I'm getting an error message related to Access-Control-Allow-Origin - server

I'm working with a landing page that uses cdn plyr
<script src="https://cdn.plyr.io/3.3.10/plyr.js"></script>
<script>const player = new Plyr('#player');</script>
I moved a video from local files to a server and changed the src="to new address form server", but the video stopped working and I'm getting this error:
page.html:1 Failed to load https://www.video.mp4: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access.
I tired different things, and even added another videos from other servers and it worked. except my video. The only thing that work is to add crossOrigin="anonymous" to the video tag and install Chrome extension But this wont work for other users, I need something permanent.
I also looked in to many answers:
How does Access-Control-Allow-Origin header work?
Videos not playing due to no Access Control Allow Origin
HTML5 video doesn't play with crossOrigin=“anonymous”
Please any ideas how to make this work?

This is a problem caused when you try to send request from a server that is different from the server you send request to. As in the comment was indicated, only the server you have uploaded your video to can control the header. But if it's your own server you can easily manipulate the code to allow request from different servers.

Try this for a reference on how to enable on your server W3C CORS Enabled


How to fix "load unsafe scripts"?

so I'll start from the very beginning.
Basicly I purchased a template off themeforest and I manually edited the code in a markup editor to match my preferences.
As I was finished, I decided to host my website on github pages - I uploaded my code directory to a repository as you do.
Here's a link to my repository:
Here's a link to my current website URL:
https://kristofferhari.github.io/ (As you can see, everything's kinda buggy)
So I managed to contact the seller and this is what I was provided with:
The reason for that is because the resources are using a http connection and they can’t be loaded on https connection website. So
you have to upload all the resources (scripts/stylesheets) to github
in order to use them on github.
So I suppose that through my browser, I am trying to connect to my website through a https connection rather than an http. (Is this what is actually causing the problem, and what's the difference between a http connection and a https?)
Secondly, how would I upload all my resources (scripts/stylesheets) to github?
Thanks in advance!
There is a relatively simple solution: to use a protocol-relative URL format.
e.g. your error
Mixed Content: The page at 'https://kristofferhari.github.io/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet 'http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:400,700,300,900'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS.
The problem is you are loading
The page is secure (HTTPS), but it's loading insecure content (HTTP).
To fix it, you basically need to change the stylesheet to:
But a more flexible solution is to use a protocol relative format:
which will then work on either http or https.
Apply this change to all included resources.

Unable to play deezer content from javascript-samples. VALID_TOKEN_REQUIRED

I'm exploring the capabilities of deezer javascript sdk.
All looks fine and working on the developer.deezer.com site but when I'm trying to replicate this on my localhost http server it fails to play any song.
create a deezer app with domain being my local ip.
downloaded the https://github.com/deezer/javascript-samples/tree/master/basic-custom-player
changed the index.html to match the app id and the url to the channel.html (again, using my server local ip)
served the files using node.js and a serve-static
launched chrome (windows, latest) and directed it to the /index.html
login button works
but when I hit the play button nothing is played. The chrome network inspector shows A LOT of requests to get the pageAlbum and all those requests fail with VALID_TOKEN_REQUIRED.
Request url (the actual api_token changes with each request and is different than the one from the login request)
Request body
I have also tried:
- get a free domain and try from there, same result
- use the deezer widget from local html files (file:///) and from the local server (http://). same result
What am I missing?
It seems that is has something to do with cookies.
I changed the browser policy to not block third party cookies. And the deezer widget started working. Then I have only allowed third party cookies from [*.]deezer.com and it continued to work. Once I chose to block again all third party cookies, the widget stopped working.

FaceBook loads HTTPS hosted iframe apps via HTTP POST (S3 & CloudFront errors)

I have been trying to write a bucket policy that will allow (X-HTTP-Method-Override) because my research shows that Facebook loads HTTPS hosted iframe apps via HTTP POST instead of HTTP GET which causes S3 and CloudFront errors.
Can anyone please help me with this problem?
This is what's returned from S3 if I served my Facebook app directly from S3:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
- <Error>
<Message>The specified method is not allowed against this resource.</Message>
This is what's returned from CloudFront if I served my Facebook app from CloudFront with S3 as the origin:
The request could not be satisfied.
Generated by cloudfront (CloudFront)
I think the solution should be to write a bucket policy that makes use of X-HTTP-Method-Override... Probably I am wrong though. A solution to this problem would be highly appreciated.
After trying many different ways to get this to work, it turns out that it simply is not possible to make the POST to static content work on S3 as things stand. Even if you allow POST through Cloudfront, enable CORS, change the bucket policy so that the Cloudfront origin identity can GET/PUT etc. it will still throw an error.
As an aside, S3 is not the only thing that balks at responding to such a POST request to static content. If you configure nginx as an origin for a Facebook iframe you will get the same 405 error, though you can work around that problem in a couple of ways (essentially rewriting it to a GET under the covers). You can also change the page (though still static) to be a dynamic extension (.aspx or .php) to work around the issue with nginx.
You can host all your other content on S3 of course, and just move the page that you POST to onto a different origin. With a decent cache time you should see minimal traffic, but it will mean keeping your content in two places. What I ended up doing was:
Creating EC2 instances in an autoscaling group (just in case) to serve the content
They used a cron job to sync the content from S3 every 5 minutes
No change in workflow was required (still just upload content to S3)
It's not ideal, nor is it particularly efficient, but hopefully it will save others a lot of fruitless testing trying to get this to work on S3 alone.
You can set your Cloudfront distribution to allow POST methods.
If you go into your dashboard and edit the Behavior for the distribution
- Then select Allowed HTTP Methods - GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE, OPTIONS
This allows the POST from Facebook to go through to your origin.
I was fighting with S3 and CloudFront for last couple of days. and I confirm that with any bucket policy we cannot redirect POST calls from Facebook to S3 static (JS enriched) contents.
The only solution seems to be the one Adam Comerford mentioned in this thread:
Having a light application which receives Facebook calls then fetching the content from S3 or CloudFront.
If anyone has any other solution or idea it will be appreciated.
you can't change POST to GET - that's the way Facebook loads app page because it also sends data about the current user as POST body (see signed_request for more details). I would suggest you look into fixing your app to make sure it properly responds to POST request.

Tab Page Error: The requested method GET is not allowed

I have just set up a custom tab on my page for the first time. I have thoroughly followed the setup guide and seem to have everything on the Facebook side setup correctly.
However when I view my page it throws the following error:
Method Not Allowed The requested method GET is not allowed for the
URL /Facebook/index.html. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was
encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the
request. Apache/1.3.41 Server at feebnaturals.com.au Port 80
I believe it may be some kind of Apache server config issue, however I'm not that Apache savvy, so not sure where to start.
I had the same problem, but instead of GET, it was POST method which was not allowed. This is a setting on your server. Not server savvy myself, but it seems that my provider didn't allow this method on html-page, but makes no problem on doing the same for php-pages. So all I did was rename my page from .html to .php, updated the app settings in facebook and all works fine now.
This is definitely an error on your side, check your server logs and see what they say - it looks like you've configured the page to only work via a POST request and it's being requested in a GET request

Force the browser to send some HTTP request header

I need to include some secure (BASIC authentication) application.
when I open the application URL in the browser, the browser asks me to enter your credentials ...
what I know is that:
The browser ask the server to get
some URL -- the url of the app
The server checks the request header
for the Authentication header and
didn't find it
The server sends 401 to the
browser back
The browser interpret this response
code into a message dialog that
shows to me asking me to enter the
username/password to send back to
the server in the Authentication
request header
So far... so good, I can write some page (in JSP) that send this required http request header to the request that is calling this page..
So I'll call this application through my page..
The problem here is, this application (in fact a GWT application) contains a reference to some Javascript and CSS files that is coming from the server that hosts this application. the application page that I import looks like:
<link href="http://application_host/cssfile.css" />
<link href="http://application_host/javascriptfile.js" />
So, again I found the application asks me for the authentication crenditals for the css and js files!
I am thinking of many solutions but don't know the applicability of each
One solution is to ask the browser
(via Javascript) to send the request
header (Authentication) when he
asks the server for the js and css
please give me your opinions about that... and any other suggestions will be very welcomed.
I think you're running into some weirdness with how your server is configured. Authentication happens in context of a authentication realm. Your assets should either be in the same authentication realm as your page, or (more likely) should not require authentication at all. The browser should be caching credentials for the given realm, and not prompt for them again.
See the protocol example on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_access_authentication
Judging from your story, something tells me your problem is with the authentication method itsef. Not how to implement it. Why do you want to bother with the request header so much?
As far as i know, you can configure your container (ie Tomcat) to force http authentication for certain urls. Your container will make sure that authentication has taken place. No need to set http headers yourself whatsoever.
Perhaps you can explain a bit better what you are trying to achieve, instead of telling implementation details?
Why css & js files are kept in protected area of server? You need to place files into public area of your server. If you don't have public area, so you nead to prpvide for it. how to do it depends from serverside software architecture & configuration.