DatePicker NativeBase - Format of the picked date - datepicker

I am using DatePicker of NativeBase and want to change the format of the displayed date after picking a date. I am unable to find a relevant prop due to lack of docs.
Is there a way I could change the format of the date as in DatePickerAndroid using format="YYYY-MM-DD"?

Fixed in native-base v2.6.1 onwards.
formatChosenDate={date => {return moment(date).format('YYYY-MM-DD');}}
..... />

Try this:----
async onPressAction() {
try {
const {action, year, month, day} = await{
// Use `new Date()` for current date.
// May 25 2020. Month 0 is January.
date: new Date(2018, 6, 26)
if (action !== DatePickerAndroid.dismissedAction) {
// Selected year, month (0-11), day
var date = new Date(year, month, day);
var year = date.getFullYear();
var month = date.getMonth()+1;
var day = date.getDate();
} catch ({code, message}) {
console.warn('Cannot open date picker', message);


Save timestamp to firesote using cloud functions

How do I save a timestamp value to firestore using cloud functions.
I tried this (adding 30 days to the timestamp) but it ends up saving the value as a number
var now = new Date();
await docRef.update({
endDate: now.setTime(now.getTime()+(30 *24+60+60+1000))
If you want to add days to the date, then you should setDate() instead. By using setTime() you're setting the time instead of the date. See code below:
var now = new Date();
now.setDate(now.getDate() + 30);
await docRef.update({
package: req.query.package,
endDate: now
For more information, you should check out this documentations:

Fetch MongoDb Documents whose timestamp is today

I have a mongodb model whose creation date is stored in milliseconds(epoch time). I want to fetch only documents whose milliseconds matches today.
So, here is what I'm trying to achieve:
let query = {"pick_up_time":12262672627271}; // I want this to translate to pick_up_time is today
Is it possible to apply a transformation function to this?
I have this function to check if requested date is today
function isToday(someDate) {
const today = new Date()
return someDate.getDate() == today.getDate() &&
someDate.getMonth() == today.getMonth() &&
someDate.getFullYear() == today.getFullYear()
So, that my query will now be
let query = {"pick_up_time":isToday(12262672627271)};
How can something like this be achieved with mongodb?
I think this function can help you to create dynamic queries for each day
const getTimeQuery = () => {
const now = new Date();
const year = now.getFullYear();
const month = now.getMonth();
const day = now.getDate();
const startDate = new Date(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0).getTime();
const endDate = new Date(year, month, day, 24, 0, 0).getTime();
const query = {
"pick_up_time": { $gte: startDate, $lte: endDate }
return query

.timeFormat(%b %Y) not giving me the right dates

I'm a beginner with d3.js. The goal for now is to take the date column from "2018-11-01" to "Nov 18".
The dates start from "2016-11-01" to "2020-08-01" and each date in between is only the first of each month.
For example:
The code I've used is below:
var format = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y");
var data = d3.dsv(",", dsvPath, function (d) {
return {
//Year : getYear(new Date(+d.year,0,1)),
date: format(new Date(,
['Terraforming Mars=count']:+d['Terraforming Mars=count'],
['Magic: The Gathering=count']:+d['Magic: The Gathering=count'],
//['Running Total'] : +d["running_total"]
}).then(function (data) {
minDate = d3.min(data,function(d){console.log(d); return;});
maxDate = d3.max(data,function(d){console.log(d); return;});
However, for the minimum date, I get April 2017 instead of November 2016. The max date is May 2020 instead of September 2020.
When I read in the data as is without the data formatting, the minDate and maxDate are correct. As soon as I format, however, Oct 2016, which doesn't exist in the dataset, is somehow logged twice.
Furthermore, the data in the console stops at "July 2020": there's no August and Sept 2020. I'm honestly very puzzled.
Any help would be much appreciated!
Thank you!
Converting to a Date via the Date() constructor is notoriously tricky. Thankfully, since D3 gives us methods to go from a date to a string, it also has the reverse, going from a string to a date.
Our process will be twofold:
For each string in a certain format, convert to Date with d3.timeParse().
Convert each date to your desired string format.
(1.) (2.)
"2016-01-01" 🡒 Date<2016-01-01T00:0O> 🡒 "January 2016"
d3.timeParse d3.timeFormat
You already have (2.) in your code, so we need (1.):
var toDate = d3.timeParse("%Y-%M-%d");
var format = d3.timeFormat("%b %Y"); // (2.)
var data = d3.dsv(",", dsvPath, function (d) {
return {
date: format(toDate(,

Date picker max date time is not inclusive

I'm using bootstrap datepicker.
I'm setting the minimum date to the current date and the max date to December of next year.
minDate = new Date();
maxDate = new Date();
maxDate.setFullYear(maxDate.getFullYear() + 1);
format : "MM yyyy",
viewMode : "months",
minViewMode : "months",
startDate : minDate,
endDate : maxDate
format : "MM yyyy",
viewMode : "months",
minViewMode : "months",
startDate : minDate,
endDate : maxDate
I'm reading the startdate and end date from the datepicker as below:
var startDateString = $('#startDateInput').val();
var startParts = startDateString.split(' ');
var startEpoch = new Date(parseInt(startParts[1]) , monthsArray.indexOf(startParts[0].toLowerCase()), 01).getTime();
document.getElementById('startDate').value = startEpoch;
var endDateString = $('#endDateInput').val();
var endParts = endDateString.split(' ');
var endEpoch = new Date(parseInt(endParts[1]) , monthsArray.indexOf(endParts[0].toLowerCase())+1,0,23,59,59).getTime();
I store the epochs in the database. When I retrieve the dates and show it in the edit form, I'm doing this
if ($('#object').val()) {
var stDate = new Date(Number("${object.startDate}"));
var enDate = new Date(Number("${object.endDate}"))
$('#startDateInput') .datepicker('setDate', new Date(stDate));
$('#endDateInput').datepicker('setDate', new Date(enDate));
Let's say I've selected dec 2019 as input today and saved it. Later when I edit the same form, the endDateInput is not filled because the end date is not inclusive, I suspect.

Bootstrap date paginator enable datepicker

I use Bootstrap date paginator. I really can't figure out by myself how to enable datepicker to allow select a date. Calendar is shown but the date selection is disabled.
The initialization code is.
var options = {
selectedDate: $('#selected-date').html(),
selectedDateFormat: 'YYYYMMDD',
onSelectedDateChanged: function (event, date) {
$('#log-table').DataTable().ajax.reload(function(json){ enableDatePaginator(); });
I tried $('#date-paginator').datepaginator(options).datepicker(); with no success.
Finally I found the reason of the issue. It's necessary to specify valid startDate and endDate in options for date paginator like this.
var options = {
startDate: moment(new Date(2000, 1, 1)),
endDate: moment(new Date(2100, 1, 1)),
selectedDate: $('#selected-date').html(),
selectedDateFormat: '{{date_format}}',
onSelectedDateChanged: function (event, date) {
$('#log-table').DataTable().ajax.reload(function(json){ enableDatePaginator(); });