Unity saving inputfield - unity3d

I am making a 2D platformer where I want the users inputted name to hover over there character.
This is what the menu screen looks like
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class set_usernames : MonoBehaviour {
public InputField name;
public InputField second_name;
private string Bader_input_name;
private string Dwarf_input_name;
public void updatename(string name){
public void setget()
//Debug.Log (name.text);
Bader_input_name = name.text;
Dwarf_input_name = second_name.text;
Debug.Log ("name was " + Bader_input_name);
Debug.Log ("name was " + Dwarf_input_name);
SceneManager.LoadScene ("map_select");
This is the error message I get

Basically what that means is that you are trying to access an object that's not instantiated. I have no idea how are you trying to access the input but the easiest way is to make two public inputs in your UIController drag and drop them in Unity and access the Text property of input objects like so: myInput.Text.


Trying to record level time data and print to screen at the end Unity 2D

So I have a 2D platformer parkour game which holds a timer when player starts level. I have 5 levels and at the end of each level, I want to keep the last time value and display them at the end of the game.
So far, I tried to hold the last time value when player triggers the End portal and store them in an array in the code below. Here are the scripts:
Time Data Manager Script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class timeDataManager : MonoBehaviour
public string[] timeDataArr;
void Start(){
void Update(){
public void AddTimeData(string timeData, int levelBuildIndex){
timeDataArr[levelBuildIndex-1] = timeData.ToString();
End Portal Script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class EndPortal : MonoBehaviour
public AudioSource aSrc;
private int sceneNumber;
public GameObject bgAudio;
public Text scoreText;
string textData;
public timeDataManager tDManager;
void Start(){
sceneNumber = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex;
tDManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TimeDataManager").GetComponent<timeDataManager>();
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D col){
if (col.gameObject.tag == "Player"){
textData = scoreText.text;
As I said before, I tried to keep all timer values at the end of each level and store them in an array in my timeDataManager script. But it's not working.
Any ideas on how to fix? Or do you have any other ideas? Thanks a lot for your time.
Issylin's answer is a better solution for your needs but i want to mention couple of things about your code.
One thing about your timeDataArr. If you don't touch it in inspector, you need to initialize it first. So let's say, if you want to hold 5 levels of time data, you need to do something like;
public string[] timeDataArr = new string[5];
public class timeDataManager : MonoBehaviour
public string[] timeDataArr;
public int sceneAmount_TO_HoldTimeData = 5;
void Start()
timeDataArr = new string[sceneAmount_TO_HoldTimeData];
public class timeDataManager : MonoBehaviour
public string[] timeDataArr;
public int sceneAmount_NOT_ToHoldTimeData = 1;
void Start()
timeDataArr = new string[SceneManager.sceneCountInBuildSettings - sceneAmount_NOT_ToHoldTimeData];
Another thing is you need to be careful about levelBuildIndex-1. If you call that in first scene,
will be 0 and levelBuildIndex-1 will be -1 or in Debug part it will be timeDataArr[-1] but array indexes must start with 0. So it will throw an error.
One more thing, this is not an error or problem. Instead of this part
tDManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TimeDataManager").GetComponent<timeDataManager>();
you can do
tDManager = FindObjectOfType<timeDataManager>();
There are several way to achieve what you're trying to do.
The easier would be to use a static class for such a simple data like the one you're carrying through your game.
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Time_Data
/// TODO
/// Add the members
/// e.g. your time format as string or whatever,
/// the scene index, etc
public static class Time_Manager
private static List<Time_Data> _times;
public static void Add_Time(in Time_Data new_time)
public static List<Time_Data> Get_Times()
return _times;
public static void Clear_Data()
Use it like any other static methods within your OnTriggerEnter2D call.
Time_Manager.Add( /* your new data here */ );
The other way, if you intend to stay with a game object within your scenes, would be to use the DontDestroyOnLoad method from Unity so your game object which has your script timeDataManager would remain.
Note that in your code, using string[] might be unsafe. For your use of it, consider using a List<string>.

The game object does not have a script attached to it

- error message
After completing the bullet script operation, I tried to insert the script into Bullet Sprite in 2D Object format, but an error was displayed and the insertion was not possible. I tried turning off and on the editor because I thought it was a bug because I had the same file name and class name, but it didn't work. Do you happen to know about this problem? The editor version is 2021.3.11f1.
Bullet Script
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Pool;
public class Bullet : MonoBehaviour
private float speed = 10f;
private IObjectPool<Bullet> pool;
void Update()
public void SetPool(IObjectPool<Bullet> bulletPool)
Launcher.Instance.bulletPool = pool;
private void OnBecameInvisible()
I turned off and on the editor and changed the class name because I thought it was different.

Photon, RPC not working, how can I fix my code?

I'm trying to synchronize text in a unit between players, but I'm getting an error.
I just need to sync the text
[1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/0l98U.png
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using Photon.Pun;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class Sync : MonoBehaviourPunCallbacks
private PhotonView view;
public Text textGame;
public Text copied;
void Start()
view = GetComponent<PhotonView>();
public void sync()
view.RPC("ViewAll", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, textGame.text);
public void ViewAll(string tG)
tG = copied.text;
The error is telling you that the "view" variable has not been assigned and is therefore null.
To assign it you can make that field public, and in the inspector you
assign the photonView you want, I guess that of the player.
Alternatively you can assign "view" not from the inspector but in a
Start() or Awake() method. If the photonView you want to associate is
on the same GameObject as the script, you can write like this:
void Awake()
view = GetComponent();
However, the easiest answer is to replace "view" with "photonView".
It will have the same result as the solutions described above, but it will be very simple.
enter code here
public void sync()
view.RPC("ViewAll", RpcTarget.AllBuffered, textGame.text);
I have not directly given you the simple slogan to make you fully understand the problem and to help you solve it.

Why is my unity scene script not working?

using a button to load a scene and iam just getting the error "Assets\Scripts\button_press.cs(15,59): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'UnityEngine.Object' to 'string'"
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
public class button_press : MonoBehaviour
public Object sceneToLoad;
public void PlayGame ()
public void QuitGame()
Debug.Log (" You have quit");
The LoadScene API expects either an integer referring to the scene number in the build, or a string referring to the name of the scene (generally preferred).
You should define your sceneToLoad field as a string rather than an Object.

Accessing struct list on Start() gives NullReferenceError

What in the name of god am I doing wrong here? Every time I run the game I get this: "NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object". I know what that means I just don't get why it is saying that?
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
public static Inventory instance;
public List<InventoryItems> INVENTORY_ITEMS = new List<InventoryItems>();
void Awake(){
instance = this;
void Start(){
Debug.Log(instance.INVENTORY_ITEMS); // ERROR
public struct InventoryItems
public string name;
This is how you should write this code:
using UnityEngine;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class Inventory : MonoBehaviour {
public static Inventory instance;
public List<InventoryItems> INVENTORY_ITEMS;//do not initialize here
void Awake(){
instance = this;
INVENTORY_ITEMS = new List<InventoryItems>();//init here instead
void Start(){
Debug.Log(instance.INVENTORY_ITEMS); //no ERROR
public struct InventoryItems
public string name;
Added note:
The reason for this error is that the value of a public serializable member in monobehaviour is being read from the editor (inspector) overwriting any value being assigned to it prior to Awake.
I suggest either change the list accessor to internal, or make it a property, or keep it public but let inspector handle the initialization and adding the initial elements.
Added another note:
According to Programmer and Uri Popov, your original code most certainly will work on unity 5.4 and later.