Can't call method "import" without a package or object reference - perl

My Perl CGI program uses the import function, I am calling a .pm file.
In the following code, when $projectID is a string—for example "try"—there are no import errors. But if it is numeric—e.g. "0689"—then the following error appears
Can't call method "import" without a package or object reference at aa.cgi line 993.
my $projectID = "0689"
my $gTable = "vg" . $tm . ".pm";
my $new_vPath = $hconfig::usersPNG . $vnm;
my $gen_listPath = $usersTMP . $gTable;
if ( -e $new_venPath && -e $gen_listPath ) {
require $projectID . '/' . $gTable;
import $projectID . '/' . $gTable; # try2/ -> no error # 0689/ -> import error

What is going on here is that import is not a built-in Perl function. Instead, it is a method that use typically calls on a package after it is loaded - you seem to be trying to call it on a filename, which won't work.
I guess you are trying to dynamically load a package based on the contents of those variables. Here's one way of several to do that:
my $filename = '/path/to/Package/';
my $packagename = 'Package::Name';
require $filename;
One thing to keep in mind about loading modules dynamically like this is that, unlike modules loaded by use, Perl won't know about the functions exported from those packages at compile time. The consequence is that you can't omit parentheses from calls to those functions.
So for example: If you have a module Foo that exports a function foo, you could say: use Foo; foo "bar";. But if you instead load Foo with the above code, you have to say foo("bar");.
By the way, I doubt that 0689::vg76 is the name of one of your packages. If you could explain more about what you're trying to load, i.e. what the files 0689/ look like and what you're loading from them (like, do they actually have a sub import?), perhaps we could suggest a more fitting method of loading them.
The reason that import $projectID . '/' . $gTable; is still valid syntax is that Perl is interpreting it as Indirect Object Syntax, wherein method_name $object #parameters; is taken as $object->method_name(#parameters);.
The indirect object syntax is mostly used when printing to a filehandle, as in print $filehandle $output, but other than that, its use is discouraged, one reason being the confusing syntax issues you are observing here.
You can use use B::Deparse to see how Perl interprets your source code:
$ perl -MO=Deparse,-p -e 'import $projectID . "/" . $gTable;'
(($projectID->import . '/') . $gTable);
The reason you are getting that error message is that, on Perl releases before v5.18 (references: bug, commit, delta), the string on the left of the -> was required to be a known name, or start with an alphanumeric character. (And even though as of v5.18, you can theoretically say "0689/vg76"->import, that's almost certainly not what you want, as I explained above.)


writing reflective method to load variables from conf file, and assigning references?

I'm working with ugly code and trying to do a cleanup by moving values in a module into a configuration file. I want to keep the modules default values if a variable doesn't exist in the conf file, otherwise use the conf file version. There are lots of variables (too many) in the module so I wanted a helper method to support this. This is a first refactoring step, I likely will go further to better handle config variables later, but one step at a time.
I want a method that would take a variable in my module and either load the value from conf or set a default. So something like this (writing this from scratch, so treat it as just pseudocode for now)
Our ($var_a, $var_b ...);
export($var_a, $var_b ...);
my %conf = #load config file
load_var(\$var_a, "foo");
load_var(\$var_b, "$var_abar");
sub load_var($$){
my($variable_ref, $default) = #_
my $variale_name = Dumper($$variable_ref); #get name of variable
my $variable_value = $conf{$variable_name} // $default;
#update original variable by having $variable_ref point to $variable_value
So two questions here. First, does anyone know if some functionality like my load_var already exists which I an reuse?
Second, if I have to write it from scratch, can i do it with a perl version older then 5.22? when I read perlref it refers to setting references as being a new feature in 5.22, but it seems odd that such a basic behavior of references wasn't implemented sooner, so I'm wonder if I'm misunderstanding the document. Is there a way to pass a variable to my load_var method and ensure it's actually updated?
For this sort of problem, I would be thinking along the lines of using the AUTOLOAD - I know it's not quite what you asked, but it's sort of doing a similar thing:
If you call a subroutine that is undefined, you would ordinarily get an immediate, fatal error complaining that the subroutine doesn't exist. (Likewise for subroutines being used as methods, when the method doesn't exist in any base class of the class's package.) However, if an AUTOLOAD subroutine is defined in the package or packages used to locate the original subroutine, then that AUTOLOAD subroutine is called with the arguments that would have been passed to the original subroutine.
Something like:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package Narf;
use Data::Dumper;
use strict;
use warnings;
my %conf = ( fish => 1,
carrot => "banana" );
print "Loading $AUTOLOAD\n";
##read config file
my $target = $AUTOLOAD =~ s/.*:://gr;
print $target;
return $conf{$target} // 0;
sub boo {
print "Boo!\n";
You can either call it OO style, or just 'normally' - but bear in mind this creates subs, not variables, so you might need to specify the package (or otherwise 'force' an import/export)
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Narf;
print Narf::fish(),"\n";
print Narf::carrot(),"\n";
print Narf::somethingelse(),"\n";
print Narf::boo;
Note - as these are autoloaded, they're not in the local namespace. Related to variables you've got this perlmonks discussion but I'm not convinced that's a good line to take, for all the reasons outlined in Why it's stupid to `use a variable as a variable name'

get caller module code in perl

How could I get actual code from the caller module in perl?
package some_module;
use my_module;
package my_module;
sub import {
my $package = caller;
my $code = actual perl code of;
Is this possible, or would I have to use an open function? I would think source filters do something similar.
There's a CPAN module called B::Hooks::Parser that allows you to not just see, but alter the line where you were called. (That is, not alter it on disk, but alter what Perl sees while it's parsing the line.) Though you cannot see or alter the part of the line which has already been compiled. This only works at compile time of course, and because the Perl parser reads and tokenizes one line at a time, it is limited to looking at a single line.
If you need to see the entire file that's called you, you can use:
open my $caller_fh, '<', (caller)[1]
or die("Cannot open caller: $!");
However (caller)[1] might not always return a real filename - for example, if you are called from a one-liner, it will be "-e", or from a stringy eval will be something like "(eval 23)".

identify a procedure and replace it with a different procedure

What I want to achieve:
old_procedure(arg1, arg2);
I have a huge code which has a old procedure in it. I want that the call to that old_procedure go to a call to a new procedure (new_procedure(arg1, arg2)) with the same arguments.
Now I know, the question seems pretty stupid but the trick is I am not allowed to change the code or the bad_function. So the only thing I can do it create a procedure externally which reads the code flow or something and then whenever it finds the bad_function, it replaces it with the new_function. They have a void type, so don't have to worry about the return values.
I am usng perl. If someone knows how to atleast start in this direction...please comment or answer. It would be nice if the new code can be done in perl or C, but other known languages are good too. C++, java.
EDIT: The code is written in shell script and perl. I cannot edit the code and I don't have location of the old_function, I mean I can find it...but its really tough. So I can use the package thing pointed out but if there is a way around that I could parse the thread with that function and replace function calls. Please don't remove tags as I need suggestions from java, C++ experts also.
EDIT: #mirod
So I tried it out and your answer made a new subroutine and now there is no way of accessing the old one. I had created an variable which checks the value to decide which way to go( old_sub or new_sub) there a way to add the variable in the new code...which sends the control back to old_function if it is not set...
use BadPackage; # sub is defined there
{ package BapPackage;
no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine bad_sub redefined" message
# check for the variable and send to old_sub if the var is not set
sub bad_sub
{ # good code
# Thanks #mirod
This is easier to do in Perl than in a lot of other languages, but that doesn't mean it's easy, and I don't know if it's what you want to hear. Here's a proof-of-concept:
Let's take some broken code:
# file name: Some/
package Some::Package;
use base 'Exporter';
our #EXPORT = qw(forty_two nineteen);
sub forty_two { 19 }
sub nineteen { 19 }
# file name:
use Some::Package;
print "forty-two plus nineteen is ", forty_two() + nineteen();
Running the program perl produces the output:
forty-two plus nineteen is 38
It is given that the files Some/ and are broken and immutable. How can we fix their behavior?
One way we can insert arbitrary code to a perl command is with the -M command-line switch. Let's make a repair module:
# file:
no warnings 'redefine';
*forty_two = *Some::Package::forty_two = sub { 42 };
Now running the program perl -MMyRepairs produces:
forty-two plus nineteen is 61
Our repair module uses a CHECK block to execute code in between the compile-time and run-time phase. We want our code to be the last code run at compile-time so it will overwrite some functions that have already been loaded. The -M command-line switch will run our code first, so the CHECK block delays execution of our repairs until all the other compile time code is run. See perlmod for more details.
This solution is fragile. It can't do much about modules loaded at run-time (with require ... or eval "use ..." (these are common) or subroutines defined in other CHECK blocks (these are rare).
If we assume the shell script that runs is also immutable (i.e., we're not allowed to change perl to perl -MMyRepairs, then we move up one level and pass the -MMyRepairs in the PERL5OPT environment variable:
PERL5OPT="-I/path/to/MyRepairs -MMyRepairs" bash
These are called automated refactoring tools and are common for other languages. For Perl though you may well be in a really bad way because parsing Perl to find all the references is going to be virtually impossible.
Where is the old procedure defined?
If it is defined in a package, you can switch to the package, after it has been used, and redefine the sub:
use BadPackage; # sub is defined there
{ package BapPackage;
no warnings; # to avoid the "Subroutine bad_sub redefined" message
sub bad_sub
{ # good code
If the code is in the same package but in a different file (loaded through a require), you can do the same thing without having to switch package.
if all the code is in the same file, then change it.
sed -i 's/old_procedure/new_procedure/g codefile
Is this what you mean?

Finding files with Perl

File::Find and the wanted subroutine
This question is much simpler than the original title ("prototypes and forward declaration of subroutines"!) lets on. I'm hoping the answer, however simple, will help me understand subroutines/functions, prototypes and scoping and the File::Find module.
With Perl, subroutines can appear pretty much anywhere and you normally don't need to make forward declarations (except if the sub declares a prototype, which I'm not sure how to do in a "standard" way in Perl). For what I usually do with Perl there's little difference between these different ways of running somefunction:
sub somefunction; # Forward declares the function
somefunction; # Bare word warning under `strict subs`
I often use find2perl to generate code which I crib/hack into parts of scripts. This could well be bad style and now my dirty laundry is public, but so be it :-) For File::Find the wanted function is a required subroutine - find2perl creates it and adds sub wanted; to the resulting script it creates. Sometimes, when I edit the script I'll remove the "sub" from sub wanted and it ends up as &wanted; or wanted();. But without the sub wanted; forward declaration form I get this warning:
Use of uninitialized value $_ in lstat at line 29
My question is: why does this happen and is it a real problem? It is "just a warning", but I want to understand it better.
The documentation and code say $_ is localized inside of sub wanted {}. Why would it be undefined if I use wanted(); instead of sub wanted;?
Is wanted using prototypes somewhere? Am I missing something obvious in Find/
Is it because wanted returns a code reference? (???)
My guess is that the forward declaration form "initializes" wanted in some way so that the first use doesn't have an empty default variable. I guess this would be how prototypes - even Perl prototypes, such as they exist - would work as well. I tried grepping through the Perl source code to get a sense of what sub is doing when a function is called using sub function instead of function(), but that may be beyond me at this point.
Any help deepening (and speeding up) my understanding of this is much appreciated.
EDIT: Here's a recent example script here on Stack Overflow that I created using find2perl's output. If you remove the sub from sub wanted; you should get the same error.
EDIT: As I noted in a comment below (but I'll flag it here too): for several months I've been using Path::Iterator::Rule instead of File::Find. It requires perl >5.10, but I never have to deploy production code at sites with odd, "never upgrade", 5.8.* only policies so Path::Iterator::Rule has become one of those modules I never want to do with out. Also useful is Path::Class. Cheers.
I'm not a big fan of File::Find. It just doesn't work right. The find command doesn't return a list of files, so you either have to use a non-local array variable in your find to capture your list of files you've found (not good), or place your entire program in your wanted subroutine (even worse). Plus, the separate subroutine means that your logic is separate from your find command. It's just ugly.
What I do is inline my wanted subroutine inside my find command. Subroutine stays with the find. Plus, my non-local array variable is now just part of my find command and doesn't look so bad
Here's how I handle the File::Find -- assuming I want files that have a .pl suffix:
my #file_list;
find ( sub {
return unless -f; #Must be a file
return unless /\.pl$/; #Must end with `.pl` suffix
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
}, $directory );
# At this point, #file_list contains all of the files I found.
This is exactly the same as:
my #file_list;
find ( \&wanted, $directory );
sub wanted {
return unless -f;
return unless /\.pl$/;
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
# At this point, #file_list contains all of the files I found.
In lining just looks nicer. And, it keep my code together. Plus, my non-local array variable doesn't look so freaky.
I also like taking advantage of the shorter syntax in this particular way. Normally, I don't like using the inferred $_, but in this case, it makes the code much easier to read. My original Wanted is the same as this:
sub wanted {
my $file_name = $_;
if ( -f $file_name and $file_name =~ /\.pl$/ ) {
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
File::Find isn't that tricky to use. You just have to remember:
When you find a file you don't want, you use return to go to the next file.
$_ contains the file name without the directory, and you can use that for testing the file.
The file's full name is $File::Find::name.
The file's directory is $File::Find::dir.
And, the easiest way is to push the files you want into an array, and then use that array later in your program.
Removing the sub from sub wanted; just makes it a call to the wanted function, not a forward declaration.
However, the wanted function hasn't been designed to be called directly from your code - it's been designed to be called by File::Find. File::Find does useful stuff like populating$_ before calling it.
There's no need to forward-declare wanted here, but if you want to remove the forward declaration, remove the whole sub wanted; line - not just the word sub.
Instead of File::Find, I would recommend using the find_wanted function from File::Find::Wanted.
find_wanted takes two arguments:
a subroutine that returns true for any filename that you would want.
a list of the files you are searching for.
find_wanted returns an array containing the list of filenames that it found.
I used code like the following to find all the JPEG files in certain directories on a computer:
my #files = find_wanted( sub { -f && /\.jpg$/i }, #dirs );
Explanation of some of the syntax, for those that might need it:
sub {...} is an anonymous subroutine, where ... is replaced with the code of the subroutine.
-f checks that a filename refers to a "plain file"
&& is boolean and
/\.jpg$/i is a regular expression that checks that a filename ends in .jpg (case insensitively).
#dirs is an array containing the directory names to be searched. A single directory could be searched as well, in which case a scalar works too (e.g. $dir).
Why not use open and invoke the shell find? The user can edit $findcommand (below) to be anything they want, or can define it in real time based on arguments and options passed to a script.
use strict; use warnings;
my $findcommand='find . -type f -mtime 0';
open(FILELIST,"$findcommand |")||die("can't open $findcommand |");
my #filelist=<FILELIST>;
my $Nfilelist = scalar(#filelist);
print "Number of files is $Nfilelist \n";

How do I use a Perl package known only in runtime?

I have a Perl program, that needs to use packages (that I also write). Some of those packages are only chosen in Runtime (based on some environment variable). I don't want to put in my code a "use" line for all of those packages, of course, but only one "use" line, based on this variable, something like:
use $ENV{a};
Unfortunately, this doesn't work, of course. Any ideas on how to do this?
Thanks in advance,
eval "require $ENV{a}";
"use" doesn't work well here because it only imports in the context of the eval.
As #Manni said, actually, it's better to use require. Quoting from man perlfunc:
If EXPR is a bareword, the require assumes a ".pm" extension and
replaces "::" with "/" in the filename for you, to make it easy to
load standard modules. This form of loading of modules does not
risk altering your namespace.
In other words, if you try this:
require Foo::Bar; # a splendid bareword
The require function will actually look for the "Foo/" file
in the directories specified in the #INC array.
But if you try this:
$class = 'Foo::Bar';
require $class; # $class is not a bareword
require "Foo::Bar"; # not a bareword because of the ""
The require function will look for the "Foo::Bar" file in the #INC
array and will complain about not finding "Foo::Bar" there. In this
case you can do:
eval "require $class";
"use" Statements are run at compilation time, not at run time. You will need to require your modules instead:
my $module = "Foo::Bar";
eval "require $module";
I would use UNIVERSAL::require. It has both require and use methods to use a package. The use method will also call import for the package.
use UNIVERSAL::require;
$ENV{a}->use or die 'Could not import package: ' . $#;
You probably want to use require instead of use if you don't want it to happen at compile time, and then manually import any symbols you might need. See this link to the Perl Cookbook (from Google Books) for a good discussion of methods you can use to achieve what you want.
I think that a module loaded in runtime can be a Plugin. I have this kind of problem, having specific modules to some cases that are loaded in run time as plugins with Module::Pluggable.
Maybe you need to change the logic of your modules, but it works and scale very well (my app started with four modules and now have twenty and it's growing).
How about using the core module Module::Load
With your example:
use Module::Load;
load $ENV{a};
"Module::Load - runtime require of both modules and files"
"load eliminates the need to know whether you are trying to require either a file or a module."
If it fails it will die with something of the like "Can't locate xxx in #INC (#INC contains: ...".
Many years later, eval "use $mod_name"; seems to work just fine (as of at least 5.8.8).
The advantage over eval "require $mod_name"; is that the loaded module's default exports are automatically imported; in other words:
eval "use $mod_name";
is the shorter equivalent of
eval "require $mod_name"; $mod_name->import();
Here's a test command, which passes the name of the module via env. variable mod_name, loads and imports the module, then uses an imported function (assumes a POSIX-like shell):
$ mod_name='Data::Dumper' perl -e 'eval "use $ENV{mod_name}"; print Dumper("hi!")'
$VAR1 = 'hi!';
I may be missing subtleties; if so, please let me know.