We have helm charts to deploy our application. We use a configuration.json file for application properties and load them to config map. But users typically use their own configuration file.
Default configuration.json file is packaged inside helm charts under data directoty. This file is read as
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: app-config
{{ (.Files.Glob .Values.appConfigFile).AsConfig | indent 4}}
And in values
appConfigFile: data/configuration.json
If users install our charts directly from repository how can this configuration file be overriden? doing --set appConfigFile=/path/to/custom.json doen't populate config map.
If charts are untarred to a directory they can add the custom configuration file into charts directory and give the configuration file using --set appConfigFile=customData/custom.json works
Can file overrides be achieved when charts are deployed from repository directly?
Adding custom configuration to a values file and execute helm install using -f flag is a solution.
overrideConfig: true
//Add your custom json here as variable value
Config map yaml
#If custom values file passed then overrideConfig variable will be set.
#So load configmap from customConfig variable
{{ if .Values.overrideConfig}}
app-config.json : |-
{{ toJson .Values.customConfig }}
{{ else }}
# Else load from the default configuration available in charts.
{{ (.Files.Glob .Values.appConfigFile).AsConfig indent 4 }}
{{ end }}
If custom configuration is needed
helm install -f customValues.yaml repo/chartName
Not sure if this is the perfect solution, but ended up taking this route.
I have a yaml file which needs to be loaded into my pods, this yaml file will have both sensitive and non-sensitive data, this yaml file need to be present in a path which i have included as env in containers.
value: /myapp/config/config.yaml
If my understanding is right, the configmap was the right choice, but i am forced to give the sensitive data like password as plain text in the values.yaml in helm chart.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config
app: {{ .Release.Name }}-config
config.yaml: |
Password: "{{.Values.config.password}}"
Username: myuser
password: "mypassword"
Mounted the above config map as follows
- name: {{ .Release.Name }}-config
mountPath: /myapp/config/
So i wanted to try secret, If i try secret, it is loading as Environment Variables inside pod, but it is not going into this config.yaml file.
If i convert the above yaml file into secret instead of configmap , should i convert the entire config.yaml into base64 secret? my yaml file has more entries and it will look cumbersome and i dont think it as a solution.
If i take secret as a stringdata then the base64 will be taken as it is.
How do i make sure that config.yaml loads into pods with passwords not exposed in the values.yaml Is there a way to combine configmap and secret
I read about projected volumes, but i dont see a use case for merging configmap and secrets into single config.yaml
Any help would be appreciated.
Kubernetes has no real way to construct files out of several parts. You can embed an entire (small) file in a ConfigMap or a Secret, but you can't ask the cluster to assemble a file out of parts in multiple places.
In Helm, one thing you can do is to put the configuration-file data into a helper template
{{- define "config.yaml" -}}
Password: "{{.Values.config.password}}"
Username: myuser
{{ end -}}
In the ConfigMap you can use this helper template rather than embedding the content directly
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
metadata: { ... }
config.yaml: |
{{ include "config.yaml" . | indent 4 }}
If you move it to a Secret you do in fact need to base64 encode it. But with the helper template that's just a matter of invoking the template and encoding the result.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
metadata: { ... }
config.yaml: {{ include "config.yaml" . | b64enc }}
If it's possible to set properties in this file directly via environment variables (like Spring properties) or to insert environment-variable references in the file (like a Ruby ERB file) that could let you put the bulk of the file into a ConfigMap, but use a Secret for specific values; you would need a little more wiring to also make the environment variables available.
You briefly note a concern around passing the credential as a Helm value. This does in fact require having it in plain text at deploy time, and an operator could helm get values later to retrieve it. If this is a problem, you'll need some other path to inject or retrieve the secret value.
Is it possible to pass a csv file to the data of the "argocd-rbac-cm" config map? Since I've deployed argo-cd through gitops (with the official argo-cd helm chart), I would not like to hardcode a large csv file inside the configmap itseld, I'd prefer instead reference a csv file direct from the git repository where the helm chart is located.
And, is it also possible to pass more than one file-like keys?
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argocd-rbac-cm
namespace: argocd
policy.default: role:readonly
policy.csv: |
<<< something to have this append many files
<<< https://gitlab.custom.net/proj_name/-/blob/master/first_policy.csv # URL from the first csv file in the git repository >>
<<< https://gitlab.custom.net/proj_name/-/blob/master/second_policy.csv # URL from the second csv file in the git repository >>
Thanks in advance!
Any external evaluation in a policy.csv would lead to some unpredictable behaviour in cluster and would complicate argocd codebase without obvious gains. That's why this configmap should be set statically before deploying anything
You basically have two options:
Correctly set .server.rbacConfig as per https://github.com/argoproj/argo-helm/blob/master/charts/argo-cd/templates/argocd-configs/argocd-rbac-cm.yaml - create your configuration with some bash scripts and assign to a variable, i.e. RBAC_CONFIG then pass it in your CI/CD pipeline as helm upgrade ... --set "server.rbacConfig=$RBAC_CONFIG"
Extend chart with your own template and use .Files.Get function to create cm from files that already exists in your repository, see https://helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/accessing_files/ , with something like
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: argocd-rbac-cm
policy.csv: |-
{{- $files := .Files }}
{{- range tuple "first_policy.csv" "first_policy.csv" }}
{{ $files.Get . }}
{{- end }}
I am currently using Kustomize. We are have multiple deployments and services. These have the same spec but different names. Is it possible to store the spec in individual files & refer them across all the deployments files?
Helm is a good fit for the solution.
However, since we were already using Kustomize & migration to Helm would have needed time, we solved the problem using namePrefix & label modifiers in Kustomize.
Use Helm, in ArgoCD create a pipeline with helm:3 container and create a helm-chart directory or repository. Pull the chart repository, deploy with helm. Use values.yaml for the dynamic values you want to use. Also, you will need to add kubeconfig file to your pipeline but that is another issue.
This is the best offer I can give. For further information I need to inspect ArgoCD.
I was faced with this problem and I resolved it using Helm3 charts:
I have a chart. Yaml file where I indicated my release name and version
values. Yam where I define all variable to use for a specific environment.
Values-test. Yaml a file to use, for example, in a test environment where you should only put the variable that must be changed from an environment to another.
I hope that can help you to resolve your issue.
I would also suggest using Helm. However a restriction of Helm is that you cannot create dynamic values.yaml files (https://github.com/helm/helm/issues/6699) - this can be very annoying, especially for multi-environment setups. However, ArgoCD provides a very nice way to do this with its Application type.
The solution is to create a custom Helm chart for generating your ArgoCD applications (which can be called with different config for each environment). The templates in this helm chart will generate ArgoCD Application types. This type supports a source.helm.values field where you can dynamically set the values.yaml.
For example, the values.yaml for HashiCorp Vault can be highly complex and this is a scenario where a dynamic values.yaml per environment is highly desirable (as this prevents having multiple values.yaml files for each environment which are large but very similar).
If your custom ArgoCD helm chart is my-argocd-application-helm, then the following are example values.yaml and the template which generates your Vault application i.e.
server: # Target kubernetes server for all applications
name: vault-dev
repoURL: https://git.acme.com/myapp/vault-helm.git
targetRevision: master
path: helm/vault-chart
namespace: vault
hostname: # target server for Vault
apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1
kind: Application
name: {{ .Values.vault.name }}
namespace: argocd
- resources-finalizer.argocd.argoproj.io
namespace: 'vault'
server: {{ .Values.server }}
project: 'default'
path: '{{ .Values.vault.path }}'
repoURL: {{ .Values.vault.repoURL }}
targetRevision: {{ .Values.vault.targetRevision }}
# Dynamically generate `values.yaml`
values: |
activeService: true
- host: {{ required "Please set 'vault.hostname'" .Values.vault.hostname | quote }}
- /
enabled: true
config: |
ui = true
These values will then override any base configuration residing in the values.yaml specified by {{ .Values.vault.repoURL }} which can contain config which doesn't change for each environment.
I am new to helm and liked the idea of helm to create versions for the deployments and package them as artifact in jfrog articatory but one thing that I am unclear about is easiness of creating it.
I am comfortable with kubernetes mainfest and creating it is very simple where you don't have to handcraft a yaml.
You can simply run kubectl command in dry-run mode and export most of the yaml tags as below:
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx --dry-run=client -o yaml > nginx-manifest.yaml
Now for creating helm, I need to run helm create and key in all the values needed by helm yaml files.
Curious if helm has such shortcuts that kubectl provides to create charts easily which keys in required value through command line while generating charts?
Also is there a migration utility available that supports converting the deployment manifest to helm charts?
helm create does what you are looking for. It creates a directory with all the basic stuff so that you don't need to manually create each file/directory. However, it can't create the content of a Chart it has no clue about.
But, there is no magic behind the scenes, a chart consists in templates and values. The templates are the same YAML files you are used to work with, except that you can replace whatever you want to make "dynamic" with the placeholders used by Helm. That's it.
So, in other words, just keep exporting as you are (I strongly suggest stopping doing this and create proper files suited for your needs) and add placeholders ({{ .Values.foo }})
For example, this is the template for a service I have:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: {{ .Values.name | default .Chart.Name }}
- port: {{ .Values.port }}
protocol: TCP
targetPort: {{ .Values.port }}
app: {{ .Values.name | default .Chart.Name }}
I want to use application.yaml file to be passed as a config map.
So I have written this.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: conf
{{ (.Files.Glob "foo/*").AsConfig | indent 2 }}
my application.yaml is present in foo folder and
contains a service name which I need it to be dynamically populated via helm interpolation.
name: {{.Release.Name}}-service
When I dry run , I am getting this
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: conf
application.yaml: "ei:\r\n service:\r\n name: {{.Release.Name}}-service"
but I want name: {{.Release.Name}}-service to contain actual helm release name.
Is it possible to do templating for external files using helm , if yes then how to do it ?
I have gone through https://v2-14-0.helm.sh/docs/chart_template_guide/#accessing-files-inside-templates
I didn't find something which solves my use case.
I can also copy the content to config map yaml and can do interpolation but I don't want to do it. I want application.yml to be in a separate file, so that, it will be simple to deal with config changes..
Helm includes a tpl function that can be used to expand an arbitrary string as a Go template. In your case the output of ...AsConfig is a string that you can feed into the template engine.
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: {{ .Release.Name }}-conf
{{ tpl (.Files.Glob "foo/*").AsConfig . | indent 2 }}
Once you do that you can invoke arbitrary template code from within the config file. For example, it's common enough to have a defined template that produces the name prefix of the current chart as configured, and so your config file could instead specify
name: {{ template "mychart.name" . }}-service
As best I can tell, there is no recursive template evaluation available in helm (nor in Sprig), likely by design
However, in your specific case, if you aren't expecting the full power of golang templates, you can cheat and use Sprig's regexReplaceAllLiteral:
kind: ConfigMap
{{/* here I have used character classes rather that a sea of backslashes
you can use the style you find most legible */}}
{{ $myRx := "[{][{] *[.]Release[.]Name *[}][}]" }}
{{ regexReplaceAllLiteral $myRx (.Files.Glob "foo/*").AsConfig .Release.Name }}
If you genuinely need the full power of golang templates for your config files, then helm, itself, is not the mechanism for doing that -- but helmfile has a lot of fancy tricks for generating the ultimate helm chart that helm will install