL not null,
car_wash_id int not null,
name text not null,
price double precision not null,
car_body text,
CONSTRAINT "gmoika_service_company_id_fKey" FOREIGN KEY (car_wash_id)
Car Wash Script:
create table services(
id SERIAL not null,
name text not null)
For example
insert into services (car_wash_id, price , name car_body) values (1,20,wheels_wash,sedan)
And when user create order to car_wash with id = "id" i use the following script to give him all services ,
select * from services s where s.car_wash_id = "id".
Then user choose services. And i want to save choosen services into order history.
OrderHistory script
CREATE TABLE order_history(
id SERIAL not null,
order_id int,
wash_price double precision,
car_body text,
box_number int,
car_wash_name text,
currency text,
time timestamp with time zone NOT NULL,
status text,
CONSTRAINT "gmoika_wash_history_id_fKey" FOREIGN KEY (order_id)
You'd need to add another table, e.g. orderServiceHistory which will be a mapping of order_id to service_id. Both of these will be foreign keys to the order & services tables. You could then use this to store which services were taken from a historic car wash order.
However, I'd recommend you think about your schema a bit more. Few things to consider off the top of my head:
Why the mix of plural and singular form (e.g. order vs services)
You haven't defined your primary keys
What is the purpose of the one to one mapping between order & orderHistory?
How would you handle when the price of a service changes?
How would the removal/inactivation of services & car washes etc be handled?

Store Variable with an Enum Value

Im new in SQL(Still leanrning).
I'm trying to create a relational database for a venue to manage event.
I have an attribute which store which room has been reserved.
The data type is ENUM.
My problem is that I need my ENUM values(ex: Main room) to hold int values.
Each room has a capacity seat and capacity stand. I not supposed to insert it in my table every time someone reserved for a room.
But in the end i should be able to ask how many people can a room hold.
Is this possible? I did not see anything about holding variable on the intenet
If you are learning database design, stay away from enums. They essentially break normalization - which might sometimes be a solution to a specific problem, but is not something you should use while still trying to understand the concepts. You should rather use a properly normalized model with a one-to-many relationship.
As you need to store additional information with the room type, an enum is out of the question in the first place - this is not what enums are for (and you can't do it).
A clean model would be something like this:
create table room_type
type_id integer primary key,
name varchar not null unique,
max_capacity_seats integer not null,
max_capacity_standing integer not null
create table room
room_id integer primary key,
room_type_id integer not null references room_type,
description varchar,
... other columns ...

Implement 1:N relation in postgreSQL (object-relational)

I'm struggling with postgreSQL, as I don't know how to link one instance of type A to a set of instances of type B. I'll give a brief example:
Let's say we want to set up a DB containing music albums and people, each having a list of their favorite albums. We could define the types like that:
CREATE TYPE album_t AS (
Artist VARCHAR(50),
Title VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TYPE person_t AS (
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50),
FavAlbums album_t ARRAY[5]
Now we want to create tables of those types:
CREATE TABLE Person of person_t WITH OIDS;
CREATE TABLE Album of album_t WITH OIDS;
Now as I want to make my DB as object-realational as it gets, I don't want to nest album "objects" in the row FavAlbums of the table Person, but I want to "point" to the entries in the table Album, so that n Person records can refer to the same Album record without duplicating it over and over.
I read the manual, but it seems that it lacks some vital examples as object-relational features aren't being used that often. I'm also familiar with the realational model, but I want to use extra tables for the relations.
Why you create a new type in postgresql to do what you need?
Why you don't use tables directly?
With n-n relation:
idalbum integer primary key,
Artist VARCHAR(50),
Title VARCHAR(50)
idperson integer primary key,
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50)
CREATE TABLE person_album (
person_id integer,
album_id integer,
primary key (person_id, album_id),
FOREIGN KEY (person_id)
REFERENCES person (idperson),
FOREIGN KEY (album_id)
REFERENCES album (idalbum));
Or with a "pure" 1-n relation:
idperson integer primary key,
FirstName VARCHAR(50),
LastName VARCHAR(50)
idalbum integer primary key,
Artist VARCHAR(50),
Title VARCHAR(50),
person_id integer,
FOREIGN KEY (person_id)
REFERENCES person (idperson)
I hope that I help you.
Now as I want to make my DB as object-realational as it gets, I don't want to nest album "objects" in the row FavAlbums of the table Person, but I want to "point" to the entries in the table Album, so that n Person records can refer to the same Album record without duplicating it over and over.
Drop the array column, add an id primary key column (serial type) to each table, drop the oids (note that the manual recommends against using them). And add a FavoriteAlbum table with two columns (PersonId, AlbumId), the latter of which are a primary key. (Your relation is n-n, not 1-n.)
Sorry for answering my own question, but I just wanted to give some pieces of information I gained by toying around with that example.
I found out that the ARRAY Type in PostgreSQL is useful if you want to associate a variable number of values with one attribute, but only if you can live with duplicate entries. So that technique is not suitable for referencing "objects" by their identity.
References to Objects/Records by identity
So if you want to, as in my example, create a table of albums and want to be able to reference one album by more than one person, you should use a separate table to establish these relationships (Maybe by using the OIDs as keys).
Another crazy thing one could do is referencing albums by using an ARRAY of OIDs in the person table. But that is very awkward and really does not improve on the classic relational style.