How to add a view to SceneKit? - swift

I am very new to Swift and currently coding a minigolf game.
However, the player can hit the ball n times.
How do I make a simple view which should show how many hits the player has left?

I think that you want something like this:
First of all, i recommend you to create a function to call when the game is restarted, there you can reset the scene, reset the player moves, etc...
You may do this like:
func restart(){
//Everything you need to restart the game
To call it later you just have to:
Ok, let's go to what you asked now:
declare a Int variable that contains the number of moves that the player has:
var playerMoves = 10 //Whatever number you want
Ok, you have a variable that contains the number of moves, now you have to show this on your scene, to do this, create an SKLabelNode:
let moveLabel = SKLabelNode()
Now, set the label text to be equal your playerMoves, set the position, the zPosition, the font, whatever you want:
moveLabel.text = "\(playerMoves)" //add this line to restart function that i mentioned and also set the variable playerMoves to "n" again.
moveLabel.position = ....
moveLabel.fontSize = ....
moveLabel.zPosition = ... //A number higher than any other zPosition
addChild(moveLabel) //Don't forget to add the label to scene!
Thats it! And now you have to update the playerMoves every time the player moves, to do this i'm assuming you are controlling somehow when the player moves (using update function, touches began, created a function, etc....)
so...when the player take one move:
playerMoves -= 1
moveLabel.text = "\(playerMoves)"

there are several ways to go about it. the most common way would be to overlay a spritekit scene over the scenekit scene. in the spritekit scene you can have a label element that you update
the code might look something like
let overlay = SKScene(fileNamed: "yourspritekitscene.sks")
yourScnView.overlaySKScene = menuOverlay
you can also assign a spritekit scene as a texture on a 3D object in your scene. or you can can make the numbers a texture you swap as you count down.


SKEmitterNode tied to a moving SKNode

I am attempting to move a SKEmitterNode to follow a bullet in my game to give it a trailing effect however, no matter which way I attempt to implement this, it doesn't seem to work how I want it to and I'm at a loss for how to make this.
I have attempted to add the emitter to my main scene and manually moved the node a few times per second but it ends up not leaving a trail and keeping all the particles in one place like this:
Next I attempted to set the target node, however when I do this the trail goes for a bit then stops rather than following the bullet like it's supposed to. It also rotates and distorts from the rotation of the projectile like shown here:
For reference of the type of effect I'm looking for:
You should populate the targetNode property of your emitter with a node that is not moving like the scene.
emitterNode.targetNode = self // where self is the current scene

Swift SpriteKit: How to make a sprite gain slight velocity when it collides with an object?

Im creating a game that where you tap to start the player to make him jump, and then as he goes up, more and more objects generate for you to collect to gain points (think of doodle jump). I have it set up so this will happen, but instead of being given a boost by the object, he just floats up out of the scene. Id also like to know how to remove the object from the scene when the player touches it. Thanks in advance(:
Here is my code for making him gain velocity when he touches the object:
func bounceOff() {
player.physicsBody?.affectedByGravity = false
player.physicsBody?.applyImpulse(CGVectorMake(0, 10))
let advance = SKAction.moveByX(0, y: 10, duration: 5)
Your object goes off the screen because you cancel gravity. The impulse you apply pushes up, but there is no force pulling down. As to removing node from the scene. You can use node's removeFromParent method.

Q: How do I move objects down the y axis as my player moves up?

Creating a game like Doodle Jump where my player is constantly being moved up by bouncing off of obstacles. Ive tried every trick in the book but nothing seems to be working/doing exactly what I want. Can anyone give me some tips?
iOS 9 introduced the Camera Node. Use SKCameraNode, which is a subclass of SKNode, and can be translated and rotated in same way.
So, instead of moving all of your background elements in the opposite direction of your hero/player, you can simply attach your scene's camera node to your hero/player and the rest is taken care of.
PS. You can also do cool stuff like scaling the camera size.
Happy to include an example.
First, make a camera constant in your scene.
import SpriteKit
class myFirstScene: SKScene {
let myCamera: SKCameraNode = SKCameraNode()
Then in your didMoveToView() function, assign the scene's built-in camera variable to the camera constant we made earlier.
override func didMoveToView( view: SKView ) {
camera = myCamera
Now, there are a few different ways to "attach" your camera to your hero/player. The first is to attach your camera node to your hero.
hero.addChild( myCamera )
I don't even know if it works that easily because my game uses something different, a simpler version is below.
camera!.zRotation = hero.zRotation
camera!.position = hero.position

SpriteKit- How to zoom-in and zoom-out of an SKScene?

If I'm making a game in SpriteKit that has a large "world", and I need the user to have the option of zooming in and out of the SKScene, how would I go about this? Or, to make things simpler, in the didMoveToView function, how can I present more of the world to the user's device's screen (without using world.runAction(SKAction.scaleTo(0.5)) or something)?
There's a SKCameraNode that's built specifically for this. The SKCameraNode defines the viewport into your scene. You create a camera node and assign it to the camera property of your scene.
let cameraNode = SKCameraNode()
cameraNode.position = CGPoint(x: scene.size.width / 2, scene.size.height / 2)
scene.addChild(cameraNode) = cameraNode
You can then create actions and run those actions on the camera. So to zoom in on the scene, you'd do this.
let zoomInAction = SKAction.scale(to: 0.5, duration: 1)
The cameraNode basically is a square node in the scene, that I think takes the proportions of the view by default? Cuz there's no size initializer. So when you make it smaller, the scene looks like it gets zoomed. To zoom out you'd make an action that increases the scale. Basically imagine a rectangle on your entire scene, and whatever is in the cameraNode's rectangle directly shows on your iPhone screen. You can also add moveTo actions and sequence actions and set timingModes on the actions same as if it were your normal spriteNode.
Here's the WWDC where the apple guy shows what I've just said. CameraNode bit is around 3 mins before the end.
So, the best solution I could could find goes something like this. In the didMoveToView function, create an SKSpriteNode called World and make it whatever size you want your world to be. Then, write world.setScale(0.5) if you want a 50% zoom-out. However, if you have a player node that needs to always be centered in the screen, you'll need to add the following to your update function.
override func update(currentTime: CFTimeInterval) {
world.position.x = -player.position.x * (0.5)
world.position.y = -player.position.y * (0.5)

SKSprite.addChild at location

In Swift, I have some code like this:
let wand = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Wand")
let item = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Item")
func didBeginContact(contact: SKPhysicsContact) {
var imageToAdd = contact.bodyB.node?.name
wand.addChild(SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: imageToAdd!))
What I want is when a certain type of item touches the wand, I want to attach it to the wand. The bitmap masks are set and all of that works perfectly. But, when addChild adds the image, it's in the center of the wand and I want to control where it gets added.
Additional information. I'm using physicsBody to animate the wand and the items. The wand is controlled by the user touching the screen. I tried a few ways to connect the two objects, SKPhysicsJointFixed.jointWithBodyA and SKPhysicsJointSliding.jointWithBodyA but couldn't get it to work the way I wanted. I think joining the two physics bodies is overkill for what I'm doing, but I could be wrong. My real goal is:
1) to add (or join) one sprite (the wand) to another sprite (an item)
2) allow the wand to continue to be controlled (animated) by the user touch
3) have control over the relative position of the item in relation to some point on the wand.
It's the third item that is tough. Any help is appreciated, let me know if you need to see more code.
Your First Question:
The default position of the SKSpriteNode is (0,0) so if you add it to a parent node, the SKSpriteNode will thus be in the middle of the parent node's coordinate system. If you want to add the image a bit higher on the wand, lets say 100 points up, you just say imageToAdd.position = CGPointMake(0,100). The child node will remain attached at that location. Another option of course is to create a joint, which isn't overkill at all if you want the wand and the attachment to have physics properties.
Your Second Question:
As long as you don't remove the physics body from the wand, it will still be there and could be controlled by the user.
Your Third Question:
The attached item will have a certain position relative to the wand since you created it as a child node. If you need to move the item you would create an SKAction. For example, if you needed to move the item down the wand, you could say:
moveDownWand = SKAction.moveByX(0.0, y: pointsToMoveDownBy, duration: someDuration)
Hope this helps, let me know if you have questions.
Thanks #M321K, you put me on the right track! Here is what I did:
var nodeToAdd = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: imageToAdd!)
nodeToAdd.position = CGPointMake(0, -40)
I had to create the sprite and set it's position before adding it to the wand. Huge help, thanks much.