Which RxJava scheduler does doOnDispose() use? - rx-java2

I have an Rxjava assembly something like this:
val observable = dialogPresenter.show(dialogData, viewContext!!)
When the subscription is disposed, the call to dialogData::dismiss is happening on a thread other than that used by mainScheduler, which as the name implies uses the main thread for the particular platform the code is running on. The Javadoc for doOnDispose() says it does not operate by default on a particular scheduler, but I would have expected it to use either the subscribeOn() scheduler or the observeOn scheduler. So what does it use and is there an elegant way of controlling which thread it is executed on?

Even though the question was asked more than 3 years ago, let me contribute because I just encountered a similar issue.
package com.example.sample4
import android.os.Bundle
import android.util.Log
import android.widget.Button
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import io.reactivex.Observable
import io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable
import io.reactivex.schedulers.Schedulers
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
private lateinit var disposable: Disposable
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
findViewById<Button>(R.id.start).setOnClickListener {
disposable = Observable.just(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
.flatMap { i ->
Observable.fromCallable {
if (i == 3) {
.map { it * 2 }
.doOnNext {
Log.d("SampleApp", "val=$it on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
.doOnDispose {
Log.d("SampleApp", "disposed on ${Thread.currentThread().name}")
.subscribe {
2022-01-17 16:34:35.585 27458-27505/com.example.sample4 D/SampleApp: val=2 on RxSingleScheduler-1
2022-01-17 16:34:36.587 27458-27505/com.example.sample4 D/SampleApp: val=4 on RxSingleScheduler-1
2022-01-17 16:34:37.590 27458-27505/com.example.sample4 D/SampleApp: val=6 on RxSingleScheduler-1
2022-01-17 16:34:37.590 27458-27506/com.example.sample4 D/SampleApp: disposed on RxComputationThreadPool-1
As you can see, the scheduler used in doOnDispose is provided in unsubscribeOn. And it's important to put unsubscribeOn last.


How can I log test-specific infomation when implementing TestCaseExtension?

In a TestCaseExtension, I want to log test-specific information. At first sight, doing it like this seems to work:
import io.kotlintest.*
import io.kotlintest.extensions.SpecLevelExtension
import io.kotlintest.extensions.TestCaseExtension
import io.kotlintest.specs.DescribeSpec
class MySpec : DescribeSpec({
describe("bar") {
it("a") {}
it("b") {}
}) {
override fun extensions(): List<SpecLevelExtension> = listOf(MyExtension())
class MyExtension : TestCaseExtension {
override suspend fun intercept(
testCase: TestCase,
execute: suspend (TestCase, suspend (TestResult) -> Unit) -> Unit,
complete: suspend (TestResult) -> Unit
) {
execute(testCase) { testResult ->
if (testCase.type == TestType.Test) {
In IntelliJ IDEA, the output for the first test is "Scenario: a" and the output for the second test is "Scenario: b". However, when changing describe("bar") to describe("foo"), the output for the first test becomes "Scenario: a[newline]Scenario: b", while the output for the second test becomes empty.
So, how can I properly assign logged information to each test? Maybe using println is not even the right choice?
JDK 10.0.2
IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.2 (Community Edition)

Long living service with coroutines

I want to create a long living service that can handle events.
It receives events via postEvent, stores it in repository (with underlying database) and send batch of them api when there are enough events.
Also I'd like to shut it down on demand.
Furthermore I would like to test this service.
This is what I came up so far. Currently I'm struggling with unit testing it.
Either database is shut down prematurely after events are sent to service via fixture.postEvent() or test itself gets in some sort of deadlock (was experimenting with various context + job configurations).
What am I doing wrong here?
class EventSenderService(
private val repository: EventRepository,
private val api: Api,
private val serializer: GsonSerializer,
private val requestBodyBuilder: EventRequestBodyBuilder,
) : EventSender, CoroutineScope {
private val eventBatchSize = 25
val job = Job()
private val channel = Channel<Unit>()
init {
launch {
for (event in channel) {
val trackingEventCount = repository.getTrackingEventCount()
if (trackingEventCount < eventBatchSize) continue
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.Default + job
override fun postEvent(event: Event) {
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
override fun close() {
private fun readSendDelete() {
try {
val events = repository.getTrackingEvents(eventBatchSize)
val request = requestBodyBuilder.buildFor(events).blockingGet()
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
private suspend fun writeEventToDatabase(event: Event) {
try {
val trackingEvent = TrackingEvent(eventData = serializer.toJson(event))
} catch (throwable: Throwable) {
class EventSenderServiceTest : CoroutineScope {
val instantExecutorRule = InstantTaskExecutorRule()
private val api: Api = mock {
on { postEvents(any()) } doReturn Single.just(BaseResponse())
private val serializer: GsonSerializer = mock {
on { toJson<Any>(any()) } doReturn "event_data"
private val bodyBuilder: EventRequestBodyBuilder = mock {
on { buildFor(any()) } doReturn Single.just(TypedJsonString.buildRequestBody("[ { event } ]"))
val event = Event(EventName.OPEN_APP)
private val database by lazy {
private val repository by lazy { database.getRepo() }
val fixture by lazy {
repository = repository,
api = api,
serializer = serializer,
requestBodyBuilder = bodyBuilder,
override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
get() = Dispatchers.Default + fixture.job
fun eventBundling_success() = runBlocking {
(1..40).map { Event(EventName.OPEN_APP) }.forEach { fixture.postEvent(it) }
fixture.job.children.forEach { it.join() }
assertEquals(15, eventDao.getTrackingEventCount())
After updating code as #Marko Topolnik suggested - adding fixture.job.children.forEach { it.join() } test never finishes.
One thing you're doing wrong is related to this:
override fun postEvent(event: Event) {
launch(Dispatchers.IO) {
postEvent launches a fire-and-forget async job that will eventually write the event to the database. Your test creates 40 such jobs in rapid succession and, while they're queued, asserts the expected state. I can't work out, though, why you assert 15 events after posting 40.
To fix this issue you should use the line you already have:
but change it to
fixture.job.children.forEach { it.join() }
and place it lower, after the loop that creates the events.
I failed to take into account the long-running consumer job you launch in the init block. This invalidates the advice I gave above to join all children of the master job.
Instead you'll have to make a bit more changes. Make postEvent return the job it launches and collect all these jobs in the test and join them. This is more selective and avoids joining the long-living job.
As a separate issue, your batching approach isn't ideal because it will always wait for a full batch before doing anything. Whenever there's a lull period with no events, the events will be sitting in the incomplete batch indefinitely.
The best approach is natural batching, where you keep eagerly draining the input queue. When there's a big flood of incoming events, the batch will naturally grow, and when they are trickling in, they'll still be served right away. You can see the basic idea here.

Repeat Single based on onSuccess() value

I want to repeat a Single based on the single value emitted in onSuccess(). Here is a working example
import org.reactivestreams.Publisher;
import io.reactivex.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.Single;
import io.reactivex.functions.Function;
public class Temp {
void main() {
Job job = new Job();
.repeatWhen(new Function<Flowable<Object>, Publisher<?>>() {
public Publisher<?> apply(Flowable<Object> objectFlowable) throws Exception {
// TODO repeat when Single emits false
return null;
* returns true if process succeeded, false if failed
boolean processJob(Job job) {
return true;
class Job {
I understand how repeatWhen works for Observables by relying on the "complete" notification. However since Single doesn't receive that notification I'm not sure what the Flowable<Object> is really giving me. Also why do I need to return a Publisher from this function?
Instead of relying on a boolean value, you could make your job throw an exception when it fails:
class Job {
var isSuccess: Boolean = false
fun processJob(job: Job): String {
if (job.isSuccess) {
return "job succeeds"
} else {
throw Exception("job failed")
val job = Job()
.map { processJob(it) }
.retry() // will resubscribe until your job succeeds
{ value -> print(value) },
{ error -> print(error) }
i saw a small discrepancy in the latest docs and your code, so i did a little digging...
(side note - i think the semantics of retryWhen seem like the more appropriate operator for your case, so i've substituted it in for your usage of repeatWhen. but i think the root of your problem remains the same in either case).
the signature for retryWhen is:
retryWhen(Function<? super Flowable<Throwable>,? extends Publisher<?>> handler)
that parameter is a factory function whose input is a source that emits anytime onError is called upstream, giving you the ability to insert custom retry logic that may be influenced through interrogation of the underlying Throwable. this begins to answer your first question of "I'm not sure what the Flowable<Object> is really giving me" - it shouldn't be Flowable<Object> to begin with, it should be Flowable<Throwable> (for the reason i just described).
so where did Flowable<Object> come from? i managed to reproduce IntelliJ's generation of this code through it's auto-complete feature using RxJava version 2.1.17. upgrading to 2.2.0, however, produces the correct result of Flowable<Throwable>. so, see if upgrading to the latest version generates the correct result for you as well.
as for your second question of "Also why do I need to return a Publisher from this function?" - this is used to determine if re-subscription should happen. if the factory function returns a Publisher that emits a terminal state (ie calls onError() or onComplete()) re-subscription will not happen. however, if onNext() is called, it will. (this also explains why the Publisher isn't typed - the type doesn't matter. the only thing that does matter is what kind of notification it publishes).
another way to rewrite this, incorporating the above, might be as follows:
// just some type to use as a signal to retry
private class SpecialException extends RuntimeException {}
// job processing results in a Completable that either completes or
// doesn't (by way of an exception)
private Completable rxProcessJob(Job job) {
return Completable.complete();
// return Completable.error(new SpecialException());
rxProcessJob(new Job())
.retryWhen(errors -> {
return errors.flatMap(throwable -> {
if(throwable instanceof SpecialException) {
return PublishProcessor.just(1);
return PublishProcessor.error(throwable);
() -> {
System.out.println("## onComplete()");
error -> {
System.out.println("## onError(" + error.getMessage() + ")");
i hope that helps!
The accepted answer would work, but is hackish. You don't need to throw an error; simply filter the output of processJob which converts the Single to a Maybe, and then use the repeatWhen handler to decide how many times, or with what delay, you may want to resubscribe. See Kotlin code below from a working example, you should be able to easily translate this to Java.
filter { it }
.repeatWhen { handler ->
handler.zipWith(1..3) { _, i -> i }
.flatMap { retryCount -> Flowable.timer(retryDelay.toDouble().pow(retryCount).toLong(), TimeUnit.SECONDS) }
.doOnNext { log.warn("Retrying...") }

Colossus Background Task

I am building an application using Tumblr's new Colossus framework (http://tumblr.github.io/colossus/). There is still limited documentation on it (and the fact that I'm still very new to Akka doesn't help), so I was wondering if someone could chime in on whether my approach is correct.
The application is simple and consists of two key components:
A thin web service layer that will queue tasks into Redis
A background worker which will poll the same Redis instance for available tasks and process them as they become available
I made a simple example to demonstrate that my concurrency model will work (and it does), which I posted below. However, I would like to make sure that there is not a more idiomatic way to do this.
import colossus.IOSystem
import colossus.protocols.http.Http
import colossus.protocols.http.HttpMethod.Get
import colossus.protocols.http.UrlParsing._
import colossus.service.{Callback, Service}
import colossus.task.Task
object QueueProcessor {
implicit val io = IOSystem() // Create separate IOSystem for worker
Task { ctx =>
while(true) {
// Below code is for testing purposes only. This is where the Redis loop will live, and will use a blocking call to get the next available task
println("task iteration")
def ping = println("starting") // Method to launch this processor
object Main extends App {
implicit val io = IOSystem() // Primary IOSystem for the web service
QueueProcessor.ping // Launch worker
Service.serve[Http]("app", 8080) { ctx =>
ctx.handle { conn =>
conn.become {
case req#Get on Root => Callback.successful(req.ok("Here"))
// The methods to add tasks to the queue will live here
I tested the above model and it works. The background loop continues running while the service happily accepts requests. But, I think that there might be a better way to do this with workers (nothing found in documentation), or perhaps Akka Streams?
I got it working with something that seems semi-idiomatic to me. However, new answers & feedback are still welcomed!
class Processor extends Actor {
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
override def receive = {
case "start" => self ! "next"
case "next" => {
Future {
blocking {
// Blocking call here to wait on Redis (BRPOP/BLPOP)
self ! "next"
object Main extends App {
implicit val io = IOSystem()
val processor = io.actorSystem.actorOf(Props[Processor])
processor ! "start"
Service.serve[Http]("app", 8080) { ctx =>
ctx.handle { conn =>
conn.become {
// Queue here
case req#Get on Root => Callback.successful(req.ok("Here\n"))

how to cancel ConsoleReader.readLine()

first of all, i'm learning scala and new to the java world.
I want to create a console and run this console as a service that you could start and stop.
I was able to run a ConsoleReader into an Actor but i don't know how to stop properly the ConsoleReader.
Here is the code :
import eu.badmood.util.trace
import scala.actors.Actor._
import tools.jline.console.ConsoleReader
object Main {
def main(args:Array[String]){
//start the console
Console.start(message => {
//handle console inputs
message match {
case "exit" => Console.stop()
case _ => trace(message)
//try to stop the console after a time delay
object Console {
private val consoleReader = new ConsoleReader()
private var running = false
def start(handler:(String)=>Unit){
running = true
while (running){
handler(consoleReader.readLine("\33[32m> \33[0m"))
def stop(){
//how to cancel an active call to ConsoleReader.readLine ?
running = false
I'm also looking for any advice concerning this code !
The underlying call to read a characters from the input is blocking. On non-Windows platform, it will use System.in.read() and on Windows it will use org.fusesource.jansi.internal.WindowsSupport.readByte.
So your challenge is to cause that blocking call to return when you want to stop your console service. See http://www.javaspecialists.eu/archive/Issue153.html and Is it possible to read from a InputStream with a timeout? for some ideas... Once you figure that out, have read return -1 when your console service stops, so that ConsoleReader thinks it's done. You'll need ConsoleReader to use your version of that call:
If you are on Windows, you'll probably need to override tools.jline.AnsiWindowsTerminal and use the ConsoleReader constructor that takes a Terminal (otherwise AnsiWindowsTerminal will just use WindowsSupport.readByte` directly)
On unix, there is one ConsoleReader constructor that takes an InputStream, you could provide your own wrapper around System.in
A few more thoughts:
There is a scala.Console object already, so for less confusion name yours differently.
System.in is a unique resource, so you probably need to ensure that only one caller uses Console.readLine at a time. Right now start will directly call readLine and multiple callers can call start. Probably the console service can readLine and maintain a list of handlers.
Assuming that ConsoleReader.readLine responds to thread interruption, you could rewrite Console to use a Thread which you could then interrupt to stop it.
object Console {
private val consoleReader = new ConsoleReader()
private var thread : Thread = _
def start(handler:(String)=>Unit) : Thread = {
thread = new Thread(new Runnable {
override def run() {
try {
while (true) {
handler(consoleReader.readLine("\33[32m> \33[0m"))
} catch {
case ie: InterruptedException =>
def stop() {
You may overwrite your ConsoleReader InputStream. IMHO this is reasonable well because of STDIN is a "slow" stream. Please improve example for your needs. This is only sketch, but it works:
def createReader() =
terminal.synchronized {
val reader = new ConsoleReader
reader.setInput(new InputStreamWrapper(reader.getInput())) // turn on InterruptedException for InputStream.read
with InputStream wrapper:
class InputStreamWrapper(is: InputStream, val timeout: Long = 50) extends FilterInputStream(is) {
final override def read(): Int = {
if (is.available() != 0)
else {
P.S. I tried to use NIO - a lot of troubles with System.in (especially crossplatform). I returned to this variant. CPU load is near 0%. This is suitable for such interactive application.