jupyter notebook double output - double

I have a problem with double output! It irritates me.
It happens with every output. Please help!

I've fixed this by restarting the kernel and the re-loading the web page (i.e. F5).

Same thing happens for me. I had to shut down the notebook (not just the webpage) and then restart. Restarting Kernel also didn't work.


Resize the terminal in vscode is trigger the ctrl+c to terminate the running command

I'm running the vscode 1.64.2 on Windows 10. Currently i met a strange problem, When i resize the terminal in the vscode and the cursor is focus on the terminal, Then it will trigger ctrl+c . At this time any running command would be terminated immediately .
To avoid this i have to un-focus for the terminal first and then resize it. Any suggestion here?
I was searching about this with no luck. Today I realized about one installed software on my machine that has a global hook on mouse selection. In my case was the QTranslate software. When I exit the application the problem was solved.
Check if you have this or another software that has a global hook on mouse selection.
In VS Code this problem (control C) was happening for any command line inside the terminal. Apart from that, opening Git bash (standalone) I was having the same issue, but not for cmd or another command line.
Hope this helps you because this was driving me crazy.
Absolutely working solution!
I experienced the same problem with mouse strange behavior for a long time, but finally I found out it was the QTranslate's guilt! After I stopped it, the problem has gone. (can't vote up because of my virgin profile here).
PS: I found the solution how to push work both QTranslate and terminal window - just set QTranslate setting "Advanced->Copy action" to "Ctrl+Insert" instead of Ctrl+C.

Ubuntu 16.04 freezes everytime I run the command 'make qemu'. How can I solve it?

I searched this solution on the internet but couldn't find much. I am doing my Operating System assignment on XV6. I am using the shell file below every time I need to emulate on qemu.
make clean
make qemu
Qemu emulator runs and asks for command. Then it freezes suddenly and makes whole screen shadowy. Mouse pointer disappears and I can't close any window. I can't figure out what's wrong with it as I am new to it. Any solution or link would be helpful. Thank you.

Visual Studio Code freezing up my computer

So I have been using VS Code for a while now, and as of recently when I start up the program, within a couple minutes, my entire computer freezes. I have attempted re-installing it. I have made sure im on the latest update, and I have not recently installed any extensions in the days leading up to this issue.
It is consistently freezing though. Even after restarting my computer and re-installing the application. I have no clue what could be causing this but I really do enjoy VS Code and would like to not have to swap to something else.
Any help is of course greatly apprecaited. Thanks!
I got the same issue in my Ubuntu 16.04.
I did switch off git.autorefresh in the Settings, then it works flawlessly and smoothly
If the problem keeps occurring, I guess an extension is causing the issue (must be).
Try to remove the extensions one by one or disable it in settings then test again. I got the same issue and its fixed after removing the git blame extension.
I had the same problem and adding these settings to Visual Studio Code the PC freezing doesn't happen anymore:
Open VS Code settings (press F1 -> "Preferences: Open Settings
Add these json properties at the end of your settings
"search.searchOnType": true,
"search.followSymlinks": false,
"search.collapseResults": "auto",
"search.maxResults": 2000,
Save settings.
It freezes a lot too
if you check task manager without vs code it should okay but after you open vs code and try it its the disk has like 100% or something that's why it's freezing

IPython reloading modified module

I'm running ipython in Linux terminal. Every time I change my source file I need to restart it; otherwise it uses the old version. I have seen this but it doesn't offer a firm answer. I was wondering if there is anything I could do?
Please see if this helps. We can use autoreload in IPython to make it reload files before executing any new lines.

jupyter notebook dropdown menus not working

Recently the dropdown menus in jupyter / ipython notebook have stopped working. I'm loathe to do a full anaconda reinstall without first understanding what's going wrong.
Hopefully this gif is sufficiently self explanatory of the problem. There's no error messages appearing that I can see in terminal. The other buttons in the header still work.
Updating jupyter did not work for me, however, disabling my pop-up blocker did the trick ('poper blocker' for Firefox in my case)
conda update jupyter
seemed to the fix the problem somehow, even when reinstalling Anaconda did not.
I had a very similar issue, I could click on most of the menu items but just not the file menu. It wasn't an issue then one day it was. I deleted a chrome extension that I had: Kernel Hub, which I never used but was suppose to push kaggle updates to github, then I refreshed the page. I dunno if it was removing the extension up refreshing that fixed it but now it works.
For me it was a Chrome extension that caused the problem. I uninstalled it, reloaded the Jupyter Notebook page and the menus opened normally again.