So I have the following Tk interface and I want to run my clients and servers from it.
The problem is that when I want to run the servers for example, it won't keep them opened and will execute them only once and then close them, like a normal Tcl script.
Can you tell me a way to open and run a script and keep it running without?
package require Tk
wm title . "Image Organizor"
grid [ttk::frame .c -padding "3 3 12 12"] -column 0 -row 0 -sticky nwes
grid [ttk::label .c.serverLabel -text "Servers"] -column 1 -row 1 -sticky e
grid [ttk::label .c.idServerLabel -text "Test Clients"] -column 2 -row 1 - sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.slbl -text "Server" -command server] -column 1 -row 2 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.idlbl -text "Id Server" -command idServer] -column 1 -row 3 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.c1lbl -text "Client 1" -command client1] -column 2 -row 2 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.c2lbl -text "Client 2" -command client2] -column 2 -row 3 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.c3lbl -text "Client 3" -command client3] -column 3 -row 2 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.c4lbl -text "Client 4" -command client4] -column 3 -row 3 -sticky e
grid [ttk::button .c.configlbl -text "Config" -command config] -column 1 -row 4 -sticky e
foreach w [winfo children .c] {grid configure $w -padx 5 -pady 5}
proc server {} {
source ImageOrganizor/imageOrganizorServer.tcl
proc config {} {
exec notepad.exe ImageOrganizor/config.txt
You could run the script in a separate thread using thread::create
Or simply execute the script via shell in a separate process, e.g. exec ImageOrganizor/imageOrganizorServer.tcl
Or source your code at root level and execute a proc to start your server, which might in turn either start a thread, execute or fork a new process.
function param-simple {
Param([string]$user_, [string]$host_, [Parameter(position=0,ValueFromRemainingArguments)]$params_)
write-host "[*]user: $user_"
write-host "[*]host: $host_"
for($i=0; $i -lt $params_.count; $i++){ write-host " [$i] $($params_[$i])" }
function param-twice {
Param([string]$first_, [string]$second_, [string[]][Parameter(position=0,ValueFromRemainingArguments)]$params1_)
write-host "[-] first: $first_"
write-host "[-] second: $second_"
$params2_ = #()
$params1_ | foreach-object { $params2_ += $_ }
param-simple #params2_ # also not work for #params1_, but work for #args
function param-simple works properly if it's called directly, but it will not if it's called through the function param-twice
D:\MyTour\PowerShell01>param-simple -first f -second s -user u -host h 1 2
[*]user: u
[*]host: h
[0] -first
[1] f
[2] -second
[3] s
[4] 1
[5] 2
D:\MyTour\PowerShell01>param-twice -first f -second s -user u -host h 1 2
[-] first: f
[-] second: s
[0] -user
[1] u
[2] -host
[3] h
[4] 1
[5] 2
Would you kindly look into it?
I have script D, C and B :
ScriptD.ps1 ← caller
ScriptC.ps1 ← script path without space
Script B.ps1 ← script path with space
Script B & ScriptC:
Param([int]$Major, [int]$Minor, [String[]]$Output = #())
Write-Host "`n_______________________________________________________________________________________`n"
Write-Host "Script C:`nMajor = $Major ($($Major.GetType()))`nMinor = $Minor ($($Minor.GetType()))`nOutput = $Output (Type: $($Output.GetType()), Length: $($Output.Length))" -ForegroundColor Green
foreach($string in $Output) {
Write-Host "`t- $string"
Then I call ScriptC.ps1, Script B.ps1 from ScriptD.ps1:
$cmd1 = "C:\ScriptTest\ScriptC.ps1 -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B"
powershell -Command $cmd1 #WORK
$cmd2 = "C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1 -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B"
powershell -Command $cmd2 #DON'T WORK
$cmd2 = "'C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1' -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B" #DON'T WORK
$cmd2 = '"C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1" -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B' #DON'T WORK
$cmd2 = $('"{0}"' -f ("C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1")) + " -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B" #DON'T WORK
If there are spaces in the script path or in a variable the call don't work. Adding single quotes will not solve that problem.
What's wrong?
How could I use the -Command parameter with spaces in path and passed variables?
Don't do what you're doing. There is zero reason to invoke PowerShell scripts from another PowerShell script the way you do.
$cmd1 = "C:\ScriptTest\ScriptC.ps1 -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B"
powershell -Command $cmd1
$cmd2 = "C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1 -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B"
powershell -Command $cmd2
C:\ScriptTest\ScriptC.ps1 -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B
& "C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1" -Major 1 -Minor 2 -Output A,B
and everything will work.
Even if you needed to start the other scripts in a separate process you wouldn't use the approach you chose, but something like this:
$paramsc = '-File', 'C:\ScriptTest\ScriptC.ps1',
'-Major', 1, '-Minor', 2, '-Output', 'A,B'
Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -ArgumentList $paramsc
$paramsb = '-File', '"C:\ScriptTest\Script B.ps1"',
'-Major', 1, '-Minor', 2, '-Output', 'A,B'
Start-Process 'powershell.exe' -ArgumentList $paramsb
The ugly nested quotes in the second example are required because the script path contains a space and must thus be in double quotes for the creation of the external process. However, I doubt that you'll be able to pass output variables back to the caller across process boundaries.
$sImageMagickHome = "C:\ImageMagick"
$sImageMagickConv = "$sImageMagickHome\convert.exe"
$sImageMagickArgs = #( '--%',
'-background transparent',
'-fill hsb(0,0,0)',
'-font Arial',
'-pointsize 18',
'-size 18x26',
'-gravity center')
for ( $i = 0x01; $i -le 0x05; $i++ )
$y = [char]$i
& $sImageMagickConv $sImageMagickArgs label:$y $sCharsDir\$y.png
#Write-Host $sImageMagickConv $sImageMagickArgs label:$y $sCharsDir\$y.png
Using Write-Host I can get an example to copy paste into the command line and I find it does run correctly if I run this single line from the PowerShell prompt:
C:\ImageMagick\convert.exe --% -background transparent -fill hsb(0,0,0) -font Arial -pointsize 18 -size 18x26 -gravity center label:☺ C:\Users\erics_000\Desktop\Output\Chars\☺.png
Using the call operator '&' from inside the script does not work at all however and leads to some error messages:
convert.exe: UnableToOpenBlob `--%': No such file or directory # error/blob.c/OpenBlob/2697.
convert.exe: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `' # error/constitute.c/ReadImage/501.
convert.exe: UnrecognizedOption `-background transparent' # error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/858.
The article I have been reading is:
Thank you...
The following script works for me:
$sImageMagickHome = "C:\dev\im"
$sImageMagickConv = "$sImageMagickHome\convert.exe"
$sImageMagickArgs = #('-background', 'transparent',
'-fill', 'hsb(0,0,0)',
'-font', 'Arial',
'-pointsize', '18',
'-size', '18x26',
'-gravity', 'center')
for ( $i = 65; $i -le 67; $i++ )
$y = [char]$i
& $sImageMagickConv $sImageMagickArgs label:$y c:\dev\$y.bmp
Note that you cannot just Write-Host the arguments and try running it from command line, Powershell does special processing for & operator (adds quotes where needed), which it does not when you pass same arguments to Write-Host.
You'd probably want to install PSCX and play around with echoargs utility bundled with it to gain better understanding of how arguments are passed.
I am extremely new to PowerShell tool making so forgive my ignorance. I imported the WPK module and am trying to create a box with multiple fields. One of those fields is a password field but it shows the password as it's being typed. I am unsure of how to make it so that while typing the text is hidden.
New-TextBlock -Text "Database Login Name" `
-Row 2 -Column 0 -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBox -Name DbLoginId `
-Row 2 -Column 1 -Margin 4
New-TextBlock -Text "Db Login Password" `
-Row 3 -Column 0 -VerticalAlignment Center -Margin 5
New-TextBox -Name DbLoginPassword `
-Row 3 -Column 1 -Margin 4
Just a heads up, I am not a programmer what so ever. I am a Database Administrator but I have been thrown into this development project so I am literally learning on the fly right about now.
Change your password TextBox to a PasswordBox.
New-PasswordBox -Name DbLoginPassword `
-Row 3 -Column 1 -Margin 4
In an example script, I want to execute one block of code if my variable matches 1, another one if it matches 2, 3, 5, or 8, and a different block for 4, 6, or 7.
I'd like to do something like this:
1 {'Condition 1'}
2 -or 3 -or -5 -or 8 {'Condition 2'}
4 -or 6 -or 7 {'Condition 3'}
But this doesn't work. Is there a way to do this sort of work with switch, without having to spell out all 8 options individually, or are multiple if statements the only way to go?
Another option, if you want to treat the values as numbers instead of strings:
switch ($x)
1 {'Condition 1'}
{$_ -in 2,3,5,8} {'Condition 2'}
{$_ -in 4,6,7} {'Condition 3'}
You can use the -Regex option and do something like this:
switch -Regex ($x)
'1' {'Condition 1'}
'[2358]' {'Condition 2'}
'[467]' {'Condition 3'}